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Agreement between Sun Info Media and Model’s

1. The person signing below [“Model”] acknowledges they are desirous of obtaining valuable modeling
experience, as well as receiving copies of some of the professionally posed images of themselves, which
will be provided to Model by the event sponsor shortly after the above referenced educational event. In
exchange for this modeling experience and copies of high resolution images of themselves on CD or DVD,
Model agrees as follows:

2. Model grants to any Company attending the above referenced educational event ["Company"] as well as
Company's assignees, licensees, legal representatives and transferees, the irrevocable right and
permission in perpetuity to

a. copyright images captured by Company and any derivative works based there upon, and
to display referenced images on an Internet Website and/or to reproduce sample photographs, slides,
albums, CDs, DVDs and/or videos of them as examples of Company's work for the consideration of
potential clients, as well as for advertising, display, professional competition, demonstration, teaching
or any other lawful purpose, without financial compensation to Model.

b. Company agrees not to sell or assign any of the images captured or copies of them for commercial
use, without Model's specific prior written permission.

3. Model may display those images provided to them hereunder, on an Internet Website, and/or to
reproduce sample photographs, slides, albums, CDs, DVDs and/or videos of them as examples of
Model’s work for the consideration of potential clients, as well as for advertising, display, professional
competition, demonstration, teaching or any other lawful purpose related to the promotion of Model’s

a. Model agrees not to sell or assign any of the images provided to them hereunder, or copies of them
for commercial use, without Company’s specific prior written permission. Images must be used as
delivered and may not be altered in any way without Company’s specific prior written consent.
Contact information for each Company whose images are supplied to Model will be provided with
those images.

4. Model understands that Model is under no obligation to strike any pose (Except: Nude and Semi-nude
pose), assume any position or enact any situation they are not comfortable with in exchange for the
images covered in this release. Therefore, Model acknowledges that all images will be posed freely by
Model with Model's full consent, without force, coercion or threat of any kind whatsoever.

5. Model hereby affirms that he/she is at least eighteen years of age, and is fully able to contract in his/her
own name, without breach of any prior agreement or applicable law, including but not limited to, prior
agreements with modeling and/or talent agencies. If Model is under eighteen years of age, Model’s
parent or legal representative so affirms on behalf of Model.

6. This written agreement, which shall be governed by the laws of constitution of India, sets forth the entire
arrangement and understanding between Company and Model relating to this modeling assignment. All
terms, conditions and provisions of this agreement are understood and accepted.

7. Transportation charges will be handled by the company, suppose if the shoot is cancelled at the time of
shooting by the model they have to repay the amount to the company.
8. Attach Photocopy of any two of your address proof along with this agreement.

9. 50% of the amount will be added to your bank account after signing the agreement.

10. Company has all rights to cancel the shoot at any time

Model’s Printed Name Model’s Signature (if under 18 years old, Parent/Legal Guardian's Signature)

Model's Address Model’s Telephone #

Model’s Aadhar number Model’s Mail Address

Model’s thumb fingerprint

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