The Room On The Fifth Floor Revised

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"I saw my pregnant wife in labor breaking down on the cold hard floor in the hallway.

It was like
the world was ending and crumbling at my feet. I watched her blood drip on the cold floor my
heart started to break. I saw how a women body decrease from the pain she is giving out towards
this world. "
Before help came, I turned around and saw Caroline crawling towards me. I Watched the traces
of her blood dragging along with her blue cotton dress, I walked towards her. I held her up,
rubbing my hands through her light brown hair, wiping her sweaty face.
“How are you feeling darling? “I asked.
“A beautiful melon." Charlie Smiled
Caroline rolls her eyes “Sometimes I want to slap you. you're so lucky I'm in labor.”
I closed my eyes and pictured the growth of our baby. He or She is playing along the baseball
field, or dancing in the brown mud on a rainy day. Watching my insane wife yelling at them
while they rush throughout our red brick home in the suburbs, I just know it will be okay once
this is over.
"I saw two tall men wearing a blue doctor uniform. Holding a wheelchair while running down
the gloomy grey hallway, I was distracted by the broken lighting and couldn't help but smell our
newborn on the way. It felt like a thunderstorm is heading our way. "
I felt a lump in my throat as if I was about to have a panic attack, because this is really
happening. I clutched my fist, bite my chapped lip and held Caroline around my arms tighter.
The Lukewarm of her blood hitting my blue jeans, I knew something was wrong but then I
prayed that nothing would go wrong.

“Hang on honey, “I pleaded, as I Kissed Caroline forehead.

“I've been hanging on for nine months straight, how long should this take.” Caroline groans
lifting herself on the wheelchair

The doctor's and I rushed Caroline down the pink and white hallway, towards the elevator. I
never knew a pregnancy would end up like this. It felt like we were in an NBA game ready for

“Ewe what is that smell?” Charlie said covering his nose.

“It's called contractions ever heard of it?” Caroline rolls her eyes
"Yes, I have, my mother explained It to me as a kid. "
Caroline sighs. “Of course, she did.”
The doctors grabbed Caroline and lay her down on the blue cotton sheets and began the
process. I sat right next to Caroline holding her hand as tight as I could; however, things have
gotten way worse.
“Charlie holds Caroline hand “Push baby, push, “.
I watched closely to how painfully Caroline was in, noticing her blue veins popping out her
brown skin, she looked like a demon; however, she did yell out some hurtful words but that’s
just her hormones speaking
The doctors were whispering, and I was even more nervous about something I didn’t quit know
what is was, but something didn’t feel right.
“we have noticed that your baby is stuck.” The doctor said.
Caroline aggressively grabs the doctor “I don’t care if my baby is stuck, I don’t care if my baby
is fat, he gets it from his father mother side. All I know is that you better take this goddamn baby
out like I'm a turkey unstuffed me,“Caroline said.
The doctor's help Caroline with her baby, she pushed and pushed, the baby finally arrived and
made it. Caroline held her baby boy around her sweaty arms and cried tears of joy.

“Noah, I want to name him Noah “Caroline grins

“I thought we agreed that we were going to name him LeBron? “I asked

“Name our son Lebron if you want to, you will get this LeBron fist down your throat, do you
understand, “Caroline said Staring angerly at Charlie

Charlie sighs “yes dear."

The sun bloomed, the blue birds chirped by the Clear window, I watched my two angels laying
on the blue cotton sheets, admiring my cute small family. During this hard time, I felt like I can
do anything now. From helping my wife through birth, to delivering our son, anything is

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