Assignment Mechatronics

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Assignment # 1
• Problem # 1
– Consider a closed-loop, rotary, speed-control system with a
proportional controller Kp, as shown below. The inertia of the rotor
is J. The damping coefficient B in mechanical systems is usually
difficult to estimate accurately. Because the computed gain value
depends on the estimate of B, the actual system performance can
be quite different than the predicted value if our estimate of B is
very inaccurate.
T d (s)
Ω d (s ) + Ω (s )
+ Σ 1
Σ Kp
+ Js + B

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 1
– Suppose the nominal value of B = 1. Discuss the sensitivity of the
steady-state response to uncertainties in B, for a step command
input. Specifically, compare the sensitivity for Kp =1 and for Kp =
– Discuss the sensitivity of the closed-loop transfer function to
uncertainties in B (whose nominal value is B = 1). Assume J = 1.
Here, the sensitivity is a function of the Laplace variable s. Use
the magnitude frequency response plot to compare the sensitivities
for Kp = 1 and Kp = 9.
– Consider now the position control system shown below with Kp =
0.05, J = 20, and B = 1.

T d (s)
R(s) + 1 C(s)
+ Σ
Σ Kp
+ s ( Js + B )

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 2
– The inertia J of the object to be positioned changes during the
control process. The control of the angular position of a satellite
(to aim a telescope, for example) must account for the change in
the satellite’s inertia due to the fuel consumption of the control
jets. The inertia of a tape reel or a paper roll changes as it
unwinds, and the controller must be designed to handle this
variation. Investigate the sensitivity of this design if J can vary by
± 10%.

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 3
• Problem # 2
– Satellites often require attitude control for proper orientation of
antennas and sensors with respect to the earth. This is a three-axis,
attitude-control system. To gain insight into the three-axis
problem we often consider one axis at a time. For the one-axis
problem, the plant transfer function is G(s) = 1/s 2. This results
from the equation of motion: &&
Jθ = T
– J is the moment of inertia of the satellite about its mass center, T is
the control torque applied by the thrusters, and θ is the angle of the
satellite axis with respect to an inertial reference frame, which
must have no angular acceleration.
– A lead controller that gives the closed-loop system a damping ratio
ζ ≈ 0.7 and an undamped natural frequency ωn ≈ 6 rad/sec is given
( s + 3)
G c ( s ) = 121.7
( s + 18.23)
Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 4
– Assuming the controller is to be implemented digitally,
approximate the time lag from the D/A converter to be:
s+ 2/T
– Determine the closed-loop system root locations for sample rates
ωs = 5 Hz, 10 Hz, and 20 Hz, where the sample period T = 1/ωs
seconds. Plot the unit step responses for each sample rate and
compare. State your observations regarding closed-loop stability.
– The closed-loop block diagram is shown below:

R(s) C(s)
2/T (s + 3) 1
Σ 121.7
s+ 2/T ( s + 18.23 ) s2

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 5
– The analog implementation of the closed-loop system has a rise
time of about 0.3 sec (t r ≈ 1.8/ωn). How fast do you think one
should sample in order to have a reasonably smooth response?

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 6
• Problem # 3
– Suppose a radar search antenna at an airport rotates at 6 rev/min
and data points corresponding to the position of flight 1986 are
plotted on the controller’s screen once per antenna revolution.
Flight 1986 is traveling directly toward the airport at 540 mi/hr. A
feedback control system is established through the controller who
gives course corrections to the pilot. He wishes to do so each 9
miles of travel of the aircraft, and his instructions consist of course
headings in integral degree values.
– What is the sampling rate, in seconds, of the range signal plotted
on the radar screen?
– What is the sampling rate, in seconds, of the controller’s
– Identify the following signals as discrete or continuous in
amplitude and time:
• The aircraft’s range from the airport
• The range data as plotted on the radar screen
Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 7
• The controller’s instructions to the pilot
• The pilot’s actions on the aircraft control surfaces
– Show that it is possible for the pilot of flight 1986 to fly a zigzag
course which would show up as a straight line on the controller’s
screen. What is the lowest frequency of a sinusoidal zigzag course
which will be hidden from the controller’s radar?

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 8
• Problem # 4
– Consider the two mass – one spring system, shown below. An
external force F is applied to mass M 1.
– Derive the equations of motion for this system.
– Determine the transfer functions: X1 ( s ) X2 ( s )
F (s ) F (s )

X1 X2

M1 M2

Frictionless Surface

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 9
– Identify the poles and zeros of the two transfer functions.
Physically what do these poles and zeros represent? Why are the
poles of the two transfer functions the same? Why are the zeros of
the two transfer functions different?
– Write the equations of motion in state-space form with the state
variables chosen to be the positions and velocities of the two
masses, and the output chosen to be the position of mass M 1. The
input is the applied force F.
– Draw by hand a Matlab/Simulink block diagram for this system
that could be used to predict the dynamic behavior of this system.
Do not run the simulation.

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 10
• Problem # 5
– Shown is a computer-controlled motion control system.
M = 0.001295 lbf-s2/in
B = 0.259 lbf-s/in
Kmf = 0.5 lbf/A
Kpa = 2.0 A/V
Sensor Gain = 1.0 V/in
Delay = 0.008 s

mass and damper

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 11
– A MatLab/Simulink block diagram of this digital control system is
shown below.
– Explain all the elements in this block diagram.
– Simulate this system in MatLab/Simulink for various proportional
control gains (e.g., 10, 20, 30) and computational delays (e.g., 0,
.001, .002). State your observations.

Kp Kpa*Kmf acc vel pos

Step 1/M 1/s 1/s
Sum 1 Proportional Comp Quantizer 1 Zero-Order
Gain 1 Sum 2 Integrator 1 Integrator 2
Controller Delay 10 V - 8 bits Hold 1 Gain 2
Resolution T = 0.005 sec
0.039063 B

dpos Gain 3


Quantizer 2 Zero-Order Sensor

step 1 V - 12 bits Hold 2
T = 0.005 sec pos
t Resolution
0.000244 position
Clock time

Mechatronics K. Craig
Assignment # 1 12

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