Urology: By:Dishita Sarma Mha 3 Semester

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By:Dishita Sarma
MHA 3rd Semester
• Introduction
• Scope of Services
• Common Diseases covered
• Staffing
• NABH Indicators
• List of Specialized Hospitals
Urology(from Greek οὖρον ouron "urine"
and -λογία -logia "study of"), also known as
genitourinary surgery ,it is the branch of
medicine that specializes in treating the
urinary tract in males and females, and the
male reproductive system. General urology
treats conditions and disorders that include
the adrenal gland, kidney, ureteral,
bladder, prostate, urethral, testicular and
vaginal disorders.
What Are Urologic Diseases?
• The term “urologic diseases” describes a wide
variety of conditions, all related to the processing
and carrying of urine out of the body. They can
affect men, women, and children of all ages.
• These diseases affect very specific parts of the
body. In females, they involve the urinary tract. In
males, they affect the urinary tract and/or the
reproductive organs.
As medical discipline that involves the care of many
organs and physiological systems, urology can be
broken down into several subdisciplines. At many
larger academic centers and university hospitals
that excel in patient care and clinical research,
urologists often specialize within a particular
subdiscipline of urology.
Endourology refers to a specific specialty area in
urology in which small internal endoscopes and
instrumentation is used to see into the urinary tract
and perform surgery.

Laparoscopy is a rapidly evolving branch of urology

and has replaced some open surgical procedures.
This part of urology deals with the application of
laproscopic surgery to treat urinary tract and other
urinary parts.
Urologic oncology
• Urologic oncology concerns the surgical treatment
of malignant genitourinary diseases such as cancer
in the urinary glands. It means Urologic oncology is
the field of Urology concerned with the research
and treatment of cancers of the urinary system for
both genders.
Neurourology concerns nervous system control of the
genitourinary system, and of conditions causing
abnormal urination. This section of urology takes
care of the nervous system that is connected to the
urinary part of the human body and that directly or
indirectly directs urine flow.
Genitourinary: A system comprising of female and
male genitals along with the urinary system.
Pediatric urology
Pediatric urology concerns urologic disorders
in children. Problems in children can be delicate as
the organs and glands are not properly developed.
Female Urology

Female Urology, also known as Urogynecology, is a

branch of urology dealing with overactive bladder
and urinary incontinence,it results in the unwanted
release of urine.
Scope of Services
Endo Urology,
Laparoscopic Urology
Uro Oncology
Reconstructive Urology
Paediatric Urology
Uro Gynaecology
Overviews of Some of the Most
Common Urologic Diseases
There are many urologic disorders and diseases. The
following are a selection of some of the diseases
identified by the American Urological Association
Foundation (AUAF) as common.
• Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
• Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged
prostate. It is an increase in the size of the prostate
gland. BPH is very common in older men. It is not caused
by prostate cancer.
• The symptoms of BPH are due to the pressure that a
larger prostate can place on the urethra. The urethra is
the narrow tube that carries urine from the bladder and
out of the body.
• Incontinence
• Incontinence is a loss of bladder control. It results in the
unwanted release of urine. This condition can be
inconvenient and embarrassing for sufferers. However, it
is far from uncommon.
• There are numerous things that can cause
incontinence. A few of the most common
causes include:
• diabetes
• pregnancy or childbirth
• overactive bladder
• enlarged prostate
• weak bladder muscles
• weak sphincter muscles (muscles
supporting the urethra)
• urinary tract infections
• injury to the spinal cord
• constipation
• Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
• UTIs are the result of undesirable yeast, bacteria, or
viruses that attack the urinary tract and cause
infection. They are much more common in women,
although men can get them too.
• Kidney and Ureteral Stones
• Stones develop in the kidneys when there are
crystals in the urine and small particles surround
and collect on these crystals. Ureteral stones are
ones that move from the kidney into the ureter (the
tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the
• These stones can block urine flow and cause a
considerable amount of pain.
Tips to Improve Your Overall Urological
• General Guidelines
• Stay hydrated.
• Drink cranberry juice to help prevent urinary tract
infections (UTIs).
• Limit the amount of salt and caffeine you consume.
• Stay within a healthy weight range.
• Choose a smoke-free lifestyle.
• Strengthen the muscles of the pelvic area with
Kegel exercises.
• Ultrasonic stone disintegration apparatus:
used to break down kidney stones into smaller
fragments to allow them to pass out without the
need of any surgery
• Cystoscope:
an endoscope to view the urinary passage.
• Holmium laser is a machine used to treat an
enlarged prostate
• Here a laser is used to precisely remove the
obstructive portion of the prostate
• Uretroscope
Used to examine
the upper urinary
tract which is
passed through
the urethra or
bladder to see
formation of
• Director Urology Dept(MBBS,
• Senior Consultant & Surgeon
• Consultants
• Nurses
• Critical results are intimated immediately to the
concerned personnel
• During all phases of care, there is a qualified
individual identified as responsible for the patient’s
• Information about the patient’s care and response
to treatment is shared among medical, nursing and
other care providers
• Information is exchanged and documented during
each staffing shift, between shifts, and during
transfers between units/departments
• Patient rights include respect for personal dignity
and privacy during examination, procedures and
List of some best
Hospitals in Urology
o Max Healthcare
o Apollo Hospitals
o KIMS,Hyderabad
o BLK Hospital,Delhi
o NU Hospitals,Banglore

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