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IT Essentials Chapter 5 Study Guide

Name: Roy Willynson Del Orbe Medina (2018-7315)

Fill in the answers below.

1. What are the four basic functions of an operating system?

a. Control de acceso al hardware
b. Administración de archivos y carpetas
c. Proporción de una interfaz de usuario
d. Administración de aplicaciones

2. The registros contains information about applications, users, hardware, network settings, and file types.

3. Another name for a folder is a directorios

4. An OS can have two types of interfaces. Name them.

a. Interfaz de línea de comandos (CLI, Command-line interface)
b. Interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI, Graphical user interface)

5. You are ready to upgrade a computer to Windows XP. What should you check to make sure the hardware is
compatible with it?
a. Hardware Compatibility List
b. Windows XP Help
c. Microsoft Forums
d. Windows Upgrade Checker

6. A programmer making software for Windows should check this for multimedia compatibility standards.
a. HCL
b. API
c. DirectX
d. OpenGL

7. You need to change the file system on a computer from FAT32 to NTFS. What should you do?
a. Format the drive
b. Run the Convert utility
c. Partition the drive
d. Reimage it

8. What are the general guidelines that a programmer should use to make sure software is compatible with the OS
it is designed for?
a. HCL
b. API
c. DirectX
d. OpenGL
9. After you install Windows 7, which area will verify the hardware is working?
a. System Info
b. Device Manager
c. Defragmentation
d. Msconfig

10. Fill in each capability.

a. Using two or more CPUs Multiprocesamiento
b. Using two or more applications at the same time Multitarea
c. Multiple users can access the OS at the same time Multiusuario

11. Which area of memory…

a. Are device drives located? Repositorio de documentos
b. Is the OS? Disco duro
d. Are application programs? RAM
e. Is 1MB and up? Memoria extendida
f. Is the first 640KB? Memoria convencional

12. Which mode would Windows XP use to run an old DOS program?
a. Protected mode
b. Real mode
c. Virtual real mode
d. Real protected mode

13. Which troubleshooting program allows you to customize system tools into one location using snap-ins?
a. MMC
b. Task Manager
c. Device Manager
d. Computer Management

14. You installed a new driver for your monitor. Now it isn’t displaying properly. Which start-up mode would you
use to download a new driver from the manufacturer?
a. Safe Mode
b. Safe Mode with Networking Support
c. Safe Mode with Command Prompt
d. Virtual Real Mode

15. Of course, other than doing the above step, the easiest thing you could click the option to…
a. Restart the computer
b. Roll back the driver
c. Use the Last Known Good Configuration
d. Re-image the computer
16. If the OS fails to start, it probably means…
a. The printer is not compatible
b. The keyboard is wireless
c. The MBR is corrupt
d. Word isn’t installed correctly

17. Which mode would you use to operate a Windows 95 program in Windows 7, where it can simulate it running in
a. Real Mode
b. Protected Mode
c. Virtual Real Mode
d. Compatibility Mode

18. Under which directory pictured, would you

find the OS system files? F) Windows

19. Up to how much RAM can a 32-bit system

recognize? 4 gigabytes de RAM

20. Up to how much RAM can a 64-bit system

recognize? 16 exabytes de RAM

21. Which registry file contains info about…

a. Desktop and config settings for the
person logged into the computer? A)
b. The hardware & software on the
machine? B) dell
c. All users who have logged onto the
computer? D) LogFiles

22. You are about to install Windows 7. What can

happen if you choose CUSTOM (Advanced)?
a. It keeps all of your existing files
b. You can add partitions
c. You can decide where you want to install Windows
d. You can access the MBR
e. It will install a fresh, new copy of Windows 7
f. It can repair the previous install of Windows
23. Which system utility is used from XP & up to check the integrity of files & folders?
a. Chkdsk
b. Scandisk
c. Defrag
d. Msinfo

24. What kind of backup is described?

a. Backs up files & folders that changed since the last backup. Diferencial
b. All files are backed up. Full backup
c. Backs up the files modified on the day of the backup. Protección continua de datos
d. Backs up the files & folder modified since the last full backup. Incremental

25. What key gets you into safe mode?

a. F1
b. F5
c. F8
d. F12

26. What tool allows you to “transfer” your files & settings to a new OS? Windows Easy Transfer(Windows) y
Migration Assistant (MAC OS)

27. This is what you have, pictured. Why can’t you

select the upgrade option when trying to install
Windows Vista Premium? Click here to enter text.

28. What two files (depending on the version of

Windows you have) will allow you to select from a
menu which OS you want to start? (CHOOSE 2)
b. Boot.ini
c. Hall.dll
d. Boot BCD
e. NToskrnl

29. Where are the boot instructions kept? En el ROM

30. Where is the OS normally kept? En el disco duro

pero luego que comienza el sistema operativo es
copiado al ram

31. What happens when you first start a computer? comienza el SO

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