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Chinatown Area

Chinatown area of Semarang is a very crowded place. There are many klenteng (temples)
here. One of them is Tay Kak Sie Temple in Gang Lombok which people visit regularly. Not far from
the temple, there is a very popular tourist attraction which can only be found at night, Semawi night
The name Semawis is derived from a Javanese term which means everything is available
here, ranging from specialty foods, to Feng Shui consultation, to Karaoke.
However, my favorite place that I always visit when I have a spare time is Pak Suharto’s
workshop. The workshop is next to the Chinatown gate. In his workshop, he teaches his students to
paint using Chinese ink. The ink is made from pine wood. People come to Pak Suharto’s workshop to
order paintings, too. I love watching Pak Suharto drafting and painting his objects.

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