Enhanced Secure Routing With Energy Efficient Link Establishment and Distributed Time Sequence Routing (DTSR) in Mobile Adhoc Networks A.Ayubkhan

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Assistant Lecturer

Omar Al-Mukthar University,Libya

A.R.Mohamed Shanavas Ph.D.,

Associate Professor

Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli.

Dr. Khalid Idrissi


Omar Al-Mukthar University,Libya

A. Mohamed Ashar Ali

Assistant Professor

Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli


The ability of mobile adhoc networks in co-operative routing has more chance of getting
variety of attacks. To overcome the problem of routing attacks , there are many approaches has
been discussed and we propose a novel distributed time sequence routing (DTSR) approach with
energy efficient link management for mobile adhoc networks. In this approach, the nodes uses
the secret key generated by Diffie-Hellman approach and shares between them. We are also
growing the DTSR routing with both network size and node density. The Diffie-Hellman Key
Exchange is one of the more popular and attractive methods of key allocation. It is a public-key
cryptographic system whose sole principle is for distributing keys, whereby it is used to switch a
single piece of in sequence, and where the value obtained is general used as a session key for a
private-key scheme It enables that adhoc nodes can correspond each other securely. The key
allocation to adhoc nodes is done by means of two layer process. This paper proposes a key
distribution scheme, based on intrusion detection method for using a data broadcast from source
to destination on the network. It based high level security and more energy efficient data
transmission on their network.

Distributed Sequence Routing, Key Exchange, Network, Sink Node

1. INTRODUCTION:  Power operation constrains for nodes

The network is a capable tool with a using battery or energy harvesting
wide range of potential applications such as  capability to cope with node failures
setting monitor, attack detection, patient  Mobility of nodes
monitor systems, etc. Adhoc networks are  active network topology
also being deployed for many services  statement failures
applications, such as target track,  Heterogeneity of nodes
surveillance, and protection organization.  Scalability to large scale of deployment
Network typically consist of small,  Unattended operation
reasonably priced, resource controlled  Power expenditure.
devices that exchange a few words among
They are mounted upon public buses
each other using a multi hop wireless
circulate within urban environment on fixed
network. Each node, called an adhoc node,
trajectory and near-periodic schedule.
has one adhoc, well-established processors,
Namely, sinks motion is not convenient and
limited memory, and low-power radio, and
their routes do not adapt upon specific
is usually battery operated. Each adhoc node
network deployments. Our only supposition
is responsible for sensing a desired event
is that adhoc s is deploying in urban areas in
locally and for relay a remote event sensed
proximity to public transportation vehicle
by other adhoc nodes so that the event is
routes. As a fair compromise between a
report to the end user.
small numbers which results in their rapid
The main characteristics of an adhoc energy depletion and a large number which
network include results in reduced data throughput. Finally,
sink node are grouped in separate clusters.
Raw adhoc y data are filtered within
individual clusters exploiting their inherent packets allows the malicious node to forge
spatial-temporal redundancy. Finally, we the identity of this valid node. After
assume the unit disk model, which is the “stealing” that valid identity, this malicious
most common assumption in adhoc network node is able to misdirect the network traffic.
literature. The underlying assumption in this For instance, it may drop packets
model is that nodes which are closer than a received, forward packets to another node
certain distance (transmission range R) can not supposed to be in the direction-finding
always communicate. However, in practice, path, or even form a communication loop
a message sent by a node is received by the through which packets are passed among a
receiver with only certain probability even if few mean nodes considerably. It is often
the distance of the two nodes is smaller than difficult to know whether a node forwards
the transmission range. received packets correctly even with
As a harmful and easy-to-implement overhearing technique. Sinkhole attacks are
type of attack, a malicious node simply another kind of attacks that can be launched
replays all the friendly routing packets from after stealing a valid identity. In a sinkhole
a valid node to forge the latter node’s attack, a hateful node may claim itself to be
identity; the mean node then uses this forged a base station through replaying all the
identity to contribute in the network routing, packets from a real base station. Such a fake
thus troublemaking the network traffic. base station could lure more than half the
Those routing packets, including their traffic, creating a “black hole”. This same
innovative headers, are replayed without any technique can be employed to conduct
adjustment. Even if this malicious node another strong form of attack - Sybil attack:
cannot openly overhear the valid node’s through replaying the routing information of
wireless transmission, it can collude with multiple legitimate nodes, an attacker may
other malicious nodes to receive those present multiple identities to the network. A
routing packets and replay them wherever valid node, if compromised, can also launch
far away from the innovative valid node, all these attacks.
which is known as a wormhole attack. Since
a node in a network usually relies solely on The harm of such malicious attacks
the packets conventional to know about the based on the technique of replaying routing
sender’s identity, replaying direction-finding information is further aggravated by the
opening of mobility into adhoc networks and approaches has been discussed in literature
the hostile network situation. Though and most of them suffers with the overhead
mobility is introduced into adhoc networks of power and discovery.
for well-organized data collection and
various applications, it significantly To resolve the problem, we propose
increases the chance of communication a novel energy efficient on demand
between the honest nodes and the attackers. quadratic midpoint routing using which the
In addition, a poor network association neighbor selection is performed at the route
causes much difficulty in characteristic discovery. The source node sends hello
between an attacker and an honest node with message to collect the set of neighbors and
transitory failure. Without proper protection, their location information. The node divides
adhoc networks with obtainable routing its transmission range into four quarters in
protocols can be totally overcome under geographic region and for each quarter a
certain conditions. In an emergent sensing single neighbor is selected to perform route
application through Adhoc networks, saving discovery [3.5]. The node constructs
the network from being overcome becomes quadratic midpoint route request and
crucial to the success of the application. multicast to the representative for each
geographic quarter.
To support quality of service The same will be repeated for each
constraints of Manet, there are many routing neighbors of neighbor and sends the route
protocols have been discussed among them request packet to find the destination node.
the popular Adhoc On demand Distance Whenever a node performs a node
Vector (AODV) Routing has produced displacement it intimates the movement to
efficient results. But still there are many all the neighbors through which set of
issues have been identified in literature packets being received which will be used
which is not suitable for dense network for next transmission. The proposed
conditions [2]. The Aodv routing protocol approach produces efficient results and
has the problem of network overhead which reduces the rate of retransmission which
is introduced by route discovery and increases the throughput of the network [6].
retransmission. Similarly there are few other It cause change in network topology, and
therefore, it appreciably degrade the avoid these attacks. One imperative physical
presentation of a routing protocol. Several attack is the opening of cloned nodes into
direction-finding protocol studies are base the network. When service hardware and
on node lifetime and link lifetime. The operating systems are used, it is easy for an
major object here is to evaluate the node adversary to capture genuine nodes, make
time and the link lifetime utilize the lively clones by copying the cryptographic
nature, such as the energy drain rate in information, and deploying these clones
addition to the relative mobility opinion rate back into the network [7].
of nodes. These two presentation metrics are
included by Route lifetime-prediction Due to the incomplete exactitude of
algorithm. the timestamp change used, the algorithm
uses time interval as a lower and upper
As follow select the least lively bound for the exact value. Judgment of
route with the best lifetime for unrelenting timestamps relies on special intermission
data forward. Node Lifetime in addition to arithmetic; hence there are cases when the
link lifetime forecast methods, the temporal order of timestamps cannot be
exponentially weighted moving average strong-minded [10]. One characteristic
technique is used to approximation the feature of this come within reach of is that
energy use up rate. The handset can measure the timestamp conversion has the next
the symbol strength when it receives the rightness property: the partial ordering of
packet from dispatcher in same power level event timestamps in the local time of a give
and then it calculates the distance stuck node reported by the algorithm is a subset of
between two nodes by apply the radio the total ordering of the times of the event in
spread model. Once adhoc nodes have been real time.
deployed, there will be minimal physical
intervention and monitoring. But, when 3. PROPOSED SYSTEM:-
nodes are deployed in a hostile situation and
Distributed Time Sequence Routing has
there is no manual monitor, it creates a
used to send the data professionally and
security concern. Nodes may be subjected to
quickly on to their network. In this
various corporeal attacks [8]. The network
algorithm to find out the exact node locate
must be able to alone detect, tolerate, and/or
route as well as straight path in the system
base on the time. DTSR is to transfer the Else
data in to without any alteration. Route 1 = selected route
Availability parameter means connectivity .While HT=True
and functionality in the network
Receive Hello reply message.
organization layer. Connectivity is the
physical connectivity of network elements. Update neighbor table Nb.
Loss is the part of packets lost in ∑ 𝐻𝑅𝑒𝑝
Nb=∫𝑖=1 ∑ 𝑁𝑏 +
transportation from sender to target during a
specific time interval, spoken in percentage. {𝑁𝑜𝑑𝑒. 𝐼𝐷, 𝐿𝑜𝑐. 𝑥, 𝐿𝑜𝑐. 𝑦, 𝑆. 𝐸, 𝐷}

Have to improve the network throughput, If (route 1 = route 2) then

system delivery ratio, and ease of use, data Neighbor hop−count Energy
loss. As a result, the DH algorithm should be consumption for a route in no of sink nodes
used with a form of authentication such as If Neighbor hop energy high then
certificates to ensure that symmetric keys Route 1 = selected route
are recognized between nodes. The steering Else
metrics are evaluated in disparate literatures Route 2 = selected route
to indicate the implication and measure End if
purpose of recurrent routing protocols. In End if
absolute surveys all along with the End if
categorization of these metrics by means of End if
their thorough classifications are discuss in
detail. A network is a collection of nodes

DTSR working principle: that are dynamically and arbitrarily located

in such a manner that the interconnections
Routing Phase for neighbor node between nodes are capable of changing on a
address: continual basis. In order to facilitate
If (source have Neighbor hop address) then communication within the network, a
Route 1 = selected route routing protocol is used to discover routes
Else between nodes. In our network to using a
Route 2 = selected route movable nodes from one place to another,
If (route2 have key means) then that time the attacker to hack the data on
Route 2 = selected sink node
network. The Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange proposes a key distribution scheme, based
is one of the more popular and interesting on intrusion detection method for using a
methods of key distribution. It is a public- data transmission from source to destination
key cryptographic system whose sole on the network. It based high level security
purpose is for distributing keys. By the diffe and more energy efficient data transmission
Hellman key method the source’s to use the on their network.
separate keys for the each user in network,
using these key the source node will 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION:
transmit the data for destination. To analyze performance of the
LINK ESTABLISHMENT DTSR by using path connected Networks.
ALGORITHM FOR ONE HOP AND The replication surroundings produced in
MULTI HOP: NS-2, in that provide keep up for a wireless
For l < N (neighbor Mobile Ad hoc networks. NS-2 was using
Initialization Phase C++ language and it has used for OTCL. It
Tr Transmission range of node i came as extension of Tool Command
If (source have neighbor Language (TCL). The execution approved
transmission range) then out using a cluster environment of 19
Direct communication with wireless mobile nodes rootless over a
Sink Node simulation area of 1200 meters x 1200
Else meters level gap in service for 10 seconds of
simulation time.
Send data to common node in
network Then also used into MAC layer
If (Critical Data) then models. The network based data processing
Send data to other route or most expensive and data communication
End if level on their performance on the network.
End if The sources create multiple packets and its
End for sending to the destination node; each data
has a steady size of 512 bytes.
The key distribution to sensor nodes is done
by means of two layer process. This paper
Parameters Value
version Ns-allinone 2.28
The ratio of throughput, delivery,
delay performance overall network Protocols DTSR
presentation improve network routine and
Area 1200m x 1200m
packet delivery ratio and cut packet delay.
To improve the performance of Efficient, to Broadcast Area 250 m
reduce the network delay and end delay is
Transfer model UDP,CBR
calculated to avoid the traffic model system.
Here we have using a shared buffer model Data size 512 bytes
for reduce the network delay and avoid the
traffic on network, so we have a better result 6
compare with existing method. 5
D = (Tr –Ts) 4
Tr - receive Time

Ts -sent Time

6 0
2 4
5 6 8 10
No Of packet

4 Time QMR


2 Fig 4: Comparison of existing system and

1 proposed system packet delay
0 The Data Delivery Fraction:-
2 4 6 8 10
The packets delivered from starting
DTSR place to purpose on their network. The
active communication energy required
Fig 3: Comparison of existing system and
transmitting or receiving packets through
proposed system throughput
transmission control or load distribution and calculated from their each node energy
also the energy consumption can be consumption is must of the network. if any
minimized on the network. node none to data transmit that node to save
the energy on the network. the cluster head
take more energy to send the data from
source to destination on the network.

3 Energy consumption = no of packets *

initial energy level

1 Remained energy = energy consumption –

0 no of packets in node
2 4 6 8 10


Fig.5. Comparison of existing system and QMR

Energy (joule)

proposed system delivery ratio DTSR

It’s calculated by in-between the
quantity of data recognized by conclusion 5

state from side to side the measure package

originated from starting point on set of 2 4 6 8 10
PDF = (Pr/Ps)*100 Time(min)
Where Pr is total Data received & Ps is the
Fig 6: Comparison of Energy
total data sending on their network.
consumption on network

5.1 Energy consumption:-

5.2 Network Density:-
The energy level on the
In a network, the things that are
network is most important one of the quick
connected are usually called “nodes”.
data transmission on their network. its
“Network density” describes the portion of optimization to the location aided for
the potential connections in a network that location based data transmission on their
are actual connections. A “potential network. It has mainly focused on this
connection” is a connection that could method to improve the network performance
potentially exist between two “nodes” and energy consumption model on the
Actual connections network.
Network Density =
Potential connection


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