Below You Will Find Instructions To Be Followed, and Not Simple Recommendations To Consider. Make Sure To Follow All Instructions Here To The Letter!

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UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE o Students’ names (below seal and its corresponding

Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades

Departamento de Lingüística information and above title; right margin; Times New
English Post-intermediate I: Written Discourse 2019 Roman, 12; spacing between lines, 1; spacing between
paragraphs, 0 pt.; alphabetically; names + last names; in a
8. Title (centered, in bold, Times New Roman, 12).
Below you will find instructions to be followed, and not simple
recommendations to consider. Make sure to follow all instructions here 9. Follow appropriate use of editorial devices when sub-numbering and
to the letter! subtitling (so as to show sections and sub-sections hierarchy).

1. Use, “Manual de Citación APA”, and/or “APA /
MLA Citation Styles” (in U-Cursos). Careful citation style is at the No abstract is required
heart of all 3rd year production.
Title (attractive, but mainly informative)
2. Attach analyzed samples as Appendix (only for hard copies; no need to
scan them to be attached to soft copy!). 1. Introduction (1.5 pages (including 7 and 8 above!))
3. Do not include front page.  Following the CARS model / Samraj’s proposal.
4. Remember: 1 page = 1 sheet (use only one side of every sheet).
2. Brief theoretical framework (2 pages; sub-numbered and subtitled)
5. Number all pages, including the first one.
2.1 Swales 1990 (not the book, only the handout as a source for
6. Know your Office! Times New Roman, 12; spacing between lines1, 1.5;
understanding Swales’ CARS model)
spacing between paragraphs2, 5 pts.; justified margins (but mind
exceptions below). 2.2 Samraj 2002.
(Remember to (a) offer a very, very general summary, and (b) specify
7. Include identification segment before title (left margin; Times New
only those aspects which are directly related to your research
Roman, 10, spacing between lines, 1; spacing between paragraphs, 0
o University seal; below the seal,
3. Methodology (no page indication; sub-numbered and subtitled)
 University
 Faculty  No presentation of objectives is required.
 Department  Brief introductory paragraph, not sub-numbered or subtitled,
 Subject, sub-subject, year explaining summarizing what follows in this section.
 Teacher’s name.
3.1 Samples description: all information you gathered as to the nature of
your samples, one by one, including
“Inicio” in Office Word 365.  Discipline
“Disposición” in Office Word 365.
 Year of publishing etc.), specific verbs / verb phrases (seem to indicate, suggest,
 Any variable relevant to your study (author(s)’ first etc.), and adverbs (possibly, probably, etc).
language, presence of abstracts, etc.).
3.2 Procedures 6. Conclusions (1 full page)
 Narrative mode (in the past tense) of the sequence of  No subsections.
analytical steps you took.  Include a synthesis or summary of the main results.
 Not mentioning individual participation, using impersonal  Include recommendations for students, educators, etc.
3.3 Research questions 7. References
 Introductory paragraph followed by a list of 2-3 research
questions (see “”Research project instructions and class  Following APA (see relevant documents uploaded in U-Cursos).
plan”), presented in a numbered list.  Primary sources section: Samraj (2002); also Swales (1990) (for
 Be careful as to adequate use of question forms. practical purposes, do not cite the handout, but cite the book form
 Choose Wh-questions over yes-no questions. where the handout was made).
 Secondary sources section: samples information
4. Results 8. Appendix
 Brief introductory paragraph.  Attach analyzed samples, with all notes taken, whatever informal.
 Results must be presented in one or more tables, following the
conventions for “tablas” in the “APA tablas y figuras” document
uploaded in U-Cursos. Remember to (a) send your soft copy to your teacher’s mail (“Catalina
 No text-in-paragraph is to be included here, but just one or more Ahumada and Juana Pérez) and (b) hand in a hard copy on due date (or else
table(s). penalizations will be involved).
5. Discussion of results (sub-numbered and subtitled in your own
fashion; 3 pages) RULES OF ENGAGEMENT
 Research questions must be addressed in depth and with precision,
though showing synthesis abilities.  This time, and due to time pressures, there will be no reception of late
 For each question (1 page each): work. Any and all RAs hard copies not received by Wednesday 31st
o If patterns or tendencies are detected, these must be explained (all sections) will have a final grade 1.0 (no exceptions can / will be
in full. made).
o If no patterns or tendencies are detected, results must be  However, all groups that (manage to!) hand in their hard copies on
explained in full. Monday 29th (all sections) before or at 13:30 hrs. will receive a bonus
o You must include any commentaries endowed with descriptive of 0.5 pts. in their final RA grades.
value that you deem necessary. Remember to mitigate  (Soft copies are meant to be just back-ups. All instruction at this point
certainty by using weakening modal verbs (might, may, would, relate to hard copies only. Failure to hand in hard copies before
Wednesday 31st at 13:30 hrs. will translate into final grade 1.0).

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