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ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (6)

Special: Focus on Promoting The COP15 is the largest and most ISES
Renewables at COP15 important UN climate change conference
ever. Diplomats from 192 nations are International
“The ruin of the financial markets and gathering in Copenhagen to work towards Solar Energy
economy can, even with great difficulty, a binding international treaty to tackle Society
be overcome - a planet ruined by climate change. Experts are saying this
climate change cannot.” conference is the best and last chance
Prof. Klaus Töpfer, member of the German for the world to create an agreement to
Council for Sustainable Development & protect the world from global warming.
Former Executive Director of the UNEP The conference is the climax of two years
(source of controversial negotiations and started with a series of promises by several
economies to curb their greenhouse
gases, yet many major issues are yet to be
resolved. While the conference started
ISES at the COP15 Climate Change with a strong sense of confidence that the
Conference countries can agree to a comprehensive,
ambitious and effective international
In this issue
Current News
Focus on COP15

REN Aliance Strategy Paper
SolarCOP 15 Initiative

President’s Column
Society News
Young ISES

The 15th United Nations Climate Change Section News

Conference of the Parties (COP 15) started SESSA Solar Water Heating
this week in Denmark’s capital city of Division
Copenhagen. ISES will be represented Corporate Member News
at this historic event by a delegation Valtentin Energiesoftware
consisting of representatives from the Project News
Board of Directors and Sections, they are: powerado wins 1st prize from
• Dr. Hisham El-Agamawy President Berlin
of the Egyptian Solar Energy Society Partner News
• Mr. Peter Gorton, ISES Director WBA releases report on potential
from Australia of bioenergy
• Dr. Aldo Iacomelli, ISES Director Other News
from Italy Global Energy Challenge
• Mr. Huang Ming, ISES Vice President New Secretary General of ESTIF
for Industries from China ISES Bookshop Specials
• Dr. Dave Renné ISES Vice President Upcoming ISES Conferences
for Scientific & Technical Affairs
ISES Supported Events
ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

climate change agreement, the urgency and the first week, ISES has an information booth set
necessity of sealing a deal by 18 December is up at the conference were delegates can receive
unprecedented. information about the Society. Next week Dave
Renné as well as representatives from the REN
Peter Gorton will be attending the entire COP15 Alliance will take part in several conferences and
and will post regular updates about the event on interviews.
his blog. Anyone can become a follower of the
blog and post comments to him throughout the At the Solar World Congress 2009 in
Johannesburg, ISES issued a statement to the
delegates of the COP15 conference. The bottom-
line of the ISES statement is that renewable energy
is the key to climate recovery. The statement affirms
the ISES position that not only are renewables
essential to climate recovery and mitigation of
GHGs, but renewables can also address poverty
alleviation and energy security. The transition to a
renewable energy world is imperative, achievable
and economically feasible in the near term. This
statement will be distributed throughout the
COP15 by the ISES delegation. It is available at the
end of this newsletter.

We will report back on the results of the COP15

in the first newsletter of 2010.
ISES stand at COP15
In the meantime, here are some interesting sites
event at Since October, to follow the COP15:
during the preparations for the COP15, Peter • – Official website of the Un
started posting updates on the conference. Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen
This week he reported on the opening events (COP 5) includes links to documentation,
around the COP15, including the “Fossil of the latest press release as well as YouTube,
Day Award”, which is organised by the Climate facebook, twitter and other sites.
Action Network and given to the countries that • – Official COP15 website
perform the worst during the day’s negotiations from the Danish Government
at the conference. On Monday third place went • – Peter
to Canada for comments made by environment Gorton’s COP15 blog
minister Jim Prentice proclaiming that his nation • – Fossil of the Day
“won’t be swayed” by Copenhagen “hype”; second award website
place was awarded to Sweden, Finland and Austria • – Interviews with
for “attempting to cook the books and reap unfair key decision makers in the climate change
gains because of their large forests” and first place debate.
was awarded to ALL industrialized countries for
an overwhelming lack of ambition.
Throughout the COP15 the ISES delegation will
attend various sessions and side events. During

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

REN Alliance releases position paper for (NAMAs) framework shows a great potential for
COP15 renewables, which take a more strategic approach
than the CDM. Renewables must be a central
“Scaling-up for a Renewable Energy Future: part of the strategic development of NAMAs,
Reforming existing mechanisms & shaping new including scaling-up investment, policy support
approaches post-2010” is the title of the newly schemes and capacity building.
released position paper from the International
Renewable Energy Alliance (REN Alliance) on The final point of the strategy paper calls for
the occasion of the COP15. The paper outlines innovative financing mechanisms for renewables
what is needed for scaling up renewable energy, including the creation of a global renewable
namely: energy investment fund or Global Feed-In Tariff
Fund, as outlined by the UNFCCC Ad-Hoc
Working Group for Long –Term Cooperative
Actions (AWG-LCA). The aim of the global feed-
in programme should be to provide seed funding
to developing countries to establish their own
feed-in tariff schemes that would become self-

The paper will be presented by representatives

• Putting renewable energy at the forefront of
from all four REN Alliance member organisations
climate change mitigation
(ISES, International Hydro Power Association,
• Reforming the Clean Development
International Geothermal Association, World
Mechanism (CDM) to accelerate renewable
Wind Energy Association and World Bio-Energy
energy development
Association.) at press conference at the COP15
• Putting renewables in a position to lead post
on 16 December.
• Innovative financing for renewable energy

Climate change is largely about energy and

ISES endorses SolarCOP15 initiative
renewables must be put at the forefront of climate
change mitigation measures and targets to achieve A cooperation of the leading solar industry
a sustainable future. Renewable energies have a associations and organisations has come together
extraordinary potential to provide a major part of as one unified voice to make the case for solar
all energy services. The CDM will remain in the energy as a simply, practical solution for reducing
short to medium term the principle instrument emissions. The SolarCOP15 is to inform world
for mobilising private sector capital for GHG leaders gathering in Copenhagen that solar energy is
emission reduction projects. The current CDM, the solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
however, is not working to enable the full potential now. Approximately 39 organisations, including
of renewable energy development and thus ISES and the Sections of Sweden (Svensk Solenergi
should be reformed to better enable renewable - Swedish Solar Energy Association), India (Solar
deployment. Energy Society of India), Mexico (Asociación
Nacional de Energía Solar-National Solar Energy
The post 2010 (post Kyoto) framework must be Association) and Switzerland (Swissolar) have
centred on renewable energies. The emerging endorsed this initiative. In a letter to the Secretary
Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions General of the UN, His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

and the Executive Director of the UNFCCC,

His Excellency Yvo de Boer, SolarCOP15 make a
case for solar energy and stress that solar energy
offers a concrete way forward through the pillars
of climate negotiations including mitigation,
adaptation, technology transfer and finance.

The letter states that solar energy is the cleanest

form of energy generation and the technology is
ready now. Solar energy provides the opportunity pollution is there because of man made emissions
for heating, cooling and electricity to be generated and these emissions will impact on us. So being
anywhere there is sunshine. Solar energy provides a believer I hope strong policy directions are set
developing countries with the opportunity and agreed on at COP15.
to leap-frog traditional energy dependence
on fossil fuels and distributed solar energy is This is my final ISES Newsletter as President. The
appropriate for developing rural areas as the last two years have been a period dominated by
traditional infrastructure needed for fossil fuels is three main issues:
unnecessary. • Upgrading and outsourcing of the ISES IT
electronic services system, which includes
In regard to finance, solar technologies are the membership system and web design.
becoming more affordable across the globe and Once completed, and that should be early
not only does solar energy bring clean energy, next year, new and speedier services to
but it creates jobs and can therefore help improve members will become available and the
the quality of life and economic conditions. Solar interactive web site will enable us to use
energy presents a unique opportunity for every more modern communication methods to
country and solar energy must be recognized offer better services to our members and
for the contribution it can make in the climate promote ISES more effectively.
negotiations. To learn more about the SolarCOP15
initiative please visit • Restructuring of the Membership and changing the Board of Directors composition.
A “Joint Membership” structure was agreed
on by the Board of Directors. We trialled this
methodology in Australia and it was very
President’s Column effective. In many countries the national
“solar society” has both local and ISES
As this Newsletter goes out COP15 is in full swing. members. The aim is to make all the national
Soon we will know how effective discussions have members ISES members for a reduced ISES
been. Whether one is a believer in man induced fee. This fee and the benefits of becoming an
climate change or a sceptic there is no doubt that ISES member are currently being finalised in
it is important to transition as quickly as possible a report that will soon be circulated to the
from non renewable forms of energy to renewable Sections.
forms and establish an energy source that will not
run out or impact on the general well being of
ourselves and the planet. No-one who has been
to a large city and is unable to see the blue sky
because of smog can truly ignore the fact that the

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

• Changes to the Board; There will be an Society News

introduction of Board representatives for
Company and Institution members and Young ISES – Network for Students and
– what I am particularly happy about –the Young Professionals
addition of a Young ISES Board member and The Young ISES initiative was started in 2006 with
the developing of a new and effective Young the first meeting at the EuroSun in Glasgow, UK.
ISES structure. Since then a mailing list has been set up and three
other meetings have taken place at the Solar World
• Developing stronger ties with our REN- Congresses 2007 & 2009 and the EuroSun 2008.
Alliance members. This has culminated in Recently all ISES student members have been
an MOU between the REN-Alliance and added to the mailing list that were not already.
IRENA to work together on joint programs. As mentioned above the ISES Board of Directors
A first step has been joint presentations recently approved a new Board seat to represent
at COP15 and later at the World Energy Young ISES. Before the call for nominations is
Council meeting in Abu Dhabi in January distributed, ISES will set up an online platform for
2010. These Alliances we feel will enhance Young ISES members to post information about
our profile and influence globally. themselves and to get to know other Young ISES
members. At the beginning of the New Year, the
Finally, if ISES is to be a vibrant and effective nomination and election process will take place.
society into the future it is important that we get
more feedback and participation from the Sections Developing Young ISES is a priority action for
and their elected Board Members. Regarding the ISES Board of Directors. Some of the measure
latter ensure that your ISES Board Member is that are and will be undertaken to advance the
giving you regular reviews and transmitting your initiative are to expand the current mailing list
view points. Hopefully with our new IT systems to include all student and any young professional
this will be facilitated. interested in joining the initiative; develop an
internet based communication platform for
It has been a great honour to have been President members and to solicit nominations and hold the
of ISES and I would like to thank ISES HQ staff election for the Director. Other activities within
for their hard work over quite a difficult two years the Young ISES initiative also include educational
and the Board Members who have given their and training activities, the first of which will be
time on an extensive and voluntary basis. the development of a renewable energy university

Monica Oliphant
ISES President

Photo from the first Young ISES meeting at the

EuroSun 2006

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

network. Prof. Klaus Vajen, who helped initiate been active in consulting with banks to develop
Young ISES, is leading this activity through financial packages specifically for solar water
the University of Kassel in Germany. More heating. He also added that his hope is to see
information about the university network will be electric flow water heaters eliminated completely
announced in upcoming newsletters. and replaced with solar water heaters.

We would like to invite any young ISES Dylan Tudor-Jones was interviewed by the online
professional members who are interested in magazine during the
being a part of this initiative to contact Jennifer ISES Solar World Congress in October. The full
McIntosh at interview can be found here:

Section News Corporate News

SESSA – Solar Thermal Division Promoting

Solar Water Heating in South Africa

Valentin EnergieSoftware, an ISES Silver Small

Company member is celebrating the 15 year
Dylan Tudor-Jones is a founding member of anniversary of it’s simulation programme for the
the Solar Water Heating Division of the ISES design and calculation of solar thermal systems,
Southern Africa Section, Sustainable Energy T*SOL. In honour of 15 years of T*SOL, the
Society of Southern Africa (SESSA). The aim of company is offering 15% discount off the purchase
the Division is to promote solar water heating of the new complete version of T*SOL Professional
in South Africa to various target groups. The 4.5 or T*SOL Expert 4.5 until December 31,
Division represented manufacturers, importers, 2009. They are also offering other interesting
installers and others active in the solar hot programmes at discounted prices until the end of
water industry in Southern Africa. The Division the year. To take advantage of these great offers
started very small with only 15 members, but please visit the Valentin EnergieSoftware website
has grown to over 190 plus members. They hold at
meetings in different parts of the country to bring
the members together and help find common
ground. In regard to supporting good legislation, Project News
SESSA would like to see the national government
put legislation in place that requiring solar water Powerado wins 1st prize from Berlin
heaters to be installed on new buildings. He said
in the interview the biggest obstacles for solar The project powerado, funded by the German
water heating in South Africa are the high capital Ministry for Environment was awarded first
costs and lack of proper financing. They have place by the City-State of Berlin for best project

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

points out that there is a lack of awareness of the

enormous potential of bio energy world wide
among politicians, media and the public. He says,
“We have to present these facts to political leaders
in Copenhagen since bioenergy must play a major
role in the strategy to combate climate change.
According to the report the largest potential for
bioenergy comes from biomass production on
in “Education for Sustainable Development”. surplus agricultural lands and degraded land.
ISES was a partner of the powerado project which The current use of biomass for energy is only 50
aims to strengthen renewable energy education EJ, around 10 % of global energy consumption.
from the primary school to university levels. Bioenergy crops are grown on 25 million hectares,
Throughout the project education materials were which is only 0.19% of the world’s total land area
collected and developed, and an online computer and 0.5% of the total agricultural land.
game for children was developed as a teaching tool. More information about the paper and the WBA
The online computer game teaches about energy can be found at
consumption, intelligent energy management
and helps children learn about energy efficiency
and renewable energy. Among other activities of
the project, a teaching kit was developed which
contains games, instructions and materials for
teachers to use for teaching about renewables.

The award honours projects that have a special

commitment to sustainable and fair practices and
supports the science of sustainability in Berlin.
More information about the project and the
award are available (in German) at
Other News
Partner News Global Energy Challenge
WBA Releases Position Paper on the Global The organisation ennovent – innovations for
Potentials of Sustainable Bioenergy sustainability is promoting the Global Energy
Challenge competition. The objective of the
The World Bioenergy Association (WBA) has challenge is to find from around the world
released a position paper based on a report by beneficial energy solutions for India’s poor to
the Department of Energy & Technology at the support sustainable entrepreneurs to deliver these
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences solutions. The challenge is to find proven, for-profit
showing that the global potential to produce bio solutions that can meet some of the critical energy
energy in a sustainable way is sufficient to meet needs of India’s poor. The organisation ennovent
global energy demand. The estimated potential will invest up to USD 500,000 in the winning
for bio energy production is 1135 – 1548 EJ enterprise and give a reward of USD 3000 to the
(ExaJoule) in 2050, based on different scientific nominator. They are looking for the smartest
studies. Kent Nyström, President of the WBA innovation and hope to advance sustainable

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

change for the poor populations of India. The Pocket Reference book is available as well as Wind
“solver” can be from anywhere in the world and and Solar Energy (see Scientific & Technical
should be a for-profit enterprise open to accepting publications for the Wind and Solar books). If you
an investment to launch or scale the innovation in wish to order any of the Pocket Reference books
India. To learn more about the ennovent Global as gifts for someone this year, ISES can send the
Energy Challenge please visit book directly to the recipient. Please send an email – an announcement
about the challenge is on the first page.

ESTIF Appoints New Secretary General

The European Solar Thermal Industry Federation
appointed a new Secretary General, Mr. Xanier
Noyon, a French national who has specialised in
the representation and management of industry
associations in the electrical and mechanical The keynote lectures from the EuroSun 2008 available on
engineering sectors. He will be based at the DVD as complete set or as seperate DVDs with the lectures
from each conference day.
ESTIF office in Brussels where he will lead the
implementation strategy of ESTIF’s strategy to for more information.
and coordinate the secretariat’s activities. In
his opening statement, Xavier underlined the And remember all ISES members get at least a
importance of ESTIF’s mission with heating and 10% discount on all publications in the Online
cooling making up today for nearly half of the Bookshop. Visit the Bookshop at
overall energy demand in Europe. Xavier brings
vast experience of dealing with EU institutions
with him to the position and he is very familiar with
legislations procedures and public campaigning
at the European level.
To learn more about ESTIF see their website at

ISES Bookshop Specials

ISES is offering many ISES conference

proceedings and DVDs at reduced prices in the
Online Bookshop. For instance the EuroSun
2008 full proceedings CD as well as the DVDs
of key note lectures are now available at special
prices. More offers on conference materials can
be found under Society Publications.

We also want to remind members that the ISES

Pocket Reference books make a great holiday gift.
The newly released Passive Solar Architecture

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

Regional Conferences 2010

ISES Latin America 2010
ISES Asia Pacific Regional Conference
The Peruvian Solar Energy Society, APES
(Renewable Energy 2010) – Deadline for
(“Asociación Peruana de Energía Solar y del
Abstracts Extended!
Ambiente”), will host the 4th ISES Latin American
Regional Conference (IV ISES-CLA), together
with the XVII Peruvian Solar Energy Symposium
(XVII SPES), from 1 – 5 November 2010 in Cusco,
Peru. This event is organized together with the local
university in Cusco, UNSAAC, and the National
Engineering University, UNI. The deadline for
reception of abstracts of papers is 30 April 2010.
For more visit the web sites at,

This event will take place in Yokohama, Japan from

27 June – 2 July 2010. The deadline for submission ISES Supported Conferences
of abstracts has been extended until 31 December.
The full call for papers and information is available CEP – Clean Energy & Passive House 2010
online at

EuroSun 2010

The CEP® Clean Energy & Passive House,

organised by the ISES Silver Company Member
REECO GmbH, is an international trade fair
The EuroSun 2010 taking place in Graz Austria and congress for renewable energies and passive
from 28 September – 1 October 2010 will be a houses and takes place annually in Stuttgart,
joint conference of ISES and the Solar Heating Germany.
and Cooling Program of the International Energy
Agency (IEA SHC). EuroSun 2010 will be an At the trade congresses taking place along with
excellent platform for exchanging and discussing the exhibition, planners, scientists and users
the latest R&D results, learning about problems will present trends, technologies and support
and their solutions, seeing old friends and meeting initiatives as well as reports on experiences from
new ones. The call for abstracts is open and the their practical application. ISES members can
deadline is 1 February 2010. More information register for the exhibition for free. To get your free
is available at the EuroSun 2010 website, where ticket to the exhibition visit this site:
you can also sign up for the conference newsletter idid=P&prid=CEP10&lngid=enus&bl=www.cep-

ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

ISES members are also entitled to a 20% rebate off and their integration into micro- and mini-
the conferences fee, simply use the discount code grids for high penetration of Renewable Energy
CEPINT07 when registering. The CEP 2010 is Sources (RES). The focus of the conference will
taking place 25 – 27 February 2010, to learn more be development and application of technologies,
please visit exchange of results and ideas, know-how transfer,
identification of R&D needs and presentation of
IGA World Geothermal Congress 2010, Bali, field experience. ISES members are entitled to
Indonesia, 25 - 30 April, 2010 reduced conference fee for this event. For more
information visit:
http://w w ltung/id/5th-

EDS Course – Desalination with Solar Energy

The European Desalination Society (EDS) is
holding a 4–day intensive course on desalination
with solar energy in Almería, Spain from 3 – 6
May 2010. The general purpose of the course is to
The International Geothermal Association is
provide experts, professionals and postgraduate
holding its global conference in Bali, Indonesia.
students from all around the world with the latest
The Congress will bring together politicians,
knowledge of the different existing technologies
experts and industry to exchange ideas and share
involving the use of solar energy to drive
experiences not on only on technical and financial
desalination techniques. To learn more please
aspects, but also on policy and the global politics
visit the EDA website at
of the energy sector. Approximately 1000 papers
have been received for the technical programme,
about 650 of which will be presented in oral
presentation and 350 in poster sessions. The 4th International Solar Cities Initiative (ISCI)
papers cover a range of topics, including country Congress, 2010, 16 - 19 September 2010,
updates, environmental and social aspects, legal Dezhou, China
and regulatory aspects, sustainability, financing
and many more. The Congress is also offering a Following the successful ISCI Congresses in
series of short courses taking place prior to the Daegu, Korea in 2004, Oxford, UK in 2006 and
event. More information is available at Adelaid, Australia in 2008, the 2010 Congress will be held in Dezhou, China, an exemplary solar
city for sustainable local planning. The Congress
aims to show how local environmental initiatives
5th European PV-Hybrid and Mini-Grid are developed around the world, and how they
Conference, 29 - 30 April 2010, Tarragona, can be implemented in other areas. This event
Spain will bring together science and policy makers
to share practical knowledge for the transition
This conference will take place at a crucial to sustainable communities using renewable
moment, where changes are shaping the electricity energy. Congress topics include urban planning
generation and distribution paradigm of the future. and transportation, low energy buildings, solar
Among the major driving forces of this transition cities examples and policies, renewable energy
are the development of both PV Hybrid systems

Page 10
ISES Membership Newsletter 2009 (No. 6)

technologies and energy infrastructure. More

information is available at

In the next issue:

New Executive Committee for 2010-2011

COP 15- ISES working group reports

ISES would like to wish all our members, Sections

and partners a wonderful holiday season and all
the best for 2010. Thank you for supporting ISES
in 2009 and we look forward to a successful
New Year working for a renewable energy world


In the last Newsletter it was noted that the results This Newsletter is produced by:
of the Board of Directors elections would be The International Solar Energy Society
announced in this issue. The elections will be Wiesentalstr. 50
concluded at the end of December and the results 79115 Freiburg
announced on the ISES website and with the first Germany
newsletter of 2010 to be released in January. Tel. +49 761 45906-0
Fax. +49 761 45906-99

Page 11
ISES Statement for COP15

Hundreds of internationally-renowned renewable energy scientists, technical

experts, industry leaders, and related professionals recently convened at the
International Solar Energy Society's Solar World Congress 2009 in
Johannesburg, South Africa to review the latest renewable energy
technological advances, policy incentives, and deployment strategies from
around the world. The collective message to the delegates at COP15 coming
from this ground-breaking Congress is:
A Rapid Transition to a Renewable Energy World is key to climate

ISES is a UN accredited non-governmental and non-profit organization in

operation since 1954, and now has several thousand scientists, technical
experts, industry delegates, and related professionals from over 100 countries,
all committed to advancing renewable energy solutions to global climate
change and world poverty.

ISES affirms that the

¾ Maximum penetration of renewable energy is key to mitigation of
greenhouse gas emissions and climate recovery,
¾ Alleviation of world poverty and advances in energy security and
justice require timely development and use of renewable energy
worldwide, and
¾ Rapid transition to a renewable energy world is imperative, achiev-
able, and economically feasible in the near term.

Together, the strong and growing global network of ISES members support
achieving the mission of ISES as a learned society by

• Encouraging the use and acceptance of renewable energy technolo-

• Growing a global community of industry, individuals and institutions in
support of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
• Creating international structures to facilitate cooperation and exchange.
• Developing and distributing publications for target groups to support the
dissemination of renewable energy technology information.
• Bringing together industry, science and politics in workshops, confer-
ences and summits on Renewable Energy.
• Advising governments and organizations in policy, implementation and
sustainability of Renewable Energy activities worldwide.
• Leading projects that bring together local and international perspectives,
encourage transfer of information and good practices, and promote in-
teraction and learning.

ISES welcomes partnerships with other organizations - including the newly

formed International Renewable Energy Agency - that share the ISES vision
and fully support international policy, education, research, and development
activities that accelerate the transition to a renewable energy world.

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