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1.How to post Vendor Invoice (Non GR Based) ?

2.How to Post Credit Memo ?

3.How to Post Vendor Invoice (GR Based)?

4.How to do mass invoice posting?

5.How to make Vendor Down Payment?

6.How to make vendor manual payment ?

7.How to do Vendor Payment in Mass?

8.How to make automatic Payment with Payment Advice?

9.How to post Supplementary Bills?

10.How to make Vendor clearing?
11.How to check purchase order History ?
12.How to Display Vendor Invoice?

13.How to Display vendor Balance?

14.How to automail Vendor Payment Advice?
Enter Vendor Invoice (FB60)
Accounting Financial AccountingAccounts payableDocument EntryInvoice


The main purpose of this T-Code is to book the Non-GRN vendor Invoices.

Select tax code here by F4

Document date is less than or equal to

Posting date

Select Expenses g/l

Enter the following fields: -

 Vendor Code
 Posting Date
 Invoice Date
 Reference (put vendor invoice number here)
 If Tax is applicable then click on Calculate Tax
 In the Red Highlighted fields press f4 and choose Tax Code
 Put GL Account number
 Short Text
 Cost Centre / Profit Center (as Required)

Simulate it

Post it and save. Document number is generated.

Note:- Also through F-43 Non-GRN Vendor Invoice can be Posted

Credit Memo FB65
Raising the Debit Note to vendor

Procedure to Follow


 Vendor Code
 Document Date
 posting Date
 Reference (put vendor invoice number here)
 GL Account
 Select tax code
 Cost Centre / Profit center (As required)

Put Vendor invoice number here

Assign Cost centre

Document date less than posting date.

Simulate and Save

(MIRO) Vendor Invoice Booking (GRN BASED)
Vendor Invoice Booking is concerned with crediting the vendor for the raw material purchased. GRN Based (Where Raw material
Purchased and GRN Made) (MIRO). Non GRN Based ( Direct Entry is made in accounts where purchase is made for small expenses
where PO hasn’t been created or no GRN is made against PO) (FB60/ F-43)

[ Please refer MM User Manuals for Detailed Information ]

Prerequisites : PO has been Created (Having Tax Code also if applicable) (ME21N)

It Shows Type of PO for

RM or Asset

Shows the whole pricing of

purchasing Basic+ Tax+ Freight

Releasing of PO i.e. PO approval (ME29N)

Click to Release the

Creation of GRN : FI Entry Generated


[ Please refer MM User Manuals for Detailed Information ]

Tab to
fill Excise
to fill bill
Excise bill
Number and its date

Inventory- Raw Material Dr 10000

To GR/IR Clearing A/c Cr 10000

Cenvat Availed (J1IEX)

Includes Cenvat on Hold A/c in

case of asset received

RG 23A Part II Dr 800

RG 23A part II- Cess Dr 16

RG 23A Part II- She Cess Dr 8

To Cenvat Clearing A/c Cr 824

Vendor Invoice Booking (MIRO)

Procedure for vendor invoice booking: Domestic – Vendor Invoice Booking

-Enter Invoice Date

-Enter Posting Date

-Enter Amount with which vendor is to be credited

- If Tax is applicable then click on calculate tax for considering taxes

-Enter PO Reference or Delivery note as reference.

Enter bill no. of


Different kind of reference can be used for

vendor invoice booking. Like PO Number,
Delevery Note no. (Mentioned in GRN.),
Service Entry Sheet (In case of service
received from vendor) Etc.

GR/IR Clearing A/c Dr 10000

Cenvat Clearing A/c Dr 824

To Vendor A/c Cr 10824

- When we enter the PO Number the relevant fields are fetched.

Simulate the entry.

The cur in which

the invoice is to
be booked

Tick is required to get

the tax related inform
By entering
PO number
Change the amount if one wants
the following
to make inv booking with
info fetched
different amount.

Click on Simulate as highlighted

Post. Purchase voucher Number generated. In case of display of recent document

Go To Invoice Document Display

or go to FB03

MR8M- Document reversal of MIRO (Vendor invoice)

Select Invoice number and reason

Click on reverse Button in Invoice Document Tab and document will reverse.
Imports – Vendor Invoice Booking:

-first MIRO for Commissioner of custom.

Invoice booking of Custom duty Payment. (MIRO)

 Enter Invoice date, Posting Date, PO Reference Etc.

 When we enter PO Number a screen would appear with different vendor. Because for one Import PO there
are different vendor like shipping agent, freight transporter, raw material supplier etc.
 Select the relevant vendor.

Note: Choose the Planned delivery cost tab in case of invoice booking for custom duty or shipping agent or freight transporter bills and choose
the goods or service items layout in case of vendor invoice booking is made for good supplier vendor.
Enter (The relevant information will be fetched for the custom duty).

(Important note- Conditions need to be maintained for the Custom Duty in the P.O. One can
define the different vendor for Different expenses in the PO.)
Enter manually

Choose the Tax-Codes AO

Simulate and save : FI Entry generated.

MRRL – Mass Invoice verification

ERS is a process where vendors bill [ Invoices ] can be booked in Mass on the basis of the PO
Conditions [With Tolerance of +/- Rs.5 ].


1. ERS Tick in Vendor Master .

2. ERS Tick in Purchase Order .
3. Vendor Bill amount to be captures in MIGO-Invoice Tab.


1. Check the ERS tick in Vendor Master

2. Create Purchase Order and tick ERS radio button
3. Capture the vendor bill amount and date in MIGO [“Invoice Tab”]
4. Run MRRL in Test Mode
5. Run MRRL .
Step 1 [ Prerequisite ] -

- Vendor Code
- Company Code
- Purchasing Organization
- Tick on “Purchasing Data”

These are the ERS Tick, mandatory for MRRL in vendor Master

Step 2[ Prerequisite ]

Create Purchase Order

Run T Code – ME21

The Radio Button of “ERS” must be ticked for MRRL

Step 3

[For Detailed MIGO Creation Information please refer MM User Manual ]

Capture the Vendor Bill Amount at GRN [ MIGO – Invoice Tab] and Invoice Date
Invoice Amount to be captured in MIGO -101 or MIGO-103 Movement Type

- Invoice Amount and Date Fields are not mandatory due to some reason.

Step 4


[ PO is a mandatory Field ]

If same being run putting Materil Documents [ MIGO ] ,

put big range of POs like -[ 4000000000-6999999999]

system will pick the “MIGOs due to MIRO” for given parameters
Put the desired Parameters
- Company Code
- Plant
- Posting Date
- vendor Code Range
- Purchasing document
- Remove Test Run
Execute – F8
Down Payment Request (F-47)
Procedure :

 Document Date
 Invoice Date
 Reference (put vendor invoice number here)
 Vendor Code
 Special GL Indicator (required as A)

Select A

Press Enter

 Amount
 Tax-Code and Select the indicator Calculate Tax
 Due On Date
 Put purchase document (if Required)
 Text
Purchase Document Number can put

Press Save. Result is Document is Posted in Company Code.

T-Code-48 : Post Vendor Down Payment

 Document Date
 Vencor Code
 Special GL indicator as “A” (as required)
 Bank Outgoing A/c (as required)
 Amount

Select A

Bank outgoing g/l

Select Request Tab. List will appear

Select the line item and click on Create Down payment

Choose Save. Document get posted.

F-54 Down Payment Clearing

 Document Date
 Vendor Code (as required)
 Reference Invoice Number
 Text

Select vendor code by press F4

 Press Enter

List will appear. Select Line Item and Enter transfer Posting
Go to Document and Simulate

Choose Save. Document get generated.

Post Outgoing Payment F-53

 Document Date
 Posting Date
 Bank data (Bank outgoing A/c)
 Profit Centre
 Vendor Code (As required)

Select Bank Outgoing GL

Select Vendor Code here

Click on process Open item or press enter

Click on to select all and then click on to deselect all.

Double click on line item to select the amount.

Now Amount Assigned is Rs. 21560 and Amount Assigned is Rs. 10000
Click to equal the Amount Entered and Amount assigned.

Double click on line item. Enter “*” or enter amount

Go to Document and Simulate and choose save

Mass vendor Payment [F110]

Accounting  Financial Accounting  Bank  Outgoing  Automatic PaymentsOpen Item Customer
and Vendor


This transaction code is used for processing the Mass Payment through the Cheque and RTGS.

Run the T-Code FBL1N

 Vendor code

 Date range

 Select open / clear items

Select the icon for Mass Change

Enter the Payment Method and the House Bank. Click on Execute changes.

In the above Open items for Document number 190305 the payment method is “Cheque” and 190306 the
payment method is “RTGS”. After changes the Line item will highlighted in Blue colour.

Now Run the T-Code F110

Enter the Run Date and Identification (Used for identification in the further Process it may be text or

The status will show as “NO PARAMETERS ENTERED YET”

Go to Parameter Tab

Enter the Company code, Payment Method, Vendor

Enter the Document Entered Date. On its basis the system will take the document already entered up to
this date and for RTGS Please use Payment Method T rest of process is same as normal payment by f110.

Enter the Next payment Date (Date is needed in order to check the due date of payables. If an item is
already overdue on the date of the next payment run, the system pays the item in this Payment Run).

Choose Save and go to Parameter tab again. Status will get updated “as parameter have been entered”

Go to Free Selection Tab and Pop Up through Field Name. Choose Profit Centre if payment is to be made
profit centre wise

Go to Additional Log Tab . Select the indicator Due Date Check and other options (all are optional fields)
Click on Proposal Button

Select the Indicator Start Immediately and enter

Now the status tab is updated as “Proposal is running” Press Enter until the status tab will get updated
as “Proposal has been created”.

Click on the Edit Proposal button and

Select on All Accounting Clerk and Enter

Line tem will get display

Green highlights the ok open item (ready for further process) and Red Highlight the Errors (Double Click
on line item and Error line item will get displayed).Agai double click on the Line item and make necessary
changes as required. Choose Reallocation Choice

If chages have been made and Choose Save else go to Main screen and Choose Payment Run

Select the Indicator “Start Immediately” and PressEnter.

Status tab will get updated as Proposal is running and Press enter. Now the status Tab will show the
message as :-

Go to Print Out/Data Medium

The variant have to maintained for both the medium of payment i.e. cheque and the RTGS. Maintain the
Variant one by one for both.

For Cheque
Use RFFOUS_C for the RTGS and ZFI_CHK_PRINT for Cheque. Click on the maintain Variant

The following screen will appear. Enter the Fields as shown

In the Reprint Cheque option if the indicator is selected then the system will reprint the cheques in the
same countinue series left after printing of all cheques.

After entering the required fields click on the “Variant Attributes” icon (at top). Enter the Meaning for the
Variant so created
Choose Save. Variant “H” has been created

Repeate the same procedure for Creating the variant for “RTGS”

Variant T will get saved.

Select the icon “Print Out” on ther main sceen

 Select the Indicator “Start Immediately”

 Enter the Job Name-“H” in place of “?”
 Press Enter

Systme will display the message below as:-

In Order to display the Cheque go to T-Code SP01. Enter your User ID and Execute and Select the Spool
Number and click. Cheque will get displayed.
For RTGS run the “ZRTGS”

 Identification so created during the T-Code F110.

 Paying Company code
 Account ID
 Payment Method
 Enter the path to download the file


The file will be downloaded to the location entered above.

Check the Vendor Balance through “FBL1N”


Two Accounting Documents get generated 200059 and 200060. To display the accounting document,
Run T-Code “FB03”
Enter the Document Number and Execute. The Accounting Document :-


Run t.code- MIR4

Enter Invoice Number and Execute.

F-58 Payment with Cheque and Advice Print Out
After executing f-58 come one step back for assign bank detail.

 Company Code
 Payment Method (as required)
 House Bank (As Required)
 Printer Name
 Select the indicator Print immediately

Assign House bank and Payment


Click on Enter payment Select Printer


 Document Date
 Posting date
 Bank Amount
 Vendor Code (As required)
Click on Process Open Item

Click on to select all and then click on to deselect all.

Double click on line item to select the amount.

Now Amount Assigned is Rs. 21560 and Amount Assigned is Rs. 10000
Click to equal the Amount Entered and Amount assigned.

Double click on line item. Enter “*” or enter amount

Go to Document and Simulate and choose Save.

Print Job Generate.

Go to SP01.

Enter the Spool Request Number if Known.

Enter the user ID

Click on Spool Request.
Transaction Code:- ZRETRO

1.) Enter the mandatory inputs in the T.Code : ZRETRO

Following scenario’s can be possible:-

Scenario 1: GR not happened against that PO and GRN and MIRO is to be done against the new price in
the PO.

It will work in the normal way, GRN would be done with the new price and accordingly MIRO will be

Scenario 2: GRN already happened with the old price and MIRO is to be done with the old price.

Since the PO price has already changed, so the MIRO shall happen on the new price only.

Please Note :-If the MIRO for those GRN’s is not happened which corresponds to the date before the
effective date of the price change , then during the MIRO , new price will get proposed from the
updated PO and this price has to be changed manualy during MIRO for booking the invoice to the
vendor on the old price.
Scenario 3 : MIRO already happened with old price and supplementry invoice is required to be booked
with the difference price.

ZRETRO is required as per the above logic.

Process Flow:-

Transaction code: ZMM_ME22N can be use to change the PO Price in mass

[ Please refer MM User Manuals for Detailed Information ]

Go to the T.code : ZRETRO

Invoice date: Enter the Supplementary Invoice date in this field

Posting date: Enter the Posting date of subsequent debit/credit for supplementary invoices
received from vendor.

It will consider only those Info Record which has been changed , and display the corresponding

Now the price in the info record has been changed from Rs 20 to Rs 25 , so it will consider that
record and show the following fields:-

a.) PO no
b.) GRN document no

c.) MIRO document no

d.) Invoice Amount

e.) Old PO RateNew PO Rate

f.) Difference Rate /Qty

g.) Total Differenc Amont

h.) Tax code corresponding to that material

Select the relevant Tax Code on which difference Amount is to be posted , so based on that
tax code, tax will be calculated and posted.

1.) Now select the line item in the output of the ZRETRO and post it.

System will update the subsequent debit/credit no in the in the same line item
2.) Since we have not posted the Part -2 for the difference amount , so for clearing the Cenvat
Clearing Account , it has to be posted in the T code : J1IH
Enter the duties manualy in this transaction as shown below:-

Accounting Enteris are below:-

In this Cenvat clearing A/C got Credited and Part 2 will get update
F-44 :- Vendor Clearing
To Clear Open Items On Vendor Account Use Transaction Code F-44 :-

Account - …..(Put Vendor Code Here)

Clearing Date -…..(Date When You Want the transaction To be Cleared )
Company Code -…..(Number Of Company Code Is Belong to)
Currency -….. (INR)
Additional Selections -….. ( You Can Also Clear The Vendor Line Item on The Basis Of Selection
Profit center / Amount ..etc Otherwise If you Don’t Know Reference then Select NONE so that
List will Appear And Choose From It For Clearing)

(Note :- You Can Clare Also the Transaction Posted in Different Currencies.)

1) Click The Button PROCESS OPEN ITEM The System Will Display open Items
That Fulfill Previously Entered Criteria as Bellow:
2) All Open Item Are selected by default. To Deselect The Items First Click on Select All Items.

3) Then Click on DEACTIVE ITEMS Button. Now they are Not Highlighted in BLUE.
5) Now You Need To Choose And Select The Item Which Is Positive And Negative You Want to Clare. It
will appear in Blue color as Selected for Clearing.

After Selecting Item Amount Must Be Show Zero.

Now Press CTRL ‘S’ (SAVE).
Mass Vendor Clearing Upload Program
Vendor Line Item Clearing (ZF_44)
Steps for Line Item Clearing in Mass for which total amount sum is equal to zero:-

The Function Is Allows You To Clear Open Item On Vendor Account. You have to Identify Open Items
that Can Be Matched in terms of Debit and Credit. In These Exercise You Need To Clear Open Items On
the Vendor Account.

1) Check in FBL1N for Open Item which is to be clear.

2) Make Excel file for Upload.
3) Run T. code ZF_44 for Vendor Clearing in Mass.
4) Check in FBL1N for Status Of Line Item Change As Clear.

Steps for Line Item Clearing in Mass for which total amount sum is not equal to zero:-

1) Check in FBL1N for Open Item which is to be clear.

2) Make Excel file for Upload.
3) Run T. code ZF_44 for Vendor Clearing in Mass.
4) Select Partial Payment Tab For Adjustment.
5) Check in FBL1N for Status Of Line Item Change As Open.

NOTE – Vendor Clearing in Mass can be do on the Basis Of –

Document Number
Reference Number

Steps for Line Item Clearing in Mass for which total amount sum is equal to zero:-


Run FBL1N and Find Item as Open for Clearing As well As Balance Must Be Zero As shown in screen shot
given bellow:
Step -2:-

Put the Document No. in Excel sheet which you want to clear.


1) Account -…… (Give Vendor Code for which Clearing Has to be done)

2) Company Code -….. (Assign Company Code for which Vendor Belongs To)

3) Clearing Date -……. (On Which Date Clearing Has to be doing)

5) Special G/L Indicator -….. (In the Case Of Advance Take ‘A’ Otherwise Leave it Blank)

6) Additional Selections -…… (Select Option on the Basis of which Clearing has to be done)

7) Now browse the Excel File for Clearing.

8) Execute.

9) Clearing has been Done, you can check the status of documents in FBL1N
Steps for Line Item Clearing in Mass for which total amount sum is not equal to zero:-

If Value is not Match then Process Automatically Stop after Uploading of Excel File and then we have to
adjustment of Balance through Partial Tab.

Note :- Follow the of step No. 1 , 2 And 3 For the Same and Then for next follow bellow process.
Now Click On Partial Tab Button.

Now Double click on Partial Payment so that amount will be adjusted as partial payment.
CTRL ‘S’ . (SAVE).

Note – After this the selected accounting Documents will get cleared and adjusted Document will
remain open with Partial adjusted amount.

10) Check in GL ledger, Status of the Documents can be checked as Cleared and partially adjusted
document remains open.
11 )Rest of the open item to be cleared by the same process.
ME80FN :- Purchase Order History Report

2) enter parameter in selection Criteria:-

Enter A purchasing Document…….

Enter A Vendor…….
Enter A Plant ……
Document Date ……
Document Category …..(On the Basis Of this Report Will Generate As Given Bellow)
a) F-Purchase Order
b) L-Scheduling Agreement
3)Execute the Report.
4) Select Option Change view then Select Purchase Order History.

5) Now it will Show the report of Purchase Order History.

6) Now Select Change Layout Tab Change Layout.

7) Now Select Desired Fields as per Requirement.

8) Report Will Show As bellow.
Prerequisite :

Vendor E-mail Id should be maintained in Vendor master (XK02)

This report is runnin on the basis of :-

1) Identification
2) Payment Document number

1) Identification of mass payment created by F110.


On which date mass payment run

Its showing only preview of payment Advice

By select this mail will done automatic to

vendor mail ID
Now Execute.

Click on Print

Now system will ask Printer in above screen.

Now E-mail sent automatically to Vendor mail Address which is assign in Master data.

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