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Darti Publisher, Makassar, Indonesia

Abstract: The services quality provided by the hospital will help create feelings of
satisfaction that arise in patients or families of patients who have been visited. The
quality of hospital services can be improved supported by quality of service and
physical environment.

The purpose of this study was to analyze and assess service comfort and hospital
image of satisfaction, trust, word of mouth at a Special Hospital in South Sulawesi
Province. The population in this study was the patient's family which was translated
at the Regional Special Hospital of South Sulawesi Province. The method in this
study uses the SEM method as much as 5-10 observations of each indicator.

Each of the satisfaction, trust, and word of mouth, means the quality of hospital

Keywords: service quality, hospital image, satisfaction, trust, word of mouth



1.1 Background

Quality according to Kotler and Keller (2012: 131) is part of the overall and

characteristics of a product or service that has the ability to satisfy a need.

Satisfaction According to Kotler (2007: 42) is the level of satisfaction of a

person after comparing the results of perceived performance than expected.

Trust according to Colquitt et al (2009: 219) defines it as a desire to depend on

an authority based on positive expectations of the actions and attention of the


Various fields of life, including competition in the world of health facilities,

namely hospitals. The role of hospitals through their performance is very important to

improve public health status. The important thing that must be realized by the hospital

manager is improve quality and services quality, family patient satisfaction and patient

family trust. This can only be done by increasing the ability to manage hospitals


Increasingly intense competition is characterized by the increasing number of

producers involved in meeting the needs and desires of consumers, so consumers have

more choices of other products, prices and quality of various types, so customers will

look for the highest value of some products. Low quality will cause consumer

dissatisfaction (Lupiyoadi and Hamdani, 2008: 85).

According Dabri (2014), satisfaction with service is a common thing expected

by everyone, both patients and families of patients to create loyalty and trust. This is

because hospitals are health care facilities for communities where health is a necessity

for all levels.

To build the satisfaction and trust of patients and patients' families on a hospital,

service quality is an important factor. Aspects that are in Quality of service will help

create feelings of satisfaction that arise in patients or families of patients who have

visited. Therefore, each hospital will compete providing best service its customers in

order be a superior organization in intense competition.

Chang et al. (2013) also explained that services quality of medical can also

influence trust of patients and families of patients in hospitals. When the function of

Quality of service is considered superior by patients, families of patients, and

employees, the service business can be more trusted, proven service quality that is

perceived to affect trust. Alrubaiee and Feras (2011) also show that service quality have

a positive value in trust.

Based on background of studies above, the results have not been consistent

regarding impact service quality, family patient of satisfaction, and family patient of

trust. So it is still important to examine services quality to family patient's of

satisfaction, and family patient's trustworthiness.

2.1 Problem Formulation

Based on background regarding services quality to satisfaction and family

patients of trust in the previous hospital, formulation of problem this paper can present


1. Does service quality affect family patient's of satisfaction in Hospital

2. Does service quality affect trust in Hospital

3.1 Research Objectives

The purpose of this research is to get answers problems as described previously,


1. To finding out effect of service quality of satisfaction in Hospital

2. To finding out effect of service quality of trust in hospital

4.1 Benefits of Research

The results of this study are expected to have benefits, namely:

1. Theoretical benefits

As input in the development of marketing theory, especially those

relating to service quality of satisfaction and family patient of trust in hospitals

in the form of comprehensive explanations and empirical evidence.

2. Practical Benefits

a. For Patient Families

This research is expected to be able to provide understanding and

additional information to the families of patients and the public about how

the quality of services to the patient's family satisfaction and trust in the


b. For Regional Special Hospital of South Sulawesi Province

Research this expected to provide further information regarding

service quality of satisfaction and family patient of trust in hospitals so that

it can be a meaningful input for the development of hospitals in the future.

This research can also be a reference material for the Regional Special

Hospital of South Sulawesi Province in developing better strategies in

achieving organizational goals.



2.1 Quality of Service

2.1.1. Definition of Service Quality

Service quality is company's needs and customer needs in accordance with

customer expectations based on opinion of Parasuraman et al. (1998: 5) and Tjiptono

(2008: 85).

2.1.2. Health services

Health comes from the word healthy, and humans are said to be healthy when

they have perfect conditions that have no weaknesses and defects both physically and

spiritually (Notoatmodjo, 2005: 88). Azwar (2008: 40) defines that "Health services

are any efforts that are held individually or jointly in an organization to maintain and

improve health, prevent and treat diseases and restore the health of individuals, groups

and or the community".

Thus it can be concluded that health services are efforts that can be carried out

both individually and jointly by health service institutions in order to maintain public


2.1.3. Quality of Health Services

For a patient, good quality is related to recovery from illness, degree of health,

flow of services, satisfaction with health facilities and acceptable rates. Everyone who

values the quality of service in accordance with different standards or criteria. This

difference is partly due to differences in background, education, knowledge, work,

experience, environment and interests (Jacobalis in Saragih, 2009).

2.1.4. Dimension of Service Quality

According Zeithaml and Bitner (2006: 17) in the SERVQUAL method there

are ten main factors or SERVQUAL dimensions that most determine Service Quality,


(1) Tangible

(2) Reliability

(3) Responsiveness

(4) Competency

(5) Credibility

(6) Courtesy such as courtesy of staff to customers;

(7) Security makes customers feel safe;

(8) Access

(9) Communication

(10) Understanding the customer

The ten service dimensions are then summarized into five SERVQUAL

dimensions by Parasuraman et al. (1998: 23), namely:

(1) Tangible

(2) Reliability

(3) Responsiveness

(4) Assurance

(5) Empathy

2.2 Patient Family Satisfaction

2.2.1 Definition of Satisfaction

According to Kotler (2007: 42) satisfaction is the level of satisfaction of a

person after comparing performance or perceived results compared to expectations.

2.2.2. Satisfaction Benefits

The creation of consumer satisfaction can provide several benefits, as

mentioned by Tjiptono (2007: 19), as follows:

1. The relationship between consumers and companies becomes harmonious.

2. Providing a good basis for Repurchase Intention.

3. The creation of consumer loyalty.

4. Establish word of mouth recommendations.

2.2.3. Factors Affecting Satisfaction

In the opinion of Budiastuti (2002: 65) suggests that patients in evaluating

satisfaction with the services received refer to several factors, including:

1. Quality of a product or service

2. Service quality

3. Emotional

4. Prices

5. Costs

Meanwhile other experts as Moison, Walter and White (in Haryanti, 2000 : 97)

mention factors influence consumer of satisfaction, namely:

1. Product characteristics

2. Price

3. Service

4. Location

5. Facilities

6. Image

7. Visual design

8. Atmosphere

9. Communication

2.2.4. Measuring Satisfaction Levels

According to Kotler (2007: 350) there are various methods in measure customer

of satisfaction, namely:

1. Complaint system and suggestions service provider satisfaction to customers

by receiving suggestions, input complaints about products or services. If

handling complaints, input and suggestions is good and fast, then the

customer will feel satisfied, otherwise if not then the customer will feel

disappointed. For example, using forms, suggestion boxes, comment cards.

2. Customer satisfaction research This model seeks to explore the level of

satisfaction with surveys to customers about the services they have been

using. The survey will reflect actual field conditions regarding the customer's

attitude towards the product or service used.

3. Ghost shopping That is a model similar to marketing intelligence, namely the

service provider from its competitors by pretending to be a buyer or service

user and reporting matters relating to understanding the weaknesses and

strengths of service products or the way competitors handle complaints.

4. Analysis of lost customers. Analyze certain customers who stop using service

products and study their former customers.

2.3 Patient Family Trust

2.3.1. Definition of Trust

According McShane and Von Glinow (2008: 120), trust refers to person's

positive expectation of other in a place that involves something. Trust also means

talking about fate of someone or another group.

2.3.2. Types of Trust

Sako (1997: 3) groups beliefs into three categories, namely:

(1) Contractual of trust: will other party issue their agreement?

(2) Competency of trust: is other party able do the things they say?

(3) Goodwill of trust: Does other party take initiative to make open commitment

and not do things that are harmful?

2.3.3. Elements of Trust

According to McKnight and Chervany cited by Salo and Karjaluoto (2007),

trust have six main element as follows:

1. Trusting beliefs.

2. trusting intention.

3. Trusting behavior.

4. System trust.

5. Dispositional trust.

6. Situational decision to trust.

2.3.4. Factors Affecting Trust

Referring to previous research there are a number of factors that can influence

trust. Based on the opinion of Hurley (2012: 176) who developed a model of how

someone makes the decision to trust by understanding the mental calculations behind

the decision whether to believe or not believe. The three factors referred to are:

a. Risk tolerance

A person's level of tolerance for risk has an impact on the willingness

to trust.

b. Level of adjustment

Well-adjusted people feel comfortable with themselves and see the

world as a comfortable place.

c. Relative power

If the trustee is in a position of authority, it will tend to believe, because

the trustee will be able to sanction those who betray his trust. But if the trustee

lacks authority, then the trustee is in a position that is vulnerable, so it will not

be easy to give trust.

2.3.5. Ways to Increase Trust

Trust can be developed through four aspects. First, integrity (integrity), namely

honesty and truth. Integrity also means having consistency between what is done and

said. Second, benevolence, which means that people can be trusted to have an interest

in heart, showing caring behavior and supportive behavior. Third, ability (ability),

related to technical skills, as well as interpersonal knowledge and skills. Fourth,

propensity to trust, which is related to the extent of the possibility of certain employees

trusting their leaders (Robbins and Judge, 2009: 429).

2.3.6. Trust Measurement Indicator

While Mayer et al. and Rindings et al. as quoted by Casalo et al. (2007) states

that trust consists of three aspects, namely: competency, honesty, and benevolence.

Competency relates with consumer perceptions to skills and knowledge of others to

fulfill their relationships and needs (Coulter and Coulter, in Casalo et al., 2007).

Honesty is belief that second party will keep his words, fulfill promise and sincere

(Gundlach and Murphy, in Casalo et al., 2007). While virtue shows belief that someone

is interested in the welfare of others. In particular virtue is another party willing to

make an effort to achieve a common goal.



3.1. Conclusion

Based on results of literature review above regarding service quality to

satisfaction and family trust of patients in hospitals, namely:

1. The better service quality provided, higher satisfaction felt by patients and

their families.

2. The better service quality provided, higher trust given by patients and

families of patients to the Regional Special Hospital of South Sulawesi


3.2. Suggestions

The research conclusions previously explained provide information for

researchers to:

1. Improving service quality o provided by hospitals, especially through the

empathy aspect, namely the willingness of each officer to give personal

attention (individual) to patients and their families.

2. Increasing patient family satisfaction especially through aspects of Quality

of Service received.

3. Increasing the patient's family trust in the hospital especially through aspects

of openness, namely the willingness of the hospital to accept suggestions or

criticism from the patient's family.

4. For researchers as well as further research, results of this study can be used

as literature study for the development of research subsequent.


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