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First United Methodist Church NON-PROFIT ORG


710 N. Austin St. ♦ Seguin, Texas 78155 SEGUIN, TX
(830) 379-4112 ♦ PERMIT NO. 55


Listening for God’s

5. What do the people you most
trust think about it? This is the godly
counsel test. Find two or three veteran

You’re in Good
Christ followers and talk with them about
your issue and thought. “Do you think
Rev. this is the voice of God I’m hearing or

that I’ve gotten my wires crossed?”
Face it, sometimes we get emotionally
Paul and the Corinthians
Purdy and physically exhausted and are not in a
Wednesday Lenten Study
condition to make good decisions. Robert
Are you ever frustrated trying to make
Schuler’s dad told him about needing
During the transition of years, God Herod Antipas, thus Roman, a member sense of today’s diverse, secular culture?
firewood and seeing a dead tree, cut it
has been speaking to me about listening! of the Herod’s court; and Saul the Jewish Do you ever struggle with lifestyles that
down. That spring shoots sprung up. His
Actually, I thought I was about ready to convert to Christ. seem to swirl around you, as you work to
lesson to Robert:
move along to another theme, but even Also note, they were fasting and wor- hold tight to your Christian values? Be
“I thought for sure it was dead. The
this morning during my regular reading shiping the Lord (v. 2) when they received of good cheer; keep the faith, for you are
leaves had all dropped in the wintertime.
through the Old Testament in The Living direction to set Barnabas and Saul aside not alone. In fact, you are in good com-
It was so cold that twigs snapped as if
Bible: Deuteronomy 10: 12-13: “And and (v. 3) they fasted and prayed more be- pany. The Apostle Paul was right where
there were no life in the old tree. But now
now, Israel, what does the Lord your God fore they did so. Why? Hybels suggests: you are, as he established churches in the
I see that there was still life at the tap root.
require of you except to listen carefully They were testing the message from God gentile world of Rome and Asia Minor.
Bob, don’t forget this important lesson.
to all he says to you, and to obey for your to see if they were hearing correctly. They Paul faced many of the same pressing
Never cut a tree down in the wintertime.
own good the commandments I am giving heard God’s whisper and were testing it. issues that the Church faces today. Dr.
Never make a negative decision at a low
you today, and to love him, and to wor- Was this action pleasing to God? They Robert W. Wingard received his Doctor of
time. Never make your most important
ship him with all your hearts and souls?” were double checking… and then, they Ministry from Emory University and is a
decisions when you are in your worst
Does one ever finish listening to God? obeyed without delay. professor of religion. He has traveled ex-
mood. Be patient. The storm will pass.
Bill Hybels wrote, The Power of a Hybels suggests 5 filters to help us tensively throughout Greece and Turkey
The spring will come.” (John Hull, Piv-
Whisper – Hearing God: Having the Guts determine whether a particular whisper on an in-depth study of Paul’s ministry.
otal Praying: Connecting with God in
to Respond. Our Staff is going to read is one we should obey: A seven week Lenten study will begin
Times of Great Need, 177)
this together in Lent, but as I read it in 1. Is the prompting truly from on Wednesday March 2, at 10 a.m. in
Is God speaking to you? Well, you
advance, the scary part for me is after we God? Is it consistent with God’s char- Hierholzer Hall. The study book is Paul
know he is. Thanks to Bill Hybels, let
listen: Will we have the guts to respond? acter and attributes? God will not ask us and the Corinthians. The sessions will
me suggest:
At our Leadership Planning Retreat, we to do something that is not in line with include the following topics:
1. Thank God for trusting you with
examined this text: his character – loving, truthful, merciful, The Church and the Bible, Mak-
something that needs your particular
1 Now in the church at Antioch there gracious, etc. ing Moral Decisions, Christian Unity,
were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, 2. Is it scriptural? Would God tell Women and Men in Church and Society,
2. Let God know your ears are
Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of someone to shoplift, commit adultery, The Resurrection, Christian Living, Rec-
open, your heart is pliable, and your
Cyrene, Manaen a member of the court or quit a job without another source of onciliation in a Broken World.
hands are ready for action.
of Herod the ruler, and Saul. 2 While they income when one has four children to Come and gain a deeper understand-
3. Tell God you stand ready – right
were worshiping the Lord and fasting, feed? Messages that contradict scripture ing of Corinth and its culture. Come and
now – to obey.” (Bill Hybels, The Power
the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me are not from God. learn about the concerns and challenges
of a Whisper, 110-111)
Barnabas and Saul for the work to which 3. Is it wise? This is the general- that Paul faced and how they are similar
I have called them.” 3 Then after fasting wisdom test. Jesus said, “I send you forth to the concerns we have in today’s world.
This is a new year. I pray we are
and praying they laid their hands on them as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye The cost of the book is $9.00. Those
more like the Antioch Church listening
and sent them off. (Acts 13: 1-3) therefore wise as serpents, and harmless interested may contact Candace Wilson,
for God’s voice with discernment and
Antioch was the first place followers as doves.” (Matthew 10:16) It’s not wise 379-4112 or Darlene Welborn, 401-4368,
responding with courage.
of Jesus were called Christians. Please to purchase a house well above one’s
note the diversity of leaders: Barnabas budget or get married after knowing each
was a Levite from Cyprus and thus, other only three weeks.
a Greek; Simeon, called Niger – very 4. Is it in tune with your own
dark skinned, perhaps African; Lucius character? This is the wiring test. Is it
of Cyrene – Latin name, from capital consistent with your background, educa-
of Libya; Manaen – foster brother of tion, and gifts?
Page 2 First United Methodist Church, Seguin, Texas JANUARY 28, 2011

Worship Stats
Statistics for January 9, 2011 Statistics for January 16, 2011
Collection Collection
Needed to date $34,972.00 Needed to date $52,458.00
Received to date $40,090.00 Received to date $62,143.00

UMW Worship Attendance Worship Attendance

We are excited to share with you
some highlights from 2010 and want to 8:00 AM 107 8:00 AM 120
invite all ladies to join us as we continue 10:30 AM 143 10:30 AM 88
our mission for 2011. In addition to the Seasons 95 Seasons 97
money contributed to district mission
work, we closed out 2010 with donations
Walk to Total 345 Total 305

of nearly $2,000.00 to the Children’s

Advocacy Center, the Seguin Pregnancy Jerusalem Sunday School Attendance 265 Sunday School Attendance 261
Center, the Salvation Army, the mission A Journey of Spiritual Faith
outreach of our local church, the Chris-
tian Free Clinic, the Family Violence
and Physical Exercise
Jerusalem is 7217 miles from First
Worship Experiences
Center, the Christian Counseling Center, United Methodist Church. This is the real,
Habitat for Humanity, and the Christian January 30 February 6
as the crow flies miles. Jesus walked to
Cupboard. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Jerusalem for the crucifixion. Of course,
We invite all ladies of the church to 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. 8:00 & 10:30 a.m.
Jesus didn’t start from Seguin, which is
be a part of United Methodist Women. why this will be a community effort-we
Come to the next General Meeting on Preaching Preaching
will pool our miles. That way, no one has
February 1, 2011 in Hierholzer Hall at 8:00-Rev. Purdy 8:00-Rev. Welborn
to go terribly far, but hopefully far enough
9:15 AM. Voluntary contributions are 10:30 Sanctuary-Rev. Purdy 10:30 Sanctuary-Rev. Welborn
to increase health.
collected throughout the year for carry- 10:30 Seasons-Rev. Phillips 10:30 Seasons-Rev. Purdy
What if I hate to walk? We are giv-
ing out the purpose of mission to benefit ing equivalents for running, biking, Sunday School for all ages is held each Sunday at 9:15 a.m.
women, children, and youth. swimming, and aerobics. These are also
Currently we are in the process of
updating our membership roster. If you
healthful aerobic exercises.
Can I sign up my neighbor who is Church Staff
are in one of the small groups we call Baptist? Of course. The more walkers,
circles, please update your information the better. The Wesley Nurse has night-
with them. If you are one of our members mares of nobody signing up and being Rev. Steve Purdy Rev. Ron Welborn
who do not belong to a circle or would faced with trying to average 500 miles a Senior Pastor, Ext. 204 Associate Pastor, Ext. 203
like to, please update your information week all by herself. This is a parish health
by contacting one of the officers: Ethel ministry rather than a congregational one.
Dammann, Ida Flach, Gene Loy, or Joan What do I get? Well, hopefully Rev. Patricia Jentsch Rev. Diana Phillips
Jahns or send a note to the church office healthier! But also a participant’s packet Associate Pastor, Ext. 302 Lead Pastor Clear Springs, Ext. 206
to the attention of the United Methodist which includes ways to track and report
Women. your mileage and weekly words to think
on and a health tip-both related to the Christie Hewitt Candace Wilson
spiritual theme of the week. Weekday School Director, Ext. 210 Education Director, Ext. 207
When does it start? The miles begin
to count on Sunday, January 30, 2011.
This gives us 12 weeks to complete our Brandon Shook
journey in time for the crucifixion of
Danna Dyess
Wesley Nurse Youth Director
Jesus. Yes, people can join in mid-walk.
How do I sign up? You will need to
get a participant pack with a participant Keith Robinson
number, from the Wesley Nurses office. Robin Hogue
Organist Music Director, Ext. 208
The packets will also be distributed at
Church on Sunday, January 23, 2011 after
the services in the narthex. Please contact
Dee Willen
Flower Power Danna Dyess, Wesley Nurse at 830-379-
4112 ext 306, ddyess@
Bonnie Dixon
Financial Administrator, Ext. 202
Season’s Music Director
Join us this year in helping beautify
our altar in the sanctuary. You may place Mike McGrew
flowers to honor someone for a birthday, Handbell Director
April Kortz
an anniversary, in memory of, or just Nursery Director
“because.” You don’t have to use flowers
from a florist, you could just look outside Melissa DePalermo
at God’s creation and be creative. Call Administrative Assistant, Ext. 201
Melissa in the church office or Susan Charlie Rodgers
Brannan to schedule a Sunday. Technology Director
JANUARY 28, 2011 First United Methodist Church, Seguin, Texas Page 3

Candace’s Corner Singles’ Ministry

Visiting Day Each year during Confirmation I
Super Bowl Party
He was looking forward to this mo- explain to the class that meeting daily
ment all day long, after 6 days of labor with God is like visiting a grandparent.
Come to Paula Weddle’s home (call The Way of Prayer
830-305-8880 for directions) at game Nell Martin and Pastor Patricia Jen-
and it finally arrived - Visiting Day! The “Grandma sits by the window each day,
time—about 5 P.M. on February 6th. tsch will lead the class that begins on
man with the keys arrived to swing open awaiting you. When you arrive she is so
Bring a snack to share. Singles Ministry March 10 through May 19th. Classes
the large, heavy doors. The cold gray hall happy. There is laughter and food and
will provide pizza and Pepsi. It will be will be from 6 to 8 P.M. The book costs
springs to life in the warm glow of light. love all around. However, before you
fun! $10. Call to reserve a place.
He could hardly control His emotions. know it, it’s time to leave. As you drive
The families began to arrive. He peers away, she goes back to the window,
from the corner of the room longing for watches you drive away and already starts Spiritual Journey Rebuilding When Your
the 1st glimpse of His loved one. He lives awaiting your return.” Each year that February 21st at 4:30 P.M. in room 10. Relationship Ends
for the weekends. He lives for these visits. simple story seems to connect with our Suzanne Broussard will lead. This will Rebuilding begins March 21st and
As the cars arrive, He watches intently. class, reminding them that God is always be our last class for a while. lasts through May 23rd. Classes run from
Then, finally, they arrive, for whom He waiting for them. 6 to 8 P.M. Call for additional informa-
would do anything. They embrace, eat On January 14 & 15 nineteen of our tion: Pastor Patricia 830-237-9863.
a light lunch and reminisce how things twenty-one Confirmands, a few adults
used to be. At one point, they break into and I stayed overnight at our District
singing, with interruptions of laughter Conference Retreat Center in Weimer.
and applause. But all too soon it is over. In my 15 Confirmation Classes at FUMC
A tear comes to His eyes as they de- Seguin, this was the most quiet, truly
part. Then the man with the keys closes interactive class I have seen. A huge
the heavy doors. He hears the key turn in thank you goes to our District Program
the lock marking the end of a special day. Director, Judy Johnson, our Youth Direc-
There He stands, alone again. He knows tor Brandon Shook, and April Kortz for
that most of His visitors will not contact chaperoning, and to my husband Lee
Him again till next week. As the last car for driving the church bus. There were
pulls away from the parking lot, Jesus 38 boys and girls in attendance and 19
retreats into loneliness as He waits until of them were ours! I’m so proud of our
next Sunday - Visiting Day. church and parents for seeing that their
Is the time that we spend with Jesus an children are indeed in the presence of God
everyday thing, or do we just visit Him each Sunday. Please continue to keep our
on Sunday. Think about it ... 2011 Confirmation Class in your prayers.
-- Author Unknown They are going to make a difference in
our church not only in the church of the
future, but also in the church of today!

Nineteen confirmands from FUMC, Seguin attended the Confirmation Retreat at

Cathedral Oaks Retreat Center.

Next Order deadline

February 16
Next Pickup Date
Senior Exercise January 29
8:00-10:00 AM
Each Thursday morning at 10:00 am in
the Christian Life Center seniors are in- the Scroll
vited to join Wesley Nurse Danna Dyess
for an exercise class. Classes consist of
is a bi-weekly publication of
chair exercise, walking and stretching. First United Methodist Church
All classes are free and open to the pub- 710 N. Austin St.
lic. Stop by any Thursday morning and Seguin, TX 78155
Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc - give it a try.
Page 8 First United Methodist Church, Seguin, Texas JANUARY 28, 2011

Looking Out My
Pastor Ron
The past few weeks have been great that has a hand in truly reaching out into
Welborn for our students. The spring semester has the dark places in the world and helps to
kicked off and 2011 will be a big year make them a brighter place.
for us. I am excited to be a participant
A few days ago Auburn was crowned Somehow the experts didn’t think in all the adventures that the Lord has in “We should so work as if we were
the college football champion after they Auburn had what it takes at the begin- store for the youth over the next year. I to be saved by our works; and so rely
defeated Oregon in the championship ning of the season. I guess they were am hopeful that we as a group will grow on Jesus Christ, as if we did no works.”
game. TCU finished second and some wrong. Experts often are. Determina- closer to Christ and each other as we -Francis Asbury
thought they should at least get a nod for tion, perseverance and hard work often embark on this journey. The main focus
the mythical title. The cheers have faded. even the playing field in life. I’ve seen of our group will be discipleship through Peace be with you,
Referees have tossed their whistles into a a lot of those qualities lately around the our age specific groups. I believe it will
drawer. And coaches have begun to dust church. The lay leadership retreat was so help us grow closer and create true com- Shook
off their golf game. But behind closed exciting and the sense of determination munity within the youth group meeting
doors reporters are pounding away with in the room was thick. This is a church in our smaller groups. My favorite thing
their predictions for next season. Some determined to reach outside our doors. always is the ride home from events like
are already picking Oklahoma to win it December was a text book example of Mid Winter, Mission Trips, and Summer
all next year. Others think another team perseverance as we finished the year on Camps because it is always interesting
from the Southeast conference will win solid financial footing. And hard work to hear what is going on in some of their
again. LSU seems to top that list. As I is a regular ingredient on this campus. heads after having an opportunity to
read with modified interest their columns I’m going to wait and see if Oklahoma truly slow down and have an encounter Upcoming Events:
I am reminded that Auburn wasn’t on or LSU can actually make it through to with Christ. Those conversations are
anyone’s radar screen when the season the championship next season in college my favorite! Mid Winter 4: February 4-6, 2011 / Jr.
began. One after the other, teams ranked football. They just might. Or they might We just finished with the confirmation & Sr. High / Mt. Wesley, Kerrville
ahead of them in the pre-season fell by have a surprise waiting down the road retreat at Cathedral Oaks and it was my
the wayside and Auburn began a steady from a group of Aggies who are tired of first time to experience it on an overnight February 6th: We will be headed to
climb to the top of the poll by season’s being overlooked or a bunch of Florida stay. What a hidden gem we have in our Gruene UMC for a Super Bowl Party.
end. Seems to me I’ve seen that movie gators looking for a comeback. The district! If you have not been out there Guys: Bring Snacks Ladies: Bring
before. bottom line is, for now I’ll take what the I would strongly encourage you to take Drinks
David was a nondescript shepherd lad. experts say with a grain of salt. But as some time to go and check out the place.
No one would have picked him to come for FUMC, Seguin – pencil them in at the It would be a great place for any of us to Mid Winter 5: February 11-13, 2011 /
out on top in a fight with one of the sheep, top of the heap for 2011. The talent and take the day walking some of the trails Sr. High / Echo Valley, Near Leakey
much less a giant named Goliath. But he leadership are in place for a champion- and taking in nature and spend a little time
did. Saul was a bully fleecing Christians ship run. praying and contemplating the things the February 12th: Students will need to be
left and right. He probably wouldn’t have Lord has set out before us to do. I know at the Church to help make Chocolate
made anyone’s list for Up and Coming the confirmands had a blast out there. Covered Strawberries!!
Preachers. But he was blinded by the We had a great time learning about the
light and became Paul - the champion of
the early church.
The pages of history are filled with
Pastor Ron Methodist Denomination and learned
what it meant to be a Methodist in the
Lord’s Kingdom. It is always refresh-
February 13th: Is the Day that the Jr.
High and High School groups will split
during our Sunday evening gathering.
the names of men and women who were ing to me to look back on the history More details to come.
written off by their peers. She will never of the Methodist church and see where
make a good writer. He’ll never be able we started and what we have become,
to hit a free throw. She just doesn’t have from a man (John Wesley) that rode on
what it takes. horseback to a global denomination that
preaches, teaches, and serves all races and
creeds!! It ‘warms my heart’ to know that
I am a part of such a wonderful church

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