Will of James Wyatt The Elder

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This is the last Will and Testament of me James Wyatt the elder of the Parish of All

Saints in the City of Oxford Carver and Gilder a Widower I appoint give and devise my freehold
messuage or tenement outbuildings yards gardens hereditaments and premises with the
appurtenances to the same belonging situate in the Parish of All Saints aforesaid in the said City
of Oxford unto and to the use of my oldest son James Wyatt the younger his heirs and assigns for
ever subject nevertheless to and charged and chargeable with the payment thereout to my other
son George Wyatt of the sum of Six hundred pounds and also of a like sum of Six hundred pounds
to each of my three daughters Ann Elizabeth and Sarah Wyatt the said several sums of Six hundred
pounds to be respectively paid to my said son George and to my said daughters within two years
from the time of my death with interest thereon in the meantime at the rate of four pounds ten
shillings per rentum [?] per annum such interest to commence from my death and be payable half-
yearly And I give to my said son George and to my said three daughters power to distrain for the
said interest in [? ****] whenever the same shall be in arrear for thirty days in like manner as rent
reserved on common devises until their respective principal moneys shall be paid I bequeath all
the household furniture plate linen china books and pictures (except the books and pictures in my
stock-in-trade) wine and other liquors and all other the household goods chattels and effects which
I shall die possessed of or entitled to unto and equally between my sons James and George and
my said daughters Ann Elizabeth and Sarah share and share alike I bequeath my leasehold
messuage tenement outbuildings yard garden and premises with the appurtenances to the same
belonging situate in the Parish of All Saints aforesaid and held by me under the City of Oxford
unto and equally between my said son George and my said daughters Ann Elizabeth and Sarah
their respective executors administrators and assigns as tenants in common and not as joint tenants
for all such term estate and interest as I shall have or be entitled to therein at the time of my death.
I declare and direct that in case my said son and daughters George Ann Elizabeth and Sarah shall
at any time or times after my death be desirous of selling and disposing of the said leasehold
premises or any part thereof they shall before selling or offering the same to any other person or
persons make known such their desire to my said son James by notice in writing and if my said
son James shall for the space of three calendar months next after the receipt of such notice refuse
or neglect to notify in writing to the parties giving the same his acceptance of such offer then they
shall be at full liberty to sell the same to any other person or persons but in case my said son James
shall within the said period of three calendar months next after the receipt of the said notice signify
in writing to the parties giving the same his wish to become the purchaser of the premises
mentioned in the said notice then the price or value to be paid by my said son James for the same
shall be ascertained by two referees one of such referees to be chosen by my said son and daughters
George Ann Elizabeth and Sarah and the other by my said son James or by the umpire of such
two referees to be fixed upon by them before they proceed to business and the decision of the
said referees or of their umpire shall be final and conclusive upon and between all the said parties
And the same course of proceeding shall be adopted in case my said son and daughters George
Ann Elizabeth or Sarah shall be desirous of selling and disposing of their respective shares of and
in the said leasehold premises or any part thereof Nevertheless I declare that these directions shall
not prohibit or prevent my said son George and my said daughters from selling and conveying
and purchasing their respective shares of and in the said premises to and from each other or the
others or other of them I bequeath my two undivided third parts or shares of and in the stock-in-
trade and book debts of and belonging to the trades or businesses of a Carver and Gilder and
Printseller now carried on by me in partnership with my said son James and which shall belong
and be due to me at my death unto and equally between my said son George and my said daughters
Ann Elizabeth and Sarah share and share alike their respective executors administrators and assigns
I bequeath to my friend James Hunt of Oxford district Auditor and to James Bridges the late
Husband of my deceased daughter Mary the sum of Five pounds each for a mourning ring I
bequeath to my old and faithful joiner Thomas Gardner the sum of Ten pounds and a suit of
mourning All the residue of my personal estate I give and bequeath unto and between my said
five children in equal shares absolutely I devise all real estates (if any) which shall at my decease be
vested in use as a Trustee or Mortgagee unto my said sons James Wyatt and George Wyatt and my
said daughter Ann Wyatt their heirs and assigns subject to the trusts and equities affecting the
same respectively I empower my said Trustees and my Executors hereinafter named to give
receipts for all moneys and effects which shall be paid or delivered to them respectively by virtue
of my Will and declare that such receipts shall exonerate the persons taking the same from all
liability to see to the application or disposition of the money or effects in such receipts respectively
mentioned And I also empower my said Executors to compound or allow time for the payment
of any debt or debts due to my estate and to settle all demands against my estate and all accounts
between me and any person or persons on such terms as they in their discretion shall think
expedient and to refer any matters in difference relating to my affairs to arbitration And I exempt
my said Executors from all liability for losses occurring without his or her own wilful neglect or
default and authorise them respectively to retain and allow to each other all expenses incidental to
the Executorships I appoint my said sons James Wyatt and George Wyatt and my said daughter
Ann Wyatt to be Executors and Executrix of this my Will And I hereby revoke all former wills
and declare this Writing to contain the whole of my Will In witness whereof I have hereunder set
my hand and I have also set my hand to each of the two preceding sheets of this my Will this
nineteenth day of July in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty eight ~ James
Wyatt Senr ~ Signed and Acknowledged by the said James Wyatt the elder as his last Will and
Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and
in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses the erasure on the first sheet
and the inter***cation in the third sheet opposite to which we have affixed our names having been
first made ~ John Matthews Solicitor Oxford ~ William Henry Howard his Clerk

Proved at London 29th September 1853 before the Worshipful William Robinmson Doctor of
Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of James Wyatt and George Wyatt the sons and Ann Wyatt
Spinster the daughter the Executors to whom administration was granted having been first sworn
duly to administer. ~

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