Science 8 - Prelim Exam

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Department of Education

Caraga Administrative Region

Schools division of Siargao
Dapa, Surigao del Norte
1st Preliminary Examination
Name: Date:

Grade & Section: Score:

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
1. Refers to the push or pull of an object.
a. unbalanced force b. force c. balanced force
2. Refers to the size and strength of an object.
a. magnitude b. force c. line of action
3. What force is responsible for the object to stay at rest?
a. unbalanced force b. force c. balanced force
4. What Laws of Motion states “an object at rest will stay at rest or an object in motion will stay in motion and travel in straight line, as
long as no external net force acts on it.”
a. law of inertia b. law of acceleration c. law of action-reaction
5. What Laws of motion states that “the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force acting on it
and is inversely proportional to its mass.”
a. law of inertia b. law of acceleration c. law of action-reaction
6. Refers to the tendency of the body to resist changes in its state of motion.
a. inertia b. force c. line of action
7. It is defined as the change in velocity per unit of time.
a. magnitude b. acceleration c. line of action
8. What laws of motion states that “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”
a. law of inertia b. law of acceleration c. law of action-reaction
9. Which of the following is the formula for solving acceleration?
a. PE = mgh b. W= Fd c. a=Fnet/m
10. It is the unit of force
a. magnitude b. acceleration c. newton
11. Is an abstract idea related too energy?
a. energy b. work c. power
12. When work is done by an object it energy.
a. gains b. loses c. has more
13. When work is done it is accompanied by a change in energy.
a. false b. true c. none
14. Work is done if the object you push moves a distance in the direction towards which you are pushing it.
a. true b. false c. none
15. No work is done if the force you exert does not make the object move.
a. true b. false c. none
16. Which of the following is the unit of mass?
a. meter b. joules c. kilogram
17. The ability or capacity to do work.
a. energy b. work c. power
18. The energy of a moving object is called .
a. potential energy b. kinetic energy c. work
19. Which of the following is the formula for solving potential energy is?
a. PE = mgh b. W= Fd c. a=Fnet/m
20. Refers to the stored energy of an object.
a. potential energy b. kinetic energy c. work
21. The rate of doing work or the rate of using energy.
a. energy b. work c. power
22. The constant acceleration due to gravity is equal to .
a. 9.8 m/s2 b. -9.8 m/ s2 c. 9.3 m/s2
23. For every ________ there is an equal and opposite _____________.
a. Reaction, action b. Action, action c. Action, reaction
24. The amount of force needed to move an object is measured in...
a. Newtons b. Kilogram c. Seconds
25. Why do you lean towards the left when a car turns right?
a. Because of inertia b. Because of gravity c. Because of velocity
Problem Solving. Show your solution. Use the back page for your solution. NO ERASURES!

1. When a golf ball is hit, it travels at 41 meters per second. The mass of a golf ball is 0.045 kg. what is the kinetic energy of the golf ball?
2. What is the kinetic energy of a 45 kg object moving at 13m/s?
3. How much work does Anthony in pushing a 45 N crate with a distance of 5 meters?
4. A 1000 kg car has a velocity of 17 m/s. What is the car’s kinetic energy?
5. Suppose a woman is pushing a grocery cart with a 500 N force along the 7 m aisle. How much work is done in pushing the cart from
one end of the aisle to the other?

Science 8
Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region
Schools division of Siargao
Dapa, Surigao del Norte
2nd Preliminary Examination
Name: Date:

Grade & Section: Score:

_______1. It consists of vibration in air particles.

a. Waves b. Sound c. Sonic
_______2. Refers to the wave that moves parallel to the motion of the particles.
a. Longitudinal b. Transverse c. Sonic
_______3. It refers to the converging portions of the slinky.
a. Rarefaction b. Compression c. Crest
_______4 . The lowest portion of the transverse wave
a. Rarefaction b. Trough c. Crest
_______5 . The highest portion of the transverse wave
a. Rarefaction b. Trough c. Crest
_______6 . The distance from one compression to the next or between two successive number of compressions
a. Wavelength b. period c. frequency
_______7 . The number of compressions passing through a certain point in 1 second.
a. Wavelength b. period c. frequency
_______8 . The movement of particles is perpendicular to the direction of the wave.
a. Longitudinal b. transverse c. Crest
_______9 . Which of the following sound travels fastest?
a. Liquid b. solid c. gas
_______10.. Which of the following sound travels slowest?
a. Liquid b. solid c. gas
________11. A French physicist who made important contributions to the theory of electricity and magnetism
a. Andre- Marie Ampere b. Alessandro Volta c. Georg Simon Ohm
________ 12. The unit, ohms (Ω) is named______.
a. Andre- Marie Ampere b. Alessandro Volta c. Georg Simon Ohm
________ 13. The unit, volts (V), is named after the Italian physicist ________who invented the voltaic pile, the forerunner of what we now call the
dry cell.
a. Andre- Marie Ampere
b. Alessandro Volta
c. Georg Simon Ohm
________14. Which of the following is true?
a. as the voltage increases, the current also increases.
b. as the voltage increases, the current also decreases.
c. None of the above
________15. Which of the following is true about series circuit?
a. In a series connection, there is only one path for the current
b. In a series connection, there is more than one path for the current
c. All of the above
________ 16. Why do short circuit happens?
a. When the circuit offers little or no resistance to the flow of charges.
b. the loads are connected to form a single pathway for electric charges to pass
c. all of the above
_______17. Why do a lot of people love to sing inside the bathroom?
a. bathroom usually made of wood or tiles brings about multiple reflection of sound
b. the bathroom typically create an aurally pleasing acoustic environment with many echoes and reverberations contributing to the
fullness and depth of voice.
c. all of the above
_______18. Refers to the multiple reflections or echoes in a certain place
A. Reverberation B. Echo C. Refraction
______ 19. described as the turning back of a wave as it hits a barrier.
a. Reverberation B. Echo C. Refraction
______20. Manifested as sort of “bending” of sound waves.
A. Reverberation B. Echo C. Refraction
______ 21. Is the illusion that objects under the water appear to be nearer the surface than they really are.
a. Refraction
b. Apparent depth
c. Dispersion of light
______22. The sluggishness of the atoms of a medium to maintain the absorbed energy before reemitting.
A. Refraction

Science 8
B. Optical Density
C. Dispersion
______23. The bending of light when it travels from one medium to another of different optical densities.
A. Refraction
B. Optical Density
C. Dispersion
______24. A known indicator of the optical density of a material.
A. Refraction
B. Optical Density
C. Dispersion
______25. A special kind of refraction which provided us colors of light.
A. Refraction
B. Optical Density
C. Dispersion

Science 8

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