Ombie Igh: A Zombie Survival One-Shot For Genesys

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Zombie High

a zombie survival one-shot for Genesys.

It's the night of the Halloween Dance at Sentinel Lake High Fortification
School, an event which is sure to prove—lively. The middle phase of the game involves our heroes
fortifying a room in the school (their ‘HQ’) against the
looming threat of the Horde’s arrival. Fortification is
represented abstractly as Fortress Points, which can be
gained by acquiring tools and materials, rescuing
useful faculty, setting up traps, and so on. Fortress
Points will influence the difficulty of the final battle.
Any large, risky gambit may be rewarded with a
Fortress Point. When the Horde arrives, a group would
be likely to survive the attack with 3 - 5 Fortress Points.
Moving Around
Moving from one campus location to another is
inherently dangerous, but should not bog down the
game with constant combat. To move around…
1. Make an appropriate Hard skill check using
Stealth or Athletics (sneaking or sprinting).
2. With a Success, the character arrives at the new
location unharmed.
3. With a Failure, the character is attacked enroute:
5 damage + 1 per , and a Bite can be activated
with or (see 'Infection').
Real-time (optional)
I ran this one-shot in real-time, beginning at
7:30pm. No matter what, the Horde would arrive at the
stroke of midnight. I wanted to introduce a sense of
urgency, and force players to prioritize their objectives.
If you don’t want to run the game in real-time, you
can make it midnight in-game whenever you think it’s
most dramatically appropriate.

SPECIAL CONCEPTS It’s 7:30pm on the night of the Sentinel Lake High
Halloween Dance. The students and faculty are making
Infection the most of things in the well-decorated Gymnasium,
Once bitten (see ‘Zombie’ stats), a victim is infected, and Principal Grossman makes a speech about the
and then it's only a matter of time. most important thing on Halloween night: safety!
There are four levels of illness: One of the faculty bursts in, dressed in a perfect
1. Feeling Fine: No effects. (Start here) zombie costume—or so the students think. Soon
2. Sick as a Dog: to all checks. enough, the zombified teacher bites a student, and the
3. Undeath’s Door: to all checks. Player can infection quickly spreads out of control.
vomit Vile Puke (see 'Zombie' stats) at no penalty. The players’ first objective should be to get out of
4. Dead... for the moment. (End here) the claustrophobic gym, as panic and infection grip the
At the end of each encounter, infected characters dancefloor. This is a group skill challenge:
make a Resilience check: for each they descend one • The teens need 8 - 12 successes to get out alive.
level of illness; for each they ascend one level (this • On a failed check, the character is grabbed by a
cannot cure them). Each player’s first check is Easy . zombie: 5 damage + 1 per , and a Bite can be
Each subsequent check increases in difficult by . activated with or (see 'Infection').
The Deadline Rewards:
• +5xp for finishing the encounter.
The heroes retreat, along with a rag-tag group of
• Fantastic materials for barricading can be found in
about twenty NPC survivors. Wherever they decide to
the woodworking class (+1 Fortress Point).
hunker down is now their ‘HQ’; probably a classroom
• Walkie-talkies.
or other defendable space.
• Whatever they get from Mack’s team.
After the heroes gain their bearings, one of the NPC
• If Mack’s team is convinced to join the players, +1
students offers a disturbing report: from the roof, a
army token (convincing them should be a hard).
major horde can be seen headed this way. It will arrive
at the stroke of midnight, so they’d best spend the next C. Academic building
hours turning their HQ into a fortress! You hear the shrill chatter of the fire alarm even before
Supplies, survivors, and weapons can be found you smell smoke. Hot ash an flames choke the building's
throughout the school (this is a good time to give them halls, while the screams of survivors can be heard
the campus map). Each location offers its own risks mingling with the alarm, coming from the upper floor.
and rewards. They can be tackled in any order. The academic building is on fire, and there are
survivors trapped on the top floor.
FORTIFICATION Fire: Level of fire begins at 2, and increases by +1
During this phase, players risk life and limb at per round. Fire cannot be put out—at least, not in time
various campus locations in order to better fortify their to rescue the survivors.
HQ against the coming horde. Ground floor (start here):
A. Gymnasium Building The ground floor is all hallways, lockers, and
classrooms. Out of the rooms lurch 2 - 5 groups of
Halloween decorations are smashed and snack tables
Flaming Zombies. (As 'Zombies', but only 2 WT, and all
are overturned. There are more familiar faces here than
attacks gain Burn 2).
you’d like to notice, as the living dead shuffle back and
The stairwell leading to the top floor is Long range
forth across the dance floor.
from the entrance. Zombies slow the teens down.
Packed with the Dead: This place is swarming with
This floor also has a fire hose coiled behind glass.
zombies, and will take a lot of work to clear out; there
An average Athletics or Mechanics check reduces
are at least two groups per player.
the Fire level by 1. breaks the hose.
Top floor (survivors are found here):
• 5xp for finishing the encounter.
Thick smoke fills the air (+1 for bad visibility, and
• The gymnasium is the school’s most defensible
any character unable to hold breath suffers 3 Strain
location; +1 Fortress Point if the survivors move
per round).
their HQ here.
A panicking group of teens are considering jumping
• The equipment room has two sets of Football
from the far window (Long range from stairwell). The
Gear (armor, +2 Soak), as well as bats, hockey
jump may kill them.
sticks, etc. (Collapsible Baton stats, pp. 166).
Locked inside a chemistry lab (Medium range from
B. Tech Building stairs) is Ms. Brown, the attractive chemistry teacher.
Your descent into the mazelike guts of the Tech The room's key is in the pocket of one of the zombies
Building is quiet and uneventful. The only signs of undead downstairs, so she’s stuck in there, and she's suffering
are bodies that litter the floor, with puncture wounds in 3 Strain per round.
their heads—or with their heads twisted clean off. A fire axe hangs on one wall (Greataxe, pp. 144).
Ambush: Mack MacLane leads a clique of track & Rewards:
field stars who are using the zombie outbreak as their • 5xp for finishing the encounter.
big chance kick ass and take names. Mack and his • Saving Ms. Brown will acquires her ability to create
squad will try to ambush the heroes from hiding: Molotov cocktails (+1 Fortress Point).
• 2 - 5 Students, armed with Bows or Javelins (as • Saving the teens grants +1 army token during the
Light Spear, pp. 144), and 1 level of an final battle.
appropriate combat skill. • 3 Molotov Cocktails for player use: Ranged, Dam 6,
• Mack is captain of the wrestling team (Student Crit 3, Blast 4, Burn 3, Limited Ammo 1.
with +1 Adversary, +1 Brawn, +1 Brawl). D. Admin & Faculty Building
Mack’s clique wants our heroes’ gear, booze, and
The silhouette of the faculty building looms darkly
running shoes. They want it bad, but they’re hesitant to
through the rain. Stalking its perimeter is something
shed human blood. This encounter is the “potentially
hulking, sinister—and dragging a lamp post behind it.
dangerous rival gang of survivors” zombie trope.
Principal Grossman reacted badly to zombification;
Contest: The athletes may be convinced to offer a
he has transformed into a hulking super-zombie. He's
truce; both parties put a few items into a pot, and they
drawn to the faculty building, and has an instinctive
resolve their dispute with some kind of track & field
desire to give all students detention—permanently!
contest; winner takes all.
Encountering him warrants a Fear Check.
Coach Pitt is also holed up inside the building itself, Chaplain Walsh is a 'Faculty', with +1 Coercion, +1
panic-firing from the window at anything that moves Charm, and the following personality traits:
(he has Ranged; Light Pistol stats are on pp. 166). • Strength: Natural optimist who believes the world
Rewards: can become a better place.
• School Blueprints from the admin office. Moving • Flaw: Prone to self-loathing.
between locations is now an Easy check. • Desire: To be absolved of all guilt.
• 5x painkillers from the nurse's office. • Fear: That he is an insignificant person who
• Coach Pitt. He excels at keeping the students in cannot make any positive difference in the world.
line and at attention. +1 Fortress Point. Chaplain Walsh and his choir have no defenses,
weapons, or supplies. They await their fate.
E. Fields Rewards:
In the shadows of the moonless night, dozens of forms • 5xp for finishing the encounter.
lurch across the track fields and tennis courts. You hear • For saving the students, +1 army token during the
something else: the thud-thudding of hooves on soft earth. final battle.
Two horses with police tack have apparently lost • If they manage to recruit Chaplain Walsh, his
their riders, and now wander the field, ignored by the military knowledge grants +1 Fortress Point.
zombies. It’s not smart to get caught outside, in the
dark, with hordes of zombies roaming around. But Trouble at HQ (optional)
those horses might just be worth it. Run this after the players have acquired 1 - 3
This could be a skill challenge... Fortress Points, and are returning to HQ.
• Stealth, Survival, and Riding are relevant skills. Tracy and Ammar, two popular kids, have been
• 8 - 12 are needed before 3 failed checks, in sowing dissent against our heroes, questioning their
order to sneak through the fields, capture the leadership and ability. In the players’ absence, Tracy
horses, and ride out without making noise. and Ammar have seized leadership of the group and
• If the alarm is sounded, the heroes may still “made some hard choices” about who to protect, and
capture the horses—but now it's a nasty brawl as who to cut loose.
more and more groups of zombies pile on. As for the other students at HQ…
Rewards: • One-third support the new leaders.
• 5xp for completing the encounter. • One-third support our heroes.
• Two police horses (if the players can make clever • One-third doesn’t know what to think.
use of them, give them +1 Fortress Point). Locked out:
• One police shotgun, slick with blood (pp. 166). Returning to HQ, the students find the door locked
• 2 Javelins sprawled next to a broken-open and barricaded against them. Tracy and Ammar refuse
equipment box (as Light Spear, pp. 144). to let them in. “A tighter group is more likely to survive.
We can only save the people we can, like, really count
F. Chapel on, and you losers aren’t it.”
Approaching the chapel, you hear the plinking of piano Players can approach this however they want, but
music and what sounds like a dozen low voices singing a there is little to ‘gain’ here—only to lose.
hymn. The doors are ajar, and there’s no sign of a guard. Rewards:
It’s only matter of time before the dead wander inside. • +5xp for finishing the encounter.
Do you want to know what caused the outbreak? • Be ready to deduct 1 - 2 Fortress Points if the
Well, Chaplain Walsh is convinced he’s responsible. outcome is less than ideal for the survivors.
Walsh is a slightly unhinged veteran who despises his
civilian life, and in a moment of weakness he prayed THE HORDE
for God to damn all of At the stroke of midnight, the
humanity to Hell. ‘Fortification’ phase ends as the
Now that his prayers appear Horde descends upon Sentinel
to have come true, the good
egal Blur.2b) by -
Chaplain is wracked with guilt.
L (v pocket­con
tents, 2018. Lake High.
bi e Hi gh stribute This final encounter is a major
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He’s gathered a dozen students granted to pr more at
Permission is nal use on ly . Fin d battle against a seemingly-
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(mostly band kids) to sing, pray, this docum en t fo
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and allow God’s will to be done ts.wordpress
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e re ferences the es.
—whatever that may be. Th is ga m
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good preparations, and a bit of
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If someone doesn’t sy stem ,
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choir is fairly loyal, mostly to th e qu ality, viabilit
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content to follow his lead. rpose of this
for pu
Mass Battle Zombie (minion)
Survivors start with 8 army tokens, Zombies start These shambling walkers were your friends, teachers,
with 10; these represent their relative strengths. One teammates. Now they stare at you from the great beyond.
survivor will lead the battle for their team. This
character should have good Leadership. 2 2 1 2 1 1
Heroic Deeds
Each round, any PCs who are not leading the battle
may choose to get personally involved in the fighting,
4 4 NA 0 0
performing heroic deeds to turn the tide. The player Group Skills: Brawl, Vigilance, Perception, Ranged
makes a Hard combat skill check of her choice: Abilities: Slow (spending a second maneuver on
• Failure: They accomplish nothing, and get injured movement always causes 2 strain). Grapple (until start
by a zombie: 5 damage + 1 per , and a Bite can of next turn, enemies must spend 2 maneuvers to
be activated with or (see 'Infection'). disengage. Activating this costs 2 strain). Bite (when a
• Success: Player thrashes the horde, adding +1 Claw attack causes 1+ wounds, may spend or
to their Leader’s next Leadership check. to cause an infectious bite—see 'Infection').
The player should colourfully describe their heroic Attacks: Claw (Brawl; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range
deeds, and may be granted for clever ideas. [Engaged]). Vile Puke (Ranged; Damage 3; Ccritical 4;
Range [Short]; Disorient 2).
The Leadership Check
At the end of the round, the Leader makes his all- Faculty (rival)
important Leadership check. This is a Daunting
check, plus any applied from other players’ heroics 2 1 3 2 3 2
during the round, plus . However, for each
Fortification Point the heroes secured, subtract
from the roll. E.g., 3 Fortress Points would equal . 3 10 NA 0 0
Now resolve the Leadership check:
• For each uncancelled , Zombies lose 1 token. Skills: Discipline 2, Knowledge 2, Perception 1,
• For each uncancelled , Survivors lose 1 token. Medicine 2, Vigilance 2, social skill of choice 1.
• If the roll generates no or , this round is a Abilities: None (or one ability, as-needed).
stalemate as the armies are in a deadlock. Equipment: Improvised weapons, as appropriate.
• always causes the Zombies to lose 1 additional Student (rival)
token; always causes the Survivors to lose 1
additional token. 2 3 2 3 1 2
The Morale Check
If the survivors lose 1 or more tokens, the Leader
makes an Average Leadership check for morale: 3 10 NA 0 0
• Success: The survivors grit their teeth and Skills: Brawl 1, Cool 2, Dececption 2, Perception 1,
continue the fight. Stealth 2, Vigilance 1.
• Failure: Lose 1 additional token per , as Abilities: None (or one ability, as-needed).
survivors flee the battle. Additionally, each PC is Equipment: Improvised weapons, as appropriate.
attacked once (see 'Zombie').
Principal Grossman (nemesis)
Summary of a Round Maybe all that caffein has mutated him into this
1. Heroic Deeds: Players resolve 1 Hard deformed hulk of flesh, sores, and multi-jointed limbs...
combat check to potentially add 1 to the
Leadership Check. 5 2 1 2 2 3
2. Leadership Check: The leader make this
Daunting check, and losses are calculated.
3. Morale Check: If the Survivors lose 1+ army
tokens, the Leader makes a second Leadership
7 22 12 1 1
check ( ). Failure causes losses and attacks. Skills: Athletics 2, Leadership 1, Melee 2, Perception 1,
4. Go Again: If both sides are still on the field, begin Ranged 2.
a new round. Abilities: Rise, my minions! (make an Average
Leadership check; each causes a Zombie to rise from
EPILOGUE the ground; it may act this round). Adversary 1.
Those who survive the Horde manage to find shelter Attacks: Lamppost Club (Melee; Damage 7; Critical 4;
for the night. But as dawn breaks over the horizon, it’s Range [Engaged]; Blast 4). Sticky Bile (Ranged; Damage
clear that no one’s life will ever be the same... 2; Ccritical 6; Range [Medium]; Ensnare 3).

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