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and Building

Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754


Predicting the ultimate bending capacity of concrete beams from the

‘‘relaxation ratio’’ analysis of AE signals
Sabrina Colombo a, M.C. Forde b,*
, I.G. Main c, M. Shigeishi d

Powell Tolner & Associates, 29 Red Lion Street, Chesham, Bucks HP5 1EJ, UK
University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering and Electronics, KingÕs Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JL, UK
University of Edinburgh, School of GeoSciences, KingÕs Buildings, Edinburgh EH9 3JN, UK
Department of Civil Engineering, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan

Available online 26 July 2005


This paper presents an alternative approach to the problem, based on ‘‘testing’’ the real structure rather than trying to model it.
Experiments on reinforced concrete (RC) beams, representative of bridge beams, are described. The beams were loaded in cycles up
to failure whilst recording the acoustic emissions (AE) generated. The analysis of the AE signals was then undertaken based on a
proposed new parameter, named the ‘‘relaxation ratio’’. This quantifies the AE energy recorded during the unloading and loading
phases of a cycle test and it showed a clear correlation with the bending failure load of the RC beams. A change in trend was noted
when the load reached approximately the 45% of the ultimate bending load. The results appeared to be influenced by factors such as
the concrete strength and loading rate and further work is needed to extend the results to full scale testing of bridge beams.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Concrete; Acoustic emission; AE energy; Relaxation ratio; Load capacity

1. Introduction vice-life of bridges. After a period of relative neglect in

the 1970s there was a growing awareness of the necessity
Bridges make up part of the asset of a country and to safeguard and maintain the stock of bridges as part of
their assessment and maintenance is a fundamental is- the national asset. The concern about environmental
sue. The introduction of the 40 tonnes EU Directive in and sustainability issues, started in the mid 1980s. The
the UK has highlighted the matter even further [6]. introduction of the EU Directive which states that
For a long time, the assessment of a structure was con- ‘‘bridges on principal routes, have to be capable of tak-
sidered a ‘‘special case’’ of the design and the first code ing 40 tonne vehicles by 1 January 1999’’, highlighted
that dealt directly with assessment dates back to 1990. this necessity even further. Before the mid-20th century,
Although studies have progressed, the majority of the no analytical tools were available and the only way to
existing codes assess the load carrying capacity of assess the integrity of a bridge was based on visual
bridges by using theoretical methods and models. inspection and intuitive judgement [12]. For a long time,
Bridge engineering is not only about designing but the assessment was considered as a ‘‘special case’’ of the
also includes ‘‘looking after’’ and maintaining the ser- design and thus the same rules were applied. The
‘‘Assessment Code BD21/84’’ [1] represented a mile-
stone in the start of introducing codes which dealt di-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +131 650 5721; fax: +131 650 7167.
E-mail addresses: (S. Colombo),
rectly with bridge assessment and it was followed later (M.C. Forde), (I.G. Main), on by the new protocol BD44, produced in 1990 [2]. (M. Shigeishi). Although these codes represent a huge improvement

0950-0618/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754 747

for the assessment of bridge structures, they are mainly the activity generated during the unloading phase is ne-
based on theoretical and modelling calculations and glected, the analysis presented here focuses on this par-
therefore always include a certain degree of uncertainty ticular activity.
and the use of safety factors. A parallel can be drawn with earthquake sequences,
This paper describes a different approach that aims to recognised in seismology. Earthquakes seldom occur
predict the degree of damage and failure load of con- as isolated events, they are made up of foreshock and
crete beams by directly testing the structure. The final aftershock sequences which are closely associated with
future aim would then be to implement this method in a larger event called the mainshock. A schematic illus-
order to be applied to real bridge structures. The method tration can be seen in Fig. 1. Aftershocks follow the
herein proposed uses a newly developed type of acoustic mainshock and are linearly proportional to the area of
emission (AE) data analysis, which utilises a newly de- the mainshock rupture. Aftershocks typically begin
fined parameter, named relaxation ratio [5]. This is immediately after the mainshock over the entire rupture
based on the principle that the presence of AE energy area and its surroundings, or are generally concentrated
during the unloading phase of an AE test is generally around the rupture perimeter or in locations where the
an indication of structural damage of the material mainshock has newly produced high concentrations of
and/or structure under study. The results of experiments stress. Therefore, it can be said that aftershocks are a
on several reinforced concrete (RC) beams are de- process of relaxing stress concentrations caused by the
scribed, the relaxation ratio is calculated and the results dynamic rupture of the mainshock. Foreshocks are
are discussed. The emerging trend of the values of the smaller earthquakes that preceded the mainshock. They
relaxation parameter seem able to provide an estimation generally occur in the vicinity of the mainshock hypo-
of the bending failure load of the tested specimens, centre and are probably a part of the nucleation process
although some external factors (discussed later on) ap- [13]. Keeping earthquake sequences in mind the failure
peared to affect the results. The validity of the proposed of a specimen, or accumulated damage at the end of a
method was finally validated by a comparison with the load cycle, can be considered as the mainshock. The
assessment criterion suggested by the Japanese Society foreshocks and aftershocks can be seen as the acoustic
for Nondestructive Inspections (JSNDI). emissions generated, respectively, during the loading
and unloading phases.
In the light of these preliminary observations, a
2. The relaxation ratio analysis ‘‘relaxation ratio’’ is proposed to quantify and compare
the AE activity during the loading and unloading
An AE test generally consists of several load cycles on phases. Previous experiments have shown [4] that the
the material or structure of interest. Each cycle normally AE energy is an effective parameter to describe the struc-
includes a loading phase and an unloading phase. The tural damage of a beam, therefore the relaxation ratio is
initial idea that led to the development of this analysis expressed in terms of energy and defined as:
derives from some observations made during the under- Relaxation ratio ¼ average energy during unloading
taking of some experiments. It was in fact noted that the
=average energy during loading phase;
AE activity recorded during the unloading phase of the
cycling loading procedure was increasing as the damage where the average energy is calculated as the cumulative
on the beam was progressing. In fact, AE activity ob- energy recorded for each phase divided by the number
served during the unloading process is generally an indi- of recorded hits. The use of the average energy overcame
cation of structural instability [11,15]. This is consistent the problem of the different time duration of the varied
with the Kaiser effect for dilatant microcracks and im- cycles that could affect the results. A relaxation ratio
plies that shear cracks do not form until near the macro- greater than one implies that the average energy re-
scopic structural failure. While generally in an AE test, corded during the unloading cycle is higher than the

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of earthquake sequences and AE activity phases. Each individual diagram shows the number of events, as a
function of time, with the vertical dotted line being the time of the mainshock.
748 S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754

average energy recorded during the corresponding load-

ing cycle, therefore the relaxation (aftershock) is domi-
nant. Vice versa, the loading (foreshock) is dominant.
The analysis consisted in simply calculating the value
of the relaxation ratio for each loading cycle of a sam-
ple. The process was repeated for all the specimens.
The raw AE recorded data were converted into ASCII
files to be used in MATLAB which was adopted to carry
out the necessary calculations.

3. Experiments

The relaxation ratio analysis was applied to three dif-

ferent sets of data (for a total of 16 RC beams), repre-
sentative of a significant range of cases, in terms of
Fig. 2. Photo of a test set-up at Kumamoto University.
type of failure, design, load configuration, concrete
properties and type of sensors. Tables 1 and 2 provide
a summary of the tested specimens – part of them were
tested at the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) whilst 4. Data set 1 and data set 2
the remainder were tested at Kumamoto University
(Japan). Data set 1 includes the beams BF2, BF3, BF4 and
All beams were loaded using hydraulic jacks, applied BF2c, tested in Edinburgh. Their results are shown in
in different positions according to the type of failure that Fig. 3 and a common behaviour can be noted. Initially,
was wanted. The load was applied in cycles up to failure. the loading phase is dominant and the values of the
Each cycle consisted of a loading phase and an unload- relaxation ratio all lie below the horizontal dotted line.
ing phase. The final number of cycles varied from differ- A change of trend then occurs when the load reached
ent specimens. During testing the beams were simply approximately 45% of the ultimate failure load of the
supported and the generated acoustic emission (AE) sig- specimen. (The percentage figures referring to percent-
nals were recorded using the Physical Acoustic Corp. age of ultimate load.) The relaxation phase then be-
(PAC) AE system. The latter was used in conjunction comes dominant. The data related to the resonant
with different types and models of AE sensors, resonant sensors on beam BF2c indicate the change of trend at
(R6I) and broadband (WD and UT-1000) as summa- a lower percentage (36.9%). This can be explained by
rised in Tables 1 and 2. The sensors also varied in num- the fact that the beam was pre-damaged. The resonant
ber and locations. This variety would assure that the sensors might then be recording more activity and/or
results were not affected by these factors. Fig. 2 shows noise generated by the closing of the pre-existing cracks
a photo of a beam tested at Kumamoto University. during the relaxation of the sample.

Table 1
Summarised description of the beams tested in Edinburgh
Section Span (m) Reinforced Concrete (MPa) Wave velocity (m/s) Failure Sensors Threshold (dB)
BF2 125 · 270 2 Simply reinforced 25 3800 Shear R6I 35
BF3 200 · 275 3 Shear links at ends 25 3700 Shear R6I 40
BF4 200 · 275 3 Shear links at ends 25 3300 Bending R6I & WD 35
BF2c 125 · 270 2 Simply reinforced Pre-damage 3300 Shear R6I & WD 35
BF5 200 · 275 3 Simply reinforced 25 3100 Shear R6I & WD 35
BF6 200 · 275 3 Stirrups cage 25 3100 bending R61 & WD 35

Table 2
Summarised description of the beams tested in Kumamoto
Section Span (m) Reinforced Concrete (MPa) Wave velocity (m/s) Failure Sensors Threshold (dB)
K1 150 · 250 2.2 Stirrups cage 46 3600 Bending UT-1000 40
K2 150 · 250 2.2 Stirrups cage 46 3600 Bending UT-1000 43
K3 150 · 250 2.2 Stirrups cage 46 3600 Bending UT-1000 43
K4 150 · 250 2.2 Stirrups cage 46 3600 Bending UT-1000 43
KL1 150 · 250 2.2 Simply reinforced 46 3600 Bending UT-1000 43
KL2 150 · 250 2.2 Simply reinforced 46 3600 Bending UT-1000 43
S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754 749

Fig. 3. Relaxation ratio results of data set 1. The dotted line corresponds to a relaxation ratio equal to one. The dots represent the value of the
relaxation ratio (on the vertical axis) for each relative number of cycle, that can be read on the horizontal axis.

The general effect can be explained as a dominance of damage has seriously progressed, the secondary AE
the primary AE activity [14] during the early stages of activity due to the friction of the existing cracks starts
the fracture process when the cracks are forming and to prevail – manifesting itself during the relaxation
thus the damage is still restricted. Conversely, once the phase of the tests.
750 S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754

Data set 2 includes the beams K1, K2, K3, K4, KL1 1 and 2). The higher threshold generates a higher ‘‘signal
and KL2 tested in Kumamoto University and their re- to noise’’ ratio, resulting in the dispersion. However, no
sults are illustrated in Fig. 4. The data are more scat- clear pattern can be identified in any of these six cases.
tered and this is probably due to the fact that during In some graphs (beams K1, K4 and KL2), the relaxation
these tests a higher threshold value was used (see Tables ratio never exceeds the threshold value of one

Fig. 4. Relaxation ratio results of data set 2, plotted as for Fig. 3.

S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754 751

represented by the dotted line. In the remaining cases, of energy. This could therefore be the reason for the
some values go beyond the horizontal dotted line, but dominance of activity recorded during crack nucleation
without a constant trend. and formation, i.e. during the loading phase.
It has also finally to be pointed out that the load rates
used in Edinburgh and Kumamoto were different. In
5. Discrepancy between data set 1 and data set 2 both cases the load was applied and removed by manu-
ally turning a wheel on the loading machine. Due to the
From Tables 1 and 2, the main significant differences manual aspect involved, it was not possible to quantify
between the tests used in Figs. 3 and 4 consisted of: the exact loading rate. An average value was then calcu-
lated by simply dividing the sum of the maximum load
 type and model of the AE sensor; applied (and removed) in each cycle for of the duration
 dimensions, design and type of failure of the beams; time of each cycle. The case of beam BF3 was neglected
 characteristics of the concrete. as it was a creep test. An average value of approximately
0.06–0.07 kN/s was found for the experiments carried
The difference in the type of sensor does not seem to out in Edinburgh, whilst a value of approximately
be a likely cause as the results using two types of sensors 0.04–0.05 kN/s was found in the experiments in Kuma-
(the R6I and the WD models) provided a similar pattern moto. This could then have affected the generation of
in the Edinburgh beams. Both the UT-1000 model used AE activity and therefore the results.
in the Kumamoto experiments and the WD model
adopted in the Edinburgh tests were broadband type.
The main difference between the two models lay in their 6. Data set 3
operating frequency which is 100–1000 kHz for the WD
model and 60–1000 kHz for the UT-1000 (PAC, 1997). To have a further confirmation, the data related to
The wider range of the UT-1000 implies that no vital the beams BF5 and BF6 were analysed and the results
information could have been lost in Fig. 3, whilst in- are shown in Fig. 5. To verify the influence of the load
stead being recorded by the WD type and may thus ex- rate, the load was applied and removed as slowly as pos-
plain the difference in the results. sible, within the limits of the test machine. The average
A similar conclusion can be drawn regarding the dis- value of load rate was in fact calculated as approxi-
similarities in design and dimensions. The beams tested mately 0.04 kN/s.
in Edinburgh have different dimensions and types of By looking at the graphs referring to the resonant
reinforcement and this did not affect their results so it sensors, it is possible to note that a similar trend to
appears unlikely that it would do it for the beams tested the one observed in the previous Edinburgh experiments
in Kumamoto. is present. The percentage of failure load to which the
The last of the above mentioned possibilities is re- change of dominant phases occurs is however different,
lated to the characteristics of the Portland Cement con- being 31.8% for beam BF6 and 83.6% for beam BF5.
crete. The concrete used in Japan, due to time Looking at Table 1, the lower wave velocity measured
restrictions, was Rapid Hardening Portland type. This on these beams seems to suggest a lower quality of the
type of concrete develops strength more rapidly, due concrete compared to all previous cases. The character-
to a higher C3S (tricalcium silicate) content and a higher istics of the concrete and the lower load rate might have
fineness. In fact, as the hydration during the last step in influenced the results.
the manufacture of the cement starts at the surface of The results obtained from the data sets recorded by
the cement particle, it is the total surface that gets hy- the broadband sensors did not reveal a clear pattern.
drated. A higher degree of particle fineness for a given The spacing of the sensors was fixed to be exactly the
mass has a greater surface area, this implies more hydra- same as the sensors in Kumamoto. As a consequence,
tion and thus a rapid development of strength [9]. As the they did not cover the whole length of the beam and this
secondary AE activity recorded during the relaxation might explain the discrepancy with the results from the
phase is due to the friction between the surfaces of the data of the resonant sensors.
existing cracks, then a higher degree of particle fineness
is expected to generate more friction (as there are more
‘‘contact points’’ from which the friction derives). This 7. Discussion
should then accentuate the predominance of the unload-
ing phase. On the other hand, the concrete used in Japan At this stage it appeared that two main causes af-
had a much higher strength and thus it cracked at a fected the previous results:
higher level of stress. AE derives from the energy re-
leased from the material, so it seems reasonable to ex-  the loading rate;
pect that higher stress should release a higher amount  the properties of the concrete.
752 S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754

Fig. 5. Relaxation ratio results of data set 2, plotted as for Fig. 3.

Very few references could be found in which the use versely, once the damage has progressed macrocracks
of AE activity during the relaxation phase of a test have formed and opened up, generating fewer events.
was considered significant and that would help in sup- The primary AE activity is therefore dominant and the
porting and/or explaining the findings that have just relaxation ratio value is less than one. In these circum-
been discussed. Although the AE activity was found to stances, the friction between the surfaces of the cracks
be affected by the level of load [16], no specific references plays a dominant role during the unloading phase, when
to ‘‘loading rate’’ were found. Concerning the relation- due to the relaxation the cracks close up. The secondary
ship between the concrete strength and the AE activity, AE activity is then prevalent and the relaxation ratio va-
Muravin [8] stated that ‘‘. . .specimens with higher lue is greater than one.
strength have higher median AE energy’’ but as he re- With reference to the work of Mori and Obata [7], it
ferred to experiments on hardening concrete, the direct could be said that in the loading phase the cracking
translation of this finding to cured concrete is question- sources prevail, whilst in the unloading phase the fric-
able. On the same topic, Bordyugov and Erminson [3] tion sources are dominant. The explanation of the ‘‘si-
did not find any significant relationship between the lence effect’’ [10] also states that when the damage
AE energy and the different strength of the plain con- increased and therefore is localised, there are fewer AE
crete samples that were tested. sources and then less activity. This leads to the ‘‘silence
During the loading phase, when the cracks are in the time’’, i.e. to a period of absence of AE activity. The
initial stage of their growth, and thus the damage is dominance of the unloading phase corresponding to a
starting and it is not yet structurally significant, they re- relaxation ratio greater than one could thus be seen as
lease high energy and a large number of events. Con- corresponding to this stage of the fracture process.
S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754 753

8. Validation against the NDIS procedure

The analysis described above, was finally compared

to the NDIS-2421 quantitative assessment criterion pro-
posed by the committee of the Japanese Society for
Nondestructive Inspections (JSNDI) [11]. The criterion
is based on the definition of two parameters:
Load ratio ¼ load at the onset of AE activity in the
subsequent loading=the previous load;

Calm ratio ¼ the number of cumulative AE activities

during the unloading process=total AE
activity during the last loading
cycle up to the maximum;

and it is represented in Fig. 6, where the limits of the Fig. 7. NDIS assessment table for beam BF4. The numbers indicate
the loading cycle whilst the dotted lines define the different areas of
classification (i.e. the dashed line that defined the bound- damage.
ary of the area of damage) were fixed on the basis of the
crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD). The data
from the most active channel are generally used for
the calculation. damage area – after which serious damage takes place.
Beam BF4 was considered, for which the new proce- The two results appeared then to support each other.
dure appeared to work (as for all the first set of the BF It will be noted that the beams at the University of
tests). The NDIS assessment procedure was carried out Edinburgh failed in shear, whilst the beams at Kuma-
for both cases, using the data of the most active channel moto University failed in bending. The differences in re-
as well as the data relative to all the recording channels. sults between Edinburgh and Kumamoto may in part
The limits were determined graphically, as the values of relate to the differences in concrete strength and rates
the CMOD were not available. The most active channel of loading. It would be appropriate to consider these
was number 5, for both beams. The results are shown in factors further in an extension of the project.
Fig. 7. The load ratio and the calm ratio are indicated on
the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. The num-
ber inside the circle represents the corresponding load- 9. Conclusions
ing cycle number. The areas of different damage are
also indicated. It can be noted that the change of trend This paper described the application of a new type of
during the relaxation analysis occurred during cycle analysis of AE signals (based on a proposed relaxation
number 5. On the NDSI assessment table, that cycle cor- ratio parameter) to several specimens of RC beams.
responds to the last one falling into the intermediate Although at this stage the conclusions are not definitive,
due to some discrepancy in the results, the method ap-
pears very promising and suitable to practical applica-

 The values of the relaxation ratio appeared to be

related to the percentage of failure load reached in
a specific cycle and are therefore related to the degree
of damage of the beam. A value greater than one is
indicative of dominance of relaxation phase and
therefore of structural damage.
 In the first data set of tests, the value of the relaxation
ratio always became greater than one when approxi-
mately 45% of the ultimate bending load was reached.
This gave rise to the possibility to use this method of
analysis to predict the failure load of RC beams.
 The results were affected by the concrete strength and
Fig. 6. NDIS-2421 assessment table, from [11]. loading rate used during the experiments.
754 S. Colombo et al. / Construction and Building Materials 19 (2005) 746–754

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