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Q. Own vessel course is 015º(T) x 12kts.

After 6 miles on the present course, vessel has to alter

course to 008º (T). Show by neat sketch how will you execute this as a constant radius with
radius of turn 2.5 miles?

Initial course(AB): 015º (T), Final course (BC): 008º (T),
Co. alteration: 7º, Turn radius (R): 2.5 miles, Speed of vessel: 12 Kts (Bottom track)

1. That there is no radar conspicuous object on chart and hence the turn has to be planned
around an imaginary point.
2. That it’s a large vessel of 250 m LOA having a reaction distance (advance) of 0.2 miles
3. That there is no drop in speed of the vessel during turn as the course alteration is a
meager 7º,

Planning of the Turn:

Draw the initial course ‘AB’

Draw the final course ‘BC’
Cut a distance on AB and BC such that
BQ = BP = R tan /2
 2.5 tan 3.5º = 0.062 miles
From point P and Q cut an arc of radius 2.5 miles such that they intersect at point ‘O’
From point ‘O’, cut another arc such that it will touch at points P and Q tangentially.

Drawing Wheel over line and WOP:

Definition: Wheel Over Line is a line parallel to the final course towards the initial course, the
distance of which from the final course, is given by the formulae:
T= R (1- Cos ) + F Sin 

Hence T = 2.5 (1- Cos 7º) + 0.2 sin 7º

= 2.5 (1-0.993) + 0.2 x 0.122 = 0.0175 + 0.0244 = 0.0419 miles

Draw a line parallel to AC keeping a distance between the two as 0.0419 miles. The point of
intersection at AB is the Wheel Over Point.

Executing the Turn:

We know,
ROT = v/R
Here, v = 12 kts, R = 2.5 miles
Therefore ROT = 12/2.5 = 4.8º / min

Having calculated the ROT, set the radar VRM at 0.0419 miles (T) and approach the turn. As
the VRM touches the final course, apply helm. At this point the vessel is in fact at WOP. Initially
the helm will be larger in order to begin the swing against momentum of the ship. As the vessel
attains ROT of 4.8º, keep adjusting the rudder to maintain the same. Keep observing the speed
of the vessel. If the speed drops, ROT has to be recalculated to maintain the radius.
ROT = v/R,
=> R = v/ROT
However, as the alteration is small, we have assumed the speed to be constant, so the ROT will
be constant at 4.8º. Ease off the rudder as the turn is completing and stabilize the vessel on
new course of 008º by giving counter rudder if necessary.

Monitoring the turn:

The distance of the vessel from point O is to be maintained at 2.5 miles. As point ‘O’ is an
imaginary point, it cannot be observed on radar, Therefore, the GPS position, or radar fix using
other objects, must be plotted frequently to ascertain that vessel is following the track.
However, in modern radars there are mapping features and feed from the GPS. An object, such
as a buoy, can be placed at a given latitude and longitude on radar screen. Now the vessel can
be maintained at a radius of 2.5 miles using VRM (2.5 miles) and/or EBL (object always at 90º
bearing). Altrenatively, offset the VRM to place the centre at the object and let the vessel always
be on the circumference of the VRM.

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