Wireless Network

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This chapter contains the information about the sensor networks and the
characteristics of the sensor network. Different kind of ad-hoc networks are
discussed in this chapter. It also includes different sensor network architectures in
different real time scenarios. It also includes the discussion about different network

1.1 Introduction to Wireless Networks

Wireless networks give the concept of distributed architecture so that the sharing of
information as well as resources can be done effectively. In last few years, different
kind of ad-hoc networks come into the existence. With the advancement of internet
and the growth of personal computers, the use of sensor computers is been
increased very fast. There are different mediums of performing the communication
over the network. This all results an effective sharing of information and resources.
While performing the communication in such network there is the requirement of
more effective information sharing techniques. These kinds of information
transmission include the static and dynamic network types and to define the
bidirectional links between the system without defining any wired connection as well
as without setting up a static infrastructure. These kinds of network do not require
any administrative intervention. These networks are called ad-hoc network.

A sensor network [5] is defined as a wide public area network in which number of
sensor node are connected. Mobility is the key property of such kind of network.
These kinds of network perform the communication with multiple nodes under
multiple controller devices. A sensor network is defined as a distributed network that
have different kind of communicating devices such as sensors, laptops etc. This kind
of networks performs the multi-hop communication over the network. The data is
transmitted over these networks using radio waves. The presented work is about to
perform the analysis of sensor network under different real time scenarios so that the
work includes the discussion on sensor network in details. This chapter contains the
details about the sensor networks, its architecture and the motivation of the network.

1.1.1 Sensor Node

A sensor node is made up of four basic components as shown in Figure 1.1: a

sensing unit, a processing unit, a transceiver unit and a power unit. They may also
have application dependent additional components such as a location finding system,
a power generator and a mobilizer. Sensing units are usually composed of two
subunits: sensors and analog to digital converters (ADCs). The analog signals
produced by the sensors based on the observed phenomenon are converted to
digital signals by the ADC, and then fed into the processing unit. The processing unit,
which is generally associated with a small storage unit, manages the procedures that
make the sensor node collaborate with the other nodes to carry out the assigned
sensing tasks. A transceiver unit connects the node to the network. One of the most
important components of a sensor node is the power unit. Power units may be
supported by a power scavenging unit such as solar cells. There are also other
subunits, which are application dependent. Most of the sensor network routing
techniques and sensing tasks require the knowledge of location with high accuracy.
Thus, it is common that a sensor node has a location finding system. A mobilize may
sometimes be needed to move sensor nodes when it is required to carry out the
assigned tasks. All of these subunits may need to fit into a matchbox-sized module.

Figure 1.1 Components of Sensor Node

The required size may be smaller than even a cubic centimeter which is light enough
to remain suspended in the air. Apart from the size, there are also some other
stringent constraints for sensor nodes. These nodes must consume extremely low
power, operate in high volumetric densities, have low production cost and be

dispensable, be autonomous and operate unattended and be adaptive to the

1.1.2 Sensor Networks

Here figure 1.2 is showing the example of a standard sensor network. The network is
equipped with different kind of communicating devices. There are different definitions
of an ad-hoc network respective to the type of devices as well as the communication
devices involved in the system itself. These networks are defined as follows: -

Figure 1.2: An Example of Sensor Network

A sensor ad-hoc network is responsible to perform the communication between the

sensor devices without setting up any dedicated or static infrastructure. The work
includes the specification of dedicated routers and other communication devices
without the inclusion of cables. It is actually described as the autonomous
communication system in which wireless links are connected in the form of arbitrary
graph. Such kind of networks can be established in the form stand alone acquired
fashion and provide the effective communication over the network.

A sensor network performs the multi-hop cellular network model that requires the
base stations as the main controller points. These kinds of networks can perform the
reliable communication between two or more sensor nodes. In these networks, the
base stations can be defined at fix locations. In this sensor network, an infrastructure
less network topology is defined. This network architecture is defined in a P2P
network. The decision of next node selection depends on different vectors such as
number of packets transmitted in store and forward approach. In such network, a
source and destination nodes are specified and the intermediate communicating

nodes are selected by the network itself dynamically according to the routing
information over the network. The multi-hop communication example is shown in
figure 1.3

Figure 1.3: Multi-hop Communication in WSN

The main communicating criteria of WSN are the selection of next node. This can be
done in static or dynamic way. The static routing can be performed by maintaining a
routing table and the dynamic routing is identified as the on demand routing. This
kind of routing start with the source node and with the definition of coverage range
the next neighbor node will be selected for the communication. This process is
repeated till the destination node not arrived.

Figure 1.4: An example of Ad-Hoc Networks

Here in figure 1.4, the route construction in a sensor network is shown. In this
network, the circles are showing the coverage of the nodes. Here A is the start node,
and it will identify the neighbor nodes in the sequence such as B is selected as the
next communicating neighbor node for A, C is selected for Node B. In same way the

multi-hop path will be constructed between A and E. Communication cannot be
performed to node G, as the node is not in the range of the node.

1.2 Motivation for WSN

The main application area for sensor network [5] is in the military field or the battle
field to provide the survivability. To survive in such critical conditions with war
fighters, there is the requirement of some communication medium that is not fixed
and does not required any extra infrastructure. This kind of conditions also needs to
transmit different kind of data such as text, images, videos etc. A sensor network
provides all these facilities and allows to perform the voice communication as well as
to communicate effectively under such complicated situations. These kinds of
network also provide the area tracking and action tracking so that the monitoring of
the war equipments and the soldiers can be done effectively. As the network is
distributed, there is no requirement to define any centralized control network that will
affect the network. The sensor networks are effective enough in different network
scenarios as described and discussed in this dissertation such as classroom based
networks, rescue operation based scenarios and university youth function. The
sensor network is also defined under the physics of electromagnetic propagation. It
defines the frequency analysis so that the data can be transmitted at different
frequencies. The frequency range of this network is from 100 MHz to LOS. The
transmission in such network can be performed beyond the Terrain, foliage and
manmade obstacles.

1.3 Characteristics of Sensor Networks

The main vector that differentiates a sensor network with any other network type is
the used communicating devices called sensor devices. The mobility is the main
feature of such networks. Due to the mobility, the special feature points considered
here is the design solution of such kind of network. The issues associated and the
characteristics difference between fixed networks and WSN is the sensing nature of
the nodes. To control the mobility network and the communication over the network,
there is no requirement of any such design issue associated with the network type.
The characteristics associated with the work are listed as follows [4]:-

Network Size: The size of a network is defined in terms of network area as well as in
the form of network nodes. To coordinate the network under distributed control
mechanism, these two vectors are considered. A sensor network can perform a long

distance communication up to LOS by using the multi-hop communication. Because
of this the network is applicable for rescue areas such as forest etc.

Connectivity: The connectivity is defined in the form of link selection for the next
node. To identify the neighbor of a node, the coverage range analysis is done over
the nodes. The nodes that come under the coverage area are considered as the
connectivity nodes. The bidirectional communication is performed with these
networks. The local interference is the factor while considering the connection

Network Topology: Actually, the sensor networks are not dependent on the topology
and can provide the output in any topology free networks. The nodes can be placed
at random positions in such networks. But in some specific conditions such as in
classroom sessions the topology can be setup so that effective throughput will be
drawn from the network. The network also subjective to the connectivity type
respective to the topology such as centralized connective system or random
positioned networks are basic types of such topological architecture.

Bandwidth Constrained Links: Wireless links are defined with lower capacity analysis
under the hardwired connections. They are defined under the radio signal so that the
long distance communication is possible. The channel bandwidth depends on the
signal propagation. This connection can be defined under the bandwidth capacity.
While performing the communication the factors included are the link quality analysis
and the bit error rate.

Energy Constrained Operation: A sensor network requires some energy to start the
communication. To provide this energy, the batteries are attached with sensor
devices. The battery backup is the major factor to perform the communication when
the sensor device is away from the energy source. As some operation is performed
on this sensor device some amount of energy is lost. In the rescue systems, the
energy vector is the critical so that more energy backup devices are taken to provide
reliable communication.

Security: In a sensor ad-hoc network, the nodes are shared and the information
travels among multiple nodes before the final delivery. In such case, it is required for
communication to maintain the security so that no intermediate node or any external
node captures the communication information. Such kind of network also suffers from
different kind of security threats such as DOS attack. As of the public network, sensor

network suffer high security risks and having the problem of stolen information and
heavy traffic that gives the insecure wireless link over the network.

Autonomous: Another property of the sensor networks is the communication without

any centralized administration. The communication over such network is performed
by the host and later on controlled by the routers. To perform the distance
communication in hybrid networks, the switches and other cross link devices can be

Distributed Operation: These kind of networks does not having any centralized
control to perform the network operations. The network is distributed among the
terminals. The nodes includes in the network collaborate so that each node can
participate over the network and it is able to achieve the secure routing over the

Multi-Hop Routing: To enable the infrastructure free communication as well as long

distance communication, the multi-hop communication is provided by sensor
network. The next hop selection is here done based on the best node election in
neighboring nodes. It requires the destination selection while moving through the
intermediate nodes so that effective communication will be performed while
forwarding through the nodes.

1.4 Classification of Networks

According to the type of communication performed over the Sensor network. There
are different kinds of networks defined in the literature. These network types are
defined under different aspects. The classification is here defined respective the
formation of network and the communication performed over the network [8].

1.4.1 Single-Hop Sensor Networks

Single hop Sensor network is the simplest form of ad-hoc network that provides the
communication over the network with mutual range specification. This network type
enables the individual node selection and communication collectively and performs
the communication without including any intermediate node. This kind of
communication is shown in figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5: Single-Hop Networks

These kinds of networks are generally defined with fixed infrastructure and
sometimes having a centralized node in the network. The network can remain static
so that the entire communication can be drawn from the network. In this network
communication can be performed effectively without specification of intermediate

1.4.2 Multi-Hop Ad-Hoc Networks

When the sensor network is defined without specification of any topology and without
any infrastructure, the factor considered is the distance and the mobility. In such
case, if the node does not occur in direct range of other node, in such case, the
communication is performed with the help of other nodes called intermediate nodes
in multi-hop communication network. Here figure 1.6 shows the communication path
for the nodes as the black lines. It is also defined with the mobile nodes. The basic
difficulty in such network is the mobility vector. The topology can also be defined in
the form of dynamic scenario that will be changed periodically. The route selection
over the network will be done dynamically so that to achieve the effective selection of
route, routing protocols are defined in the network. This kind of network provides the
communication respective to the communicating values with high speed data
transmission and quick change in the network topology.

Figure 1.6: Multi-Hops Ad-Hoc Networks

1.4.3 Classroom Scenario Network

A flat network is generally defined with the fix networks with fix infrastructure and the
topology such as classroom sessions are defined in such way. One of the examples
of such classroom scenario is in the form of centralized system shown in figure 1.7.
All nodes are equivalent and can perform the transmission over the system using
centralized device. The work also includes the control message communication
devices. The scalability in such network is generally low. The inclusion and exclusion
of new nodes is generally not done. The communication is such network is generally
a single hop network communication.

Figure 1.7: Classroom Networks

As the network is defined in the limited area, no speciation is required to define the
neighboring node analysis. The PDA based communication is generally performed in
such wireless scenario. It allows different kind of communication in the form of files,

emails and the personal schedules. It also defines the selection of the node type
under positions statically so that effective and reliable communication can be drawn
over the system. The PDA based communication is shown in figure 1.8.

Figure 1.8: Ad-Hoc Applications in Office

1.4.4 University Youth Scenario

Such kind of network is defined is wider area network than classroom and having the
random distribution of nodes over the network. The controller device can be placed at
any position of the network. The nodes defined in such network are homogenous in
nature and provide the randomized localization of nodes. These kinds of network
require the control components of each node. The communication in such network is
a multi hop communication. The effective dynamic route generation will be done in
such networks.

1.4.5 Heterogeneous Ad-Hoc Networks

When the rescue operation scenario is defined, it can be a clustered hybrid network
where different kind of nodes is present over the network and they behave in different
way. The heterogeneity is here present in the form of node type and the capabilities.
The nodes can exist at different locations in small groups. For each kind of group a
separate controller is required. Each node type or the group node will communicate
with its group head to perform the communication.

These kinds of networks are also defined with node movement so that effective
derivation of work will be done. The deployment of the network is required each time
as the network can suffer with the problem of low signal. Some assumptions can be

defined in terms of cluster identification and the mobility of the nodes over the

1.5 Applications of Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless sensor networks have broadly utilized in a variety of industrial, medical,

consumer and military applications. Such applications are classified them based on
their modes of acquiring and propagating sensor data. We use WSNs in various
fields but mainly under tracking and monitoring of things depends on various needs.
Some of the applications of WSN in different fields are given below:

 Enemy tracking: Enemy tracking is very important and smart application of

WSN. We can track our enemy by the minor wireless sensor nodes. It can be
very useful in war situations; we can track our enemy and attack them.

 Animal tracking: Animal tracking is another very common application of

wireless sensor networks, for example in a big graze land we can place the
wireless sensor at some fixed boundary, so that we can identify our animals if
they go to which direction and on what distance.

 Traffic tracking: Traffic tracking is also very smart and important application of
WSNs, because due WSN police can track traffic jams in city and can take
necessary steps to avoid the critical situation.

 Area monitoring: Area monitoring is a common application of WSNs. In area

monitoring, the WSN is deployed over a region where some phenomenon is
to be monitored. A military example is the use of sensors to detect enemy
intrusion; a civilian example is the geo-fencing of gas or oil pipelines. When
the sensors detect the event being monitored (heat, pressure), the event is
reported to one of the base stations, which then takes appropriate action (e.g.
send a message on the internet or to a satellite).

 Air pollution monitoring: Wireless sensor networks have been deployed in

several cities (Stockholm, London or Brisbane) to monitor the concentration of
dangerous gases for citizens. These can take advantage of the ad-hoc
wireless links rather than wired installations, which also make them more
mobile for testing readings in different areas.

 Greenhouse monitoring: Wireless sensor networks are also used to control
the temperature and humidity levels inside commercial greenhouses. When
the temperature and humidity drops below specific levels, the greenhouse
manager must be notified via e-mail or cell phone text message, or host
systems can trigger misting systems, open ventilators, turn on fans, or control
a wide variety of system responses.

 Agriculture: Using wireless sensor networks within the agricultural industry

are increasingly common; using a wireless network frees the farmer from the
maintenance of wiring in a difficult environment. Gravity feed water systems
can be monitored using pressure transmitters to monitor water tank levels,
pumps can be controlled using wireless I/O devices and water use can be
measured and wirelessly transmitted back to a central control center for
billing. Irrigation automation enables more efficient water use and reduces

 Structural Monitoring: Wireless sensors can be used to monitor the movement

within buildings and infrastructure such as bridges, flyovers, embankments,
tunnels etc. enabling Engineering practices to monitor assets remotely
without the need for costly site visits, as well as having the advantage of daily
data, whereas traditionally this data was collected weekly or monthly, using
physical site visits, involving either road or rail closure in some cases. It is
also far more accurate than any visual inspection that would be carried out.

1.6 Data Aggregation

In typical wireless sensor networks, sensor nodes are usually resource-constrained

and battery-limited. In order to save resources and energy, data must be aggregated
to avoid overwhelming amounts of traffic in the network. There has been extensive
work on data aggregation schemes in sensor networks, The aim of data aggregation
is that eliminates redundant data transmission and enhances the lifetime of energy in
wireless sensor network. Data aggregation is the process of one or several sensors
then collects the detection result from other sensor. The collected data must be
processed by sensor to reduce transmission burden before they are transmitted to
the base station or sink. The wireless sensor network has consisted three types of
nodes i.e. Simple regular sensor nodes, aggregator node and querier. Regular
sensor nodes sense data packet from the environment and send to the aggregator
nodes basically these aggregator nodes collect data from multiple sensor nodes of

the network, aggregates the data packet using a some aggregation function like sum,
average, count, max min and then sends aggregates result to upper aggregator node
or the querier node who generate the query. It can be the base station or sometimes
an external user who has permission to interact with the network. Data transmission
between sensor nodes, aggregators and the querier consumes lot of energy in
wireless sensor network.

Figure 1.9: Data Aggregation and Non Aggregation Model

Figure 1.9 contain two models one is data aggregation model and second is non data
aggregation model in which sensor nodes 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 are regular nodes that
collecting data packet and reporting them back to the upper nodes where sensor
nodes 7,8 are aggregators that perform sensing and aggregating at the same time. In
this aggregation model 4 data packet travelled within the network and only one data
packet is transmitted to the base station (sink). And other non data aggregation
model also 4 data packet travelled within the network and all data packets are sent to
the base station(sink), means we can say that with the help of data aggregation
process we decrease the number of data packet transmission. And also save energy
of the sensor node in the wireless sensor network. With the help of data aggregation
we enhance the lifetime of wireless sensor network. Sink have a data packet with
energy efficient manner with minimum data latency. So data latency is very important
in many applications of wireless sensor network such as environment monitoring,
health, monitoring, where the freshness of data is also an important factor. It is
critical to develop energy-efficient data-aggregation algorithms so that network
lifetime is enhanced. There are several factors which determine the energy efficiency
of a sensor network, such as network architecture, the data aggregation mechanism,
and the underlying routing protocol. Wireless sensor network has distributed
processing of sensor node data. Data aggregation is the technique. It describes the
processing method that is applied on the data received by a sensor node as well as

data is to be routed in the entire network. In which reduce energy consumption of the
sensor nodes and also reduce the number of transmissions or length of the data
packet. There are two type of approach for in network aggregation i.e. with size
reduction and without size reduction .In network aggregation with size reduction. It is
the process in which combine and compressing the data received by a sensor node
from its neighbors in order to reduce the length of data packet to be sent towards the
base station. Example, in some circumstance a node receives two data packets
which have a correlated data. In this condition it is useless to send both data packets.
Then we apply a function like MAX, AVG, and MIN and again send single data
packet to base station.

With help of this approach we reduce the number of bit transmitted in the network
and also save a lot of energy. In network aggregation without size reduction is
defined in the process of data packets received by different neighbors in to a single
data packet but without processing the value of data. This process also reduces
energy consumption or increase life time of the network.

1.6.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Data Aggregation

Advantage: With the help of data aggregation process we can enhance the
robustness and accuracy of information which is obtained by entire network, certain
redundancy exists in the data collected from sensor nodes thus data fusion
processing is needed to reduce the redundant information. Another advantage is
those reduces the traffic load and conserve energy of the sensors.

Disadvantage: The cluster head means data aggregator nodes send fuse these data
to the base station .this cluster head or aggregator node may be attacked by
malicious attacker. If a cluster head is compromised, then the base station (sink)
cannot be ensure the correctness of the aggregate data that has been send to it.
Another drawback is existing systems are several copies of the aggregate result may
be sent to the base station (sink) by uncompromised nodes .It increase the power
consumed at these nodes.

1.6.2 Security Issues in Data Aggregation

There are two type of securities are require for data aggregation in wireless sensor
network, confidentiality and integrity. The basic security issue is data confidentiality, it
is protecting the sensitive data transmission and passive attacks, like eavesdropping.
If we talk about hostile environment so data confidentiality is mainly used because

wireless channel is vulnerable to eavesdropping by cryptography method. The
complicated encryption and decryption operations such as modular multiplication.
The security issues is data integrity with the help of integrity we reduce the
compromised sensor source nodes or aggregator nodes from significantly altering
the final aggregation value. Sensor node in a sensor network is easily too
compromised. Compromised nodes have a capability to modify or discard messages.
There are two type of method for securing data hop by hop encryption and end to
end encryption, both methods follows some step.

1. Encryption process has to be done by sensing nodes in wireless sensor network.

2. Decryption process has to be done by aggregator nodes.

3. After that aggregator nodes aggregates the result and then encrypt the result

4. The sink node gets final aggregated result and decrypts it again.

1.7 Security in WSN

Security is the combination of processes, procedures, and systems used to ensure

confidentiality, authentication, integrity, availability, access control, and non-

• Confidentiality: The goal of confidentiality is to keep sent information from being

read by unauthorized users or nodes. MANETs/WSNs use an open medium, so
usually all nodes within the direct transmission range can obtain the data. One way to
keep information confidential is to encrypt the data. In WSNs, confidentiality is
achieved to protect information from disclosure when communication is between one
sensor node and another sensor node or between the sensors and the base station.
Compromised nodes may be a threat to confidentiality if the cryptographic keys are
not encrypted and stored in the node.

• Authentication: The goal of authentication is to be able to identify a node or a user

and to prevent impersonation. In wired networks and infrastructure-based wireless
networks, it is possible to implement a central authority at a router, base station, or
access point. However, there is no central authority in MANETs/WSNs, and it is
much more difficult to authenticate an entity. Confidentiality can be achieved via
encryption. Authentication can be achieved by using a message authentication code
• Integrity: The goal of integrity is to keep a sent message from being illegally altered
or destroyed during transmission. When the data is sent through the wireless
medium, the data can be modified or deleted by malicious attackers. The malicious
attackers can also resend it, an action known as a replay attack. Integrity can be
achieved through hash functions.

• Non-repudiation: The goal of non-repudiation is related to the fact that if an entity

sends a message, the entity cannot deny that it sent the message. By producing a
signature for the message, the entity cannot later deny having sent that message. In
public key cryptography, a node, A, signs the message using its private key. All other
nodes can verify the signed message by using A's public key, and A cannot deny that
its signature is attached to the message.

• Availability: The goal of availability is to keep the network service or resources

available to legitimate users. It ensures the survivability of the network despite
malicious incidents. In a WSN, the examples of risk of loss of availability can be
sensor node capturing and denial of service attacks. One solution could be to provide
alternative routes in the protocols employed by the WSN to mitigate the effect of

• Access control: The goal of access control is to prevent unauthorized use of

network services and system resources. Obviously, access control is tied to
authentication attributes. In general, access control is the most commonly needed
service in both network communications and individual computer systems.

1.8 Organization of Thesis

In this present work, an optimization to the multi-path routing is obtained by

generating the aggregative path over the network. This presented model has
optimized the network communication and provided the adaptive solution. The work
is here divided in following chapters:-

In chapter 1, a brief introduction to the sensor network is defined. The chapter has
explored the characteristics of network, challenges of network along with
architectural specification. Different real time network models are also discussed in
this chapter.

In chapter 2, the work defined by the earlier researchers is discussed. In this chapter,
the contribution of different researchers on sensor network optimization is defined.

In chapter 3, the proposed work model is presented. The chapter has discussed the
network architecture, scenario and the communication results obtained from the

In chapter 4, the results obtained from the work are presented and discussed.

In chapter 5, the conclusion which we get from the work is discussed.

1.9 Summary

In chapter 1, we discussed the introduction to Ad-hoc and goals and challenges of

wireless sensor networks, also we have discussed the application of WSN and also
sensor network with classification also discussed in detail. Two important aspects of
sensor networks i.e. Data Aggregation and Security is also discussed by which we
enhance the network lifetime and latency.

In chapter 2, we will discuss various techniques of data aggregation in WSN.



The presented work is about to generate an optimized route over the network so that
all the network nodes will be covered. The work is about to present an effective
aggregative path generation scheme under different parameters so that the energy
and distance effective path will be generated. In this section, different routing
approaches used by the earlier researchers are shown for any kind of sensor

Yean-Fu Wen has presented a work to optimize the aggregative routing approach in
communication network. Author defined a scheduling mechanism to optimize the
routing in clustered network. The analytical decision is here taken under multiple
vectors such as capacity analysis, energy analysis and communication. Author has
defined the network with some constraints specification. These constraints include
the power range and the energy consumption. The effective communication is here
been achieved by optimizing the clustered routing along with aggregative approach

Yu GU has presented an improved scheduling approach to optimize the routing in

communication network. Author has improved the coverage range and life time
effective routing to optimize the network throughput and effectiveness. Author has
considered the energy as the main constraint along with connectivity analysis. Author
defined a static and dynamic clustering approach to define the network architecture.
The communication is here based on the sample rate based specification so that the
network optimization over the network will be improved. Author identified the
aggregative routing with sensing range criteria and generates the optimized route
under prioritized constraints [2].

Ahmad and Albhari [3] introduce a new approach for wireless sensor network power
management which is based on neural networks. In this new approach an intelligent
analysis is used to process the structure of a wireless sensor network (WSN) and
produce some information which can be used to improve the performance of WSNs’
management application. They applied their intelligent method to their previously
proposed management approach which uses the concept of Multi-Agent systems for

WSNs’ management and observed the improvement of the performance. Wireless
sensor networks need to be managed in different ways, e.g. power consumption of
each sensor, efficient data routing without redundancy, sensing and data sending
interval control etc. The random distribution of wireless sensors, numerous variables
which affect WSN’s operation and the uncertainty of different algorithms (such as
sensors’ self-localization) give a fuzzy nature to WSNs. Considering this fuzzy nature
and numerous details, a neural network is an ideal tool to be used to cover these
details which are so hard to be explicitly discovered and modeled. In this paper
author introduce a neural network based approach which results in a more efficient
routing path discovery and sensor power management.

Akyildiz [4] describes the concept of sensor networks which has been made viable by
the convergence of micro electro mechanical systems technology, wireless
communications and digital electronics. First, the sensing tasks and the potential
sensor networks applications are explored, and a review of factors influencing the
design of sensor networks is provided. Then, the communication architecture for
sensor networks is outlined, and the algorithms and protocols developed for each
layer in the literature are explored. Open research issues for the realization of sensor
networks are also discussed.

Ajay Jangra [5] presented a work on infrastructure driven processing on sensor

network optimization. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an infrastructure less, low
cost, dynamic topology, application oriented, multi-hoping network design with small,
low power, sensing wireless distributed nods. WSN designing become more complex
due to characteristics of deploying nodes, security, authentication and its operation
scenario. This paper presents an analytical view on WSN architecture design issues,
its objectives and implementation challenges.

Shio Kumar Singh [6] presented a work on different routing protocols present in
sensor network. The sensor nodes have a limited transmission range, and their
processing and storage capabilities as well as their energy resources are also
limited. Routing protocols for wireless sensor networks are responsible for
maintaining the routes in the network and have to ensure reliable multi-hop
communication under these conditions. In this paper, Author gives a survey of routing
protocols for Wireless Sensor Network and compares their strengths and limitations.

Kiran, Kamal and Nitin [7] discussed wireless sensor network is consist a large
number of sensor node. And these nodes are resource constraint. That’s why lifetime

of the network is limited so the various approaches or protocol has been proposed for
increasing the lifetime of the wireless sensor network. In this paper they discuss the
data aggregation are one of the important techniques for enhancing the life time of
the network. And security issues is data integrity with the help of integrity they reduce
the compromised sensor source nodes or aggregator nodes from significantly
altering the final aggregation value. Sensor node in a sensor network is easily to be
compromised. Compromised nodes have a capability to modify or discard messages.
Method of secure data aggregation: There are two type of method for securing data
hop by hop encryption and end to end encryption, both methods follows some step.

1. Encryption process has to be done by sensing nodes in wireless sensor


2. Decryption process has to be done by aggregator nodes.

3. After that aggregator node aggregates result and then encrypt the result again.

4. The sink node gets final aggregated result and decrypts it again.

Mohamed and William [8] give an energy efficient approach to query processing by
implementing new optimization techniques applied to in-network aggregation. They
first discuss earlier approaches in sensors data management and highlight their
disadvantages and then present their approach and evaluate it through several
simulations to prove its efficiency, competence and effectiveness.

Sankardas, Sanjeev and Shushil [11] discussed in a large sensor network, in-network
data aggregation significantly reduces the amount of communication and energy
consumption. Recently, the research community has proposed a robust aggregation
framework called synopsis diffusion which combines multipath routing schemes with
duplicate-insensitive algorithms to accurately compute aggregates (e.g., predicate
Count, Sum) in spite of message losses resulting from node and transmission
failures. However, this aggregation framework does not address the problem of false
sub aggregate values contributed by compromised nodes resulting in large errors in
the aggregate computed at the base station, which is the root node in the
aggregation hierarchy. This is an important problem since sensor networks are highly
vulnerable to node compromises due to the unattended nature of sensor nodes and
the lack of tamper-resistant hardware. In this paper, authors make the synopsis
diffusion approach secure against attacks in which compromised nodes contribute
false sub aggregate values. In particular, they present a novel lightweight verification

algorithm by which the base station can determine if the computed aggregate
(predicate Count or Sum) includes any false contribution. Thorough theoretical
analysis and extensive simulation study show that their algorithm outperforms other
existing approaches. Irrespective of the network size, the per-node communication
overhead in their algorithm is O (1).

Roberto and Pietro [12] present a mechanism for data aggregation in WSN that
enforces both confidentiality and integrity of the aggregated data. The proposed
mechanism is based on a novel application of peer monitoring and on a delayed
aggregation of sensed data. The security of their scheme relies on the concept of
additive homomorphic encryption and on a lightweight key distribution technique.
Moreover, their scheme is robust against bogus data injection. Resilience to attacks
and to random node failures is also provided. Their aggregation protocol is scalable
and has shown that the network size can scale up to thousands of sensors with
guarantees on the confidentiality and integrity provided by the scheme. These
properties come at a limited additional cost since the proposed scheme requires only
local communications and leverages lightweight cryptographic primitives.

Young and Yong [15] suggest an inter-connective attestation protocol for a sensor
node that is suitable for a wireless sensor network. This protocol is able to earlier
detect a node that was damaged by a neighbor node in a sensor network
environment without a reliable sensor node. This protocol is for safe authentication
for the sensor node. Existing research has focused on interconnectivity
authentication for sensor nodes and the BS instead of inter-connective authentication
between sensor nodes. Therefore, when a sensor node is captured and viciously
modified, and problems result in the network environment, they can be checked. The
existing attestation method uses a method that proves the code of sensor node
through data collective characteristics for the sensor network. In other words, the
verifier regards a damaged node when there is a difference after he or she has
compared the content of memory in his or her own targeted node with those of actual
memory in the current targeted node.

Jianmin Chen and Jie Wu [16] show some security research in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks (MANETs) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is very closely related
to cryptography. There are numerous security routing protocols and key
management schemes that have been designed based on cryptographic techniques,
such as public key infrastructures and identity-based cryptography. In fact, some of
them are fully adapted to fit the network requirements on limited resources such as

storage, CPU, and power limitations. For example, one way hash functions are used
to construct disposable secret keys instead of choosing private key in public key
infrastructure. To gain a quick understanding of security design, they provide a
survey on cryptography applications to secure MANETs and WSNs. Through this
survey, they present network security schemes and protocols according to
cryptographic techniques, give a few case studies on popular techniques of
cryptography application, and dissect one of the designs using cryptographic

Neda. Askari and Hoseini [18] show energy conservation is the most important
concern in Wireless Sensor Networks applications which should be considered in all
aspects of these networks. Neural Networks as intelligent tools show great
compatibility with WSN's characteristics and can be applied in different energy
conservation schemes of them. This paper presented a classification for the most
important applications of neural networks in energy efficiency of WSNs depend on
different research studies have been done so far. The most important application of
neural networks in WSNs can be summarized to sensor data prediction, sensor
fusion, path discovery, sensor data classification and nodes clustering which all lead
to less communication cost and energy conservation in WSNs.

Huang and Shieh [21] propose a secure encrypted-data aggregation scheme for
wireless sensor networks. Their design for data aggregation eliminates redundant
sensor readings without using encryption and maintains data secrecy and privacy
during transmission. Conventional aggregation functions operate when readings are
received in plaintext. If readings are encrypted, aggregation requires decryption
creating extra overhead and key management issues. In contrast to conventional
schemes, their proposed scheme provides security and privacy, and duplicate
instances of original readings will be aggregated into a single packet.

Westhoff and Girao [22] show the major threat in WSNs is the presence of an
adversary that injects forged data in the network or pretends to be an aggregator.
Current mechanisms for authentication are based on complex computations, such as
public key cryptography, which are not applicable in WSNs. In most scenarios, an
authority issuing shared secrets is not available, as the sensors tend to communicate
in a decentralized manner. With the Zero Common Knowledge (ZCK) we provide an
authentication protocol that establishes well-defined pair-wise security associations
between entities in the absence of a common security infrastructure or pre-shared
secrets. We show that with two keyed hash-chains per communication pair, one can

establish a certain level of trust within the system; ZCK ensures the re-recognition of
a communication partner.

Casteluccia, Mykletun and Tsednik [23] presented an efficient approach is for utilizing
the aggregation of data in a Wireless Sensor Network and the assuring of end-to-end
encryption of data between the leaves and sink. One of the goals of the paper was to
minimize the bit transmission between the sensor nodes and therefore to find an
efficient encryption algorithm which is simple to implement and in turn would prolong
the life of batteries.

Mohamed Yacoab and Sundaram [25] presented a Compressive Data Aggregation

technique which helps to solve the issues of traditional compression techniques. In
this technique data is gathered at some intermediate node where size of the data
need to be sent is reduced by applying compression technique without losing any
knowledge of complete data.

Bhoopathy [26] have proposed Securing Node Capture Attacks for Hierarchical Data
Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. During first round of data aggregation, the
aggregator upon identifying the detecting nodes selects a set of nodes randomly and
broadcast a unique value which contains their authentication keys, to the selected set
of nodes. When any node within the set wants to send the data, it sends slices of
data to other nodes in that set, encrypted with their respective authentication keys.
Each receiving node decrypts, sums up the slices and sends the encrypted data to
the aggregator. The aggregator aggregates and encrypts the data with the shared
secret key of the sink and forwards it to the sink. In the second round of aggregation,
the set of nodes is reselected with new set of authentication keys. By simulation
results, they have shown that the proposed approach rectifies the security threat of
node capture attacks in hierarchical data aggregation.

XiaoHua Xu [27] presented a work on data aggregation method. Data aggregation is

a key functionality for wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. This paper
focuses on data aggregation scheduling problem to minimize the latency. They
propose an efficient distributed method that produces a collision free schedule for
data aggregation in WSNs.

Elhadi Shakshuki, Sajid Hussain, Abdur and Abdul Matin[28] Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs) enable pervasive, ubiquitous, and seamless communication with
the physical world. This paper presents P2P multi-agent data transfer and
aggregation system architecture in WSNs. The architecture includes four types of

agents: interface, query, routing, and data acquisition agents. The interface agent
interacts with the users to fulfill their interests. The routing agent is responsible for
energy efficient data transfer. The query agent facilitates the collaboration between
the interface and routing agents, and is responsible for creating optimized plans to
achieve their desired goals. Both interface and query agents are placed at the
resource enriched base station because they require computation intensive
operations. The data acquisition agent is responsible to acquire, filter, and format the
sensor data. Sensor nodes have limited energy and computing resources. Thus, they
create proxy agents for query and routing agents to act as peer agents with similar
capabilities. The proxy query agents receive query execution plans from query agent,
and proxy routing agents receive routing plans from routing agent. This paper
provides the agents’ architecture and design that enable them to coordinate and
communicate with each other to transfer and aggregate data in WSNs.

Tamer Abuhmed and Daehun Nyang [29] show data aggregation and in-network
processing are important techniques for WSN. With the existence of the attacker
threat, secure data aggregation scheme with immunity against malicious attacker is
crucial for WSN correctness and security. In this paper, they proposed a secure and
flexible data aggregation scheme with hierarchical key generation, aggregation, and
node join protocols. The key are protected using secret sharing primitive such that
the level key will be secure as long as the number of compromised nodes is less than
t node.

Jae Young Choi [30] presented a work on time based aggregation control under time
constraint specification. In this paper, an aggregation time control (ATC) algorithm to
meet the time constraint while reducing energy consumption is proposed.

A.Sivagami, K. Pavai and D. Sridharan [31] propose a novel data aggregation-timing

model for node’s aggregation time out to reduce the data delivery time. Author also
optimizes the communication route under the specification of relative energy adaptive

ShaoJie Tang [36] defined a model under mobile sink for communication modeling in
mobile network. In this paper, they study how to optimally schedule the (aggregated)
packet routing and move a set of mobile sinks to collect the data in wireless sensor
networks so that the network lifetime can be maximized. They present a scheduling
strategy for the stationary sensor network in order to maximize the network lifetime.

Wenbo He [37] provided a work on privacy preserving model for route optimization in
sensor network. Providing efficient data aggregation while preserving data privacy is
a challenging problem in wireless sensor networks research. In this paper, they
present privacy-preserving data aggregation schemes for additive aggregation

[39] Wireless sensor networks (WSN) offer an increasingly attractive method of data
gathering in distributed system architectures and dynamic access via wireless
connectivity. Wireless sensor networks have physical and resource limitations, this
leads to increased complexity for application developers and often results in
applications that are closely coupled with network protocols. In this paper, a data
aggregation framework using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) on wireless --
sensor networks is presented. The framework works as a middleware for aggregating
data measured by a number of nodes within a network. The aim of the study is to
assess the suitability of the protocol in such environments where resources are
limited compared to traditional networks.



3.1 Problem Formulation

A sensor network is a real time critical network defined under limited resources and
restricted constraints including the energy specification, sensing range, load and
node criticality vector. The QoS Optimization under these vectors is a challenge for
sensor network. In this present work, a virtual coordinate based activity analysis
approach is defined to optimize the routing. The work includes the area localization
based analysis in which complete network will be divided in smaller zones virtually.
This zone level division will be based on the zone density, node connectivity and load
vectors. Once the zones will be generated, each zone will be controlled by a virtual
coordinator node. This virtual coordinator will store the information about the zone
nodes. This information will be able to classify the effective and critical nodes over
the zone. This virtual node identification and its updation will be done after a fix time
interval. After specification of these zones, when the routing will be performed, the
identification of virtual coordinators over the path will be done. These virtual
coordinator will suggest the most effective nodes that can be used as the
intermediate node over the route. By using these effective nodes, the communication
route will be generated over the network. The presented work will be performed in
matlab environment. The work will analyze the network under energy and network life

3.2 Objectives

The proposed research work is about to achieve the following research objectives

 The main objective of the work is to define a virtual coordinator based routing
for sensor network.

 The objective of the work is to use area localization approach to divide the
network in smaller zones with specification of coordinator node.

 The objective of the work is to maintain the zone nodes statistics on
coordinator node to identify the effective next hop.

 The objective of the work is to minimize the energy consumption and improve
the network life.

 The objective of the work is to implement the work in matlab environment.

3.3 Significance of Work

The proposed system will give the following benefits to the system.

 The presented work will generate the virtual coordinator adaptive multi-hop
route between source and destination.

 The presented work will improve the network life.

 The selective compromising nodes will generate the dynamic effective hop
selection so that the optimized route will be obtained.

3.4 Source of Data

In this present work, an optimization to the network communication is provided using

virtual coordinator model. The work has defined the election of coordinator node and
provided the network formation based on the network node behavior under energy
level analysis. Once the analysis phase is completed, the effective node selection is
obtained so that the mapping to the network model is obtained and the
communication will be formed. The network is here defined under the following

 Restricted Network with random positions

 Random Energy specification

 Communication based Energy loss

 Dynamic threshold limits for coordinator election

3.5 Research Design

The presented work is about to improve the routing in sensor network by using the
concept of virtual coordinator approach. According to this approach, the node
localization will be optimized. The work is here defined to divide the network in
smaller zones and identify the virtual coordinator over the zone. This coordinator will
contain the communication statistics of zone nodes. As the routing will be performed,
the effective hop selection will be done by the virtual coordinator. The flow of work is
given here under

Define a sensor network with N nodes

Perform area localization to obtain

node statistics

Divide the network in zones based on

parametric analysis

Identify the virtual coordinator for

each zone

Obtain the zone statistics on each


Identify the compromising nodes in

each zone

Identify the effective possible hops on

each zone

Generate the hop over the network

Analyze the network under defined


Figure 3.1: Flow of Work

Here figure 3.1 here presented the work flow defined for the defined network
architecture. The work is defined to provide the effective communication over the
network based on the zone adaptive virtual coordinator selection. The work is here
divided in two main phases. In first phase, the zone generation based on the virtual
coordinator is done. The coordinator is here identified based on the network strength
analysis. This analysis is based on the node energy, communication strength and the
node connectivity parameters. Once the network is formed, the next work is defined
to provide the effective communication over the network. The strong nodes are able
to provide the direct communication whereas the weaker nodes can use the virtual
coordinator to perform the communication. The coordinator node election is here
done based on

 Node Energy

 Load

 Association Analysis

Algorithm (SensorNodes)

/* SensorNodes is the list of sensor nodes defined to provide the effective

communication over the network using virtual coordinator concept*/

1. Define the strength limits to identify the reliable coordinator node to optimize
the network communication

2. For r=1 to RMax

[Perform the communication for Fix Number of Communication Rounds]

3. For i=1 to SensorNodes.length

[Process all network nodes]

4. If(SensorNode(i).Energy=Adaptive)

[Check for Energy Level validity on node]

5. If (SensorNode(i).Load<LowerThrehold And

[Check for the virtual coordinator acceptiblity respective to the area level load
over the zone]

6. If(Count(Critical)<Threshold)

[Identify the critical nodes in the area]

7. Set SensorNode(i).Type=”VC”

[Set the node as virtual coordinator node]

8. GenerateZone(SensorNode(i),SensingRange)

[Define the zone to provide the adaptive communication in range]

9. For i=1 to SensorNodes.length

[Perform communication over the network]

10. If(SensorNode(i).Type=”Node” And SensorNode(i).Critical=True)

[Check for the critical node]

11. Coor=LocateCoordinator(SensorNode(i))

[Perform the communication via coordinator node]

12. PerformCommnicaiton(SensorNode(i),Coor,BaseStation)

[Perform Communication via coordinator node]

13. Else

14. If(SensorNode(i).Type=”Node” And SensorNode(i).Critical=No)

[Check for the critical node]

15. PerformCommnicaiton(SensorNode(i),,BaseStation)

[Perform Communication without coordinator node]

16. AnalyzeCommunicaiton(SensorNode(i))



4.1 Simulation Tool : Matlab

MATLAB is a high-level technical computing language and interactive environment

for algorithm development, data visualization, data analysis, and numeric
computation. Using the MATLAB product, you can solve technical computing
problems faster than with traditional programming languages, such as C, C++, and
Fortran. You can use MATLAB in a wide range of applications, including signal and
image processing, communications, control design, test and measurement, financial
modeling and analysis, and computational biology. Add-on toolboxes (collections of
special-purpose MATLAB functions, available separately) extend the MATLAB
environment to solve particular classes of problems in these application areas.

MATLAB provides a number of features for documenting and sharing your work. You
can integrate your MATLAB code with other languages and applications, and
distribute your MATLAB algorithms and applications.

4.1.1 Matlab Features

• High-level language for technical computing

• Development environment for managing code, files, and data

• Interactive tools for iterative exploration, design, and problem solving

• Mathematical functions for linear algebra, statistics, Fourier analysis, filtering,

optimization, and numerical integration

• 2-D and 3-D graphics functions for visualizing data

• Tools for building custom graphical user interfaces

• Functions for integrating MATLAB based algorithms with external applications

and Languages, such as C, C++, FORTRAN, Java™, COM, and Microsoft®

4.2 Simulation Scenario

The simulation scenario parameters of presented work are listed here under

Table 4.1 Simulation parameters

Parameter Value

Area 300x300

Number of Nodes 150

Number of Rounds 1000

Initial Energy Random

Transmission Loss 50 nJ

Receiving Loss 50 nJ

Forwarding Loss 10 nJ

Topology Random

Packet Drop Ratio Random

4.3 Analysis Results

Figure 4.1 : Network Architecture

Here figure 4.1 is showing the network structure defined in this work. The network is
here defined in restricted area of 300x300. The network is having 150 nodes with
random energy specification. The green nodes here presents the normal nodes and
the cyan color nodes are the critical nodes of network. The work has defined a zone
adaptive model to provide the communication in effective way.

Figure 4.2 : Dead Node Analysis (Existing Approach)

Here figure is showing the dead node analysis defined for existing approach.
According to existing approach, the zone adaptive communication is performed but
the virtual coordinator is selected based on the energy criticality. No load
consideration is done. The figure shows that the communication is performed for
1000 rounds and upto 1000 rounds about all the network nodes are dead. It shows
that the work has consumed all the network nodes.

Figure 4.3 : Dead Node Analysis (Proposed Approach)

Here figure 4.3 has presented the dead node analysis for proposed work. Here x axis
showing the communication rounds and y axis is showing the dead nodes over the
network. The work is here defined using the virtual coordinator selection model so
that the improved communication is performed. After 1000 rounds, about 145 nodes
over the network are dead which shows that the presented work model has improved
the network life.

Figure 4.4: Alive Node Analysis (Existing Approach)

Here figure 4.4 is showing the analysis of existing work model based on alive nodes.
The figure shows that initially all the nodes were alive, but as the communication is
performed nodes start losing its energy. After 1000 rounds almost all nodes are dead
and no node remain alive.

Figure 4.5: Alive Node Analysis (Proposed Approach)

Here figure 4.5 is showing the alive node analysis over the network. Here, X axis
represents the number of rounds and Y axis shows the number of alive nodes. As we
can see, initially all nodes are alive over the network. But as the communication is
performed for 1000 rounds about 5 nodes are still alive which shows that the work
has improved the network life.

Figure 4.6: Network Communication Analysis (Existing Approach)

Here figure 4.6 is showing the overall network communication over the network in
case of existing approach. This communication is performed using virtual coordinator
selection based on energy level analysis. Here, X axis represents the number of
rounds and Y axis shows the number of packets transmitted. As we can see, at the
earlier stage when all nodes are alive, the network communication is increased very
fast but as the nodes start losing the energy, some nodes get dead.

Figure 4.7: Network Communication Analysis (Proposed Approach)

Here figure 4.7 is showing the overall network communication over the network. This
communication based on the proposed model for virtual coordinator selection. Here,
X axis represents the number of rounds and Y axis shows the number of packets
transmitted. As we can see, at the earlier stage when all nodes are alive, the network
communication is increased very fast but as the nodes start losing the energy, some
nodes get dead.

Figure 4.8: Round based Communication Analysis (Existing Approach)

Here figure 4.8 is showing the network communication for each round. The existing
work model is about to perform the virtual coordinator selection under energy
adaption. Here, X axis represents the number of rounds and Y axis shows the
number of packets transmitted in each round. As we can see, at the earlier stage
when all nodes are alive, the network communication is performed by each node but
when the nodes are dead, the communication is decreased. Till the end of 1000
rounds, the communication goes to 0

Figure 4.9: Round based Communication Analysis (Proposed Approach)

Here figure 4.9 is showing the network communication for each round. The work is
here defined to provide the adaptive virtual coordinator selection based on the load
and criticality estimation Here, X axis represents the number of rounds and Y axis
shows the number of packets transmitted. The figure shows that after 1000 rounds
still some communication is performing over the network which shows the effective
utilization of network resources.

4.4 Comparative Analysis

Figure 4.10: Dead Node Analysis (Existing Vs. Proposed Approach)

Here figure 4.10 is showing the analysis on the existing and proposed approach
absed on the dead nodes. The green li here shows the proposed approach and red
line is showing the existing approach. The figure shows that the number of dead
nodes after 1000 rounds is high in case of existing approach. The frequency of dead
node conversion throughout the communication is high in existing approach, which
shows that the presented work has improved the communication.

Figure 4.11: Alive Node Analysis (Existing Vs. Proposed Approach)

Here figure 4.11 is showing the analysis on the existing and proposed approach
based on the alive nodes. The green here shows the proposed approach and red line
is showing the existing approach. The figure shows that the number of alive nodes
after 1000 rounds is less in case of existing approach. The frequency of dead node
conversion throughout the communication is high in existing approach, which shows
that the presented work has improved the communication. The figure shows that in
case of proposed approach after 1000 rounds there are some alive nodes left.

Figure 4.12: Network Communication Analysis (Existing Vs. Proposed Approach)

Here figure 4.12 is showing the analysis on the existing and proposed approach
based on the network communication. The green here shows the proposed approach
and red line is showing the existing approach. The figure shows that the
communication in case of proposed approach is much higher than existing approach.

Figure 4.13: Round Based Communication Analysis (Existing Vs. Proposed

Here figure 4.12 is showing the analysis on the existing and proposed approach
based on the network communication in each round. The green here shows the
proposed approach and red line is showing the existing approach. The figure shows
that the communication in case of proposed approach is much higher than existing
approach. The round based communication is improved in proposed approach so
that the overall communication is improved.



5.1 Conclusion

In this present work, a virtual coordinator based model is defined to provide the
optimize network communication in integrated communication. The virtual
coordinator has been selected here based on the node level analysis. This
coordinator selection will be done under density and the parameter selection. Once
the coordinator node will be identified, the zones are generated under the load and
criticality of nodes. The communication is here performed by the virtual coordinator
when the nodes are critical. The normal network nodes are able to perform the
communication without the specification of coordinator node.

5.2 Future Scope

The work can be improved in future under following aspects

 In this present work, a virtual coordinator based zone adaptive model is

defined for improving the communication in sensor network. The node
criticality and load parameters are here considered as criticality vector. In
future some other parameters can be considered.

 In this present work, no optimization algorithm is applied to improve the

communication but in future some such optimization algorithm can be applied
to improve the communication.


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