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Table of contents

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 2
2 What is Keto? ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 The metabolism ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 The ketosis ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 The makronutrients: Proteins, fats & carbohydrates ................................................................ 5
2.4 Carbohydrates/sugar burning mode .............................................................................................. 6
2.5 Fat burning mode .................................................................................................................................. 7
2.6 Advantages of a fat burning metabolism ..................................................................................... 8
3 How does a keto diet work? ........................................................................................... 10
3.1 The 3 phases of a ketogenic diet ................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Why is the keto diet also called a curative diet? ...................................................................... 11
4 The AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System! ....................................................................... 11
4.1 The approach ......................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 Triple adaptive ....................................................................................................................................... 12
5 Keto´s social proof on Instagram! ................................................................................. 13
5.1 Overwiev: Structure ............................................................................................................................. 14
5.2 Weightloss in 3 stages ....................................................................................................................... 16
5.3 What to expect from the AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System ............................................. 16
6 How to start your keto diet! .......................................................................................... 17
7 Medical disclaimer .......................................................................................................... 18
8 Copyrights & Terms of use............................................................................................. 18

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1 Introduction
Just imagine a diet which allows you to eat butter, avocados, bacon, meat,
eggs and other tasty dishes and foods, lose weight and significantly improve
both your health and well-being!

And best of all, you don't have to starve!

AdaptiveKeto´s ketogenic diet lets you benefit from all these advantages!

The ketogenic diet was originally developed by scientists as the

"healing" diet in the 1920s to treat epilepsy, but also heart disease,
hypertension, Alzheimer's, cancer or diabetes.

Due to the pure and natural composition of nutrients

Keto also offers excellent nutrition and a great value for healthy people
who want to lose weight and improve their health.

And although the ketogenic diet has been around for almost a
century, it is now more popular than ever, and there is a good
reason for this: the keto diet is not a fad, it has been proven to
work for decades. In addition to the desired weight loss, it
brings many health benefits.

In the following chapters, we would like to explain the basics of the

ketogenic diet and important processes associated with this kind of
nutrition in a clear and practical way.

You will learn about the principles on which our AdaptiveKeto diet is
based, how it is structured and how you can not only achieve excellent
weight loss results, but also significantly improve your health and well-

Navigation: To make it easier for you to navigate through this reading,

we have included a navigation menu in the header of each page, which
you can use to return to the table of contents, to
the FAQ pages or to link to the contact form on our website.

Tip: The table of contents is also linked to the corresponding chapters. By

clicking on the desired topic, you will immediately be directed to the
corresponding pages, without annoying scrolling.

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Medical note: Before you continue, we would like to draw your attention to the legal aspects.
Please note that the ketogenic diet can only be suitable for healthy people. We therefore
recommend you to seek medical advice before you start a ketogenic diet. Regardless of your
current state of health. Further information can be found in the chapter: Medical disclaimer at
the end of this e-book. Please also note our Copyright & Terms of Use.

If you have any questions or suggestions about us or our AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System,
you can contact us any time.

We also look forward to hearing your personal experiences with and will
be happy to help you with words and deeds.

Now we wish you much fun and success with the AdaptiveKeto diet!

Your AdaptiveKeto Team!

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2 What is Keto?
"Keto" is a short phrase to describe the „ketogenic diet“ and is often referred to as a low-carb
diet or a low-carb-high-fat (LCHF) diet. The main advantage of the ketogenic diet is that you
can eat tasty meals during the diet without suffering hunger, as is the case with most
„standard diets“. This is why the ketogenic diet is relatively uncomplicated and suitable for
everyday use.

2.1 The metabolism

Metabolism is a term that describes all of the physical processes and chemical reactions of
our body, which play a role in maintaining the state of life of the entire organism. Although a
variety of organs are parts of the metabolic process, the liver, the adrenal glands, the thyroid,
and the muscles are among the most important metabolic organs.

All food-borne nutrients are used throughout the body by way of metabolism to build, break
down and replace, maintain and repair body tissues (building material metabolism).
Furthermore, the metabolism generates different kinds of energy from absorbed food
(energy metabolism), in order to supply the muscles, the brain and other cells and organs
with energy. The most important nutrients and energy sources include the macronutrients:
carbohydrates (sugar / starch), fats and proteins.

The Current Situation: Due to today's sugar-heavy everyday nutrition, the human
metabolism is firmly programmed on gaining energy from carbohydrates. The human
metabolism naturally uses sugar/carbohydrates as "primary fuel" and fat as "secondary fuel".
But: The metabolism does not switch to fat burning mode until all carbohydrate (sugar)
stocks in the body have been completely used up.

The Dilemma: Due to continuous sugar overdose, which we draw from almost all foods, our
metabolism can only convert the sugar to energy, while excess sugar is immediately stored in
the tissue as fat. The natural process of fat burning does not occur under these
circumstances! This is the exact reason, most standard diets do not lead to sustainable

Interim Conclusion: The increased consumption of sugar in our daily diet leads to a massive
hypoglycaemia of the human body and sometimes triggers dangerous secondary diseases. It
prevents natural fat burning and causes a rapid increase in overweight and obesity.

The Approach: The ketogenic diet, resp. nutrition counteracts this problem by freeing the
body of sugar and initiates the natural burning of fat. If the macronutrients (fat, protein,
carbohydrates) in the ketogenic diet plan are combined so that the fat content of a meal is
high, the content of carbohydrates is low, the body runs out of sugar very fast. After the

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organism has exhausted all its sugar reserves, the metabolism switches to the burning of the
"secondary fuel" (fat) and triggers the fat-burning metabolic state called "ketosis".

2.2 The ketosis

Ketosis is an ordinary metabolic process that occurs when the body's glucose reserves (sugar
reserves) are completely depleted. Once this occurs, the metabolism changes from the
burning of sugar/carbohydrates to the burning of fat cells in order to continue to supply the
body with energy. For this purpose, enzymes are produced which mobilize the fat cells and
split them in the liver by chemical processes, releasing the so-called ketones:

• Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB): High charged energy capsules. (energy supplier)

• Acetone: Is converted into glycose if required, but mostly as a waste product.
disposed of via urine, sweat and breath = short-term body odour possible.

Ketones are highly charged energy capsules that are created by the burning of fat cells. They
enter the bloodstream during ketosis and supply the body with high-quality energy. Once
the ketosis has occurred, the metabolism no longer extracts energy for the entire organism
from sugar (carbohydrates) but from the body's own fat reserves, which can result in a
natural and lasting weight loss.

2.3 The makronutrients: Proteins, fats & carbohydrates

Proteins / Proteins:
Proteins consist of amino acids and are the most important tissue producers in the body.
They are part of every body cell and help, for example, in the formation of haemoglobin. In
contrast to car-bohydrates - which are not essential for our body to survive - proteins and
fats are the most important nutrients without the human body could not survive.
Keto portioning: The protein levels in a ketogenic diet are kept moderate, since an increased
amount of proteins prevents ketosis, whereas a protein deficiency can lead to muscle atrophy
and an increased appetite demand.

Fats are highly concentrated energy sources. One gram of fat with approx. 9 calories contains
more than twice the amount of energy than one gram of carbohydrates with approx. 4
calories. Fat has various functions in the body, e.g. it helps in the formation of cellular
structure, it is an ideal insulation and acts as a "protective cushion" for vital organs. It helps
with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and represents a large, body's own energy
storage in the form of "belly fat".

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However, fat is only a secondary source of energy for the body because its digestion is more
complicated than the digestion of sugar or starch.

Keto portioning: The quantity of fat in a ketogenic diet is kept relatively high in order to
create a natural feeling of satiety and to stimulate the metabolism to increase ketone

Carbohydrates occur in three forms: starch, sugar and cellulose/fiber. Starch and sugar are
the preferred sources of energy for the human body, because their digestion begins with
contact with saliva and is available to the body as energy at lightning speed. The principle:
Fast and effective, corresponds to the nature of our body, for this reason carbohydrates
(sugar and starch) always remain the preferred energy sources of our body - under all

Keto portioning: During a ketogenic diet, the intake of sugar or glucose in the form of
carbohydrates (primary energy source) is maximally reduced. Due to the lack of sugar in the
body, the metabolism will look for an alternative energy source and "have to" switch from
glucose/sugar burning to fat burning (secondary energy source).

2.4 Carbohydrates/sugar burning mode

Why are carbohydrates/sugar the preferred source of energy for our body?
Evolutionarily, all living beings choose the path of least resistance to achieve their own goals.
The human metabolism prefers to search for energy sources that can be processed and
mobilized without special effort.

Sugar is one such source of energy. The digestive process in which sugar is converted into
energy begins in the mouth via the saliva. Sugar does not require complicated digestive
processes, which would cost the body additional energy and effort. Sugar´s energy is
available to the body at lightning speed.


Fast and easy energy!

Due to the relatively fast processing of sugar into glucose, body organs can be supplied with
energy within a very short time if required. This allows the brain to experience a short-term
increase in performance, which can be perceived as an increased ability to concentrate.

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1. Excess sugar turns into fat!

If the body receives more energy from sugar than it consumes during the day, it converts the
unused glucose into fat and stores it in the tissue for the "emergency" = weight gain.

2. Sugar serves as food for various pathogens and tumors!

Not only our metabolism is evolutionarily trimmed to the path of least resistance, but also
that of viruses, bacteria and tumours. The majority of all pathogens grow and thrive
disproportionately in an environment rich in sugar and sometimes lead to life-threatening

3. Triggers of serious diseases and obesity!

It has been scientifically proven that sugar is the trigger of various diseases and can be
extremely dangerous for the health of the human body.

Most people nowadays consume more than half of their over day calories as carbohydrates,
in the form of refined sugar, rice, wheat, bread, potatoes, noodles, etc. In combination with
sugared, processed foods, such as junk food, sweets, snacks or soft drinks, our body gets a
massive sugar roar every day without us noticing it.

People who consciously reduce their sugar consumption are also at risk, because the sugar
industry is inventive and "lends" sugar different identities, such as: sucrose, dextrose,
raffinose, glucose, fructose syrup or fructose-glucose syrup, starch syrup, caramel syrup,
lactose, maltose or malt extract, maltodextrin, dextrin or wheat dextrin, sweet whey powder,
barley malt/barley malt extract.

Because a ketogenic diet is aimed at lowering carbohydrate consumption (sugar

consumption), many health risks that may be associated with increased sugar consumption
can be significantly minimized, in many cases even eliminated.

2.5 Fat burning mode

Fat is a natural source of energy, but why is it not preferred by our body?

The human species has existed for around 300,000 years, and the human diet has always
been based on animal and vegetable fats. The industrially produced sugar is a modern
phenomenon and does not correspond to the natural eating habits of the human.
A growing number of studies prove that sugar is highly harmful to health, whereas certain
types of fats are not only healthy for the human body, but essential for survival.

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As we already know, it is a fast and easy task for our body to produce energy from sugar. To
produce energy of one's own fat cells involves more effort. To burn fat, a lot of enzymes need
to be produced in advance to mobilize the fat cells and transfer them into the liver, where a
variety of chemical processes then break down the fat cells and convert them into energy
capsules, so called ketones. So, converting fat to energy is much more complicated for our

In the choice between burning sugar and burning fat, the metabolism does not take into
account scientific knowledge or moral aspects. It has a clearly defined goal: To supply the
organism with fast and uncomplicated energy.

So if the body can choose between sugar and fat as its energy source, it will not choose the
healthier and more natural energy source, but the quicker and easier one = carbs/sugar.

The ketogenic diet removes sugar & carbs from the wish list to start fat burning!
Now we understand: The only way to “force” the body to switch to the natural fat burning
mode is to reduce carbs and sugar intake. Only then the metabolism will need to switch to fat
burning and produce ketones in order to continue to supply the body with vital energy.

This is exactly what the AdaptiveKeto diet will do for you! With its nutrition concept
AdaptiveKeto will switch your metabolism to the fat burning mode! Once the fat burning is
activated, your fat is melting, you lose weight sustainably!

2.6 Advantages of a fat burning metabolism

Why is ketosis and the fat-burning metabolism desirable at all?
It has been scientifically proven that ketosis, in addition to losing weight, has many positive
effects on physical and mental health and can significantly increase general well-being.

These are the essential advantages of a fat burning metabolism:

• Weight loss: Your body uses fat (ketones) as its main source of energy. It mobilizes,
consumes and continuously minimizing your body-fat-depots.

• Brain turbo: A ketone contains more than twice the amount of energy of glycose
(sugar) and is much more tolerable for the brain. The brain is thus supplied more
effectively with energy and can significantly boost mental performance. A study by
the American Diabetes Association, for example, found that Alzheimer's patients
improved memory levels associated with higher ketone blood levels.

• Ketones - more effective than energy drinks! Higher physical performance: By

providing your body with a more effective and higher quality energy in the form of

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ketones, you reduce your fatigue and increase your well-being and physical

• Cholesterol levels: Studies have shown that a keto diet can improve triglyceride and
cholesterol levels and lower cholesterol levels.

• Blood sugar: Many studies show the decrease of LDL cholesterol, as well as positive
effects on type 2 diabetes associated with a keto diet.

• Less hunger: Fat is particularly satiating, it prevents the unpleasant feeling of hunger
which is continuously present in other types of diets.

• Cleaner skin: Various studies have shown that ketosis can have a positive influence
on the course of various skin diseases such as acne or pimples.

• Reduced risk of disease: The keto diet can reduce various risk factors for cancer,
diabetes, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular and other diseases.

• Anti-Aging Effect: The detoxifying effect of the Keto diet cleanses the body and
balances the metabolism to ensure a healthy lifestyle. This can counteract the natural
aging process.

• Autophagy: The body is better able to "eat" defective or ineffective cells and replace
them with new cells.

• Lowering insulin levels and increased catecholamine production can also be

perceived as positive manifestations of a ketogenic diet.

Note: Once fat cells are converted into ketones and overproduced, they are not converted
back into fat cells, but excreted in the urine.

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3 How does a keto diet work?

As already mentioned, the ketogenic diet was originally developed by scientists for therapeutic
purposes. However, it is based on natural nutrition and therefore also offers healthy people an
ideal way to eat.

In contrast to most other diets, the ketogenic diet has a fat content of about 75%, a protein
content of about 20% and a carbohydrate content of about 5%. This combination produces a
persistent carbohydrate deficiency and allows the body to go into ketosis. That switches the
metabolism from sugar and carbs burning to fat burning.

3.1 The 3 phases of a ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet basically consists of 3 phases. 1. the initiation of ketosis; 2. the onset of ketosis;
3. the adaptation of ketosis. All these 3 phases must be carried out in a controlled manner in order
to stabilize the ketosis and achieve a sustainable fat loss success.

Step 1: The initiation of ketosis:

In this step, a ketogenic dietary adjustment takes place, which can trigger ketosis in just a few
days. The most important component of a ketogenic diet is known to be the portioning of fats,
proteins and carbohydrates, the so-called macronutrients (macros) during food intake. The aim of
this nutrient adaptation is to establish a carbohydrate deficiency that creates the basic conditions
for the onset of ketosis.

The body can store only half of the needed daily energy as carbs/sugar in the liver and muscles.
The ketogenic diet plan reduces the carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams per day. As a result,
the body sugar stores (glycogen stores) are completely used up after 12-24 hours (longer or
shorter depending on your metabolism rate). From this moment on, the body prepares for fat
burning, ketosis is imminent.

Step 2: The onset of ketosis:

Due to the dietary adjustment described above, ketosis ideally starts after just a few days of diet.
However, ketosis is still quite unstable and inefficient in this phase. The body must be guided and
supported through this phase using appropriate methods and techniques, as well as a macro-
optimized diet plan, until it has fully adjusted and adapted to the ketosis condition

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Step 3: Keto adaptation

While ketosis is triggered relatively quickly by macro optimized nutritional adjustment, keto
adaptation can last several weeks. In this phase, the body must be actively trimmed for effective
fat burning by means of macro-optimized nutritional adjustment. If this process is carried out
consistently, the "Ketoers" notice the first positive signs of keto adaptation approximately 2 weeks
after the start of the diet. This can be accompanied, for example, by an increased ability to
concentrate and remember, better endurance and physical performance, as well as a generally
higher well-being. At the end of the second week (sometimes up to three weeks and more), the
body completes most of its keto adjustment and burns fat to produce energy.

3.2 Why is the keto diet also called a curative diet?

Most pathogens prefer to feed on sugar/glucose, e.g. cancer cells. Oncologists localize tumor cells
in the body by mixing a dye with glucose, injecting it into the body, and then performing a whole-
body scan to track where in the body the highest amount of sugar is consumed/concentrated. If
body sites with elevated sugar-dye concentrations are subsequently discovered, the cancer
cells/tumours are localised.

Because the ketogenic diet minimizes sugar consumption, healthy body cells are induced to switch
from sugar/glucose to fat (ketones) as fuel. In contrast to the healthy cells in our body, cancer cells,
for example, have a "defective" metabolism and are therefore unable to use ketones efficiently as
fuel. The ketogenic diet can thus systematically undernourish, weaken or even eliminate various

New findings also suggest that the ketogenic diet could be useful in various neurological diseases
such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, brain trauma, migraine / headaches, sleep disorders, autism and

4 The AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System!

At AdaptiveKeto, our goal is to simplify, optimize and individualize the ketogenic diet!
In short: We want to adapt the ketogenic diet to you and your everyday life.

In various analyses, we were able to develop a ketogenic diet system that adjusts the
metabolism for optimal fat and carbohydrate burning. In various cooking experiments we
succeeded in adapting the ketogenic diet to German cuisine. We made popular recipes from
the German homemade kitchen ketogenic to make the keto diet suitable for everyday use
and tasty!

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4.1 The approach

The human body has amazing abilities - not only is it extremely capable of learning, but it can
also adapt optimally to a wide variety of conditions. If the human body is trained by targeted
impulses, it is capable of doing amazing things!

The AdaptiveKeto diet ties in with the learning and adaptability of the human body. Using
proven methods, we want to lead the metabolism through controlled impulses into the state
of ketosis and accustom it to optimal fat and carbohydrate burning.

4.2 Triple adaptive

The AdaptiveKeto diet concept is triple adaptive, which means for you:

1. AdaptiveKeto adapts to your individual needs:

Customized recipes for the best weight loss results!

Based on your BMI, your current activity level and your weight loss target, we are going to
calculate your individual recipe quantities for all of our 84 keto dishes.

You just provide us the data of your body, describe your current activity level and tell us your
desired goal. We create a nutrition plan for you that is optimally oriented to your needs:

Your advantage: With customized keto recipes you´re going to eat exactly as much as you
need, to lose up to 20 pounds of weight within the next 4 weeks, but not feel hungry. This is
the key aspect which makes your AdaptiveKeto diet a great success!

2. AdaptiveKeto is inspired by the German kitchen:

Tasty, easy and fast keto dishes!
AdaptiveKeto makes German style home cooking keto-suitable and puts keto bread, keto
cheese cake, bratwurst, white sausages, meat loafs, roast pork, stew, ham and casseroles on
the diet plan! All dishes are made of standard foods you can buy cheap everywhere. Most
dishes are prepared in about 10 minutes – no special cooking skills required!

Your advantage: If you like the tasty, easy and fast German cuisine, you will love
AdaptiveKeto! You´ll lose weight without radically changing your eating habits!

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3. AdaptiveKeto adapts your body to optimal fat and carbs burning:

Amazing weight loss results with Keto & Macro-Cycling!
The AdaptiveKeto diet concept adapts your metabolism to optimal fat burning. Using the
Macro-Cycling technique, the fat, protein and carbs content in your keto dishes will alternate
during the 4 weeks of diet. This method will not only increase your metabolic rate, but also
accustom your metabolism to burning fat and carbs, when needed! You will achieve the best
weight loss results and consume carbohydrate containing foods from time to time.

Your advantage: Not always renunciation! After the AdaptiveKeto diet, you can continue to
benefit from the advantages of ketosis without having to forego occasional alcohol
consumption, coffee & cake, spaghetti bolognese or the oven potato with a steak.

5 Keto´s social proof on Instagram!

Millions of people worldwide already have changed their lives with keto! The media reports
everyday about people who have lost dozens of fat-pounds with the ketogenic diet!

Hundreds of happy „Ketoers“ show their amazing before/after images on Instagram!

Click on the image below to learn how these people have started new, light weighted, self-
confident and attractive lives!

Klick here to watch amazing before/after pictures of happy KETO fans!

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5.1 Overwiev: Structure

The AdaptiveKeto diet consists of four phases and is designed to last 31 days. The
composition of the macros varies over the four-week diet phases in the form of a sinusoidal
curve, resulting in a cyclical habituation and weaning effect, particularly in terms of
carbohydrate intake.

AdaptiveKeto: Macro-Cycling during the 4 week diet:










Fats: in% Proteins: in% Carbs: in%

Keto & Macro-Cycling: The macro-cycling technique can increase your metabolic rate and
trim your body to best possible maintenance of ketosis. It may lead to an optimal fat and
sugar burning and provide you the best possible weight loss result!

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The 3-day preparation:

The AdaptiveKeto diet begins with a 3-day preparation in which the sugar consumption is
minimized step by step.

First diet week: Triggering of ketosis:

In the first week of the AdaptiveKeto diet we would like to achieve a carbohydrate deficiency
with a carbohydrate intake of 5%. The increased fat content (75%), as well as the moderate
protein content (20%) supply the body with important nutrients, ensure a lasting feeling of
satiety and stimulate the production of ketones.

The low-sugar, high-fat diet makes the body understand that from now on there is little
sugar available, but plenty of fat. This impulse should serve as an incentive for the organism
to recognise fat as an available, reliable and thus attractive source of energy. Under these
circumstances, the glycogen reserves in the body are completely used up after ap-prox. 1-2
days, which triggers the fat-burning ketosis.

Second Diet Week Phase: Metabolic Trim (Step 1)

Ketosis is already active in the second week, but is still unstable and inefficient. To avoid the
body to go to "economy mode" due to the insufficient carbohydrate supply, the amount of
carbohydrate is increased to 10%. A relatively smaller amount of fat (60%) and protein (30%)
is supplied by the diet. In this phase, the body anticipates the end of the carbohydrate
deficiency, begins the conversion to sugar burning and reduces the ketosis rate.

Third Diet Week Phase: Metabolic Trim (Step 2)

In the third week we reduce the carbohydrate intake again to 5% and increase the fat content
to 70% as well as the protein content to 25%. The body makes a controlled switch from
burning sugar to burning fat, which accelerates ketosis. The body recognizes these nutrient
fluctuations and learns that only a quick change between fat and sugar burning and if
necessary also back again, is the most effective method to function optimally.

Fourth Diet Week Phase: Keto Adaptation

In the fourth week the end of the diet is heralded. The keto adaptation in the body is
established in most cases. By the renewed rise of the coal hydrate supply on 25% the sinus-
shaped habituation and weaning phase is successfully locked. The body can recognize the
previous phases of nutrient change as a law and, as a reaction to this reciprocal supply of
nutrients, appropriate a reciprocal fat and sugar burning.

Furthermore, the body is gently guided out of the diet phase by means of the increased
carbohydrate quantity in the fourth diet week. The body can now adjust to the more
carbohydrate rich everyday diet and reduce the risk of the JoJo effect and cravings.

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5.2 Weightloss in 3 stages

The results of weight loss can vary from person to person, but they typically go through three

Stage 1: The onset of ketosis. In the first phase you lose an enormous amount of weight due to
the loss of water, which was previously bound to fat and glycogen.
Note: If you do not achieve rapid weight loss in the first phase, do not despair, everyone is
different. In the first phase, men generally achieve faster weight loss than women.

Stage 2: Getting used to ketosis. The water and the glycogen find a balance in the body, which
stops the weight loss for a certain time and can even lead to a short-term weight gain. Don't
worry, it's normal and temporary.

Stage 3: Complete adaptation to ketosis: After a few weeks, the body burns both fat and
carbohydrates and supplies the brain and other organs with powerful ketones. The subsequent
weight loss may be characterized by a wave-like downward trend. Weight loss phases may be
followed by stagnation phases with slight weight gains. Adjust to these natural developments.

5.3 What to expect from the AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System

This is what you can expect from the AdaptiveKeto diet: After the consistent implementation
of the 31-day AdaptiveKeto diet, you will be able to effectively trim your body to the fat
burning ketosis, as well as to switch between sugar and fat burning without interrupting the
ketosis permanently.

Your advantage:
With a metabolism that is optimized for the rapid change between fat and sugar burning,
you can - taking into account a few rules of thumb - benefit from the numerous advantages
of ketosis. You can lose weight in the long term and continuously improve your health and
well-being. At the same time you can occasionally enjoy a glass of wine in a convivial
atmosphere, coffee & cake with your mother or pizza & pasta at a dinner with your partner.
This makes the AdaptiveKeto diet not only extremely efficient, but also suitable for everyday

Up to 10-20 lbs. Weight Loss! Higher mental focus!

Every 4 Weeks. Increased brain power.
Clear & shiny skin! More vitality, less tiredness!
Reduced acne & pimples. Fresh power boost to your body.
Improved well-being! Better fitness & health!
Better mood. Prevention from diseases.

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6 How to start your keto diet!

In the previous chapters you´ve learned how the keto diet works. If you want to try the
ketogenic diet you need 3 things to start:

1. Customized keto-recipes, which are perfectly adapted to your personal daily calorie
requirement, your current activity level and your weight loss target.
2. A diet plan that guides you through your ketogenic diet and tells you exactly, step-
by-step, what you should do to achieve great fat loss results!
3. A keto-guide that gives you a deeper inside into the ketogenic nutrition, with tips and
tricks on how to avoid the keto flu, or how to calculate your ketogenic macros and
how to eat after your ketogenic diet to maintain your weight.

The AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System offers you everything you need to start your
keto diet by tomorrow!

Diet plan: Our AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System includes a diet plan that guides you step-
by-step through all 4 phases of your 31 days ketogenic diet.

Customized meal plan: Our meal plan consists of 84 “easy to prepare” ketogenic diet
recipes based on the tasty German home cooking. All recipes will be customized to your
personal daily calorie requirements, your current activity level and your individual weight loss

Keto-Guide: Our keto-guide provides you with important information, tips, and tricks you
need, to get the best possible result out of the ketogenic diet. You will learn how to trigger
ketosis and how to control and maintain it effectively. Our “10 after keto eating-rules” show
you how to eat everything you like, while maintaining sustainable weight loss even after your
keto diet. And much more…

These three things are absolutely crucial to your ketogenic weight loss success!
The AdaptiveKeto Weight Loss System gives you all you need to start your ketogenic diet by
tomorrow and to get the best possible health & weight loss results out of it!

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7 Medical disclaimer
Information, concepts, approaches and opinions, including text and graphics, contained in this e-book
are for informational and educational purposes only. These are not medical advices and are not a
substitute for medical consultation and treatment.

The user himself is responsible for the implementation of this information & concepts and should
obtain a qualified medical consultation before starting the diet.

The operator of AdaptiveKeto cannot be held liable for inaccuracies, misinterpretations and editorial
errors. The author or the operator cannot accept any liability for damages resulting from the use of the
information contained herein.

8 Copyrights & Terms of use

Die The copyrights as well as the exclusive distribution rights to this info product (e-book) belong to
the operator of, see imprint ( ).

With the purchase of this info product you receive a single user license. Any kind of passing on,
copying of contents, completely or in extracts, as well as other forms of duplication are not permitted
without a written permission of the author. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any
questions regarding these regulations.

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AdaptiveKeto KetoGuide Light © Copyright by

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