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Penggunaan Both, Either, Neither.

dan not only

(correlative conjunction)

Paired conjunction adalah kata sambung yang memiliki pasangan.

Paired conjunction terdiri dari 4 macam:

Both dan And

Menyatakan kedua-duanya (dalam bentuk positif)
Mengikuti verb jamak
Both Anna and Jacqueline are students.
Anna dan Jacqueline kedua-duanya adalah siswi.

Not only dan But also

Menyatakan tidak hanya tapi juga
Verbnya tergantung dengan kata setelah But Also
Apabila kata benda setelah but also tunggal, maka verb tersebut juga tunggal.
Not only Anna but also her friend is students.
Tidak hanya Anna tapi juga temannya adalah siswi.
Apabila kata benda setelah but also jamak, maka verb tersebut juga jamak.
Not only Anna but also her friends are students.
Tidak hanya Anna tapi juga teman-temannya adalah siswi.

Either dan Or
Menyatakan salah satunya
Mengikuti verb tunggal
Either Anna or Jacqueline is a student.
Salah satu dari Anna atau Jacqueline adalah siswi.

Neither dan Nor

Antonym dari both dan and
Menyatakan tidak kedua-duanya (negative)
Sama halnya dengan not only but also Verbnya tergantung dengan kata setelah
Apabila kata benda setelah but also tunggal, maka verb tersebut juga tunggal.
Neither Anna nor her friend is students.
Anna dan temannya bukan siswi.
Apabila kata benda setelah but also jamak, maka verb tersebut juga jamak.
Neither Anna nor her friends are students.
Anna dan teman-temannya bukan siswi.
Berikut paired conjuction yang menggabungkan part of speech dan clause.

a. Both …. and ….
- Noun + noun
Both Susan and Mike hate to eat bacon.
- Adjective + adjective
Susan is both smart and pretty.
- Adverb + adverb
Susan shops both in the mall and in the market.
- Verb + verb
Susan both works and buys clothes in the mall.
- Clause + Clause
- Both Susan will take a vacation and she will visit her relatives in London.
b. Not only …. but also ….
- Noun + Noun
Not only Susan but also Mike hates to eat bacon.
- Adjective + Adjective
Susan is not only smart but also pretty.
- Adverb + Adverb
Susan shops not only in the market but also in the mall.
- Verb + Verb
Susan not only works but also buys clothes in the mall.
- Clause + Clause
Not only Susan will take a vacation but also she will visit her relative in
c. Either …. or ….
- Noun + Noun
Either Susan or Mike hates to eat bacon.
- Adjective + Adjective
Susan is either smart or pretty.
- Adverb + Adverb
Susan shops either in the market or in the mall.
- Verb + Verb
Susan either works or buys clothes in the mall.
- Clause + Clause
Either Susan will take a vacation or she will visit her relative in London.
d. Neither …. nor ….
- Noun + Noun
Neither Susan nor Mike hates* to eat bacon.
- Adjective + Adjective
Susan is neither smart nor pretty.
- Adverb + Adverb
Susan shops neither in the mall nor in the market.
- Verb + Verb
Susan neither works nor buys clothes in the mall.
- Clause + Clause
Neither Susan will take a vacation nor will she visit her relatives in London.
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