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Today’s consumers are evidencing greater interest in beauty treatment product and rates of sale are
increasing faster for these product than for two other major categories of beauty goods: cosmetics and
fragrances. An apparent cause of this phenomenon is the current emphasis on youth and natural look,
which requires the skin itself to be basically attractive and youthful in texture and appearance.

Soal nomor 1 sampai 2 berhubungan gengan TEKS 1

Petunjuk A dipergunakan untuk menjawab soal

nomor 1 sampai dengan 2

1.Of the following, what logical contradiction does the above paragraph
suggest ?
A. cosmetics can create the same natural look as beauty treatment
products so there is no reason for the cosmetic sale decline
B. the youth market is expanding; nevertheless, it is the youths’ parents
who ern the money
C. people are buying more manufactured products in order to achieve
natural beauty
D. if fragrance represents a natural scient, there is no reason for it to
experience a sales decline
E. cosmetics and fragrance cannot be separated

2. If everything in the above passage is true, then the beauty treatment

products that have the highest sales rate should be …..
A. inexpensive and within the means of young buyers
B. products made from milk, eggs, vegetable, juices, etc., and packaged
in boxes with pictures of wildlife and/or fruits, flowers, and
C. easy to carry and convenient to apply
D. products which have been in the market a long time and have had a
chance to be tested
E. expensive and within the means of adult buyers

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TO :
SUBJECT : AE123-QR/20__

Dear MS. Yamoto

I am pleased to have the opportunity extended to me to work for your department. This position interests
me greatly. However, I feel that the remuneration package you offer is not commensurate with my
education and experience.

Please consider that after eight years of experience in the field, I will be able to be effective immediately. I
am eager to get started in the new job as soon as possible, and I am confident that we can reach agreement
on remuneration.

I would like to meet with you again to discuss this, and will call to arrange an appointment.

Best regards,

Katie Lee

Soal Nomor 3 sampai 5 berhubungan dengan TEXT 2. Petunjuk A dipergunakan untuk menjawab soal
nomor 3 sampai 5.
3. What is the main purpose of this email?
A. To accept a position
B. To request an appointment
C. To negotiate payment
D. To decline an offer
E. To decline a position

4. Which of the following is TRUE ?

A. Ms. Lee is currently unemployed
B. Ms. Lee worked in the same company for eight years
C. Ms. Yamato interviewed Ms. Lee
D. Ms. Yamato is in charge of accounts
E. Ms. Lee worked for Ms. Yamato

5. In the first paragraph, line 3the word “commensurate” is closed

in meaning to
A. balanced
B. indicative
C. matched
D. suitable
E. imbalanced

Halaman 2 dari 6 Semoga Bermanfaat, Terima Kasih
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A woman in Southern California gave birth on January 27th to octuplets. It is only the second time
in US history a mother has delivered eight babies. It is also only the second time ever for all octuplets to
servive their first day. Doctor said the six tiny boys and two girls were all doing well and breathing on their
own. They all arrived nine weeks early and ranged in weight from 0.68 kg to 1.47 kg. The mother and the
team of doctors received a huge surprise at the end of the birth – an eighth baby. The mother believed she
was going to have just seven babies (septuplets) before the birth. After the doctors delivered babies A to G,
they discovered baby H. The mother asked the nurses: “Really? An eighth baby? How did we miss that

Soal Nomor 6 sampai 9 berhubungan dengan TEXT 3. Petunjuk A dipergunakan untuk menjawab soal
nomor 6 sampai 9.

6. choose the best title for the text above

A. Cute babies in USA
B. How to have multiple births
C. Experiment in multiple births
D. US woman gives birth to eight babies
E. The effect of having fertility drugs for mothers

7. The word octuplets in the first sentence of the text

above means ….
A. multiple births
B. eight babies
C. seven babies
D. many tiny babies
E. premature babies

8. “Doctors said the six tiny boys and two girls…” The word
tiny in this sentence has similar meaning with ….
A. small
B. normal
C. healthy
D. cute
E. unhealthy

9. “The mother and the team of doctors received a huge surprise

at the end of the birth –an eighth baby.” From this sentence it
can be concluded that ….
A. at first they only predicted to have seven babies
B. they did not want to have eight babies
C. the mother and the doctors expected to have eight babies
D. the eighth baby did not survive
E. basically there are eight babies, but the last one cannot be
saved at the end of the birth

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When Newton decided to do a microbiology research in Tokyo, he wrote a letter to his Japanese
friend and asked her if she could see him at the airport. His friend replied that she would be there. So
Newton was surprised when he arrived at the airport and found that his friend had not turned up. Newton,
then, decided to read his magazine while he was waiting for his friend.
Newton had been reading his magazine for half an hour when his friend arrived with an old man.
She apologized for being late and explained what had happened. Actually, she had arranged a meeting with
the man at six o’clock, just outside the train station near her house. The old man, who was traveling in a
very crowded train, did not realize that he had set out in good time for several stations. By the time he got
to the right station, he was late for nearly half an hour. Newton managed himself to understand the situation
and later, found that the man was the head of research department in one of the finest universities in Tokyo.

Soal Nomor 10 sampai 17 berhubungan dengan TEXT 4. Petunjuk A dipergunakan untuk menjawab
soal nomor 10 sampai 16.

10. Why did Newton write a letter to his friend in Tokyo?

A. to know whether his friend could do a research with him
B. to ask his friend to talk about his research
C. to see whether his friend could pick up the old man
D. to ask his friend to meet him at the airport
E. to understand his friend’s situation

11. When Newton arrived at the airport ….

A. He found out that his friend already left
B. He was welcomed by his friend and the old man
C. His friend was not there
D. His friend was waiting for him
E. He wanted to read his magazine

12. Newton’s friend was supposed to meet the old man …

A. before he fetched Newton at the airport
B. after Newton had read his journal
C. after the old man got on the crowded station
D. at the airport when Tom arrived
E. at his house near the station

13. The old man was late in meeting Newton’s friend because …
A. he had taken the wrong train
B. he did not want to come on time
C. the train was crowded
D. he missed the right station
E. his watch was inaccurate

14. The underline word in line 4, “his friend had not turned up”
means ….
A. acted B. stayed C. appeared
D. remembered E. returned

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15. The underline word in line 11, “Newton managed himself to
understand the situation” means …..
A. considered B. controlled C. tried
D. succeeded E. explained

16. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Newton’s counterpart lived near the train station
B. His friend did not come at the appointed time
C. The old man could not get on the crowded station
D. The old man could meet his friend at the right station
E. Newton had planned his travel to Jakarta before

Petunjuk B dipergunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 17

17. Newton wanted to conduct a research in Tokyo

His friend was the head of research department
in a university there.

With its famous Roman baths, its eighteenth century architecture, and its many museums, bath is
one of the most beautiful cities in the country. It also has a large number of ____(18) shops and street
markets, ____(19) hotels, cafes and many good restaurants. In the summer there are lots of places to eat
outside. You can enjoy walking around the small streets, or you can see the city from the water, with a boat
cruise on the river Avon. But don’t take your car into the city centre-parking, that is ____(20) in summer.

Soal Nomor 18 sampai 20 berhubungan dengan TEXT 5. Petunjuk A dipergunakan untuk menjawab
soal nomor 18 sampai 20.

18. ____
A. interested B. interesting C. interests
D. interest E. to interest

19. ____
A. to excel B. excelled C. excellent
D. excellence E. excellently

20. ____
A. impossible B. improper C. inappropriate
D. unnecessary E. unimportant

21. The more he thought about the problem,

______ the solution seemed to be.
A. easier B. the easiest C. easiest
D. the easier E. the most easiest

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22. I remember very clearly my mother ______ me how to write.
She would spend hours writing down the letters of the alphabet
one by one.
A. to teach B. to have taught C. teaching
D. teach E. taught

23. Scientists have speculated that the destruction of the Amazon

Forest would _______ plants and animals to dangerous acid rain.
A. have been exposed B. have been exposing C. expose
D. be exposed E. had been exposed

Petunjuk B digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 24 sampai 25

24. The students get good scores in the assessment.

By the end of the course the students have been mastering the most
important grammar structures.

25. The graduation will be next July.

I’m sure you will get a high grade in your exam provided that you
study systematically and do all your homework.

Petunjuk C digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 26 sampai 30

26. She had to prepare a sales ________ for the annual meeting this year.
(1). career (2). marathon (3). job (4). report

27. Professionals who prepare a ________ resume have a greater

chance of getting a job than those who do not have a resume.
(1). strong (2). strike (3). convincing (4). bright

28. He started _______ every day because he heard it was the best way
to lose weight.
(1). exercise (2). exercising (3). breathe (4). working out

29. The accountant was very ________ because his computer files were lost
and he could not do his job.
(1). mad (2). upset (3). furious (4). angry

30. Could you please ________ me to the airport tomorrow?

(1). take (2). ride (3). drive (4). have

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SPMK UB MATEMATIKA IPA tahun 2010 kode 96

1. Diketahui matriks
 x + 5 x + 3 −2 
A =  4 x − 4 −4 
 1 1 −1 

Jika x1 dan x2 merupakan solusi agar det(A) = 0 , maka nilai
x1 + x2 adalah ….
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 8 E. -24

2. Diantara 10 orang wakil siswa yang terdiri dari 3 perempuan

dan 7 laki-laki akan dibentuk kepanitiaan yang terdiri atas 4
orang. Banyaknya susunan kepanitiaan yang dapat dibentuk
jika disyaratkan paling banyak 2 perempuan dalam susunan
panitia, adalah ….

A. 189 B. 203 C. 210 D. 231 E. 252

3. Persamaan kuadrat9 x 2 − m = 5 memiliki akar persamaan x1

dan x2 . Jika x1 = , maka 2m( x1 + x2 ) adalah …..
2 2

1 8 16 8 16
A. − B. − C. − D. E.
9 9 9 9 9

4. Dalam sebuah ruang pesta terdapat sepuluh pasangan suami istri.

Secara acak dipilih dua orang untuk berdansa. Peluang terpilihnya
Dua orang tersebut bukan suami istri adalah …..
1 8 1 8 18
A. B. C. D. E.
11 11 19 19 19

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5. Jika A dan B sudut lancip, dengan cos( A − B) = dan
1 cos( A − B)
sin A sin B = 3 , maka adalah ….
2 cos( A + B)

1 11  1  2 1 
A. + 3 B. −  + 3  C. −  + 3 
2 4 2  11  2 
11  2 1 
D.  + 3  E.  + 3 
4 2  11  2 

6. Grafik fungsi kuadrat y = ax + bx + c melalui titik (5,0),


(10,0), dan (0,10). Jika titik minimum fungsi dicapai di titik

( x0 , y0 ) , maka x0 + y0 adalah ……
5 5 15 12 25
A. − B. C. D. E.
4 12 2 15 2
7. Pada segitiga siku-siku ABC dengan AC ⊥ BC dan
panjang AC adalah BC .

Jika D titik tengah BC dan DE ⊥ AB

maka perbandingan luas daerah ∆ABC : ∆DBE adalah ……

A. 1:13 B. 13:1 C. 1:29 D. 29:1 E. 1:31

8. Jika pertidaksamaan 3x − p > + px
mempunyai penyelesaian x > 5,
maka nilai p adalah …..

A. -2 B. -1 C. 0 D. 1 E. 2

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9. Perhatikan gambar ∆PQR dengan ∠Q = 300 , RS

adalah garis tinggi dari titik sudut R. Jika QR = a dan
PR = 3a , maka rasio PR terhadap SQ
adalah ……
1 3
A. 1 B. 3 C. D. 2 E. 3
2 2

10. Sebuah cakram yang terbuat dari logam mengalami

pemuaian sehingga jari-jarinya bertambah 20% dari
jari-jari semula. Berapa persen pertambahan luas
cakram tersebut dengan adanya pemuaian ?

A. 24% B. 40% C. 44% D. 65% E. 75%

11. Persamaan garis singgung lingkaran dengan

L : x 2 + y 2 − 6 x + 8 y = 0 yang tegak lurus
pada garis x + y = 1 adalah …..
A. y = x − 1 ± 5 2 B. y = x + 7 ± 5 2

C. y = − x + 1 ± 5 2 D. y = − x + 7 ± 5 2

E. y = x − 7 ± 5 2

12. Diketahui suku banyak g ( x) = x 3 + x 2 − x + b

habis dibagi ( x − 1) . Jika g ( x) dibagi ( x 2 − 1) ,
maka sisanya adalah ……
A. 2 B. 1 C. 0 D. x − 1 E. 2x + 1

13. Diketahui kubus ABCD.EFGH dengan panjang rusuk 4 cm.

Misalkan P adalah titik potong diagonal ABCD dan Q
adalah proyeksi B pada PF. Panjang PQ adalah ….
3 4 3 2
A. 3 B. 3 C. 6 D. 6 E. 6
4 3 2 3
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Petunjuk C digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 14
sampai nomor 15

14. Diketahui garis g adalah garis singgung kurva

x2 y = 32 di titik (2,8) . Pernyataan berikut ini

yang benar adalah ….

(1). Garis g memotong sumbu X di titik (6,0)

(2). Garis gmemotong sumbu Y di titik (0,18)
(3). Luas daerah di bawah garis g pada kuadran
pertama adalah 36.
(4). Persamaan garis g adalah y = −3x + 18

15. Untuk dua himpunan A dan B , didefinisikan

A − B = {x | x ∈ A dan x ∉ B} dan
A + B = ( A ∪ B) − ( A ∩ B) .
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi agar A + B memiliki
anggota himpunan yang sama dengan A − B
adalah ……
(1). A ∩ B =∅
(2). B = ∅
(3). A ≠ B
(4). B ⊆ A

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1. Misalkan A menyatakan komplemen A terhadap U .
Jika U = {a, b, c, d, … , j } , A = { a, e, i } dan
B = { b, d, g, j } maka (A-B) = …
c c
(A). A (B). A (C). B (D). B (E). U

2. Jika diketahui f ( x − 1) = 2 x dan g ( x) = x − 2 ,


maka ( fog )( x + 1) = ... .

A. 2 x + 2 B. x 2 + 2 x − 4
C. 2 x 2 + 2 x D. 2 x 2 + 4 x
E. 2 x 2 + 4 x − 4

3. Jika himpunan bilangan real merupakan penyelesaian

pertidaksamaan x 2 − 4 x + a > 0 , maka …
A. a < −6 B. a > −6
C. − 6 < a < 6 D. a > 6
E. a < −6 atau a > 6

 2 9
x 2+   x −1 4 
4. Diketahui A =  x dan B = 
  1 x + 2  .
 x 2 
Jika x1 dan x2 adalah penyelesaian det(A) - det(B) = 0,
maka x1+x2 = …
A. -3 B. 0 C. 3 D. 4 E. 6

5. Penyelesaian sin(2 x) − sin 2 x = 0
, dengan 0< x< adalah …
A. -14 B. -6 C. 2 D. 3 E. 5

6. lim x 2 + 4 x − x = ...

1 1
A. B. 2 C. D. 4 E. ∞
2 4

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7. Perhatikan barisan 240, 120, , 120, 80, 60, ….

Suku berikutnya dari barisan tersebut adalah ...
A. 48 B. 36 C. 30 D. 24 E. 18

8. Jika a dan b adalah bilangan real dengan

0 < a < b dan a 2 + b 2 = 6ab
a −b
maka = ...
1 1
A. − 3 B. − 2 C. 0 D. − 2 E. − 3
2 2

9. Grafik fungsi f ( x) = ax 2 + bx + 1 mempunyai garis

singgung horizontal pada titik (2,5), maka b − a = ...
1 1
A. − B. − C. 0 D. 3 E. 5
4 2
10. Misalkan f ( x) = ∫ ( as + b )ds . Jika
f (−1) = 1 dan f (1) = 3 , maka ab = ...
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 E. 8

x − y = 1 dan x y = 64 , maka x + y = ...

11. Jika
A. 3 B. 4 C. 7 D. 9 E. 12

(x − 7)
12. Garis singgung fungsi f ( x) = 2

x = 4 adalah ….
A. y = 6 x − 17 B. y = 36 x − 17
C. y = 36 x + 17 D. y = 36 x − 117
E. y = 36 x + 117

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= 16
log x
13. Jikax1 dan x2 adalah penyelesaian x
maka x1 x2 = ...
1 1
A. 1 B. C. D. 2 E. 4
4 2

1 1 1
14. Jika x+ + + + ... = 2 x , maka nilai-
x x 3 x5
nilai x yang mungkin adalah …
(1). − 2
(2). −2
(3). 2
(4). 2

(x + x − 1)
x −2
15. Nilai-nilai x yang memenuhi

adalah …

(1). −2
(2). 0
(3). 1
(4). 2

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