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11, NOVEMBER 2009

Control Design Guidelines for Single-Phase

Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters With
Damped Resonant Harmonic Compensators
Miguel Castilla, Jaume Miret, Member, IEEE, José Matas, Luis García de Vicuña, and
Josep M. Guerrero, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—The injection of low-harmonic current to the elec- and implementation. As an alternative, linear control schemes
trical grid is nowadays regulated by international standards. In with resonant harmonic compensators have been extensively
order to accomplish these standards, selective harmonic compen- used [19]–[33]. Good enough results are given by these control
sation is carried out in grid-connected photovoltaic inverters by
means of resonant harmonic compensators. This paper gives a algorithms in single-phase and three-phase grid-connected PV
systematic design procedure for selecting the gains and parame- inverters [19]–[24]. Moreover, this selective harmonic compen-
ters of these harmonic compensators. Other factors considered in sation approach has been successfully applied in other non-
the design process include frequency deviation, grid synchroniza- PV applications, such as active pulsewidth modulation (PWM)
tion, and transient response. Both a design example meeting the rectifiers [25], active power filters [26]–[29], uninterruptible
requirements of grid interconnection and selected experimental
results from a digital-signal-processor-based laboratory prototype power supplies [30]–[32], and dynamic voltage restorers [33].
are also reported. Selective harmonic compensation with linear control
schemes is now a mature control technology. It consists of
Index Terms—Current harmonic content, grid-connected in-
verter, linear current regulator, photovoltaic (PV) power system. a bank of generalized integrators, i.e., second-order bandpass
filters tuned to resonate at a predefined frequency. In fact, each
I. I NTRODUCTION generalized integrator is responsible for the attenuation of an
individual grid-current harmonic. Ideal generalized integrators

P HOTOVOLTAIC (PV) installations usually have a flexible

design [1], [2]. Solar PV arrays, dc/dc converters, and
inverters are combined in a distributed configuration to perform
are used in [19]–[23]. These integrators exhibit theoretically
an infinite gain at the resonance frequency, ensuring a nearly
perfect harmonic elimination. However, the realization of ideal
the main functions, such as maximum-power-point tracking, generalized integrators is sometimes not possible due to finite
voltage amplification, and synchronous grid-current injection precision in digital systems. Thus, a damped generalized in-
[3]–[10]. tegrator is proposed in [30] which have limited gain at the
The interconnection of PV inverters to the electrical grid is resonance frequency. This configuration can be realized in
regulated by international standards [11]–[13]. As a guidance digital platforms with a high accuracy and, moreover, it is well
to ensure compatible operation, these standards include factors suited for alleviating some instability problems identified in
relating to power quality, personnel safety, and equipment ideal integrators [25], [29].
protection. The quality of power provided by the PV inverter The design of resonant harmonic compensators is not well
is bounded by limits on voltage, frequency, and harmonics. documented in the literature [21], [22], [32]. The value of the
Deviation from these limits represents abnormal conditions and generalized integrator parameters is essential for the system
may require disconnection of the nonislanding inverter from the performance, so that a method for choosing these parameters
electrical grid [11]. is actually necessary. In previous works, a time-consuming
In grid-connected inverters, the injection of low-amplitude trial-and-error method is normally carried out for the design
current harmonics is possible using selective harmonic compen- of generalized integrators [20], [30]. Although some design
sation. Several algorithms based on repetitive control theory can considerations have been briefly discussed in [19], [23]–[26],
be found in the literature to perform this task [14]–[18]. Excel- and [33], the control parameters have been finally tuned using
lent results are provided, but at the expense of complex design simulation or experimental results [30], [31]. In fact, there is no
systematic procedure in the literature for the design of damped
Manuscript received October 17, 2008; revised February 24, 2009. First
published March 16, 2009; current version published October 9, 2009. This
resonant harmonic compensators.
work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under In this paper, we present a complete design-oriented study
Grant ENE2006-15521-C03-01. for single-phase grid-connected PV inverters with damped res-
M. Castilla, J. Miret, J. Matas, and L. García de Vicuña are with the De-
partment of Electronic Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia, 08800
onant harmonic compensators. The effect of the compensator
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain (e-mail: characteristics on the inverter performance is analyzed in detail.
J. M. Guerrero is with the Department of Automatic Control Systems and A set of design tradeoffs relating harmonic injection, frequency
Computer Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia, 08036 Barcelona,
Spain. deviation, grid synchronization, and transient response is iden-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2009.2017820 tified. As a result, we propose a systematic procedure for the

0278-0046/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE



Fig. 1. Single-phase grid-connected PV inverter. (a) Power circuit topology.

(b) Control diagram.
where n can take the values 3, 5, . . . , h, h being the highest
design of damped resonant harmonic compensators compliant current harmonic to be attenuated, and Kn is the n-harmonic
with the requirements on grid interconnection. This procedure gain. Notice that, in a situation in which no harmonic
constitutes the main contribution of this paper. attenuation is required, then h = 0 and the compensator
This paper is organized as follows. Section II includes both transfer function can be written as
the system description and the problem formulation. Section III
H2 (s) = 1. (3)
models the single-phase PV inverter. Section IV gives design
guidelines for the resonant harmonic compensator. Section V
proposes the control design procedure. A detailed design ex- B. Problem Formulation
ample is also provided. Section VI reports on selected exper- Table I shows the requirements and characteristics for PV
imental results from a laboratory prototype. Section VII gives inverter grid interconnection. Distortion limits for current har-
the conclusion of this paper. monics and frequency deviation are specifications reported
in [11]. Similar values have been adopted in standards [12]
II. G RID -C ONNECTED PV I NVERTER W ITH D AMPED and [13]. Most PV inverters designed for grid-interconnected
R ESONANT H ARMONIC C OMPENSATORS service operate close to unity power factor [11]. As a result, the
limit of the power factor angle ϕ is established assuming that
A. System Configuration
the displacement power factor cos ϕ must be in the range
Fig. 1 shows the single-phase grid-connected PV inverter.
The power circuit topology includes an LCL output filter in 0.999 < cos ϕ ≤ 1. (4)
order to attenuate the high-frequency harmonics injected by
In that case, the maximum power factor angle is ϕ = 2.6◦ .
the inverter. Series parasitic resistors are considered in both the
The limits of the phase margin pm are specified in order to
power components and the grid model.
guarantee both stable operation for different grid conditions
The control diagram, also shown in Fig. 1, is based on two
and good transient response during voltage sags and short-time
resonant harmonic compensators H1 (s) and H2 (s) [24]. The
interruptions (see Table I).
compensator H1 (s) is responsible for reference signal tracking.
The objective of this paper is to design the compensators
It consists of a damped generalized integrator tuned to resonate
H1 (s) and H2 (s) to meet the aforementioned requirements for
at the grid frequency fo [30]
grid interconnection. Taking into account that several solutions
K1 2ξωo s can be found for this design, we simplify the analysis by as-
H1 (s) = (1) suming the same harmonic gain K for both compensators, i.e.,
s2 + 2ξωo s + ωo2
K1 = K and Kn = K for n = 3, 5, . . . , h. Thus, the suitable
where ωo = 2πfo , K1 is the fundamental harmonic gain, and ξ values of K, ξ, and h will be systematically derived assuming
is the damping factor. that all the power component values and control parameters are
The compensator H2 (s) is responsible for the attenuation known as a starting point of the design process.
of the low-frequency harmonics injected into the grid [24].
In view of that, the compensator includes a bank of damped III. M ODEL OF A S INGLE -P HASE PV I NVERTER
bandpass filters tuned to resonate at odd multiples of the grid G RID -C ONNECTED T HROUGH AN LCL F ILTER
frequency [26]
This section presents a frequency-domain analysis of the

h single-phase inverter grid-connected through an LCL filter. The
Kn 2ξnωo s
H2 (s) = 1 + 2 + 2ξnω s + (nω )2
(2) resulting dynamic model of the grid current is essential for
s o o the design of the resonant harmonic compensators.

A. Open Loop Model TABLE II

In the Laplace domain, the open-loop inverter system can be
modeled as (see Fig. 1)

ii (s) = G1 (s)Vi (s) + G2 (s)Vg (s) + G3 (s)d(s) (5)

io (s) = G4 (s)Vi (s) + G5 (s)Vg (s) + G6 (s)d(s) (6)

where the variables Vi (s), Vg (s), and d(s) denote small-signal

ac perturbations on the input voltage, the grid voltage, and the
duty cycle, respectively. Both Vi (s) and Vg (s) play the role of
external disturbances of the model and d(s) is the control action
disturbance. The transfer functions G1 (s) to G6 (s) are given by

(Lo + Lg )Cs2 + (rc + ro + rg )Cs + 1

G1 (s) = D (7)
d3 s3 + d2 s2 + d1 s + d0
rc Cs + 1
G2 (s) = − (8)
d3 s3 + d2 s2 + d1 s + d0
(Lo + Lg )Cs2 + (rc + ro + rg )Cs + 1
G3 (s) = Vi (9)
d3 s3 + d2 s2 + d1 s + d0
rc Cs + 1
G4 (s) = D (10)
d3 s3 + d2 s2 + d1 s + d0
Li Cs2 + (ri + rc )Cs + 1
G5 (s) = (11)
d3 s3 + d2 s2 + d1 s + d0
rc Cs + 1
G6 (s) = Vi (12) Using (5), (6), and (17), the dynamic model of the grid
d3 s3 + d2 s2 + d1 s + d0
current can be expressed as
where Vi and D are the steady-state values of the input voltage
and the duty cycle, respectively. Moreover, the coefficients d3 , io (s) = G7 (s)Vi (s) + G8 (s)Vg (s) + G9 (s)iref (s) (20)
d2 , d1 , and d0 can be expressed as
where G7 (s) is the input voltage to grid current transfer func-
d3 = Li C(Lo + Lg ) (13) tion, G8 (s) is the grid voltage to grid current transfer func-
d2 = [(rc + ro + rg )Li + (ri + rc )(Lo + Lg )] C (14) tion, and G9 (s) is the reference signal to grid current transfer
function. These functions are given by
d1 = Li + Lo + Lg + [ri rc + (ri + rc )(ro + rg )] C (15)
G1 (s)G6 (s)HS (s)P W M (s)Gd (s)
G7 (s) = G4 (s) − (21)
d0 = ri + ro + +rg . (16) 1 + T (s)

G2 (s)G6 (s)HS (s)P W M (s)Gd (s)

G8 (s) = G5 (s) − (22)
B. Closed-Loop Model 1 + T (s)

From Fig. 1, the duty cycle dynamics can be modeled as G6 (s)H1 (s)P W M (s)Gd (s)
G9 (s) = . (23)
1 + T (s)
d(s) = [H1 (s)iref (s) − HS (s)ii (s)] P W M (s)Gd (s) (17)
The PV-system loop gain T (s) can be written as
where HS (s) = H1 (s) + H2 (s), and P W M (s) and Gd (s)
are the transfer functions of the PWM modulator and the T (s) = G3 (s) (H1 (s) + H2 (s)) P W M (s)Gd (s). (24)
control processing delay, respectively. These functions can be
written as
P W M (s) = (18)
Vm This section examines the fundamental transfer functions
−Td s derived above and discusses the effects of K, ξ, and h on
Gd (s) = e (19)
the inverter performance. The analysis is based on the inverter
with Vm and Td the amplitude of the PWM triangular signal parameter values listed in Table II. It is worth mentioning
and the computational delay time of one sampling period, that these parameters have been extracted from the laboratory
respectively [21], [28]. prototype.

Fig. 2. Bode diagram of the harmonic compensator H1 (s) with (a) constant damping factor ξ, (b) constant harmonic gain K, and (c) constant product Kξ.

low bandwidth so that the selective harmonic compensation be

effective, and a high value of h in order to have enough filters
to attenuate the current harmonics. In next sections, the limits
for the values of K, ξ, and h are derived.

B. Close-Loop Transfer Functions T (s), G8 (s), and G9 (s)

The operation and performance of the resonant harmonic
compensators are easily deduced from the analysis of the
transfer functions T (s), G8 (s), and G9 (s).
Fig. 4(a) shows the Bode diagram of the loop gain T (s) for
h = 0 and h = 13. As it can be seen in this figure, the phase
at the crossover frequency decreases as h increases. In view
of that, the phase margin deteriorates as h increases. In fact, the
measured phase margin is 66.1◦ for h = 0 and 50.4◦ for h = 13.
Fig. 3. Bode diagram of the harmonic compensator H2 (s) with damping Although not shown in Fig. 4(a), the measured phase margin
factor ξ = 0.002 and harmonic gain K = 20. is 55.1◦ and 44.9◦ for h = 11 and h = 15, respectively, which
corroborate this statement. This is the main limitation of high
h values, which may give a poor grid current transient response
A. Harmonic Compensators H1 (s) and H2 (s)
during voltage sags. Moreover, in the worse case situation, the
Fig. 2 shows the Bode diagram of the compensator H1 (s) for PV inverter may even become unstable.
different values of K and ξ. The following properties can be ob- Fig. 4(b) shows the Bode diagram of the grid voltage to grid
served: 1) the magnitude peak value is given by 20 · log K (dB); current transfer function G8 (s) for h = 0 and h = 13. It can be
2) the magnitude bandwidth and the phase shape are governed noticed that, for h = 13, an additional attenuation is introduced
by ξ; and 3) for constant value of the product Kξ, the magnitude by means of magnitude notches centered at the harmonic fre-
diagrams overlap for practically all frequencies, except for a quencies. In view of that, a low-harmonic distortion of the grid
narrow range around the grid frequency. current is expected for high values of h.
Fig. 3 shows the Bode diagram of the compensator H2 (s) for Fig. 4(c) shows the Bode diagram of the reference signal
h = 0 and h = 13. In the first case, no bandpass filters are used to grid current transfer function G9 (s) for h = 0 and h =
and a flat 0 dB magnitude behavior is observed. In the second 13. Once more, for h = 13, six magnitude notches centered
case, six filters are employed to attenuate the current harmonics at the harmonic frequencies can be observed, which greatly
at frequencies 150 Hz, 250 Hz, 350 Hz, 450 Hz, 550 Hz, reduce the harmonic injection. Moreover, it can be observed
and 650 Hz. Although not explicitly shown in this figure, the that the magnitude and phase values are 0 dB and 0◦ at 50 Hz,
features listed in the aforementioned paragraph are common to so that good grid voltage synchronization is possible at this
each filter of the compensator H2 (s). nominal grid operation. However, note that the phase degrades
In view of this analysis, it seems reasonable to select a significantly for the allowed ±1 Hz frequency deviation. In that
high value of K in order to obtain a high attenuation of each case, the suitable selection of the ξ value is essential to meet the
individual current harmonic, a low value of ξ in order to get a requirements reported in Table I.

Fig. 4. Bode diagram of (a) loop gain T (s), (b) grid voltage to grid current transfer function G8 (s), and (c) reference signal to grid current transfer function
G9 (s). Damping factor ξ = 0.003, and harmonic gain K = 20.

C. Grid Voltage Synchronization Fig. 6 basically shows two design curves for the K gain. Both
curves define the limit values of K that meet the phase margin
The resonant harmonic compensators give an excellent har-
requirements for the grid inductance deviation (see Table I). In
monic rejection capability, as shown in Fig. 4. For that reason,
particular, with K = 80, the phase margin is 60◦ at stiff grid and
the reference signal is simply generated as
52.9◦ at weak grid. Moreover, with K = 375, the phase margin
iref = kout vgrid (25) is 41.5 at stiff grid and 30◦ at weak grid. Therefore, from the
phase margin requirement, the value of K should belong to the
where kout is the output of the slow external dc-link voltage range 80 < K < 375.
loop. The design of this loop has been widely described in the Taking in mind that the phase margin is seriously affected
literature and will therefore not be considered here [2], [23]. by the grid inductance, a high value of K value is preferable
Thus, kout is viewed as a constant sensing factor. in order to obtain a fast transient response in the presence of
In that case, in which no phase deviation exist between the voltage sags and short-time interruptions.
reference signal and the grid voltage, the phase of the transfer
function G9 (s) at the grid frequency can be directly identified
as the power factor angle ϕ. Fig. 5 shows design curves for E. Current Harmonic Rejection
this parameter including the specified limit of ±2.6◦ . Note
that the grid synchronization deteriorates as ξ and h increase, The harmonic rejection capability of the resonant harmonic
particularly for maximum grid frequency (51 Hz). In particular, compensators has been described above (see Fig. 4). Some
the maximum values meeting the requirements of Table I are additional design considerations are detailed here once the
ξ = 0.0085 and h = 7. In fact, the design of h at its highest selection of ξ, h, and K has been widely discussed.
value is desirable in order to improve the harmonic attenuation. The attenuation of a generic current harmonic is mainly
However, for ξ, the lowest value is preferable for accurate governed by the magnitude of the grid voltage to grid current
grid synchronization. From a theoretical point of view, the transfer function G8 (s) at the frequency nωo . The shape of
minimum value of ξ is zero. The control scheme, however, this function, furthermore, is modulated by the phase margin,
does not properly work with ξ = 0 due to the compensators are as Fig. 7 clearly shows. For the lower phase margin, lower
given by H1 (s) = 0 and H2 (s) = 1. From a practical point of magnitude of G8 (s) is given so that higher current harmonic
view, we assume a minimum value of ξ = 0.001. An accurate attenuation is expected. It is worth mentioning that the low
representation of the compensators H1 (s) and H2 (s) is also G8 (s) magnitude is obtained in nearly all the frequency range
possible with lower practical values of ξ but at the expense of interest. In view of that, we can conclude that low phase
of increasing the computational load of the fixed-point DSP margin values are preferable for both fast transient response and
platform due to an increase of the required precision on the low-current harmonic injection.
bandpass filter algorithms. As it was shown in Fig. 2(c), when the product Kξ is main-
tained constant, the Bode diagrams of the compensator H1 (s)
overlap for practically all frequencies, except for a narrow
D. Sensitivity to Grid-Impedance Variation
range around the grid frequency. This interesting property is
The grid inductance has a significant impact on the phase shared by all the transfer functions that include low-bandwidth
margin. As a general rule, the phase margin deteriorates as the generalized integrators. In the case of the loop gain T (s), when
grid inductance increases. Fig. 6 clearly shows this fact. the product Kξ is constant, the magnitude and phase diagrams

Fig. 7. Bode diagram of grid voltage to grid current transfer function G8 (s)
with highest resonant filter h = 7 and stiff grid situation.


overlap for nearly all frequencies outside the narrow ranges

around the resonant frequencies of the generalized integrators.
For that reason, the phase margin is preserved for constant
Kξ given that the crossover frequency is far from the higher
resonance [see Fig. 4(a)]. Therefore, for constant values of the
product Kξ, the phase margin is also constant.
From the point of view of harmonic attenuation, a low value
of the phase margin is desirable (see Fig. 7). With constant
Kξ, it is possible to obtain a low value of the phase margin
Fig. 5. (a) Power factor angle ϕ versus damping factor ξ and (b) power factor with high-K values (see Fig. 6) and, thus, low ξ values. As a
angle ϕ versus highest resonant filter h(ξ = 0.001). Weak grid situation with
pm = 30◦ .
result, we can conclude that low ξ values are preferable for both
accurate grid synchronization and low-harmonic injection.


This section proposes a systematic procedure for the design
of the control parameters K, ξ, and h. The method is based on
the design considerations explained and discussed above.
The design method proceeds as follows.
1) Choose the minimum value of ξ from a practical point of
view. It is necessary to guarantee that the compensators
(1) and (2) have an accurate representation in the DSP
2) Choose the maximum value of h meeting the specified
requirement for the power factor angle ϕ.
3) Choose the value of K that gives a 30◦ phase margin at
weak grid condition.
Table III lists the solution to the design example considered
Fig. 6. Phase margin versus grid inductance with damping factor ξ = 0.001, in this paper. Once the control design is completed, the har-
and highest resonant filter h = 7. monic distortion of the grid current must be measured at the

Fig. 9. Experimental grid voltage and current using the highest harmonic filter
Fig. 8. Experimental grid voltage and current using the control parameters h = 13. Weak grid situation with high-voltage distortion (THD = 8.6%) and
shown in Table III. (a) Stiff grid situation with medium voltage distortion frequency deviation. (a) fo = 49 Hz. (b) fo = 51 Hz.
(THD = 4.1%) and nominal frequency. (b) Weak grid situation with high-
voltage distortion (THD = 8.6%) and frequency deviation (fo = 51 Hz).

worse case condition and compared with the specified standard oratory utility grid to emulate normal operation, i.e., stiff grid
limits. This last design step is carried out below. situation with medium voltage distortion (THD = 4.1%) and
nominal frequency (fo = 50 Hz). Next, the prototype was con-
VI. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS nected to an AGILENT programmable ac source to emulate ab-
normal conditions. A weak grid situation with Lgwk = 3.3 mH
This section verifies experimentally the proposed control and rgwk = 1.5 Ω was emulated by means of the ac source
design procedure. A complete set of measures including grid output impedance. High-voltage distortion (THD = 8.6%) was
synchronization, harmonic distortion, and transient response is generated by clamping the sinusoidal output voltage waveform.
reported. Periodic voltage sags and grid frequency deviations were easily
reproduced with the ac source. Selected experimental results
A. Laboratory Prototype and Test Setup from these tests are reported and discussed below.
The grid-connected PV inverter shown in Fig. 1 has been
built using a 4.5-kVA SEMIKRON full-bridge inverter and a
B. Grid Synchronization
fixed-point TMS320F2812 DSP control platform. The inverter
uses insulated gate bipolar transistor switches operating at The PV inverter has good grid synchronization using the
18-kHz switching frequency and with unipolar PWM modula- control solution listed in Table III. Fig. 8 shows this capability
tion. The control scheme has been programmed and translated for two test conditions. In both cases, the phase deviation
into the DSP platform. The discrete version of the resonant between the grid voltage and current meet the power factor
compensators (1) and (2) has been derived using the Tustin angle requirement shown in Table I.
transformation, with a sampling frequency of 18 kHz. An The control parameters ξ and h have a significant effect on
isolated voltage sensor is used to measure the grid voltage the power factor angle ϕ, particularly when the grid frequency
vgrid . In that case, the gain kout expressed in (25) takes the deviates from its nominal value (see Fig. 5). This issue is
value kout = 26.9 mA/V. A Hall current sensor is employed to corroborated by the experimental results shown in Fig. 9. As it
measure the inverter current ii . A complete list of the laboratory can be seen, using h = 13 (the design solution is h = 7), a high
prototype parameters is given in Tables II and III. phase deviation between the grid voltage and current is obtained
An extensive set of experiments was carried out. First, the for fo = 49 Hz and fo = 51 Hz. Both deviations widely exceed
output of the experimental prototype was connected to the lab- the specifications listed in Table I.

Fig. 10. Measured grid current harmonic spectra using the control parameters shown in Table III. Nominal frequency with (a) stiff grid and (b) weak grid. Weak
grid with frequency deviation (c) fo = 49 Hz and (d) fo = 51 Hz.

C. Harmonic Distortion voltage sags. Moreover, shown in Fig. 12 is the transient

response for a design with pm = 60◦ . Note that, in the last case,
The proposed control solution meets the requirements for
the recovery time (100 ms) is appreciably high in relation to the
grid current harmonic distortion. Fig. 10 shows some selected
result of the proposed control solution.
results for several test conditions. As it can be seen, the current
distortion increases according to both an increase in the voltage
distortion and a deviation in the grid frequency. Note that, VII. C ONCLUSION
even in the worst case condition, the amplitude of each current
harmonic is lower than the specified distortion limit. A systematic procedure for designing the control gains and
The capability of current harmonic rejection deteriorates parameters of a single-phase grid-connected PV inverter with
as the values of ξ and pm increase (see the discussion of damped resonant harmonic compensators has been presented
Section IV). The THD measures shown in Fig. 11 validate this in this paper. A complete theoretical analysis is carried out
property. Note that the minimum current THD for the worst in order to evaluate the effect of the resonant harmonic com-
case condition (weak grid situation with both high-voltage pensator characteristics on the inverter performance. A set of
distortion and frequency deviation) is obtained for ξ = 0.001 design tradeoffs relating grid synchronization, harmonic in-
and pm = 20◦ . jection, and transient response is identified. Other considered
aspects in the design process include the PV inverter response to
grid frequency deviation and the sensitivity to grid impedance
D. Transient Response
variation. The design procedure is also formulated according
The PV inverter exhibits fast transient response to voltage to the standard requirements for grid interconnection. Selected
sags when using the control solution listed in Table III. This experimental results from a digital signal processor-based lab-
solution is based on fixing the pm = 30◦ at weak grid situation. oratory prototype are reported, and they verify the expected
Fig. 12 shows the grid current transient response for periodic features of the proposed design procedure.

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[10] J. H. Lee, H. S. Bae, and B. H. Cho, “Resistive control for a photovoltaic
battery charging system using a microcontroller,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec-
tron., vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 2767–2775, Jul. 2008.
[11] Characteristics of the Utility Interface for Photovoltaic (PV) Systems,
IEC61727, Dec. 2004.
[12] IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources With Electric
Power Systems, IEEE15471, 2005.
[13] 2002 National Electrical Code, Nat. Fire Protection Assoc. Inc., Quincy,
MA, 2002.
[14] G. Escobar, P. R. Martínez, J. Leyva Ramos, and P. Mattavelli, “A negative
feedback repetitive control scheme for harmonic compensation,” IEEE
Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1383–1386, Jun. 2006.
[15] G. Escobar, P. R. Martínez, and J. Leyva Ramos, “Analog circuits to
implement repetitive controllers with feedforward for harmonic com-
pensation,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 567–573,
Feb. 2007.
[16] G. Escobar, A. A. Valdez, J. Leyva Ramos, and P. Mattavelli, “Repetitive-
based controller for a UPS inverter to compensate unbalance and har-
monic distortion,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 504–510,
Feb. 2007.
[17] R. Griñó, R. Cardoner, R. Costa Castelló, and E. Fossas, “Digital repetitive
control of a three-phase four-wire shunt active filter,” IEEE Trans. Ind.
Electron., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1495–1503, Jun. 2007.
[18] G. Escobar, P. G. Hernández-Briones, P. R. Martínez, M. Hernández-
Gómez, and R. E. Torres-Olguin, “A repetitive-based controller for the
compensation of 6l ± 1 harmonic components,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Elec-
tron., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 3150–3158, Aug. 2008.
[19] R. Teodorescu, F. Blaabjerg, U. Borup, and M. Liserre, “A new control
structure for grid-connected LCL PV inverters with zero steady-state er-
ror and selective harmonic compensation,” in Proc. IEEE APEC, 2004,
pp. 580–586.
Fig. 12. Experimental grid current transient response during periodic voltage [20] E. Blanco, E. Bueno, F. Espinosa, S. Cobreces, F. J. Rodriguez, and
sags for (a) pm = 30◦ and (b) pm = 60◦ . Weak grid situation with high- M. A. Ruiz, “Fast harmonics compensation in VSCs connected to the grid
voltage distortion (THD = 8.6%) and frequency deviation (fo = 51 Hz). by synchronous-frame generalized integrators,” in Proc. IEEE ISIE, 2005,
pp. 751–755.
As an interesting topic for future work, the effect of different [21] M. Liserre, R. Teodorescu, and F. Blaabjerg, “Stability of photovoltaic and
wind turbine grid-connected inverters for a large set of grid impedance
fundamental K1 and n-harmonic gains Kn could be investi- values,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 263–272,
gated. Moreover, the possibility of selecting ξ = 0 in a practical Jan. 2006.
environment (i.e., the use of ideal generalized integrators [19]) [22] M. Liserre, R. Teodorescu, and F. Blaabjerg, “Multiple harmonics control
for three-phase grid converter systems with the use of PI-RES current
and the suitable control design procedure for this particular case controller in a rotating frame,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21,
could be investigated. no. 3, pp. 836–841, May 2006.

[23] F. Blaabjerg, R. Teodorescu, M. Liserre, and V. Timbus, “Overview Jaume Miret (M’01) received the B.S. degree in
of control and grid synchronization for distributed power generation telecommunications and the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
systems,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1398–1409, grees in electronics from the Technical University of
Oct. 2006. Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, in 1992, 1999, and
[24] M. Castilla, J. Miret, J. Matas, L. García de Vicuña, and J. M. Guerrero, 2005, respectively.
“Linear current control scheme with series resonant harmonic compen- Since 1993, he has been an Assistant Professor in
sator for single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic systems,” IEEE Trans. the Department of Electronic Engineering, Technical
Ind. Electron., vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 2724–2733, Jul. 2008. University of Catalonia, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain,
[25] G. Escobar, A. A. Valdéz, J. Leyva-Ramos, and P. R. Martínez, where he teaches courses on digital design and cir-
“A controller for a Boost converter with harmonic reduction,” IEEE cuit theory. His research interests include dc-to-ac
Trans. Control Syst. Technol., vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 717–726, Sep. 2004. converters, active power filters, and digital control.
[26] X. Yuan, W. Merk, H. Stemmler, and J. Allmeling, “Stationary-frame
generalized integrators for current control of active power filters with zero
steady-state error for current harmonics of concern under unbalanced and José Matas received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. de-
distorted operating conditions,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 38, no. 2, grees in telecommunications engineering from the
pp. 523–532, Mar./Apr. 2002. Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain,
[27] R. I. Bojoi, G. Griva, V. Bostan, M. Guerreiro, F. Farina, and in 1988, 1996, and 2003, respectively.
F. Profumo, “Current control strategy for power conditioners using sinu- From 1988 to 1990, he was an Engineer with
soidal signal integrators in synchronous reference frame,” IEEE Trans. a consumer electronics company. Since 1990, he
Power Electron., vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1402–1412, Nov. 2005. has been an Associate Professor in the Department
[28] C. Lascu, L. Asiminoaei, I. Boldea, and F. Blaabjerg, “High performance of Electronic Engineering, Technical University of
current controller for selective harmonic compensation in active power Catalonia, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain. His research
filters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1826–1835, interests include power-factor-correction circuits, ac-
Sep. 2007. tive power filters, uninterruptible power systems,
[29] G. Escobar, A. A. Valdéz, R. E. Torres-Olguin, and M. F. Martínez- distributed power systems, and nonlinear control.
Montejano, “A model-based controller for a three-phase four-wire shunt
active filter with compensation of the neutral line current,” IEEE Trans.
Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 2261–2270, Nov. 2007. Luis García de Vicuña received the Ingeniero de
[30] D. N. Zmood and D. G. Holmes, “Stationary frame current regulation of Telecomunicación and Dr. Ing. degrees from the
PWM inverters with zero steady-state error,” IEEE Trans. Power Elec- Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain,
tron., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 814–822, May 2003. in 1980 and 1990, respectively, and the Dr.Sci. de-
[31] E. Twining and D. G. Holmes, “Grid current regulation of a three-phase gree from the Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse,
voltage source inverter with an LCL input filter,” IEEE Trans. Power France, in 1992.
Electron., vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 888–895, May 2003. From 1980 to 1982, he was an Engineer with
[32] G. Escobar, P. Mattavelli, A. M. Stankovic, A. A. Valdez, and a control applications company. He is currently an
J. Leiva-Ramos, “An adaptive control for UPS to compensate unbalance Associate Professor in the Department of Electronic
and harmonic distortion using a combined capacitor/load current sensing,” Engineering, Technical University of Catalonia,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 839–847, Apr. 2007. Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, where he teaches courses
[33] M. J. Newman, D. G. Holmes, J. G. Nielsen, and F. Blaabjerg, “A dy- on power electronics. His research interests include power electronics model-
namic voltage restorer (DVR) with selective harmonic compensation at ing, simulation and control, active power filtering, and high-power-factor ac/dc
medium voltage level,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE IAS Annu. Meeting, 2003, conversion.
pp. 1228–1235.

Josep M. Guerrero (S’01–M’04–SM’08) received

the B.S. degree in telecommunications engineering,
the M.S. degree in electronics engineering, and the
Ph.D. degree in power electronics from the Technical
University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, in 1997,
2000, and 2003, respectively.
From 1998 to 2004, he was an Assistant Professor
in the Department of Automatic Control Systems
and Computer Engineering, Technical University of
Catalonia. In 2004, he became a Senior Lecturer
at the same university, where he teaches courses
Miguel Castilla received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. on digital signal processing, control theory, microprocessors, and renewable
degrees in telecommunication engineering from the energy. Since 2004, he has been responsible for the Sustainable Distributed
Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, Generation and Renewable Energy Research Group, Escola Industrial de
in 1988, 1995, and 1998, respectively. Barcelona. His research interests include photovoltaics, wind energy conver-
Since 2002, he has been an Associate Professor in sion, and compressed-air devices applied to uninterruptible power supplies,
the Department of Electronic Engineering, Technical storage energy systems, and microgrids.
University of Catalonia, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, Dr. Guerrero is an Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
where he teaches courses on analog circuits and INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS and the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER
power electronics. His research interests are in the ELECTRONICS. He is involved in several IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
areas of power electronics, nonlinear control, and (IES) Committees, and he usually chairs and organizes sessions at IES and
renewable energy systems. IEEE Power Electronics Society conferences.

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