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Why I am wishing to do a Masters degree

Today at the threshold of my career I find myself stepping into a world of fierce competition
everyday, a world where success comes with excellence, determination and specialization. In this
highly digitized world economy, according to me, information technology holds the key to the
door of success. My burning desire to excel and succeed in the field of information technology
has inclined me to apply for Masters Degree in Information Technology at the University of
Liverpool, one of the best rated University in the World.

Information Technology fascinated me during my early contact with the computer world in the
late 1996 but my pursuit for knowledge in the field of information technology started in the year
2000 at work. Being a person who can learn on my own, I began to study many aspects of
information technology and from that I aquired skills in repairing any type of computer,
designing of websites, and networking, the quest to know more took me to the Colleges where I
studied computer science and Data Processing Management.
Being native to a developing country like Nigeria I witnessed the transitions taking place in the
entire economy due to information technological advancement and globalization
Businesses are no longer bound by boundaries of any country. The concept of ‘global market’ has
set in. During this period of transition I realized the power of information technology and the
substantial role they play in the success of any business. Something that fascinated me earlier
had now become my dream. I knew that to survive the competition I had to keep pace with
technological advancement and developments in the field of information technology. So along
with pursuing my Higher National Diploma (Graduate Diploma) in Data Processing
Management and Diploma in Computer Science I started taking up Software Application
Development courses. I was able to write a software to generate medical report using html.
My ability to think with an analytical mind to solve a problem couple with ability to distiguish
my self in the field of information technology made me to secure job in my present place of
work, a place where I did my Diploma in Computer Science.
I chose this Master Degree in information technology pursuit so that I can adapt and prevail
within this ever-changing and highly competitive industry because it sure that information is
power and he who is not informed will be deformed. The online Masters Degree is the best for
me, because it will remove the distance between me and the University, enhance my internet
skills and enable me to use my time well between my job and my study.

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