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PLS utk membina model– andaian longgar; SEM ketat, utk uji model

Guna SEM – jelas ttg anjakan paradigm baru dpd korelasi peasen etc, susunan
tesis konvensional;
SEM- cara tulis Bab 1 & 2 berbeza dpd statistk konvensional – lakaran peta konsep
model yang diuji; perlu tahu tulis soalan, interpretasi output; tulis laporn model
Assumption : taburan normal, korelasi X multicollineated, etc need to hold; lest
model not accepted; use theory of planned behaviour; quantitative ada jangkaan
SEM – utk lihat perhubungan; bukan bandingan.
Keputusan p< 0.05; hanya disokong atau tidak saja
Test beta values; yg mana kuat boleh dijadikan pelan intervensi
SEM Help in factor analysis
Lisrel; M+
Masukkan data dalam spss dan link dengan Amos

Latent variable – cannot be seen; psikometrik; bentuk pengukuran abstrak

item mesti mewakili sakit hati – latent variable/unobserved variable; S1, S2 –
items/indicators/observed variable

Sakit hati

More accurate -> Errors in indicators are used; cannot use average
Less accurate  Path analysis – minkan indicators. (actually wrong)
Chapter 3 – terangkan error
IV – exogenous variable = sikap
DV – endogenous variable = pencapaian
Tabijenik N Efidel – authority for SEM
Most probable indicator constrained to 1, in theory

Assumption and Constrain of output

Analysis Properties, highlight Max Likelihood; Estimate means… only if got missing
values; click Output, choose MH, SE & SMC; calculate estimates; press View Text
for output

SEM _ Proses Model pengukuran & model structural

MP – pastikan item2 wakili variable pendam/latent pelajar yg diukur
MS – menjawab soalan kajian bagi menguji hipotesis2 yg disenaraikan
Model pengukuran
Buat dahulu model pengukuran
Check NFI etc

Bina FROG – tapis satu-satu dulu, lepis itu gabung

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