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Which of the following is not a rule of language?


What term is assigned to rules of language concerning how to use

language effectively in context?

At which point does hearing develop?

At 8 months after conception
2 months after conception
At 9 weeks after conception
6 months after conception
At 1 week after birth
Three weeks after birth

Mastropieri and Turkewitz (1999) identified that newborn could

differentiate between what?
Between speech patterns
Between parents voices
Between tone and pitch
Between native and foreign languages
Between music and prose
None of these

Which of the following points reflect child-directed speech?

It has a higher pitch than other conversation
It includes repetition and exaggerated gestures
It is demonstrated across multiple cultures
It is demonstrated by parents, non-parents and even other
It simplifies language
All of these
When is meshing observed?
When infants babble
When two people disagree
When pragmatics are lost
When people are socially incompetent
When two people get on well together
When children over generalize

Kaye and Brazelton (1971) observed meshing during which

During reunion in the strange situation
During peer play
During infant feeding
During infant-mother play
None of these
All of these

What term is applied to the conversation-like interaction between

a mother and child?
Pseudo dialogue
Di-directional utterances
None of these

According to Bruner (1975, 1985, 1993) language develops through

conversation about what?
The infant
Shared sequences

At which age does cooing begin?

6-7 months
0-1 months
5-6 months
1-2 months
3-4 months
4-5 months

What do infants start to use between 8-12 months after birth?


Aldred, Green and Adams (2004) employed which type of design

when reviewing an intervention for children with Autism?
Paired samples
Independent samples
Randomized control trial (RCT)
Matched samples
According to Harris et al. (1995) comprehension develops around
10 months, but what does it coincide with?
Producing sentences
The development of pointing
Secure attachment
Parental language ability

Norgate (1997) compared comprehension of which two groups?

Sighted and blind children
Western and Eastern children
Urban and country children
Boys and girls
Wealthy and impoverished children
English and American children

At which age do children begin detect changes in the sounds in

their own language while losing the ability to detect differences
which are not important?
6-12 months
4-5 months
12-16 months
Immediately after birth
2-4 months
9-14 months

When does language production begin to develop?

At 24 months
After telegraphic speech
At 3 years
After comprehension
At 2 years
None of these

What do children begin to use around their second year of life?

Two-word phrases
Single words for object names
Single words for people's names
Single word action descriptions
None of these
What is the LASS?
A genetic predisposition for language acquirement
A biological mechanism driving acquisition
A hypothetical construct which allows children to recognize
rules of grammar
A system which contains contextual information including the
techniques used by adults to convey meaning
All of these
None of these

What term did Piaget (1923) apply to self-talk?


What is the primary difference between Piaget and Vygotsky's

theories of language development?
Piaget argued thought depends on language while Vygotsky
argued language depends on thought
Vygotsky argued thought follows language while Piaget argued
language depends on thought
Vygotsky argued thought depends on language while Piaget
argued thought follows language
Vygotsky argued thought depends on language while Piaget
argued language depends on thought
Vygotsky was concerned with early language development while
Piaget was concerned with later language development
None of these

1. Which of the following is not a rule of language?

Your Answer: Lexicalizations

2. What term is assigned to rules of language concerning how

to use language effectively in context?

Your Answer: Pragmatics

3. At which point does hearing develop?

Your Answer: At 1 week after birth

Correct Answer: 6 months after conception

Incorrect! This is 6 months after conception

4. Mastropieri and Turkewitz (1999) identified that newborn
could differentiate between what?

Your Answer: Between parents voices

Correct Answer: Between speech patterns

Incorrect! This was between speech patterns

5. Which of the following points reflect child-directed speech?

Your Answer: It simplifies language

Correct Answer: All of these

Incorrect! All of these points reflect child-directed speech

6. When is meshing observed?

Your Answer: When infants babble

Correct Answer: When two people get on well together

Incorrect! This is observed when two people get on well


7. Kaye and Brazelton (1971) observed meshing during which


Your Answer: During infant-mother play

Correct Answer: During infant feeding

Incorrect! This was during infant feeding

8. What term is applied to the conversation-like interaction
between a mother and child?

Your Answer: Meshing

Correct Answer: Pseudo dialogue

Incorrect! This is call pseudo dialogue

9. According to Bruner (1975, 1985, 1993) language develops

through conversation about what?

Your Answer: Objects

Correct Answer: Shared sequences

Incorrect! This is about shared sequences

10. At which age does cooing begin?

Your Answer: 3-4 months

Correct Answer: 1-2 months

Incorrect! This is at 1-2 months after birth

11. What do infants start to use between 8-12 months after birth?

Your Answer: Syntax

Correct Answer: Gestures

Incorrect! They start to use gestures

12. Aldred, Green and Adams (2004) employed which type of
design when reviewing an intervention for children with

Your Answer: Randomized control trial (RCT)

13. According to Harris et al. (1995) comprehension develops

around 10 months, but what does it coincide with?

Your Answer: Producing sentences

Correct Answer: The development of pointing

Incorrect! It corresponds with the development of pointing

14. Norgate (1997) compared comprehension of which two


Your Answer: Boys and girls

Correct Answer: Sighted and blind children

Incorrect! This was sighted and blind children

15. At which age do children begin detect changes in the sounds

in their own language while losing the ability to detect
differences which are not important?

Your Answer: 6-12 months

16. When does language production begin to develop?

Your Answer: After telegraphic speech

Correct Answer: After comprehension

Incorrect! It develops after comprehension

17. What do children begin to use around their second year of


Your Answer: Sentences

Correct Answer: Two-word phrases

Incorrect! They start to use two-word phrases

18. What is the LASS?

Your Answer: None of these

Correct Answer: A system which contains contextual
information including the techniques used
by adults to convey meaning

Incorrect! This is the language acquisition support system

which contains contextual information including the
techniques used by adults to convey meaning

19. What term did Piaget (1923) apply to self-talk?

Your Answer: Internalization

Correct Answer: Egocentric

Incorrect! This was egocentric

20. What is the primary difference between Piaget and
Vygotsky's theories of language development?

Your Answer: None of these

Correct Answer: Vygotsky argued thought depends on
language while Piaget argued language
depends on thought

Incorrect! Vygotsky argued thought depends on language

while Piaget argued language depends on thought

Multiple Choice

1. A(n) ___________ is comprised of our active vocabularies, our

pronunciation of words, and our grammar and syntax when talking or

a. dialect
b. idiolect
c. syntax
d. lexicon
2. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of language?

a. Language is arbitrary.
b. Language is concrete.
c. Language is self-reflexive.
d. Language is ambiguous.

3. Which of the following is NOT true of connotative meanings?

a. Meanings change over time

b. Meanings are based on personal positive or negative perception
c. Meanings vary depending upon life experiences
d. Meanings have concrete definition

4. Which of the following is true about a high-context culture?

a. tendency to talk around issues

b. minimal details are provided
c. emphasis on directness
d. A and B only

5. To improve message ___________, one must use specific, concrete, and

precise language.

a. connotation
b. denotation
c. semantics
d. hierarchy

6. All of the following are conversational maxims EXCEPT:

a. Tell the whole truth.

b. Relate what you say to the topic discussed.
c. Pause before speaking.
d. Be orderly in what you say.
7. In conversation, which of the following maxims may be violated?

a. Relevancy
b. Quantity
c. Manner
d. None of the above

8. Using inclusive language when you are with a wide swath of people is also
known as:

a. coordinated management of meaning

b. linguistic sensitivity
c. pragmatic meaning
d. concrete language

Correct. You answered: b. idiolect.

A(n) ___________ is comprised of our active vocabularies, our pronunciation of
words, and our grammar and syntax when talking or writing.
The correct answer was: b. idiolect.
Incorrect. You answered: d. Language is ambiguous..
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of language?
The correct answer was: b. Language is concrete..
Correct. You answered: d. Meanings have concrete definition.
Which of the following is NOT true of connotative meanings?
The correct answer was: d. Meanings have concrete definition.
Incorrect. You answered: a. tendency to talk around issues.
Which of the following is true about a high-context culture?
The correct answer was: d. A and B only.
Incorrect. You answered: d. hierarchy.
To improve message ___________, one must use specific, concrete, and precise
The correct answer was: c. semantics.
Correct. You answered: c. Pause before speaking..
All of the following are conversational maxims EXCEPT:
The correct answer was: c. Pause before speaking..
Incorrect. You answered: b. Quantity.
In conversation, which of the following maxims may be violated?
The correct answer was: d. None of the above.
Incorrect. You answered: d. concrete language.
Using inclusive language when you are with a wide swath of people is also known
The correct answer was: b. linguistic sensitivity.

Children use prosodic and phonotactic cues to


maintain joint attention

parse speech streams

pronounce difficult words

articulate speech sounds

______________ allow the grammatical inflection of words and are

used to change the syntactic class of words.




Dog and his are examples of which type of morpheme?

Free morphemes

Standard morphemes

Agrammatical morphemes

Bound morphemes

A child says "Girl shoe lost" instead of "The girl's shoe is lost."
The child's error is classified as an error in which type of context?

Morphological context

Grammatical context

Obligatory context

Standard context
Compared to other aspects of language development, which area of
language development is relatively invariant across children,
proceeding in a largely uniform pattern in both the type and
timing of developments?
Syntactic development



Semantic development

Your two-year-old sister is going through the process of learning to

use and store the word "excited." Which area of development does
this process refer to?
Semantic development

Morphological development

Syntactic development

Phonological development
Which of the following are the five categories within Nelson's
semantic taxonomy?
Nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, articles

Specific nominals, general nominals, action words, modifiers,

personal–social words
Synonyms, antonyms, adjectives, nouns, verbs

Nominals, modifiers, articles, personal–social words, verbs

____________ are the building blocks of cognition and are

internalized representations of the organizational structures of
various events.




A child uses a higher pitch when pretending to be the "baby" in

the dramatic play area of his preschool classroom. He later
changes roles and plays the "father," deepening his pitch and
speaking louder. These stylistic variations in language are
examples of _________________.

register changes

morphological development

interaction theories

Children use prosodic and

phonotactic cues to

Your Answer: articulate

Correct Answer: parse speech

When using prosodic cues,

infants draw upon their
familiarity of word and syllable
stress patterns to break into the
speech stream. During the first
year of life, infants use their
knowledge of predominant
word-stress patterns to locate
boundaries between words in
running streams of speech.
Phonotactic cues refer to the
probability with which certain
sounds occur both in general
and in specific positions of
syllables and words. Knowledge
of phonotactic probabilities and
improbabilities is an important
tool for the infant to segment
novel words out of a continuous
stream of speech.

2. ______________ allow the

grammatical inflection of words
and are used to change the
syntactic class of words.

Your Answer: Morphemes

3. Dog and his are examples of

which type of morpheme?

Your Answer: Free morphemes

4. A child says "Girl shoe lost"

instead of "The girl's shoe is
lost." The child's error is
classified as an error in which
type of context?

Your Answer: Obligatory


5. Compared to other aspects of

language development, which
area of language development is
relatively invariant across
children, proceeding in a largely
uniform pattern in both the type
and timing of developments?
Your Answer: Syntactic

6. Your two-year-old sister is

going through the process of
learning to use and store the
word "excited." Which area of
development does this process
refer to?

Your Answer: Semantic


7. Which of the following are the

five categories within Nelson's
semantic taxonomy?

Your Answer: Nouns, verbs,

Correct Answer: Specific
action words,
social words

Nelson's semantic taxonomy

differentiated children's lexical
items into five categories:
specific nominals (refer to a
specific object); general
nominals (refer to all members
of a category); action words
(describe specific actions,
social-action games, and action
inhibitors); modifiers (describe
properties and qualities); and
personal–social words (describe
affective states and

8. ____________ are the building

blocks of cognition and are
internalized representations of
the organizational structures of
various events.

Your Answer: Ideas

Correct Answer: Schemas

Schemas are the building blocks

of cognition and are internalize
m cfhghy td representations of
the organizational structures of
various events. When children
have a robust representation of a
particular schema, their
cognitive resources are freed up
from navigating the
organizational structure of the
event to acquiring new
information within the event.

9. A child uses a higher pitch when

pretending to be the "baby" in
the dramatic play area of his
preschool classroom. He later
changes roles and plays the
"father," deepening his pitch and
speaking louder. These stylistic
variations in language are
examples of

Your Answer: morphological

Correct Answer: register

The term register refers to

stylistic variations in language
that occur in different situational
contexts. During the preschool
years, children show varying
registers during their dramatic
play, assuming different
speaking styles.

This set of Professional Communication Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

(MCQs) focuses on “Language and Linguistics”.

1. Who among these is an ancient linguist of India?

a) Patanjali
b) Tista Bagchi
c) Noam Chomsky
d) Kshetresa Chandra Chattopadhyaya
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Answer: a
Explanation: Linguistics is the study of language. Patanjali, the ancient linguist of
India, considered it as a human expression uttered out by speech organs. The other
three are modern linguists belonging to 19th and 20th century.

2. Which of these people perceives language as a means to interpret human

a) Anthropologist
b) Sociologist
c) Philosopher
d) Students of literature
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Answer: c
Explanation: Language means different things to different people. To an
anthropologist, it is a form of cultural behaviour whereas to a sociologist, it is a
means of communication between members of a social group. Students of
literature may consider it as an artistic medium, while those of philosophy may
consider it a means to interpret human experience.

3. Language is a social phenomenon.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Language is a social phenomenon. Man may not have needed a
language if he had not made himself a part of a social group. A language must thus
convey social realities if it is to become an effective means of communication.

4. Which of these words is based on the phenomena, ‘Onomatopoeia’?

a) Cuckoo
b) Book
c) Door
d) Blackboard
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Answer: a
Explanation: Language is arbitrary, that is there is no logical link between any
gjven feature of a language and its meaning. The only exception is in the case of
onomatopoeia, where the words imitate the sounds of their referents. Here, cuckoo
is the sound made by the bird which is how the bird got its name.
5. Which of these is not a type of linguistics?
a) Historical
b) Personal
c) Comparative
d) Synchronic
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Answer: b
Explanation: Linguistics is a scientific study of language. It can be divided into
three types namely: Historical or Diachronic Linguistics, Synchronic Linguistics
and Comparative Linguistics.

6. Which of these finds out how a certain set of people use a language at a given
a) Diachronic Linguistics
b) Comparative Linguistics
c) Synchronic Linguistics
d) Historical Linguistics
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Answer: c
Explanation: Synchronic Linguistics finds out how a certain set of people use a
language at a given time. Historical or Diachronic Linguistics studies the link
between language and history. Comparative Linguistics studies the comparison
between two or more languages.

7. Which of these is not a level of language?

a) Phonology
b) Grammar
c) Running
d) Semantics
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8. Which of these terms refers to the study of speech sounds of a given language
and their function within the sound system of that language?
a) Phonetics
b) Phonology
c) Syntax
d) Morphology
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phonology refers to the study of speech sounds of a given language
and their function within the sound system. Phonetics is the study of speech
process. Syntax and Morphology are sub-levels of the grammatical system.

9. Which of these is the study of meaning of words, and the development of the
meaning of words?
a) Morphemics
b) Phonetics
c) Semantics
d) Syntax
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Answer: c
Explanation: Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, and the
developments of the meaning of words. The smallest unit of semantics is semene,
which is the minimum functional unit of meaning.

What are (1) and (2) ?
a) 1) – Phonetics and 2) – Phonology
b) 1) – Syntax and 2) – Morphology
c) 1) – Syntax and 2) – Phonetics
d) 1) – Phonetics and 2) – Morphology
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Answer: b
Explanation: Grammatical level can be divided into 2 broad levels. These are
Syntax and Morphology. Syntax is the science to study and lay down the rules
regarding the grammatical arrangement of words in a sentence. Morphology is the
study and analysis of the structure, form and classes of words.
This set of Professional Communication Multiple Choice Questions & Answers
(MCQs) focuses on “Types of Phonetics”.

1. Which of these terms refer to the study of speech process?

a) Phonology
b) Phonetic substances
c) Phonetics
d) Semantics
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Answer: c
Explanation: Phonetics is the study of speech processes. It includes the anatomy,
neurology and pathology of speech. It also includes the articulation, classification
and perception of speech sounds. It shouldn’t be confused with Phonology, which
is the study of speech sounds of a given language and their function within the
sound system of that language; or Semantics, which is a field of Linguistics that is
primarily concerned with meaning in various languages.

2. Which of these is not a type of phonetics?

a) Articulatory
b) Personal
c) Acoustic
d) Auditory
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phonetics can be divided into three main branches. These are
Articulatory phonetics, Accoustic phonetics and Auditory phonetics.

3. Articulatory phonetics is the study of physical properties of speech sounds.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Articulatory phonetics is the study of the movement of the speech
organs while words are being uttered. Acoustic phonetics is the study of physical
properties of speech sounds which include frequency and amplitude.
4. Which of these terms refer to the study of hearing and perception of speech
a) Articulatory phonetics
b) Acoustic phonetics
c) Auditory phonetics
d) Laboratory phonetics
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Answer: c
Explanation: Auditory phonetics is the study of hearing and perception of speech
sounds. Articulatory phonetics deals with the movement of speech organs whereas
Acoustic phonetics deals with the physical properties of speech sounds.

5. Laboratory phonetics is a branch which uses instruments to study sounds.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Laboratory phonetics is experimental phonetics which uses
instruments ( both mechanical and electronics) to study sounds.

6. What is the term used for ingressive air-sounds produced?

a) Claps
b) Snap
c) Clicks
d) Beats
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Answer: c
Explanation: Normally, speech sounds are produced on egressive pulmonic air-
stream during exhilaration. In few cases, ingressive air sounds are also made. Such
speech sounds are called clicks.

7. Which of these refer to the sound features of a language?

a) Morphemics
b) Phonetic substances
c) Phonetics
d) Syntax
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phonetic substances refer to the sound features of a language, as
studied by articulatory, acoustic and auditory phonetics. It is different from
Phonetics, which studies the kinds of sounds made by human speech using the
speech organs; and also different from Morphemics, which is the synchronic study
of words.

8. What does the phonetic symbol d represent?

a) Voiced bilabial plosive
b) Voiceless palatal plosive
c) Voiced alveolor plosive
d) Voiced dental fricative
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Answer: c
Explanation: The symbol d refers to Voiced alveolor plosive. The symbol b refers
to Voiced bilabial plosive and c refers to Voiceless palatal plosive.

9. What is the full form of IPA?

a) Indian Phonetic Alphabet
b) International Phonetic Alphabet
c) International Phonetic Agreement
d) Indian Phonetic Agreement
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Answer: b
Explanation: IPA is International Phonetic Alphabet which provides a uniform
international medium for studying and transcribing sounds of all languages of the
world. In case of English, it assists in creating international intelligibility in

10. What does the sign / / represent?

a) Phonetic transcription
b) Centralization
c) Voiced bilabial nasal
d) Rising- falling pitch
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Answer: a
Explanation: Phonetic transcription is represented by / /. Centralization is
represented by “. Voiced bilabial nasal is represented by m.
. The nucleus of the syllable is the vowel.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A syllable is a unit of pronunciation which consists only a vowel or a
vowel and a consonant. The nucleus of the syllable is the vowel; the consonant is
its marginal element.

2. What is a consonant called when it is placed at the end of a syllable?

a) Releasing consonant
b) Arresting consonant
c) Dental consonant
d) Alveolar consonant
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Answer: b
Explanation: When a consonant is placed at the end of a syllable, it is called an
arresting consonant. When it is placed at the beginning of a syllable, it is called a
releasing consonant.

3. What is the structure in the following syllable : pack?

a) CVC
b) CV
c) VCC
d) VC
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Answer: a
Explanation: In CVC, C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel. For the word
pack, the first letter p is a consonant. The last two letters c and k are also
consonants, but they come together to make a single sound. Between these two
consonants, there’s the vowel a. Hence the structure of the word would be CVC.

4. f and z are examples of :

a) Bilabial consonant
b) Sibilant consonant
c) Dental consonant
d) Alveolar consonant
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Answer: b
Explanation: A consonant is a letter of the alphabet which represents a sound that
can only be articulated with a vowel. Sibilant consonant like f and z are exceptions
which can be pronounced without the help of a vowel.

5. Which of the following is a voiceless sound component?

a) b
b) d
c) c
d) g
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Answer: c
Explanation: The voiced sounds in English are l,b,d,g,v,z,m,n,r,w,j, that is, the
vocal cords must be used in order to produce the sound made by these letters. All
vocoids and semi-vowels are voiced sounds. The letter c’s sound on the other hand,
can be made without using one’s voice. Hence, c is a voiceless sound component.

6. According to the place of articulation, which of these is not a type of consonant?

a) Bilabial
b) Dental
c) Velar
d) Public
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to the place of articulation, consonants are classified into 9
types. These are Bilabial, Dental, Labio-dental, Alveolar, Post-alveolar, Palato-
alveolar, Palatal, Velar and Glottal.

7. Which of these consonants are the one whose place of articulation is the lower
lip and upper teeth?
a) Bilabial
b) Dental
c) Labio-dental
d) Glottal
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Answer: c
Explanation: For the labio-dental consonant, the place of articulation is the lower
lip and the upper teeth whereas for the bilabial consonant, it is the upper and lower
ljp. For the dental consonant, it is the teeth and tip of the tounge.

8. According to the placement of the tongue, which of these is not a type of vowel?
a) Cross vowels
b) Front vowels
c) Back vowels
d) Central vowels
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Answer: a
Explanation: The classification of vowels can be made into three depending on the
placement of the tongue. These are front vowels, back vowels and central vowels.

9. As per quality, vowels sounds can be differentiated as Monopthongs and

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vowel sounds can be differentiated as per their quality as
Monopthongs and Dipthongs. Monopthongs are pure vowels, because theydo not
change in quality. Dipthongs are gliding vowels, and they change their quality

10. Which of the following vowels is an example of back vowel?

a) i
b) e:
c) u
d) a
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Answer: c
Explanation: Back vowels are pronounced by placing the back of the tongue
towards the soft palate. Examples of such vowels are /o,u,u:/
1. Which of these is not an article?
a) An
b) A
c) This
d) The
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Answer: c
Explanation: A, an and the are called articles in English grammar. An is used
before a vowel or silent h. The word ‘this’ can be a pronoun (Eg: This is my seat.);
or a determiner (Eg: This cake is the tastiest one.)

2. A is used before a vowel sounding like a consonant.

a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A is used before a consonant or a vowel sounding like a consonant.
For example, A man, a unit, a useful thing, a one rupee- note.

3. What are a, an and the collectively called?

a) Indefinite articles
b) Demonstrative adjectives
c) Definite articles
d) Demonstrative adverbs
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Answer: b
Explanation: A, an and the are adjectives. They are called demonstrative
adjectives. A and an are indefinite articles and the is called a definite article.

4. Fill in the blank with article :

__ child must respect his parents.
a) A
b) An
c) This
d) That
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Answer: a
Explanation: Articles are classified into two types. They are indefinite and definite
articles. Indefinite articles are a and an. Definite article includes only the. The
correct statement is : A child must respect his parents.

5. Which if these belong to indefinite articles?

a) A
b) A and an
c) An and the
d) A and the
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Answer: b
Explanation: A and an are called the indefinite articles because they leave
indefinite the person or thing spoken of. Thus, a boy means any boy. The is a
definite article.

6. Which of these belong to definite articles?

a) A and the
b) The
c) A and an
d) An and the
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Answer: b
Explanation: The is called a definite article because it speaks of some particular
person or thing. Example : He is the boy who teased me. A and an are indefinite

7. The indefinite article is used when a singular noun is meant to represent a whole
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The definite article the is used when a singular noun is meant to
represent a whole class. For example, The cow is a mammal.

8. Fill in the blank : Bismillah Khan plays _____ shehnai with great skill.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) a or the
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here we will use the definite article the. The is used before musical
instruments as in the above question. The is also used before the names of certain
books. Example, The Mahabharat.

9. Correct the incorrect statement :

How gentle person Mr. Bhatia is!
a) How gentle a person Mr. Bhatia is!
b) How gentle the person Mr. Bhatia is!
c) How gentle person the Mr. Bhatia is!
d) How a gentle person Mr. Bhatia is!
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The correct statement would be ‘How gentle a person Mr. Bhatia is!’.
We use a or an before a single countable noun.

10. Fill in the blank : Neha has left for ___ United States of America.
a) a
b) the
c) an
d) to
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: The statement will be – Neha has left for the United States of
America. Usually, countries aren’t preceded by any article, but the nations that are
a union or which are united states, are preceded by the definite article ‘the’. Eg:
The United States of America, The People’s Republic of China

. Articles are usually omitted before proper nouns.

a) True
b) False
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: Articles are usually omitted before proper nouns. For example,
Shakespeare had a comprehensive soul. An article used before a proper noun
makes it a common noun.

2. In which of these cases, the article is not omitted?

a) Before names of materials
b) Before names of relations
c) Before the names of certain books
d) Before languages
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: Before the names of certain books, the definite article the is used. For
example, The Mahabharat . Before languages, names of materials and relations,
articles are omitted.

3. What does the word in bold letters refer to?

His second composition was little better than his first.
a) Hardly
b) Not much
c) Scarcely
d) Wasn’t
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: little is used chiefly with better or more in formal english. For
example, His second composition was little (= not much) better than his first.

4. Choose the correct statement.

a) Her brother is an engineer.
b) Her brother is a engineer.
c) Her brother is the engineer.
d) Her brother is engineer.
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: When we define or classify someone or something we use a/an +
singular count noun. In the above question, the noun starts with a vowel, so we
use an.

5. When we mention someone or something for the first time, we use the.
a) True
b) False
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: When we mention someone or something for the first time, we use a/
an not the. When we mention the same person or thing again, we use the. For
example: I saw a dog on the street today. The dog looked hungry.

6. Correct the statement :

Family is an unit of society.
a) Family is the unit of society.
b) Family is a unit of society.
c) Family is unit of society.
d) The family is unit of society.
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: The correct statement is : Family is a unit of society. We use a or an
as per the sound of the vowel and not the actual vowel. Here the vowel u is
pronounced as yoo.

7. Fill in the blank : He is ___ honest lawyer.

a) a
b) an
c) the
d) very
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: Usually, if the first letter of the word is a consonant, it is preceded by
the article a. However, there are some exceptions. The word honest is one such
exception. Its first letter is a consonant, but the first syllable of the word is a
vowel-like sound. Hence, it should be preceded by an.

8. Little as an adverb can’t be used with which one of these?

a) Verbs
b) Unfavourable adjectives
c) Countable nouns
d) Comparative adverbs
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: The word little has different usages as an adverb. It can be used as
with verbs (Eg: The sun came out a little during the day.), with unfavourable
adjectives (Eg: His looked a little worse today compared to yesterday.), and so on.
However, when dealing with magnitudes and quantities, the word little can only be
used if the quantity can’t be counted or assigned a proper value.

9. Find the correct statement.

a) Sun rises in the east.
b) The sun rises in the east.
c) Sun rises in east.
d) The sun rises in east.
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: We use the before names of things that are unique like the sun, the
sky, the sea, etc. We also use the when we emphasise to a specific direction.

10. Fill in the blanks : ___ more you concentrate, ___ better you become.
a) the, a
b) the, the
c) a, a
d) the, then
View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: The is always used an adverb with comparative. Here as the sentence
is comparative, we use the in both the places.

1. What is the ideational function of language?

a. To express identityb. To communicate meaningc. To make jokesd.
To perform magice. To express emotions


The word ‘ideational’ means ‘pertaining to ideas’. It became part of the discussion
of language during the 1970s, when educational linguists began to explore the
functions of language in detail.

2. What is semiotics?

a. The study of musicb. The study of buildingsc. The study of human

communicationd. The study of disabilitye. The study of memory


There are different uses of this term in other subjects, especially to mean ‘the study
of signs in general’, which includes non-linguistic as well as linguistic

3. What is the technical term for ‘body language’?

a. Non-verbal communicationb. Semioticsc. Zoosemioticsd.

Linguisticse. Semantics


The term ‘communication’ helps to make a clear distinction from ‘language’.

‘Non-verbal’ highlights the use of words as a major feature of language.

4. What is kinesics?
a. The study of tone of voiceb. The study of touch communicationc. The
study of smell and tasted. The study of nonverbal visual communicatione.
The study of sign language


The word has its origins in Greek ‘kine-’, expressing the notion of movement, also
seen in ‘cinema’ (earlier also spelled ‘kinema’).

5. What is the term used to describe the creative capacity of language to invent
new words and sentences?

a. Proxemicsb. Dualityc. Syntaxd. Structuree. Productivity


The idea behind the term is that we have the ability to ‘produce’ an indefinitely
large number of sentences and words.

6. What are the two levels of language referred to by the term ‘duality’?

a. Phonetics and phonologyb. Sound and meaningc. Kinesics and

proxemicsd. Morphology and syntaxe. Structure and use


Linguists often talk about ‘duality of structure’. Another term for the same thing is
‘double articulation’.

7. Which of these words best describes the focus of pragmatics?

a. Meaningb. Choicec. Structured. Sensee. Production


Pragmatics is the study of the choices we make when we use language — the
intentions that lie behind our choices and the effects which our choices convey.

8. Which question about language use does pragmatics try to answer?

a. What?b. When?c. Where?d. Why?e. How?


Pragmatics aims to provide an explanation for a person's choice of language.

9. What factor is omitted in an account of French tu / vous which talks only of

singular versus plural?

a. Grammarb. Pronunciationc. Audienced. Meaninge.



Issues such as intimacy and familiarity arise out of the relationship between
language users and their audience. Audience here means readers as well as

10. What is the term for that part of a passive sentence which says ‘who did it?’

a. Objectb. Subjectc. Verbd. Clausee. Agent


Other terms are also used, such as ‘doer’. Sentences without an agent are described
as ‘agentless’.
11. Which word illustrates a ‘tone of voice’?

a. Whisperb. Wordc. Syllabled. Consonante. Vowel


‘Tone of voice’ refers to the way words and syllables are said.

12. Under what heading would we discuss the use of such titles as ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’?

a. Spellingb. Pronunciationc. Terms of addressd. Graffitie. Slang


Terms of address‘ also include the choice between first names and surnames, as
well as the choice between familiar or formal pronouns.

Lecture 2

Previous | Start | Next

1. What does semantics study?

a. Useb. Meaningc. Grammard. Speeche. Punctuation


In linguistics, the focus is on the way meaning is expressed in a language.

2. Which of these words would you expect to find as a lexeme heading a dictionary
a. Givingb. Gavec. Gived. Givese. Given


Dictionaries would list ‘give‘ as the basic form, and include all the other forms as
grammatical variants.

3. Which of these figures most closely reflects the size of an educated adult's active

a. 50,000b. 5,000c. 1,000,000d. 200,000e. 10,000


Active vocabulary means the lexemes that someone is likely to use in speech or
writing; as opposed to passive vocabulary, which refers to the words they might
know from their listening and reading, but never use.

4. What is the term for two words (lexemes) that have the same meaning?

a. Antonymsb. Similesc. Metaphorsd. Synonymse. Parallels


Synonyms are words (lexemes) which have the same general sense, such as ‘car‘
and ‘automobile‘. There are always some differences in the way they are used.

5. Which of these is a gradable opposite?

a. Husband — wifeb. Hot — coldc. Male — femaled. Single —

marriede. Buy — sell

Gradable opposites are points on a continuum, so that we can talk about something
being ‘hotter‘ or ‘colder‘ than another, or ‘very hot‘ vs ‘very cold‘. Try using this
test on the other pairs.

6. What is the term for the semantic connectedness we expect to find in a story?

a. Syntaxb. Layoutc. Coherenced. Discoursee. Structure


If the story lacks coherence, it is said to be ‘incoherent‘. Note that the need for
coherence applies to all modes of communication — spoken, written, signed, and

7. What do we have to do to work out which meaning of the word ‘table’ people
have in mind when they use it?

a. Look up ‘table‘ in a dictionary b. Look at the sentence in which it

occursc. Ask them to point to a tabled. Look up ‘table‘ in an encyclopediae.
Find a table and ask if that is what they meant


Sentences are the main way in which we make sense of words.

8. What is the average age at which children start to string words together to make

a. 12 monthsb. 18 monthsc. 2 yearsd. 2 years 6 monthse. 3 years

Two-element sentences, such as ‘daddy go’, emerge at around 18 months in most

9. What does morphology study?

a. Sentence structureb. Phrasesc. Pronunciationd. Word ordere.

Word structure


“Morphology’ comes from a Greek word ‘morph’, which meant ‘form’; it thus
studies the forms that words can take.

10. Which branch of linguistics studies word order?

a. Morphologyb. Pragmaticsc. Syntaxd. Semanticse. Phonology


Syntax‘ comes from a Greek word meaning ‘arrangement‘ — in this case, the
arrangement of words in sentences.

11. What word do children learn in English at around age three which shows them
sentences can be any length?

a. goneb. morec. med. ande. ta


‘And’ is the commonest linking word, used for both phrases and words.

12. Children's learning of grammar is complete by the age of five.



Several features of grammar remain to be learned, such as advanced forms of

sentence connectivity.

1. What does cherology study?

a. Facial expressionb. Body movementc. The structure of deaf signingd.

Written languagee. Discourse


The term isn't widely used, but it does draw attention to the fact that we are dealing
with real languages here, with structure analogous to that found in phonology and

2. What is the branch of linguistics that studies human soundmaking, transmission,

and reception?

a. Phonologyb. Graphologyc. Productiond. Semanticse.



The three branches are usually called articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics,
and auditory phonetics.

3. What does phonology study?

a. Learning to readb. The sound system of language(s)c. Babblingd.
Mobile phonese. How we articulate sounds


The subject includes the study of individual languages, language groups, and the
properties of sound common to all languages.

4. Whispered speech is part of which topic of language study?

a. Paralanguageb. Prosodyc. Syntaxd. Intonatione. Morphology


‘Para’ in ‘paralanguage’ captures the idea that features like whispering are
marginal to the normally occurring features of sound in a language.

5. What is the linguistic term for the study of pitch movement in language?

a. Melodyb. Rhythmc. Loudnessd. Intonatione. Music


Within intonation, several other terms are used to describe particular pitch patters,
such as ‘tunes’ and ‘tones’.

6. What is the technical term for the ‘tum-te-tum’ rhythm of English?

a. Syllable-timedb. Rapc. Stress-timedd. Prosodye. Tempo

‘Stress-timed’ because the stresses fall at roughly regular intervals in the stream of

7. What is the branch of linguistics that studies the way humans make marks on a
surface in order to write?

a. Morphologyb. Graphologyc. Phoneticsd. Grapheticse. Graphic



The term ‘graphetics’ is not widely used, but it provides us with a useful parallel to

8. What does graphology, in its linguistics sense, study?

a. Learning to readb. A person's character in handwritingc. The writing

system of language(s)d. Maths diagramse. Tennis stars


The subject includes the study of individual languages, language groups, and the
properties of writing common to all languages.

9. Within which branch of linguistics do we find the study of spelling?

a. Graphologyb. Phonologyc. Grapheticsd. Semanticse.



The term ‘orthography’ is often used to refer to the writing system, when the focus
is on spelling.
10. What do we call the ability to read and write?

a. Oracyb. Literacyc. Numeracyd. Fluencye. Accuracy


‘Literacy’ is opposed to ‘illiteracy’, but there is a scale of ability relating the two

11. Which of these is an example of a sentence-connecting adverb?

a. Smellyb. Shapelyc. Connectingd. Linkere. Consequently


I got up late. Consequently, I missed the bus.

12. Electronically mediated communication is just like traditional written language.



Hypertext links and animation are two of the differences that make EMC unlike
other kinds of writing.

Lecture 4

Previous | Start | Next

1. What period of life does developmental psycholinguistics cover?

a. Conception to birthb. Birth to 5 yearsc. Birth to 12 yearsd. Birth to
age 60e. The whole lifespan


Some periods of life have been studied more than others, but any period could be
the focus of a psycholinguistic study.

2. When does language acquisition start?

a. In the wombb. At birthc. 6 monthsd. 12 monthse. 18 months


The foetus can hear the sound of the mother's voice from around six months after

3. At around what age do babies first use some of the rhythm and intonation
patterns of the language they are learning?

a. 3 monthsb. 6 monthsc. 9 monthsd. 12 monthse. 18 months


It is when children are around nine months of age that adults can begin to sense
which language they are learning.

4. What pragmatic ability do children acquire through their feeding routines in the
first year of life?
a. How to say pleaseb. How to take turns in conversationc. How to
address someone politelyd. How to say thank youe. How to greet someone


Turn-taking is also a feature of several other early parent/child interactions, such as

dressing and changing.

5. What do people often do with their lips during babytalk?

a. Keep them shutb. Spread themc. Keep them wide apartd. Round
theme. Make kissing noises with them


Lip-rounding is a very common feature, observed in a wide range of languages.

6. What would be a sign of linguistic deterioration in old age (senescence)?

a. Good story-telling skillsb. Ability to recall people's namesc. Singing

abilityd. A weak voice qualitye. Aptitude for foreign languages


Because the muscles controlling the movement of the vocal cords no longer
function so well, a weak or husky voice is often the result.

7. When do we find the earliest evidence of writing?

a. 1,000 years agob. 2,000 years agoc. 5–10,000 years agod. 50,000
years agoe. 100,000 years ago

Around 10,000 years ago we find clay tokens of different shapes being used in the
Middle East as an early system of accounting, which bear a resemblance to early
written symbols 5,000 years later.

8. When was the Old English period in the history of English?

a. 500-100 BCb. 100-350 ADc. 350-650 ADd. 650-1150 ADe.

1150-1400 AD


The Anglo-Saxons arrived in the 5th century, but written remains begin to build up
only from the 7th century.

9. What do we call words that look or sound like each each other but whose
meanings are different?

a. Synonymsb. False friendsc. Oppositesd. Similese. Tautology


The term is a translation from a French expression ‘faux amis’.

10. Which of these letter distinctions was missing from the English alphabet in the
14th century?

a. u / vb. a / ec. y / zd. p / qe. s/c


As well as ‘u’ versus ‘v’, the distinction between ‘I’ and ‘j’ was also not yet being
11. Who said that trying to stop language change is like trying to ‘lash the wind’?

a. William Shakespeareb. Geoffrey Chaucerc. Samuel Johnsond.

William Wordsworthe. J K Rowling


Dr Johnson wrote this in the Preface to his great Dictionary of the English

12. Which company has used the sentence 'I'm loving it' as a slogan?

a. BBCb. BPc. Barclaysd. Tescoe. Macdonalds


It illustrates the increased usage of the present continuous form of the verb in
English in recent years.

Lecture 5

Previous | Start | Next

1. Which feature of language is referred to by the term ‘accent’?

a. Syntaxb. Pronunciationc. Vocabularyd. Pragmaticse.


Don't confuse ‘accent’ and ‘dialect’: ‘dialect’ refers to the use of vocabulary and
grammar as well.

2. What do you call the effect when one person's accent is influenced by another's?

a. Assimilationb. Elisionc. Imitationd. Accommodatione. Ellipsis


We say that one person ‘accommodates’ to the other — either by the accents
coming closer together (‘converging’) or going further apart (‘diverging’).

3. What of the following accents is most likely to be heard in British call centres?

a. Scottishb. Welshc. Irishd. Scousee. Cockney


We're most likely to hear an accent originating in the south-east of Scotland,

especially Edinburgh.

4. Where are ‘mother-in-law’ languages spoken?

a. Walesb. Francec. Australiad. Irelande. Japan


For example in the aboriginal language known as Dyirbal. These special styles of
speech are found in some North American and African languages too.

5. Roughly how many languages are there in the world?

a. 2,000b. 4,000c. 6,000d. 10,000e. 20,000


Some estimates go as far as 7,000; it's often difficult to decide whether two
communities are speaking different languages or different dialects of the same

6. Roughly what proportion of world population is to some degree bilingual?

a. 10%b. 30%c. 50%d. 75%e. 90%


The important criterion is that at least two languages are being routinely used in
daily life. A person may be more fluent in one language than in the other.

7. Which word best describes a person's individual preferences in language use?

a. Dialectb. Accentc. Inflectiond. Stylee. Lingo


The term ‘style‘ is also used in relation to literary genres and social groups.

8. Which of these topics is likely to be studied by a forensic linguist?

a. Poetryb. Sermonsc. Forgeryd. Sports commentarye.



Forensic linguistics is the study of the way language provides part of the evidence
in a legal enquiry.
9. Which professional people work with patients who have a language disability?

a. Elocutionistsb. Speech / language therapistsc. Telecommunication

engineersd. Graphologistse. Copy-editors


The profession goes under different names around the world, such as ‘speech
pathology’ and ‘logopedics’.

10. Who said that poets ‘bend and break’ the rules of a language?

a. Robert Gravesb. William Wordsworthc. Harold Pinterd. Dylan

Thomase. William Shakespeare


Not just poets but all literary authors try to be original in the way they use

11. What is another term for ‘language play’?

a. Vernacular languageb. Jargonc. Ludic languaged. Idiomatic

languagee. Slang


The term ‘ludic’ comes from Latin ludere meaning ‘to play’; Ludo is also the name
of a popular children's board game.

12. Who is the author of the play The Birthday Party?

a. Dylan Thomasb. William Shakespearec. Terry Pratchettd. Alan
Ayckbourne. Harold Pinter


Harold Pinter also wrote Mountain Language, a short play about linguistic

1. What do we call a discourse produced by a single speaker?

a. Dialogueb. Conversationc. Monologued. Monographe. Chat


‘Monologue’ is here being contrasted with ‘dialogue’, involving at least two


2. What is the name some grammarians have given to such parenthetical

expressions as ‘you know’ and ‘you see’?

a. Noun phrasesb. Comment clausesc. Relative clausesd.

Subordinate clausese. Major sentences


They chose this name because many such expressions seem to be ‘making a
comment’ about the rest of the sentence.
3. What word best describes our sense of what is beautiful or ugly in language?

a. Socialb. Meaningfulc. Audibled. Aesthetice. Legible


Our aesthetic sense is heavily involved when we respond to poetry, but any use of
language can be explored from an aesthetic point of view.

4. What factor chiefly influences the character of our linguistic likes and dislikes?

a. How we were taught in schoolb. How intelligent we arec. Where we

were bornd. Where we livee. How many siblings we have


Anything can have an influence on our linguistic atitudes, but nothing matches the
influence of the ideas about language we learn in school.

5. Which of these words do you most associate with prescriptivism?

a. Changeb. Variationc. Correctnessd. Tolerancee. Description


A prescriptive approach maintains that variations in usage should be seen as either

‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’.

6. What word best describes how a use of language suits a particular situation?

a. Correctb. Appropriatec. Accurated. Propere. Standard


Language learning involves acquiring a sense of linguistic appropriateness, as well

as a command of structure and use.

7. What technology fostered the use of the English word ‘hello’?

a. Printingb. The telephonec. The fax machined. The Internete.



‘Hello’ (often spelled with an ‘a’ or a ‘u’) is a late 19th-century development in

English, though related words (such as ‘holla’) are found earlier.

8. How many characters are available in writing a Twitter message?

a. 100b. 110c. 120d. 140e. 160


Twitter has been described as ‘the SMS of the Internet’, but 20 of the 160
characters available to texters had to be reserved for technical reasons.

9. Where do we routinely see texts created by multiple authors?

a. Novelsb. Poetryc. Wikipediad. Text-messagese. Blogs


Wikipedia is not the only Internet setting to permit contributions from several
contributors, as seen also in chatrooms and online forums.

10. What factor especially affects our reading of poetry on a mobile phone?
a. Bandwidthb. Choice of fontc. The size of the screend.
Abbreviationse. Punctuation


When the poem is longer than just three or four short lines, we have no idea how
long it is, so we are continually having to revise our judgments as we scroll down.

11. What do we call linguistics when it tries to solve problems in other domains?

a. Speech sciencesb. Communication studiesc. Media studiesd.

Cultural linguisticse. Applied linguistics


Any of the branches of linguistics can be used in this way, so you will see such
labels as ‘applied phonetics’ and ‘applied pragmatics’.

12. Which fictitious character talked about becoming a ‘master’ of language?

a. Harry Potterb. Darth Vadarc. James Bondd. Humpty Dumptye.

Homer Simpson


He talks to Alice about it in Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll.

Which of the following terms
are assigned to the 13 properties
identified by Hockett (1960)?

Your Answer: Schemas

Correct Answer: Linguistic

Incorrect! They are linguistic


2. Which of Hockett’s (1960)

principles can be defined as ‘A
small set of phonemes can be
combined and re-combined
into an infinitely large set of

Your Answer: Broadcast

Correct Answer: Duality of

Incorrect! This refers to duality

of function

3. Which of the following is the

smallest unit within a language

Your Answer: Morpheme

Correct Answer: Phoneme

Incorrect! The smallest unit is a

4. Which of the following
definitions are consistent with

Your Answer: Analysis of

beyond the
level of the
Correct Answer: None of

Incorrect! Discourse is the

‘analysis of language beyond
the level of the sentence’

5. Which of the following was the

first stage of modern

Your Answer: Linguistic

Correct Answer: Structuralism

Incorrect! It was structuralism

6. Hermann Paul (1886) argued

that the most basic building
block of language was which
of the following?

Your Answer: Morpheme

Correct Answer: Words
Incorrect! He disagreed with
Wundt and argued the most
basic element was the word

7. The term psycholinguistics was

first used in which period?

Your Answer: Pre-

Correct Answer: Formative

Incorrect! It was the formative


8. Who was the main contributor

to the linguistic period?

Your Answer: Wundt

Correct Answer: Chomsky

Incorrect! It was Noam


9. Which two names are often

associated with the cognitive
period of modern linguistics?

Your Answer: Wundt and

Correct Answer: Fodor and
Incorrect! It is Fodor and

10. Which of the following are not

aspects of Dell (1986) and Dell
and O’Seaghdha’s (1991)

Your Answer: Syntactic

Correct Answer: All of these
aspects are
part of the

Incorrect! All of these are

features of the model

11. What is the nature of

processing in the spreading
activation model?

Your Answer: Cascading

Correct Answer: Parallel

Incorrect! It is parallel

12. What is the correct definition

of WEAVER++?
Your Answer: It is a form
of sign
Correct Answer: Word-form
Encoding by

Word-form Encoding by
Activation and Verification

13. What is a lemma?

Your Answer: None of

Correct Answer: The abstract
form of a
relating to
the meaning
of a word

Incorrect! ‘A Lemma is the

abstract form of a word
containing information relating
to the meaning of a word.’
14. What is the correct name for a
physical plan of movement of
the vocal tract?

Your Answer: Taciscope

Correct Answer: Gestural

Incorrect! It is a gestural score

15. Foulke and Sticht (1969)

estimated that individuals can
understand how many words
per minute in a familiar

Your Answer: 300

Correct Answer: 250

Incorrect! Their estimate was

250 words per minute

16. Liberman (1967) argued for

which view of speech

Your Answer: The

Correct Answer: The special

Incorrect! Liberman argued

that there are specialized
processes for speech perception
17. The McGurk effect
demonstrates that which two
processes are not

Your Answer: Perceptual

Correct Answer: Visual and

Incorrect! Visual and auditory

perception are not

18. Marslen-Wilson (1984, 1987)

proposed which of the
following models?

Your Answer: COHORT

model of word

19. Ellis and Young (1988)

proposed which of the
following models?

Your Answer: WEAVER++

Correct Answer: Dual route
model of
Incorrect! It was the dual route
model of reading

20. The TRACE model

incorporates which forms of

Your Answer: Only

Correct Answer: A variety of
and top-

Incorrect! It includes both

bottom-up and top-down

. Acoustic phonetics is the study ofa)The production of speech sounds in

languagesb)The generation of speech sounds by robotsc)The physical properties of
speech soundsd)The perception of speech sounds by humans2. The use of the verb
googlein the phrase ‘google it’ represents a case of word formation
viaa)Borrowingb)Coinagec)Conversiond)Derivation3. The bound morpheme eracts
as an inflectional morpheme ina)Actorb)Character
c)Quieterd)Writer4. If a syntactic rule is applied more than once in generating a
sentence then this is known
asa)Movementb)Transformationc)Recursiond)Complementation5. When the
meaning of one form is included in another, the relationship between them is
described asa)Antonymyb)Synonymyc)Hyponomyd)Polyseny6. The knowledge of
the physical context of the speaker is necessary to make sense of ta)Deictic
expressionsb)Presuppositionc)Referenced)Entialment7. Which one of the
following is a feature of speakers rather than their speecha)Cohesion
b)Coherencec)Entailmentd)Deictic expressions8. The term Interlanguage refers
toa)A language which is a mixture of two languagesb)A system of rules used by
the speakers of a languagec)A system of rules designed to be used by the learners
of L2d)A system of rules generated by the speakers of L1 who are learning L2 9.
Which one of the following constitutes an Adjacency Pair in Conversation
Analysis?a)Two similar questions asked in rapid successionb)A mechanism used
to repair an embarrassing mistakec)An interviewer and interviewee sitting next to
each otherd)Two linked phases of conversation10. Which one of the following
statement is true of discourse?a)Discourse could be found in interview
datab)Discourse is how language operates in real life communicative
eventsc)Discourse is language at a level which is broader than a sentenced)All of
these11. The co-existence of two different varieties of language in a society which
differ in their social status is known as
a)Multiculturalismb)Pidginizationc)Linguistic relativityd)Diglossia12. A hybrid
language which develops its own grammar and vocabulary and also acquires the
status of the native language of a group of speakers is knows as aa)Pidginb)Sign
languagec)Anti-languaged)Creole13. The cult of seeing postmodernism as the
converse of the ideals of the Enlightenment is opposed bya)Jean-Francois
Lyotardb)Roland Barthesc)Jurgen Habermasd)Michel Foucault14. Which of the
following lived during the Romantic Age in the history of English
Literature?a)John Clareb)Richard Hookerc)Allan Ramsayd)Samuel Richardson
15. The most important factor(s) affecting the proceedings of a qualitative research
isa)The belief about the nature of the social worldb)The nature of knowledge and
how it can be acquiredc)The purpose and goals of the researchd)All of the above
16. Which type of research is likely to make use ofnon-standardized, adaptable
methods of data generation?a)Mixed researchb)Qualitative researchc)Quantitative
researchd)None of the above17. Quantitative research is best described as a)The
collection of nonnumeric datab)An attempt to confirm the researcher’s
hypothesesc)Research that is exploratoryd)Research that attempts to generate a
new theory18. An entity which can have different values is known asa)A cause-
and-effect relationshipb)A variable c)A constant

1. Which of the following is NOT part of grammar of spoken languages?

Your Answer: Sentence structure

The correct answer was Intonation

Intonation is pitch and the 'rhythm' and 'tune' of speech. It is often

important for the meaning. For example, in English (and many other
languages) a statement can be turned into a question by using a 'rising'

37% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
2. Which of the following is NOT needed for something to be called a language?

Your Answer: Over 10,000 people use it

There are some languages which only have a couple people speaking them,
yet they are still considered a language.

59% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
3. Which of the following is not a dialect of English?

Your Answer: Slang

40% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
4. A language can be made up of various dialect(s).

Your Answer: True

A dialect is a sub-variety of a language. If there are 2 varieties of a

language that are mutually intelligible, that usually means they are dialects
of the same language.

80% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
5. What is the dominant accent in the United States?

Your Answer: General American

That's the accent that all TV newscasters try to speak with.

53% of players have answered I see an error - submit
correctly. correction...
6. Which of the following is not part of a grammar (in a linguistic sense) of a

Your Answer: The number of people who use it

83% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
7. This deals with the distinctive sounds that are combined to make words.

Your Answer: lexicon

The correct answer was phonology

84% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
8. The dictionary of a language can be called:

Your Answer: lexicon

84% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
9. Morphology is what?

Your Answer: The way a language builds words by putting small,

meaningful units together.

A morpheme is a small, meaningful unit. Take the word 'blackboard' - the

two morphemes are 'black' and board'.

52% of players have answered I see an error - submit

correctly. correction...
10. Most English teachers concentrate on teaching you:
Your Answer: prescriptive grammar

Descriptive grammar is the way actual living people use the language,
while prescriptive is what you are supposed to do.

46% of players have answered correctly.

Q.1. The Number of monophthong in English sound's is

A. 8

B. 24

C. 12

D. 46

Ans : C

Q.2. The Number of diphtongs in English Sound is

A. 12

B. 8

C. 44

D. 20


Q. 3. Which total number of sounds in English language is

A. 12

C. 20

D. 44

Ans: D

Q. 4- Which one of the following is not an organ of speech?

A. leg

B. Tongue

C. Vocal chord

D. Lips

Ans: A

Q. 5. Total Number of consonant sound in English is

A. 12

B. 8

C. 20

D. 24

Q. 6. We need an air stream mechanism for the

A. Production of Speech

B. Digestion process

C. Blood circulation process

D. Dexidation Process

Ans: A
Q.7. What is essential to acquire a good pronunciation in English language?

A. a lot of conscious efforts

B. a lot of systematic efforts

C. a lot of regular practice

D. All the above

Ans: D

Q.8. Our respiratory system consists of

A. Lungs

B. Air Pipe

C. Nostrils

D. All the above

Ans: D

Q..9. The hard convex surface just Behind the upper front teeth is called

A. soft palate

B. teeth ridge

C. hard palate

D. tongue

Ans C

Q.10.Diphthong is a

A. Pure vowel sound

B. Pure consonant sound

C. Vowel glides or mixed vowel sounds

D. none of the above

Ans: C

Q.11. The letters a,e,i,o,u in English alphabet are called

A. Clusters

B. Consonants

C. Vowels

D. Words

Ans: C

Q.12. The Latter of English alphabet other than vowels care called

A. Word

B. vowels

C. clusters

D. consonants

Ans: D

Q.13. When one sound is given by two consonants, it is called

A. vowel sound

B. consonant sound

C. single sound
D. consonant cluster

Ans: D

Q.14. which fo the following has /: i / sound

A. Car

B. seat

C. fit

D. books

Ans: B

Q. 15. which of the following has /e:/sound

A. but

B. arm

C. about

D. aunt

Ans: C

Q.16. The example of consonant cluster is

A. sea

b. guard

C. guilty

D. play

Ans: D
Q. 17. The following does not belong to the basic components of speech

A. stress

B. rhythm

C. poem

D. intonation

Ans: C

Q.18. The word "Doctor" has

A. Two syllables with stress on one

B. two syllables with stress on both

C. two syllables with stress on first

D. two syllables with stress on second

Ans: C

Q.19. "The degree of force with which sound or syllable of a word is uttered" is

A. intonation

B. stress

C. Rhythm

D. Pause

Ans: B

Q.20. "The Change of pitch of voice " is called

A. stress
B. Rhythm

C. Pause

D. Intonation

Ans: D

Q. 21. The rise and fall of pitch in voice is called

A. Flueny

B. Pause

C. Intonation

D. Stress

Ans: C

Q.22. "The smallest unit of words" is called

A. Phoneme

B. Allophone

C. Juncture

D. Morpheme

Ans: A

Q.23. "The study of articulation, transmission and reception of speech sound ," is

A. Linguistics

B. Morphology
C. Phonetics

D. syntax

Ans: C

Q.24. Defective pronunciation in india prevails as

A. There is dearth of books on phonetics

B. No firm rules for pronunciation

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

Ans: C

Q.25. "Phonetics" is a part of language study.It is

A. Study of system of sound of language

B. Study of words

C. study of articulation, transmission and reception of speech sounds

D. None of the above

Ans: C

Q.26. The teacher does not tell or interpret whether the answer is correct or not in

A. Testing activity

B. Teaching activity

C. Language game activity

D. Demonstration activity
Ans: A

Q.27. Flow correct pause stress and intonation is only possible through ther
practice of

A. Comprehesion

B. Oral Exkpresssion

C. Reading

D. Writing

Ans: B

Q.28. English can be learnt only by the

A. Practice of applied grammar

B. Practice of speaking

C. study of grammar

D. study of functional grammar

Ans: B

Q.29. The advantage of Rhymes in the

A. it removes shyness

B.It encourages students to recite together Makes the teaching joyful

D.All the above

Ans: D
Q.30. According to phonetic method, the unit of a word is

A. Sentence

B. Word

C. Sound

D. Letter

Ans: D

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