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Id: 602862

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios

Administración en Salud Ocupacional

Reading comprehension: Look at the video about reading comprehension activity and explain six
tips to increase this skill

1. Begin to read simple texts with a colloquial vocabulary, then read more specialized
text. Alternates the complexity of the language. This way you will increase your
vocabulary and get used to a different text.

2. Tranquility: You need to read in a quiet place so you can concentrate. All your
attention must be on reading. Read quietly and sitting, enjoy what you read so it is
easier to understand.

3. Read slowly: To improve your reading comprehension, you must read each line
slowly. So you will feel obligated to understand prayer by prayer

4. MAKE SUMMARIES extract the central ideas.

5. Start with simple text that are our interest

6. look up words related to the questions and answer them

7. Pauses: Pause each paragraph, to continue your reading. Analyze what you read to
make sure you understood

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