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7/23/2019 Mercury, Saturn Conjunction - 2 Planets Conjunction

Mercury Saturn Conjunction Saturn is a malefic

with neutral gender
and when Mercury,
which is also neutral, comes together, results are often malefic in nature. Since
both are eunuch planets, their combination affects the marital life, especially
sexual satisfaction. This combination can also make the native or spouse
impotent. A conjunction of Mercury and Saturn in a horoscope often makes the
person driven and diligent. Natives with this conjunction have a mastery over
writing, literature and poetry. They love to visit distant places in solitude. However,
this conjunction may also bring financial problems to the native.

The combination is considered positive if takes place in 1st, 9th or 10th houses.
In these placements, the conjunction helps the native get a good partner, attain
wealth and enjoy the bliss of having son and many a friends. While the native
tends to be intelligent and creative, he or she can be prone to deception,
pessimism, isolation, disobedience, fickle mindedness, nervousness,
hopelessness, low retention, jealousy and distorted bent of mind. 1/1

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