1701 Checklist Cat H Fillable

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‘Students Requiring Intensive Behaviour infervention | Students Name or Students with Serious Mental Illness Level 3 funding allocation PEN 1701 Code H ‘This checklist should ony be used in conjunction with Section ES of Special | Date ‘Education Service: A Manual of Pobies Procedures and Guidelines (Nov. 2010) To he eligible the following must be met Documentation includes: ‘There must be documentation to support that he _)" a behavioural assessment andlor studant hs been appropriately aseessed end ainadoherest Ieniifed by the schoo sist or independent J am schoel aulnoily as meeting the cera ofthe ‘The behaviour of mental health assessment indicates evidence of one or | S#*cal education category. Funclonalbehavcura assessment, for Teath ofl fewne: ‘example, the Behaviour Disorders Instructiona| antisocial, extremely dsruptve behaviour in most other environments Suppot Horning Tost andlor and coneistenty/ persistently over ime; andlor Other assessments by mee professionas severe mental ilines diagnosed by a mental health profesional orteams cf professionals, andlor (osychiatrist, pacsiarcion, physician, registered psychologist Norm refrencad sesessment Behaviour Assessment System for hiren (GASC), Connors’ Rating Scale, Achenbach CChid Behavior Checklist. ee specializing inthis area), ‘There is documented evidence thet indicates. ‘The behaviour places student or others at serious risk andlor interferes with his or her academic progress and that of other students, “There is documented evidence that. — Accurrent \EP is in place, dated after Soptember 30, previous school year. The IEP has individualized goals and measurable objectives, with ‘adaptations and or modifications where appropriate, and strategies to meet these goals, LL. The goals correspond to the category in which the student is identified The student is receiving special education services to address the: needs identified in the assessment documentation that are beyond those offered to the general student population and are proportionate to level of need |__ The student s being offered learning actives In accordance with the IEP. ‘The IEP outlines methods for measuring eregress in relation to the IEP goals. ‘A parent was offered the opportunity ta be consulted about preparation of the IEP. ETT BC MiNistRY OF EoucaTion 2010 Stude Behaviour Intervention or ‘Students: we Serious Mental Mines Level 3 funding allocation 4701 Code H nl ny be ied in conucon wih Secon Es otsueel aula “There is documented evidence that indicates: = The settings in which the behaviour is persistent overtime. ‘The distict or independent school autho has exhausted resources! capac manage. -— “Planning is coordinated, across-agency and community (integrated case management wraparound), i é ‘Documentation of services shows that. aoe —_ The services outinedin the IEP relate to the identified needs of the ten Tres evdense tha one or ree fhe folowing spoil ean senices are provided: “direct intervention in the classroom to promote behavioural change or | ~~ ® ‘potionel support as per IEP; andlor placernent in a program designed opromete behaviour changefimpement TEP; andor LL ‘ongoing, inaviul social skills training andior instruction in behaviour! learring Strategies. Reduction in class size (or placement in an altenate program or ieaming environments not by sal a suffclent servic to meet te eter, BC MinisTRY oF EoucaTion 2010

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