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4/11/2017 Criminal Girls: Invite Only FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation Vita by JustTheFAQs89 - GameFAQs

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FAQ/Walkthrough by JustTheFAQs89
Version: 1.01 | Updated: 03/27/15 | Search Guide | Bookmark Guide

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Walkthrough (Continued)
Follow the path through an open gate, which will lock behind you. Continue and hit the switch, then return to the gate and examine it for a scene. Wait on the field for about a minute, then
the gate will open. Continue up through the other gate, then turn right to find a scene and the 3F save point. Heal and save. Then, head to the right and take the first turn up to find a hidden
chest with Kisaragi's Flame Fist bond attack with Sako. That's useful for now.

At this point, I was burning through potions to beat enemies, so I decided to learn Yuko's Group Heal field skill, her Heal skill, and her Attack Down Skill. That takes about 900 CM, so
warp to 1F (the battles are easier there) and use Shout to fight battles outside the save point, while healing and saving periodically, until you have enough CM. After I made Yuko and Sako
learn all their Maintenance skills, Yuko was able to use the Sako Punch! bond attack, which defeats enemy groups quickly. Switch Alice out for Yuko so that Sako and Yuko are in your
active party, and you'll be able to use it occasionally for an easy win.

After learning five skills, Yuko will make a request. Warp to Prison Block 3F and examine the spot at the heart icon to complete it. After learning Attack Down, return to the Morass 3F
save point, heal and save, and continue to the right. The path forks into three directions with a switch at each end. Inspecting each switch on the right will start another battle with a Dread
Eye, so be prepared. We're stronger now, but it's still bad to fight one at low HP and MP. Yuko will prompt to use Attack Down at the beginning of each fight, which is very helpful. Heal and
save after each battle.

After examining all three switches to the right of the save point and fighting the three Dread Eyes, examine the locked door again to open it. Continue through it and Tomoe will join the
party. There's also a 200 CM chest to the left of the stairs. Don't head up yet. Return to the 3F save point to heal, save, and learn some skills.

I taught Tomoe Attack Lv 1 and Kiku-ichimonji right away and swapped Kisaragi with her. Tomoe tends to have Kiku-ichimonji as an option (says "Side Slash") on the first turn of a battle.
This is helpful for defeating enemy groups repeatedly near a save point. In fact, let's do this right now until we have another 200 CM to motivate Ran so she learns her Revenge skill.
Revenge functions like a group attack, and also makes all the enemies attack Ran. With her high physical defense, that's similar to getting a free turn of damage. When you've learned
those skills, heal and save then continue up the stairs.

There's a strong random enemy here, the Eleserpent, which can use a charge attack. If Ran isn't in your party after the Eleserpent charges, switch her in so she can use Guard, otherwise
try to escape or heal everyone to above 30HP so your party doesn't get wiped out in one hit.

Follow the path until you reach the save point. Heal, save, and approach the locked gate near the new save point, then examine the far right then far left switches as instructed. This will
open the gate near the 4F entrance. Backtrack there to hit the switch, and find the hidden chest in the upper right corner with Sako's Sako Cheer bond attack.

Next, return to the save point and hit the nearby right switch (the left switch does nothing). Heal and save before entering the door, because that starts a battle with two Dread Eyes.

My party was at level 9 here. I used Ran, Sako, Yuko, and Tomoe. Use Sako Cheer once at the start of the battle then attack the Dread Eyes with bond attacks, skills, or 2x attacks. This
battle was much easier than the first Dread Eye battle because of the extra healing skills. It also helps that the Dread Eyes deal most of their damage through poison, and two Dread Eyes
can't poison you twice as much as one.

Shin joins the party after the battle. There's a boss ahead, so heal and save first. There's a 300 CM chest before the boss corridor, so pick it up before training here. At this point, it's also
good to train by the 4F save point until all the girls are at least level 10 for the battle (higher is easier), and you've motivated them to learn all their Maintenance skills and at least the first
Edgeplay skill (Yuko and Ran should knew their second skills too). That also means you'll be able to do all their first requests (before doing Shin's first request, heal/save and make sure
you have Tomoe's Kiku-ichimonji). My starting party was Ran, Sako, Yuko, and Tomoe. If you don't have any Potions, Group Heals, or Revival Brews then buy up because the boss does a
lot of damage.

Heal and save before challenging the Morass Block's main boss.

Boss: Greed E
The boss attacks twice per turn for about 30 each hit, so it has a fair chance of KOing Yuko. However, she is useful for the first two turns: Use Attack Down on the boss the first turn,
then use Sako Cheer the second turn. The boss is also vulnerable to paralysis from Tomoe's Backhand and Kisaragi's Paralyze Slash, which can prevent its attacks (except the
charge attack; paralysis will never prevent the second half of a charge attack). Attack with skills (Ran's Revenge is the best if there are multiple options) and attack x2, and use Ran's
DEF Up when she prompts to use it. When the boss charges, it will do a powerful 8-hit combo attack next turn. Ran will always prompt to Guard when the boss charges; use it. When
the boss's attack down status goes away or your DEF Up status goes away, try to recast them. Use Group Heals and Antidotes as needed throughout the battle.

At level 10, my girls were doing somewhat low damage and ran out of MP. There is a trick to get more damage in, by switching Sako and Tomoe out for Alice and Kisaragi to use their
skills. Kisaragi can also steal an MP Charge S from the boss, which is helpful for healing Sako's MP. At higher levels, you won't need to stretch resources as much and can win more
easily. 1/9
4/11/2017 Criminal Girls: Invite Only FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation Vita by JustTheFAQs89 - GameFAQs
Return to the 4F save point to heal and save after winning, then continue past 4F to the next block.

Inferno Block
This block gets much harder, especially at the end boss. If you have trouble at any point, train to raise the girls' levels and learn more skills. Alice's ice spells are especially useful here,
and Tomoe's and Alice's bond attack will be very useful when you get it.

You'll find an invincible boss a short walk in. That battle ends after three turns. The first deva you're supposed to defeat runs away, so it's safe to continue to the next save point.

After a few battles, I had enough CM to teach Alice her ice spells, so I did that and fought a bunch of easy battles near the save point, using Sako's Shout ability to start battles faster.
Learning enough skills will start a second request for each girl, and completing these second requests will lower the motivation cost, so I recommend completing them as soon as they
become available.

The Slippery Slope tier of abilities includes an automatic ability for each girl, which will sometimes trigger at the end of a turn. Alice's Extra and Yuko's Auto Heal abilities are useful, so I
fought battles until I taught them those skills. Kisaragi can steal Revival Brew M from the Fire Hog enemy, so I picked up several of those too. My party was at level 13-14 when I finished,
and I had ten of Yuko's and Alice's abilities (up to and including the auto abilities).

When you're ready, heal and save then head to the right and examine each of the marked areas in turn. The third area has a battle against a Mr. Damon. It has high health, but goes down
after several of Alice's Freeze attacks. Hitting it with Yuko's attack and defense debuffs at the start makes the battle easier. Switch Ran in to Guard against the charge attack. This battle
was easy with a level 13-14 party.

After the battle, return to the save point then head down and left to find the stairs up.

Head all the way up to the locked door then turn left to the dead end, which will reveal a hidden chest with Tomoe's Freezing Sword bond attack. That's useful, so I switched Kisaragi for
Tomoe in the starting party. Tomoe will be able to use Freezing Sword on the first turn of any battle with more than 1 enemy, so it's great for grinding by a save point.

When you're ready to fight the next mini-boss, take the first left. The deva will run away from you. In order to corner it you need to approach it from the bottom when it's in the top right
corner of the first four-square loop (so it runs up). Then, approach it from the left while it's in the bottom right corner of the second four-square loop to corner it. As prompted, walk to the
bridge marked on the map, then back to the dead end.

Before making the second lap, make sure you're near full HP and MP because walking back to the dead end starts a battle against Mr. Invisi. At level 14-15 with full MP, Mr. Invisi was a
pushover. He has one attack that does 1 damage and flavorfully boosts a girl's attack, a skill to summon a Flame Bob enemy (it's weak, so ignore it and it'll die to one of your multi-hit
skills for free), a multi-hit attack, and a weak healing skill. Alice's and Tomoe's ice attacks defeat him easily.

Defeating Mr. Invisi opens the locked door on 2F. Continue through it to 3F.

There's a save point near the beginning, which makes it easy to grind. My party was level 16-17 and I had Sako's skills up to Auto Attack before pursuing the next boss. Take a south at
the first junction to find a dead end with a hidden chest, which contains Ran's Shield Smash bond attack.

Follow the enemy around the map until you get to a sign. As the sign says, that's the last place to warp back to the save point and heal if you aren't prepared (warp back anyway just in
case). I would put Alice and Yuko in the leading party since lowering the boss's attack is helpful, and Alice's ice spells deal huge damage. If you don't have several Potion M and Group
Heal S then buy some, because the boss deals heavy damage and it helps to heal with an item every turn.

Boss: Mr. Beast

He attacks twice per turn, so Yuko's Attack Down spell is helpful. Heal the party with items and attack with Alice's ice spells for maximum damage. If he's KOing your party even with
healing items every turn, then raise your team's levels to 16-17 and try again.

Defeating Mr. Beast opens the locked door and the path to the stairs.

Inspect all six rooms and you'll be warped to the room with the save point. Go down from the save point until Kisaragi and Shin expose the deva. Save, heal, and return to the entrance to
start the battle. In addition to the healing items, it's helpful to have several Animation Tonics to cure the paralysis the boss inflicts. Yuko's Cure ability is helpful, though I was able to beat
the boss without it. If your party isn't around level 18-19, then stand next to the save point and beat up some enemies with Tomoe's and Alice's Freezing Sword bond attack.

Boss: Mr. Hand

He gets only one attack per turn, but one of his attacks hits twice and always inflicts poison and paralysis. The paralysis goes away after two turns, but it can stop your skills from
going through, so use an Animation Tonic instead of a healing item if a girl prompts to use a strong skill that turn. Yuko's Cure skill can also heal the entire party's status. Hit Mr. Hand
with Yuko's Attack Down at the beginning of the battle to make the fight easier. If he KOs a girl, you can either use a Revival Brew or switch to another girl and use another healing
item instead.

Head north from the 4F save point and check to the right of the locked door to reveal a hidden chest that gives Kisaragi the Hunt and Heal bond attack. Inspect the locked door to open the
path to the big boss. He's much stronger than his four underlings, so heal and save first. You'll want several Potion Ms, Group Heals, and Animation Tonics so buy those from the shop if
you don't have many. Also, if you don't have at least 5 Revival Brew Ms, then warp to 1F or 3F and have Kisaragi steal some from the Fire Hogs. I was able to beat Burn Rage with a level
18-19 party, but it's better to be even higher than that and have motivated every girl until she knows all twelve available skills. Learn at least the auto skills and Shin's OPR Freeze attack,
and pick up Tomoe's Freezing Sword bond attack from the hidden chest on 2F (if you don't already have it, you'll want it since it's the fastest way to beat up random enemies to gain

Heal and save once you're prepared to challenge the Inferno Block's boss.

Boss: Burn Rage

Burn Rage's has an attack that inflicts paralysis and poison on the entire party, a single target charge attack that deals 60+ damage when guarded (and 120+ damage unguarded), a
weaker flame spell that hits the party, and a skill that summons a Flame Bob (switch Tomoe and Alice in when there are two of them and Tomoe will be able to use Freezing Sword).
It's important to keep your entire party healed. Use an item to heal Yuko's paralysis if you're going to use her Heal spell. 2/9
4/11/2017 Criminal Girls: Invite Only FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation Vita by JustTheFAQs89 - GameFAQs
When Burn Rage falls below half health, he'll cast a unique spell that restores his HP and buffs all his stats. This happens only once, so heal and Guard until his buffs wear off. Yuko's
Attack Down and Ran's DEF Up skills are also useful during these few turns.

I started the battle with Sako, Yuko, Alice, and Tomoe and used Yuko's Attack Down ability on the first turn. It's important to keep Alice alive and in the party the entire battle,
because she enables the powerful ice attacks from herself, Tomoe (Freezing Sword), and Shin (OPR Freeze). I kept Shin out of the battle until after waiting out Burn Rage's heal and
buff skill. Heal with Potion Ms or Group Heals every turn. If a girl is KOed, choose the better of reviving her right away with a Revival Brew M or switching her out and using a regular
healing item on the rest of the party. Burn Rage's charge attack hits only a single girl, so it's not necessary to Guard it, but keeping your entire team alive increases the chance of
getting free attacks from Alice and free heals from Yuko.

The battle lasts longer than usual because of Burn Rage's heal skill, so if you run out of MP you can switch to Shin for her auto MP healing and wait for Alice's MP Suck ("Gimme").
Switching rerolls the commands, so if you have a turn with a free switch and no good attacks, you can switch a girl out for a chance at a better attack.

After beating Burn Rage, heal and save then continue to the next block.

Frost Block
This section is split into two parts. After starting, you won't be able to save or find any items until you beat the first boss. There's a warning sign by the last point to save before this section

There's no battles until after the save point, so heal and save if you didn't already. When you examine the door past the save point, you'll be forced through with a party of only Sako, Yuko,
Shin, and Tomoe. The goal here is to explore the entire area and examine every sparkling object on the ground. There are three scripted battles against a pair of Ice Mermen, which are
easily cleared with regular attacks. After finding the key, return to the door for a scene, then go to the stairs in the lower left corner and ascend to 2F.

Go up and examine the locked door to pass through it. Sako's level will be set to 1 until this section is cleared; she won't gain experience here, so don't try to revive her during battle. Turn
down at the next junction to find a chest with 2000 CM, then go up to find the next save point. The portal can't be used until completing this section. Buy about 5 Confuse Heals for the
boss of this section. Heal before heading up, because there's a battle against a Freezing Lady. Thanks to Yuko's auto Heal skill, I couldn't lose this battle even by trying. Tomoe can inflict
paralysis, which will make the battle even easier. Continue to the next locked door and examine it to pass. Fight another scripted Ice Merman battle, then examine the door in the lower left
corner to find the stairs.

Head up and through the door to a battle with another Freezing Lady. This time, you don't have Yuko to heal, but can use Ran to Guard the charge attack; the battle should be easy

Defeat another enemy group then continue to the next gate for a scene. Inspect the gate to continue, and try to walk up the stairs. Backtrack as much as possible, and after some scenes
the party will be reunited and the weakened girls' levels will be restored.

Boss: Ice Desire

This boss is weak, which is good considering how long it's been from the last time we saved. He attacks with a physical attack, a confusion spell, and a paralysis attack. To handle
confusion, you can heal or switch the girl out, or avoid attacking with her for several turns, after which it will go away. I found this battle easy, and the only way I was able to KO a girl
was by casting a spell with Shin, who got outsped and confused by the boss and attacked another party member. As long as you heal regularly, the boss should be unable to defeat
you and you'll win after several turns of attacking.

I found another trick here that could be useful in a future battle: Yuko will prompt to use Cure if you have two or more girls inflicted by status effects, so you can actually switch out an
afflicted girl then later switch her in after a second girl gets confused to be able to use Cure.

After defeating the boss, the party is warped back to 1F and the dungeon is changed. There are now treasure chests and random battles. The battles are much harder than before, so don't
run around without saving.

There's a hidden chest near the beginning of 1F, just to the south of the entrance stairs; it has Ran's True Defense bond attack. There's another hidden chest with Tomoe's Bolt Sword bond
attack on 2F to the right of the special sealed door near the stairs to 3F.

After sneaking around with Ran's Alert Move skill and raiding the 1F-3F chests, I had around 17000 CM. The most important skills to learn are Ran's Electric Burst (so Tomoe can use Bolt
Sword) and Alice's Shock. I recommend fighting enemies by the save point on 2F, because the 2F enemies can largely be defeated in one hit from Ran and Tomoe's Bolt Sword bond
attack. At level 24, I was defeating the Yetis in one hit too, which makes gaining levels and CM fast on 2F. Shin's OPR Shock is very useful for the upcoming boss battle. After reaching
level 25, I went up to 4F.

There are several forced battles against a Freeze Lady enemy. The second battle also has a Snowman and Clione, which should be defeated immediately because they cast buffs and
debuffs and have much lower health than the Freeze Lady. After this battle, head up and to the left to find the save point.

There's an optional third battle down and to the right, against two Freeze Ladies and a Clione. Avoid this battle unless you're at least 25 and have the suite of electric skills. After winning,
you can walk to the left to find a hidden chest with Alice's Slacking Nurse bond attack, and to the right to find a chest with 5000 CM. Slacking Nurse is helpful for the upcoming battles, so
get it before challenging the bosses.

When you reach the save point, use it to heal and save immediately. Inspecting the nearby door will start a battle against The Wall, a very strong enemy, so don't look at the door before
you're ready. I was able to sneak ahead with Ran's field skill and beat the first two Frost Lady groups at level 20, but the third group and The Wall both destroyed my team. I came back at
level 25 with a starting team of Ran, Shin, Alice, and Tomoe and was able to beat The Wall.

Boss: The Wall

The main challenge from this boss comes from its charge attack, which deals heavy magic damage and heals The Wall's HP. In order to reduce this damage, use Ran and Alice's True
Defense bond attack at the beginning of the battle, cast Yuko's Attack Down spell whenever possible, and have Ran Guard the attack. Ran will take the most damage because of her
low MDF, so keep her HP high. Switch between Tomoe and Yuko and heal with items as often as possible so you can get these skills off and make the battle much safer for a few
turns. 3/9
4/11/2017 Criminal Girls: Invite Only FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation Vita by JustTheFAQs89 - GameFAQs
The Wall is weak to electricity and can be paralyzed, so attack with Shin's OPR Shock, Alice's Shock, and Ran's electric attacks. OPR Shock deals huge damage, and switching
between Tomoe and Yuko increases the chance of getting it as an option. With some luck, The Wall will miss its turn from paralysis several turns in a row and you'll be able to buff
your defenses and attack it for more than it can heal. This battle gets much easier as your level gets higher, because the charge attack will deal less damage and heal the boss for
less, so if you lose the first time try gaining a few levels before trying again.

Backtrack to heal, buy items, and save. You'll want several Potion Ms, Group Heal Ms, Animation Tonics, Confuse Heals, and a couple of Remedies. I used Ran, Yuko, Alice, and Shin
and had most of their level 4 skills, including Shin's, Alice's, and Ran's electric attacks. Alice's Slacking Nurse bond attack, found earlier on 4F, is also helpful since it cures status effects.
Also pick up Ran's True Defense bond attack on 1F if you don't have it already. I was able to beat the next boss around level 25 without further training.

Boss: Ice Desire (round 2)

This boss's main gimmick is inflicting status effects on your entire team. He has an attack that confuses everyone, and a charge attack that deals high damage (use Ran's Guard to
reduce the damage) and paralyzes everyone. He also has a weak normal attack and an individual target paralysis attack; these turns will be your best chances to attack him. By
using items wisely, you can often get a turn of attacking when you wouldn't be able to otherwise. The exception is confusion, which hides the confused girls' commands, so when he
casts the confusion spell the best response is to use a Confuse Heal on Yuko (use a Remedy if she's paralyzed too) and cast Cure on the party. If your team's HP is low and both
Yuko and Alice are active, you can use the Confuse Heal or Remedy on Alice instead to cast Slacking Nurse.

Ice Desire is weak to electricity. He can't suffer from paralysis, though, so there are fewer chances to attack him than the previous boss. His damage output can be reduced with
Yuko's Attack Down, Shin's OPR Assist, or Ran's True Defense bond attack. With a buff up, it becomes easy to heal with items to increase the number of turns you can attack.
Shin's OPR Shock deals the most damage, followed by Alice's Shock. If no good commands show up, you can switch Yuko out for another chance at a strong skill from Shin or Alice.
I had enough MP to finish the battle with the starting team, though if you run out it's possible to buy MP Charge S from the shop to use during the battle.

Return to the save point to heal and save after the battle.

Education Block
The random enemies here are strong. I avoided them with Ran's Alert Move, and when I wanted to train I went back to Frost Block.

Pass through the classroom with the blue ghosts to reach the save point. Go south and walk towards all the blue, green, and red ghosts to make them disappear. When all the ghosts are
gone, another one will appear in front of the locked door near the save point. Talk to it for a conversation, then warp to Inferno 3F and heal and save. Buy several healing items and a Rest
Ticket if you don't have any.

Go to Inferno Block 2F. If you view the map, you'll see an exclamation point towards the top right of the map. Walk to it and be ready for a battle against a Death Beast. It goes down after
several ice attacks from Shin and Alice, and doesn't deal much damage if you do OPR Assist at the start and Attack Down (instead of Guard) when it readies a charge attack. Pick up the
item by the exclamation point and return to Education Block 1F and you'll be able to access the gate. There's a boss battle first, so heal and save. I recommend training Ran until she
learns Soul Save; you can gain CM from battles here or on Frost Block 2F.

Boss: Shadow Tomoe

I recommend setting the starting party to Ran, Yuko (switch to Sako once Attack Down is in effect), Alice, and Shin. After casting Attack Down, Yuko isn't so helpful because the
boss either does a medium amount of damage to one character or outright KOs 3/4 of your team. If multiple girls are KOed, Ran will be able to use Soul Save and revive them all. It's
possible to survive the attack by healing in advance and having either Attack Down or Defense Up (most likely from Shin's OPR Assist skill) active and guarding at the same time. This
boss will go down after a few strong attacks, such as Alice's spells or Shin's operation skills.

Heal and save, then continue up and past the next locked door. Open the six treasure chests and the next enemy will appear. After a conversation, warp to Frost Block 3F, heal and save,
then walk to the exclamation mark in the upper right corner to fight an Ice Wolf. It's weak to electric attacks and is vulnerable to paralysis, so OPR Shock and Ran's electric skills will
finish it quickly. Cast OPR Assist or Attack Down at the beginning of the battle to help reduce damage. Pick up the item on the ground, return to Education Block 1F, heal and save again,
and talk to the shadow to start another battle.

Boss: Shadow Kisaragi

This boss isn't as damaging as the previous one, and its most damaging attack hits everyone and causes poison. It's helpful to open with OPR Assist or Ran's/Alice's True Defense
bond attack, and heal with Alice's/Yuko's Slacking Nurse to heal and cure the poison. This boss will go down after several good hits from Ran, Alice, and Shin.

Winning opens the gate to the stairs.

Walk to the portal, then examine the two brown sparkles on the ground to trigger the next event. After the conversation, warp to Morass 3F then heal and save before walking to the event
to the right. This starts a battle against a 14 Eyes, which can do a low damage attack to poison your party, or boost its magic attack stat for practically no effect. It's not very strong and
it's weak to fire, so use Shin and Yuko so OPR Fire will defeat it quickly.

After the battle, pick up the item and return to Education Block 2F. Heal and save, then return with the item to start a conversation to fight the next boss. You have to walk to the top left
corner this time, so escape from battles to preserve your HP and MP.

Boss: Shadow Ran

This boss's main attack is a charge attack that inflicts paralysis on the entire party. Lead with Shin's OPR Assist, and have Ran use Guard after the boss charges. It has high
physical defense and low MDF, so Alice and Shin will deal the most damage; use a paralyze heal on the girl who is going to attack so she won't lose a turn to stunning. I had Alice's
Shiver skill, which does about half of the boss's health. That ends the fight quickly.

Continue through the newly opened gate and to the end of the path. After the conversation, warp to Inferno Block 3F, heal and save, and walk to the marked area for another easy battle
against a Death Beast. Pick up the event item and return to Education Block 2F. Heal, save, and return to the dead end for the next battle. It helps to have Ran's Final Revenge and Alice's
Shiver skills for this battle.

Boss: Shadow Sako

This boss attacks twice per turn, and starts by raising its attack and casting a gradual heal spell. Open with Shin's OPR Assist with Ran in the party so you get the DEF boost too.
For attacks, prioritize Ran's Final Revenge because it will likely hit twice and paralyze the boss; Alice's Shiver and Shin's OPR Freeze/Shock are also strong. Heal with items to
minimize the number of turns the boss gets to heal, and it will fall within a few turns of attacking. 4/9
4/11/2017 Criminal Girls: Invite Only FAQ/Walkthrough for PlayStation Vita by JustTheFAQs89 - GameFAQs
Winning opens the gate to the stairs.

Examine the lone desk, the chalkboard, and the left classroom to summon the next shadow. Talk to it, then warp to Frost Block 1F. Heal and save, walk to the marked spot, beat up
another Ice Wolf, then pick up the item and backtrack to the shadow on Education Block 3F. Talking to it starts the next battle.

Boss: Shadow Shin

This boss has two orb partners and can summon another if you defeat both. Defeat one of the orbs to reduce the boss's damage output, then attack the boss; defeating both orbs will
just make the boss summon another one. It's important to heal regularly; use Group Heals every turn if you need to. Start the battle with OPR Assist with Ran and Sako active for all
the boosts. Shin's OPR attacks, Alice's Shiver, and Sako's Fire Drill all deal good damage.

Continue past the next event, activate the save point, and talk to the shadow. The next item is on Inferno Block 4F. Warp there, heal and save, walked to the marked area and beat up
another Death Beast, pick up the key item, warp back, heal and save, and talk to the shadow to start the next battle. This battle is unusual, and in addition to the usual Group Heal M it
helps to bring along MP Charge S and P. Attack Boost. It also helps to start with a party of Ran, Sako, Tomoe, and Shin. I had all of Sako's skills at this point, which helps make the battle

Boss: Shadow Yuko

This boss has one strong charge attack that Ran can Guard, but besides that your party won't be in much danger of dying. The boss heals 200 HP per turn and occasionally casts a
spell to heal for another 900 or so, and sometimes lowers your party's physical and magical ATK. Additionally, it has very high MDF, enough that Shin, Alice, and Yuko won't be able
to damage it enough to overcome the healing. Shin is still useful for her OPR Assist skill, though. Sako and Tomoe deal the most damage, but their MP is low and it's important to
attack the boss often to overcome its healing; use MP Charge S to restore a girl's skills if she runs low on MP. When you have a free turn where you don't need to use an item to heal,
use a P-ATK Boost item if the attacking girl doesn't already have boosted ATK; this lets you use the free item to increase your damage output. I was able to beat this boss fairly easily
following this strategy; if you're having trouble then train to about level 30 and motivate Sako and Tomoe until they learn all their skills.

Heal and save after the battle. Then, continue to the next door, talk to the shadow, warp to Morass Block 4F, walk to the marked spot and defeat the 14 Eyes, pick up the item, warp back
to Education Block 3F, heal and save again, walk to the locked gate, and talk to the shadow to start the last of these battles.

Boss: Shadow Alice

This boss can raise its magic attack and has a charge attack that hits your entire party for huge damage and reduces their speed; not Guarding with Ran can get your entire party
KOed, and if you try to sneak in a heal spell or buff instead the boss could outspeed you and KO your team first. It's possible to survive the charge attack without guarding if you have
a MDF boost from Shin's OPR Support or Yuko's Magic Guard, and the boss's M-ATK is lowered from Attack Down, and your party has high HP; not guarding is a bad idea though so
just always Guard to avoid making a mistake. The boss's MDF is high, too, so attacking with Sako's Fire Drill and Tomoe's skills does the most damage. Unlike the previous boss,
there's no need to deal damage quickly, so prioritize healing with items and Yuko's or Shin's heal spells. As long as you stay alive, you'll be able to chip away at its health and win the

Return to the save point to heal and save, then continue to 4F.

One of the classrooms on the right side (head left from the save point and it's the first room on the right) has a hidden chest with Shin's OPR Venom bond attack. After reaching the save
point (and using it), continue past the stairs to find more chests. There's a hidden chest with Alice's The Return bond attack; it's in the fourth classroom on the right side past the stairs.

After finding these two attacks, warp back to the save point and continue up the stairs when you're ready to fight a strong boss. I mean, seriously ready. Try to have 15 of all the healing
items and all the girls' skills. My party was at level 28-29 and I was able to beat the boss twice in a row, so it's possible with the right strategy, though being at a higher level helps.

All there is to do here is walk right and start a boss battle. Heal and save first if you didn't already. I used Ran, Sako, Yuko, and Shin for most of the fight.

Boss: Despair
He has three helpers in this battle: the Healing Core, the Assist Core, and the Attack Core. The cores don't come back once they're defeated. Despair is the most damaging of them
all, and the Assist Core boosts his stats, so target the Assist Core first. The Attack Core is next, then the Healing Core. All four parts are vulnerable to paralysis, so Ran's Final
Revenge and Thunderbolt are helpful. Depending on your luck, the Assist Core may boost Despair's stats before the charge attack, or it might do nothing to help the boss before it
dies. After defeating the cores, the battle gets much easier.

Of course, you have to stay alive while doing this. You'll take the most damage from Despair's charge attack. Always heal before and after the charge attack and make Ran Guard the
attack. It does magic damage, so Shin's OPR Assist, Yuko's Magic Guard, and Yuko's Attack Down will help reduce the damage. If several of your girls are KOed at once, it may be
possible to use Ran to revive them all. Healing spells besides Yuko's X Heal aren't so useful; Despair and his Cores will attack before you get to heal, and may just KO the weakened
girls before the heal spell goes off; instead, use items to heal whenever possible. Despair also has a confuse attack, and because Despair tends to go first, you might have an
attacking girl confused and tricked into KOing another girl. Sako is the safest to attack with because of her high speed; keep her MP up with MP Charge S so she can use Fire Drill
and Beatdown often.

Heal and save after the battle, then continue to the next area and be ready for another battle.

There are warps in this dungeon, but the layout is easy to understand if you know how the warps work. The green warps send you vertically, and the blue warps send you horizontally. The
warps always go to the nearest area on the map, so if you come back later you can retrace your path this way.

Walk up to fight a strong enemy.

Boss: Great Devil

Heal every turn with Group Heal M or Potion M and it shouldn't be able to defeat your girls (if they are dying, gain some levels and try again). The boss is vulnerable to paralysis and
doesn't have any special gimmick, though it may lower your party's defenses. Shin's OPR Assist (with Ran in the party), Yuko's Attack Down, and Tomoe's Goshoguruma and
Matsuba Buster help reduce the boss's damage. Keep it paralyzed and heal every turn, and you'll win eventually. 5/9
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After the battle, examine the nearby battle to warp to an area with a save point. At this point, I was struggling against the random enemies, so I trained my girls, motivated them to learn all
their skills, and did all three of each girl's available requests. Frost Block 4F works well with Tomoe and Ran in the starting party because Tomoe will always prompt to use Bolt Sword (use
Raid or Alice's Shock against the occasional lone Mammoth); Tomoe at level 31 ended all the battles in one turn.

Back at the save point on Purgatory 1F. From the save point, head right until the path ends and take the left of the two warps. Cross to the next pair of warps and take the leftmost warp
again. Then, head left then down for a scene and a battle against an invincible enemy. Survive several turns and lose to the charge attack for another scene. Afterward, take the left warp
and walk all the way down and to the right. Take the left warp of the pair before the dead end to find a hidden chest with Shin's OPR Heaven bond attack. Then, return and take the right
warp for the next story scene. Continue up and take the stairs.

Head down from the stairs to find the save point. There's a lot of walking in this section; I was using Ran's Alert Move continuously to avoid random battles. Take the warp in the room with
the save point, then go down and take the right warp. Head right and up until you reach the next warp, then take it. Take the warp to the left, then go up and take the right warp. Take the
next right warp and walk down to find a hidden chest with Sako's Sako's Mark bond attack. Warp back and take the left warp, then continue to reach the stairs.

Turn right to find the save point. At this point, I recommend training on Frost Block 4F and motivating each girl until she learns all her skills, because that makes the last battles easier and
makes it possible to choose between all the endings. My party was at level 35 when I stopped, and each girl had learned all 16 available skills.

The green warps send you vertically, and the blue warps send you horizontally. From the save point, warp down, up, up, right, up, then left. Here, warp right to find a hidden chest with
Yuko's Bad Festival bond attack, then return to the previous warps. Warp up then right for a scene. The stairs are ahead, but they can't be used until you've visited Education Block 4F.

Heal, save, and warp to Education Block 4F. Walk right for a scene, then continue up to fight another Great Devil. Buff the girls' stats and remember to heal, and it'll go down from a few
good hits. Continue to the marked dead end and pick up the key item. Now, warp back to Purgatory 3F and walk all the way back to the stairs.

Follow the path and warp down, then walk left, up, then left and warp up again. You'll find the save point and watch a scene. The final boss represents a huge difficulty spike, so it's

Save your game in a separate slot

You can make another backup save after training, but make one now just in case. If you Knight a girl and don't have a backup save, you would have to replay the entire game to view
the other endings.

Final Battle Preparation

Train the party until everyone is at least level 45. It's possible to beat the final boss at a lower level, but the odds are against you. Purgatory 4F gives the most experience, though the
battles will usually take several turns. Use P-ATK Boost and M-ATK Boost to win faster; the high CM will pay for the used items. If the Purgatory 4F battles are too hard, then train on
Frost Block 4F with Tomoe's Bolt Sword until reaching level 35 or so.

Motivate each girl until she learns all sixteen of her skills, and do all three of her available requests. Any request battles will be easy at this point.

Buy 15 of each item from the shop.

Have over 30,000 CM (99,999 is the maximum you can carry). This is for teaching the Knighted girl her first level 5 skill, which is very powerful (though not necessary to beat the game).
When the girl learns that skill, she'll also make her final request; if you plan on playing through the post-game, then feel free to ignore it since you'll get a chance to do all the girl's fourth
requests later.

Purgatory 4F
Outside the portal: Save your game, then save it again in a different slot. Save it in two or three different slots to be safe; I saved twice in a row, then left the next eight slots blank, then
saved again just in case I overwrote an old save by mistake.

Save in a separate slot before Knighting anyone

Make a backup save in a separate slot before Knighting anyone.

DO NOT ENTER THE PORTAL WITHOUT A BACKUP SAVE FILE. DO NOT SAVE OVER THAT FILE. The choice of which girl to Knight determines the ending. All the endings are
achieved the same way: by defeating the final boss. Also, some of the gallery art can't be obtained after a girl has been Knighted, so it helps to keep a backup save file in case you didn't
get all those yet.

Now that you've made several copies of the save and possibly backed up the save to your computer (if you know how to do that), walk through the portal. Pick your favorite girl (if you can't
pick her, then motivate her until she knows all 16 available skills), then return to the save point, warp right, and walk up and through the gate. It's possible to motivate that girl into learning
more powerful skills now. Since I'm writing for the hardest possible case, I Knighted Kisaragi and left her out of the final battle; it's possible to beat the boss without using Kisaragi, and the
battle is easier with any other girl Knighted since you can use her level 5 skill to great effect. Buy a full set of healing items if you're short on any. I highly recommend learning the Knighted
girl's first level 5 skill before the battle, since it's worth using whenever possible. Switch to a party with Ran, Alice, Sako, and Yuko before starting the fight, since the boss will use physical
attacks at the start and this team can cast all the important buffs.

Final Boss Strategy

There's a lot that can go wrong. Here's a summary of how to maximize your chances of winning. Level does help greatly, so if you're having trouble and aren't at least level 45 then raise
your levels first.

Check your status before reducing the boss below half health: When the boss is slightly above half health, refrain from attacking until you recast all the buffs and debuffs. The boss's
pattern changes at half health and it attacks for much more damage. This part is harder, and it will be shorter and easier if you start it when the boss's stats are lowered. You're most likely
to lose if this phase starts right as all your buffs go away. Restore the buffs and debuffs first and you'll have a much better chance of winning.

Prioritize healing: Heal every turn. Use an item every turn; if you don't need to heal, then use a P-DEF/M-DEF Boost or a Regen Medicine. If you can't heal a girl, switch in a stronger
one. During the second half, the boss can attack ten times in one turn and will pick off your entire party if they're at low health. Don't attack until you're comfortable with your HP and the 6/9
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boss's status.

Lead with Attack Down: When the battle starts, reduce the damage you take with Yuko's Attack Down, then cast Ran's and Alice's True Defense skill to boost your defenses. Next, try
lower the boss's speed with Alice's ice spells or paralyze it. This all makes healing easier, which leads to your party dealing more damage and ending the battle sooner. Sako Cheer or
Yuko's Recure is also very useful if you get the option and can spare the turn to use it.

Lower the boss's speed with ice attacks: Keep Alice in the party to keep the boss's speed down with an occasional ice attack. Otherwise, it's possible it will go first and paralyze a girl
before she attacks.

Boosted charge attacks do the most damage: Damage the boss with Sako's and Alice's charge attacks. Sako and Alice can sometimes outspeed the boss at its normal speed, so
they won't be paralyzed by surprise as often. The Knighted girl's ultimate skill also does huge damage, and is worth using over anything else when it appears. Use a P-ATK Boost or M-
ATK Boost on the turn you attack to greatly increase the damage dealt. If your level is high enough, you'll be able to defeat the boss quickly and won't spend as much time recasting

Survive charge attacks with Ran's Guard or M-DEF boosted Yuko: When the boss charges, Guard with Ran if your HP is high, otherwise switch in Yuko and heal your party; use a
Remedy (or Full Potion if you have one) to cure a Switch Banned girl to switch in Yuko or cure Ran if necessary, otherwise use a P-DEF/M-DEF Boost or a Regen Medicine. The charge
attack is magical, so a party of Shin, Yuko, Alice, and Sako (with M-DEF up) is likely to survive at full health, especially if the boss's M-ATK is lowered.

Soul Save can save your team, but only if the boss's speed is lowered: If multiple girls are KOed, Ran can use Soul Save to fully heal the party and give you a second chance. Ran
is slower than the boss, so if the boss isn't slowed it's possible for it to paralyze Ran then combo her to death before she can cast Soul Save.

Try again (at a higher level if necessary): There are a lot of things that can go wrong, such as the boss paralyzing Yuko then Ran, preventing you from gaining the defense buffs at the
start of the battle. Or, the boss may use the 9-hit combo attack and hit the same girl enough times to KO her. If you lose, try again or raise your level more. At a higher level, you're more
likely to be able to outheal the boss's second phase's damage with Group Heal M and end the battle in a few good hits.

Final Boss
The boss will take no damage for the first three turns, then the Knighted girl will break its barrier (and regardless of whether she's in the active party). Open with Yuko's Attack Down
since you'll be switching girls out a lot, then cast True Defense. Next, try to lower the boss's speed with Alice's ice spells; this minimizes the chance that it will go first and paralyze
the girl you chose to attack with. You can also paralyze the boss to reduce the number of turns it takes.

Use an item every turn; Group Heal M and Animation Tonic are the most helpful, and if you're full on health you can use a Regen Medicine or a boost item instead. If you really need to
heal, you can switch Yuko in for X Heal, which will always go first. Alice's/Yuko's Slacking Nurse is also helpful after the status attack.

When the boss is slightly above half health, try to lower its attack, paralyze it, and put up buffs before damaging it further. Then, hold on attacking until your defenses are up and you
can land a powerful blow, such as Sako Charge into Beatdown with a P-ATK Boost, which would deal over 5000 damage to the boss and make the hard phase shorter. Alice's Stalker
into Shiver with M-ATK Boost deals similar damage. The Knighted girl's special skill may be even stronger than these. If you get the option to do one of these attacks at high health
with buffs up, take it.

When the boss falls below half health, it'll speak. This changes its attack pattern, and the next turn it will always inflict status effects on your party then start a charge attack. If the
boss was paralyzed, it might skip the charge attack, which is helpful. Guarding with Ran near full health is one way to survive the charge attack, so make sure she's in top status for
this phase. If the boss's magic attack is lowered or your level is high enough, it's possible for Yuko, Shin, and Alice to survive the charge attack because of their high magic defense.
These characters take more damage from the 9-hit combo physical attack, though, so start switching them out after absorbing the charge attack.

During the second half of the battle, the boss will gain a status attack that inflicts Poison, Paralysis, and Switch Ban on the party, a nine-hit physical combo attack, and a magical
charge attack. Continue healing and keep Ran safe in case you need to resort to Soul Save. Prioritize keeping the boss's speed and attack lowered so you have more chances to deal
damage. Sako's and Alice's charge attacks deal a lot of damage and can end the battle quickly, so attack whenever you get a good turn and hope it goes through.

Try to finish the battle quickly; being at a high level helps. As the battle goes on longer, the boss is more likely to recover from debuffs then get a lucky string of turns where it uses the
combo attack when you're trying to heal and restore your defenses. When I tried this battle at level 35, the nine-hit combo and charge attack each did about half of the party's full
health when the boss and party were at neutral stats, and the charge attack was lethal. Being at a higher level helps a lot. At level 40, there was some luck; sometimes the boss
wasted my turns during the second half, then recovered from speed down, then I never get a chance to slow it again because it kept killing everyone. On the other hand, the strongest
attacks deal huge damage, so if I get to land several in a row I just won. One of my attempts at level 43 with Knighted Alice ended with a 10000 damage Stalker-charged, M-ATK-
Boosted Downpour from Alice; the boss got to use its scripted charge attack then just died. I was able to salvage another nearly failed level 43 attempt by switching my party to Ran,
Sako, Tomoe, Kisaragi for maximum physical defense, which reduced the 9-hit combo damage to be healable by a Group Heal M. At higher levels, it becomes less likely to get stuck
healing every turn against the second form, and the boss dies from a few of your own charge attacks.

When you beat the boss, watch the ending and credits and afterwards you can save your game. Save in a new file to be safe.

Post-Game Walkthrough
There's more to do in this game after beating the final boss of the main story.

After you watch the ending, you'll be able to save the game, and the save will have a • mark next to the floor to show that it's a game clear save. I recommend saving in a new file. When
you load that file, you'll be back at the last save point. The game clear file unlocks the art and scene galleries on the main menu and the ability to access the post-game dungeons in-
game; it is otherwise the same as a save immediately before beating the game with the girl you chose to Knight. To access the post-game dungeons, beat the final boss again.

If you beat the final boss again with this save, you'll get a choice before the ending. Unlike every other choice in this game, this choice matters. Pick the top option to stay. If you choose
to leave, you'll see the same ending you saw the first time and be back at the same place. If you stay, however, the game will continue and you'll be in a new dungeon.

Warden's Block
The main gimmick in this dungeon is making bridges that don't appear on the map. If you get stuck in the later sections, use Kisaragi's Find Treasure to see if there are any chests left,
then explore the entire floor exhaustively by hugging a wall.

Head up across the green bridge (these bridges aren't marked on the map) to reach the save point. Walk through the gate to make a bridge appear, cross it and continue to reach a second
gate, walk through that gate, and follow the new bridge to the stairs.

2F 7/9
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Walk down to start a fight with a Gatekeeper. At level 45, my girls defeated it in two hits from skills. As usual, be sure to Guard with Ran if it does a charge attack. Continue down to find
the stairs.

Follow the path to a save point, then a green gate guarded by a Gatekeeper and a Bug. After defeating them, you can walk through the green gates on all the floors to create new paths.

The paths don't show up on the map. If you get lost at any point, you can follow the method of hugging the left wall around the entire map until you find the next open gate or unopened
treasure chest. It helps to use Ran's Alert Move the entire time so you can walk around without the distraction of random battles.

Walk through the green gate the enemy was guarding, then follow the new path down, right, and up to an enemy guarding a purple gate. Beat it, walk through the purple gate, and follow
the new path up and around to reach an open blue gate. Walk through that gate to create a new blue path, and follow that to an open green gate. Closing that green gate makes two paths,
the new lower path will connect to the save point, and the new upper path will go to a new area, so take the upper path. Follow it up and to the left to find a platform with a chest on the left
edge. Open the chest to get Drug Test KN24G.

Each time you find a Drug Test, you'll be able to Knight another girl inside the Purgatory 4F portal above the save point. There's a lot of walking in this section, and Knighting Ran helps
because that reduces the MP cost for Alert Move. If you use Alert Move constantly, you'll be able to walk around without being interrupted by random battles. Warp to Purgatory 4F and
enter the portal to Knight Ran, unless you already Knighted her.

Warp to the Warden's Block 3F save point and walk to the right and up to find an open purple gate. Close it and take the upper path around to a green gate. Close the green gate and take
its path all the way down to another purple gate. Close it and follow the lower purple path to a blue gate in the lower right corner of the floor. Follow the blue path up and around to a chest
on the blue bridge with the Drug Test KN23F.

That's all for now, so heal, save, and backtrack from the 3F save point to 2F.

Starting from the stairs to 3F, follow the blue path up and to the left to reach an open green gate. Close it and follow the green path to the left to reach a blue gate. Close it and follow the
blue path across the intersection with the green path, then down to reach a purple gate. Close it and follow the right purple path all the way to the right to reach the 2F save point.

Walk left from the save point, enter the open blue gate, and follow the left blue path all the way to a green gate, which makes a green path to a blue gate in the lower left corner of the floor.
Follow the blue path back up and across the green path to a purple gate. Follow its purple path down and to the right to a blue gate, which path leads to the right towards a green gate,
which leads back to the 3F stairs and also spawns a new path below and to the left of the stairs. Follow this green path to the left, then turn up at a small platform to find a chest with Drug
Test KN22E.

Warp back to the 2F save point and head past the purple gate until you reach the blue gate. This time, take the top blue bridge to find an open purple gate. Follow the purple path to the left
all the way to a chest on a purple bridge, which contains Drug Test KN21D.

That's all for 2F, so warp to the 1F save point.

Follow the blue path all the way past the stairs to 2F, to a green gate. Follow the south green path to a purple gate, then follow the purple path to another green gate, then follow its green
path right and down to a purple gate. Follow its purple path right and down all the way to the lower right corner of the map to find a chest with Drug Test KN19B.

Backtrack from that chest to the open green gate, which extends the left section of the lower purple path. Take the last purple path to the left, then take the new green path down to reach
a blue gate, which extends another path we can't reach yet. Now backtrack along the green path until you see the new blue path going up from a small platform. Follow this blue path and
take the middle fork up to find a platform with the chest containing Drug Test KN20C.

You should now have all six Drug Tests from Warden's Block (there will be seven in your key items, which includes the Drug Test KN18A from the story ending); if you missed one of the
chests with a drug test, you can use Kisaragi's Find Treasure—if a floor has 0 treasure chests, then you don't have to explore it any more. When you have all six Drug Tests, warp to
Purgatory 4F and enter the portal to Knight all the girls.

Once all seven girls are Knights, you can open the locked gate next to the save point on Warden's Block 3F. Inspecting it starts a battle. I recommend motivating the girls until they've
learned their first level 5 skill. Shin's OPR End is especially powerful, and Ran's Knight's Guard helps greatly.

Boss: Arcobaleno
At level 47, this enemy was somewhat strong. I defeated it with two of Shin's OPR Ends while healing the party with Group Heal Ms. It attacks twice per turn and is vulnerable to
paralysis, so hitting with one of Ran's skills helps.

Heal, save, and continue through the gate to find the stairs.

All there is to do here is walk up and fight a boss. I recommend training the girls until you've motivated them to learn all their skills, although it is possible (though harder) to beat the boss

Boss: Integration Sys.

This boss attacks twice per turn and is vulnerable to paralysis, so keep Ran active. Its most dangerous skill boosts all its stats. It also has a physical attack, a spell that damages
everyone, a weak poison attack, and a charge attack. The charge attack is actually good for your team on average; switch Ran in and she might prompt to use Knight's Guard instead
of regular Guard; if Ran is already in your party, you can sometimes change Guard to Knight's Guard by switching another member out. If the boss stays away from boosting its stats
and uses the poison attack often, it's possible to win this around level 47. I attacked with Shin's OPR End and Alice's Downpour, and used defense boosting skills and healing skills
when these weren't available. Keep Shin's MP over 93 so she'll be able to use OPR End, and if Shin prompts OPR Next it's worth using since it will usually make several girls prompt
to use their strongest skills next turn. Again, if you have a free item use it's good to use a stat boost or Regen Medicine.

After winning, heal, save, and warp to Purgatory 4F. Enter the former final boss's room for a scene and an easy battle. Miu and Himekami join your party, and a new portal appears in the
room. Enter it to find another dungeon.

Post-Game Characters
These two join after beating Warden's Block. 8/9
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Activ ity Skill MP Cost Effect
Maintenance 1 Attack Lv 1 0 Fight with max 2 cooperation
Maintenance 2 Maintenance 11 Damages enemy
Maintenance 3 Increase P-DEF passive P-DEF increases by 5
Maintenance 4 Collection 10 [Field Skill] Obtain CM x1.5 next battle
Edgeplay 1 Edgeplay 15 Lightning damage to enemy + Paralyze
Edgeplay 2 Threat 8 You cannot be targeted
Edgeplay 3 Attack Order 10 Damages all enemies + Lowers P-ATK and M-ATK
Edgeplay 4 Motivation 8 Big P-ATK, P-DEF, and SPD raise for all allies
Slippery Slope 1 Attack Lv 2 0 Fight with max 3 cooperation
Slippery Slope 2 MP Unlimited auto MP consumption is 0 for all allies for several turns
Slippery Slope 3 Slippery Slope 18 Lowers SPD, P-ATK, and M-ATK for enemy + Paralyze and Poison
Slippery Slope 4 Attack Lv 3 0 Fight with max 4 cooperation
Tickle Party 1 Tickle Party 18 Lowers enemy P-DEF and M-DEF + Paralyze + Confusion
Tickle Party 2 Backhand Slap 20 Huge damage for all enemies
Tickle Party 3 Wake up! 12 Heals KO and HP for all allies
Tickle Party 4 Reform 30 Damages and exposes* enemy + heals status
Aftercare 1 So Motivated! 35 Huge damage to all enemies + all status ailments
Aftercare 2 Auto Life Save auto Auto-revival for all allies
Aftercare 3 Quick Attack passive Move 1st
Aftercare 4 Increase HP passive Max HP increases by 50
Bond Attack 1 (with Himekami) Just Desserts 20 Secret Reward effect for all allies**
Bond Attack 2 (with Himekami) Peak Condition 25 Big status raise for all allies + gradually heals HP

*: I'm not sure what it means by expose, but this appears to remove all the enemy's buffs and status effects, which would be useful if the enemy had boosted its stats.
**: Next turn only.

Comments: When you get Miu, learn Collection immediately and use it before every battle. Miu attacks largely with status effects and debuffs, which are helpful even against bosses. I
didn't use her much, except for the occasional defense buff. The Just Desserts bond attack is even more useful than Shin's OPR Next, and can be used to set up the damage glitch if you
want an easy win against anything you fight after Knighting Himekami.

Miu's and Himekami's bond attacks are found next to the stairs up in Garden of Memories 1F-4F.

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