Textos e Exercicios em Inglês 1 e 2 2019 Juntos

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ENGLISH EXERCISES - NOME: ___________________________TURMA:________ DATA___/____/___

Text 1 - My morning routine

My name is Bob. Each day I

drive my kids to school. My daughter
goes to a school that's far from our
house. It takes 30 minutes to get there.
Then I drive my son to his school. It's
close to my job. My daughter is in the
sixth grade and my son is in the
second. They are both good students.
My daughter usually sings her favorite
songs while I drive. My son usually
I arrive at the office at 8:30 AM.
I say good morning to all my
workmates then I get a big cup of hot
coffee. I turn on my computer and read
my email. Some days I have a lot to
read. Soon I need another cup of

Verbos: is – é, drive – levo de carro, goes – vai, takes – demora, to get– pra chegar, are – são, sings – canta, sleeps –
dorme, arrive – chego, say – digo, get – pego, turn on - ligo, read – leio, have – tenho, need – preciso.
Advérbios: each day – todos os dias, far from – distante, there – lá, then – então, close – perto, both – ambos,while –
enquanto, usually, all – todos, then – então, some – certos, a lot of – muitos, soon – logo, another – outro.
Substantivos/ numerais: (nouns): kids – filhos/crianças, daughter – filha, son – filho, job – trabalho/emprego,
Office – escritório, workmates – colegas de trabalho, cup – xícara, second - segundo, sixth – sexto,
Pronomes: my – meu/minha, I – eu, our – nossa, his – sua/seu, It – ela/ele, they – eles/elas, her – seu/sua,
Did you understand the text? Understand = entendeu
1-When did the facts happen? Quando os fatos d) daughter reads and son sleeps
aconteceram? c) son sleeps and daughter sings
a) morning b) afternoon
c) night d) during the day 7-What happens at the office? O que acontece…
a) workmates give Bob a big cup of hot coffee
2-Who tell the story? Quem conta a … b) Bob gives all his workmates a big cup of hot coffee
a) father b) mother c) Bob gets a big cup of hot coffee
c) son d) daughter d) all of the above

3- What is the father’s name? __________ 8-What does Bob doesn’t do in his job? O que ele
não faz…
4-Which two places are near each other? Quais os a) read emails b) drink coffee
dois lugares próximos entre si? c) drive a car d) say god morning
a) home and office
b) son's school and office 9-When does Bob get his second cup of coffee?
c) home and daughter's school Quando ele pega um segundo…
d) daughter's school and office a) after driving the children home
b) before reading his email
5-Which child is older? Qual criança émais velha? c) before greeting his coworkers
a) daughter b) son d) after reading his email
c) same age d) not sure
10-Why does Bob drink so much coffee? Por que
6-What happens in the car each morning? O que bebe tanto …
acontece no carro… a) to not sleep b) to read more emails
a) father and daughter tell jokes c) to have a good morning d) to work better
b) son and daughter talk
ENGLISH EXERCISES - NOME: ___________________________TURMA:________ DATA___/____/___

Text 2 - The city where I live

My name is Clark, and I will tell

you about my city.
I live in an apartment. In my city,
there is a post office where people mail
letters. On Monday, I go to work. I work
at the post office. Everyone shops for
food at the grocery store. They also eat
at the restaurant. The restaurant serves
pizza and ice cream.
My friends and I go to the park.
We like to play soccer at the park. On
Fridays, we go to the cinema to see a
movie. Children don't go to school on
the weekend. Each day, people go to
the hospital when they are sick. The
doctors and nurses take care of them.
The police keep everyone safe. I am
happy to live in my city.

Verbos:. will tell – falarei/contarei, live – moro, there is – existe, mail – postam, go – vou, work – trabalho, shops –
compram, eat – comem, serves – serve, like – gostamos, play – jogar, see – assistir/ver, are – estão, take care – cuidam,
keep – mantém.
Advérbios/preposições/etc: and – e, in – em, na – um, a – um/uma, about – sobre, where – onde, on – aos, to – para,
everyone – todos, at the – na, also – também, when – quando, each day – todos os dias,
Substantivos (nouns): post Office – correio, letters – cartas, Monday – segunda-feira, grocery store – mercearia, ice
cream – sorvete, movie – filme, sick – doente, nurses – enfermeiras, safe – seguros, Friday – sexta-feira,
Pronomes: my – meu/minha, I – eu, we – nós, them – deles/delas, they – eles/elas.
Did you understand the text? Understand = entendeu

1-Where does Clark work? Onde Clark… 2-Where do people buy food? Onde as pessoas
( ) in an apartment ( ) in the grocery store compram…
( ) in the cinema ( ) in the post office ( ) in the grocery store ( ) in the hospital
( ) in the park ( ) in the cinema

3-When does Clark go to the cinema? Quando

Clark vai … 4-Who keeps everyone safe? Quem mantém…
( ) Monday ( ) Friday ( ) The nurses ( ) The children
( ) Each day ( ) The weekend ( ) The police ( ) The doctors
5-How does Clark feel about his city? O que 8-What does restaurant serve? O que o
Clark sente sobre sua … restaurante….
( ) Sad ( ) Happy ( ) grocery ( ) letters
( ) Sick ( ) Angry ( ) pizza ( ) mails

6-Where do children don’t go on the weekend? 9-What does he do on Friday? O que ele faz…
Onde as crianças não vão… ( ) go to a restaurant ( ) go to the cinema
( ) post office ( ) park ( ) go to a restaurant ( ) go to hospital
( ) school ( ) restaurant
10-How are the people at the hospital? Como
7-Who goes to the park? Quem vai… estão as pessoas…
( ) Clark ( ) friends ( ) Sad ( ) Happy
( ) children ( ) he and his friends ( ) Sick ( ) Angry

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