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Dragon spirits are actually pretty varied and there doesn’t seem to be many good sources at all

in working with them. So this is a little write up on things you can offer to your scaly guide!
These are just things I have either heard of or experienced myself. You may find other options
as well in your own journey!
As a whole for spirit working in general, incense is a pretty solid, simple and basic offering. I’ve
even offered incense to my tarot cards before! But incense is something easy that you can offer
to whatever dragon spirit you are working with. Dragon’s blood is one of my favorites, to be
honest, because of the wonderful smell it has. But I have others as well like Sun incense by
Hem. Each dragon may have its own preference so as you get to working with them more, you’ll
learn which ones they like more! I also like to try and find an incense holder or box that appeals
to my dragon guide!
Wax and oil burners
This is an alternative for incense if you need a flameless solution to give a scented offering!
They also come in a variety of styles so you could very easily pick something that appeals to
your dragon!
Candles are very good offerings as well to light in honor for your dragon. They are also great for
fire dragons! Electric candles are also an option for those of you who need flameless solutions!
Candles are pretty versatile and you could even anoint the candle with an oil or something for
your dragon! One of my favorites is to use storm water!
Gems or Stones
It’s no secret that dragons like shinies! Gems are usually a safe bet all around but you may have
some that do not really have a burning desire for them. Every dragon is different but so far for
me, gems have always been appreciated. You can even get a nice looking box to keep them in
and place on the altar. One of the great things about gem stone offerings is that when you are
heading out but you want some extra strength or comfort, you can ask your dragon and take
one of the stones with you if they are ok with it! I’ve done this quite a few times and it’s really
comforting to have.
Obviously, this is going to be for when you are of age. But wine has been a good go to offering
for me with my dragons. A nice red would likely be good for fire and earth dragons and a white
wine would probably be good for air and water dragons. But this can also all come down to
unique taste. You can leave it on their altar for a while or you can drink it in their honor/with
Tea and Coffee
This is the one I tend to use the most since I drink one or the other everyday. It’s pretty basic
and nice to leave! Coffee is my biggest one but I like to use tea when I’m looking to calm down.
Especially wrapped in blankets and when I invite my dragons to curl up with me.
Some dragon spirits like little treats, sweets, snacks and food. One of my previous dragon
guides had a penchant for Nutty Bars. However you can do something as simple dedicating
your dinner to them before you eat. This is something that you can do anywhere, even when
you are far away from your altar. Some dragons may not so big into this one but it is definitely
an option!
This is something that I really like to offer to any spirits I’m working with. You can play
something from your ipod for them, you can play an instrument for them or you can sing for
them. Singing is one of my favorite things to do for my dragons. I do have a bamboo flute I
might play around with but I can’t really play it. But still, my dragons have usually appreciated
the gesture. I know a few tiny tunes I can play for them. :3
You can work spells for them and in their honor! I have found this is a great way to feel closer to
dragons. You can also ask them to help you with a spell and work side by side. You can do a
few things with this idea and that means it could also be very personalized!
I personally feel like this is a more close, serious offering. Intimate is not quite the word but for
lack of a better one, it will do. You are, in essence, offering up a art of yourself so that is highly
personal and I think this is something that should be done when you are REALLY close to your
dragon. You may disagree but that is my opinion. But energy is a viable option.
Crafts / Extracurricular Activities
If you have a hobby, be it painting, drawing, running or anything you can make something for
your dragon spirit or you can dedicate your time towards the things you love in honor of them. I
like to dedicate walks to my dragons and ask them if they would like to accompany me.
There are alot of things that could be given in offering. Sometimes they will tell you something
specific that they want or point out to something that they like and want. It can be a random
object they see, a song or something else. My dragon, Rivaz, actually likes for me to play video
games for him. It started when he heard Skyrim music and he liked it and he wanted to know
where it was from. So now I sometimes game it up for him! Just talking with your dragon can
really help you learn more about what they want and feel closer to them.

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