Advantages and Disadvantages of The RCBD

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1. Describe Elements of Randomized Complete Block Designs?

Elements of Randomized Complete Block Designs

• Block: This is a homogeneous group of experimental units. A RCBD consists of first
Sorting the experimental units into blocks.
• Complete: Each block consists of one complete replication of the set of treatments.
Therefore, each treatment will show up within each block.
• Randomized: The treatments are randomly assigned to the experimental units
separately within each block.

2. Write advantages, and disadvantages of RCBD and its statistical model?

Advantages and Disadvantages of the RCBD
Advantages of the RCBD
• It is easy to layout and easy to analysis. The analytical technique is identical to that of
Two factor ANOVA experiment.
Accuracy: It is increase precision by removing/controlling one sources of variation
From experimental error i.e., it is more efficient than CRD. In other words, it is the
Improvement over CRD. It reduces uncontrollable variance (error variance) in
Comparison to CRD.
Disadvantages of the RCBD
It is difficult to form homogenous blocks. It cannot be used more than 10 treatments.
• It is difficult to calculate if many of the observations are missing.
Non additively: in most situation only one observation per cell is used which requires
An assumption of additively.

3. What is the difference between Latin square and Graeco-Latin square designs?

Latin square design is the square arrangement design of rows and columns that are orthogonal
to treatments. The Latin square design is used to eliminate two nuisance sources, and allows
blocking in two directions (rows and columns). Thus, the rows and columns actually
represent two restrictions on randomization.

If the two Latin squares when superimposed have the property that each Greek letter appears
Once and only once with each Latin letter. It can be used to control systematically three
Sources of extraneous variability, i.e., block in three directions. The design allows
Investigation of four factors (row, column, Latin letter and Greek letter), each factor has p

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