Latihan Soal Usaha

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One example of work done by a person is ....

A. push the table until it shifts
B. hold the stairs
C. push a sturdy wall
D. pressing the floor to sweat

In the four objects below this work occurs as follows.

An Object Mass Force Displacement
I 4 kg 10 N 2m
II 3 kg 30 N 150 cm
III 2 kg 20 N 3,5 m
IV 1 kg 15 N 400 cm
The greatest work occurs in objects is ....
A. I

Look at the picture!

The amount of work done by Andi and Toni so that the car can move 4 meters if the force of
the two children is 50 N and 70 N respectively ....
A. 80 J
B. 200 J
C. 280 J
D. 480 J

Anto will moved his wardrobe to the next room far 12 m. Anto's ability to push 200 N. Anto
found it difficult to move the wardrobe, and want to ask for help from his friends. There are
five friends of Anto with the ability to push each of them as shown in the following table:
No. Name Force (N)
1 Birman 150
2 Chandra 165
3 Doddy 175
4 Firman 180
5 Sartono 190
If the wardrobe friction 230 N with floor, and the work needed to move the wardrobe far 12
m by 6.000 Joules, then the right friends who can help Anto will move the wardrobe are ....
A. Birman, Chandra dan Doddy
B. Birman, Chandra dan Firman
C. Chandra, Firman dan Sartono
D. Chandra, Doddy dan Sartono

A dead caterpillar with a mass of 20 grams is lifted several ants into the nest which is 5
meters away and takes 1 joules. If each ant only has a 0,01 newton force to move the
caterpillar from one place to another, the number of ants should work together to be able ....

A. 20
B. 30
C. 40
D. 50

You drop a 2,00 kg book to a friend who stands on the ground at distance D = 10,0 m below.
If your friend’s outstretched hands are at distance d = 1,50 m above the ground (Figure), how
much work Wg does the gravitational force do on the book as it drops to her hands ....

A. 20 J
B. 30 J
C. 200 J
D. 170 J

A girl having a mass of 35 kg sits on a trolley of mass 5 kg. The trolley is given an initial
velocity of 4 m/s by applying a force. The trolley comes to rest after traversing a distance of
16 m. How much work is done on the trolley is ....
A. 32 J
B. 320 J
C. 3.200 J
D. 32.000 J

An engine pumps out 40 kg of water in one second. The water comes out vertically upwards
with a velocity of 3 m/s. What is the power of the engine?
A. 0,8 W
B. 18 W
C. 180 W
D. 1.800 W
1. A load of mass 30 kg is lifted up by 7,0 m. Calculate the work done. Take g = 9,8 m/s!
Ans : 2.058 J
2. The weight of a person is 400 N. How much work does the person do against gravity in
climbing up to the second floor, 8,0 m high, of a building? Take g = 10 m/s2.
Ans : 3.200 J
3. A child lifts a bag of books having mass 3,0 kg, from the ground and places it on a shelf 2,5
m high. How much work does the child do against gravity? Take g = 10 m/s2.
Ans : 75 J
4. A child raises a bucket full of water having a total mass of 20 kg. If the work done by the
child against gravity is 1960 J, compute the height through which he raises the bucket. Use g
= 9.8 m/s2
Ans : 10 m
5. What is the power of an engine, which is working at the rate of 1 joule per second?
Ans : 1 W
6. If a body of mass 2 kg is kept at a height of 5 m, what will be its gravitational potential
energy? (Take g = 9.8 m/s2)
Ans : 98 J
7. A bag of rice has a mass 200 kg. To what height should it be raised so that its potential
energy may be 9800 J?
Ans : 5 m
8. A soldier is ordered to carry a secret consignment (weighing 200 N) to the summit of a hill at
a height of 1200 m. If the soldier weighs 800 N, how much work does he do against gravity?
Ans : 1.200.000 J
9. On a level road, a car driver applies brakes to slow down from a speed of 10 m/s to 5 m/s. If
the combined mass of the car and the driver is 1500 kg, calculate the work done by the
brakes, ignoring air resistance and friction!
Ans : 5.6250 J
10. A vehicle of mass 1000 kg is moving with a speed of 30 m/s. When brakes are applied, the
vehicle stops after covering a distance of 50 m. (a) Calculate the work done by the brakes,
(b) Calculate the force exerted on the vehicle to stop it.
Ans : (a). -450.000 J (b). 9.000 N

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