Charts and Diagrams - Past Other MBA Test Questions 4: Reports For

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6/4/13 Exam Reports

Reports for
Charts and Overview Solution Key Unattempted Questions Report
Diagrams - Past
Other MBA Test
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Questions 4
Section I

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

A pharmaceutical firm has an R&D division and every year investment is made to augment the innovation process in the organization. Total sales
of the firm comprises sales from the generic medicines and sales from the patented drugs. The following diagram provides graphical presentation
of data (in millions of rupees) on sales from the generic medicines, patented drugs and R&D investment from 2000 to 2010.

[JMET 2011]

1. In which of the following years were sales from patented drugs more than one third of the sales from the generic medicines?
1 Marks

1) 2000

2) 2004

3) 2005

4) 2006

The size of the bar of patented drugs should be more than 1/3 the size of the bar of generic medicines. By observing the graph for the
years given in options, we can easily see that this happens only in 2005.

Hence, option 3.

2. In which of the following years was the annual rate of growth of R&D investment the maximum?
1 Marks

1) 2001

2) 2003

3) 2007

4) 2009

We just have to look at the proportion of growth in the R & D investment bars. We can easily see that the size of the bar has almost
doubled in 2009. In no other year has it shown so much increase. 1/13
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Hence, option 4.

3. What is the number of total years during which sales from the generic medicines or sales from the patented drugs or R&D investment
1 Marks i.e. at least one of the variables, have shown decline?

1) 4

2) 3

3) 2

4) 1

Sales from Generic medicines show a decline in the years 2005 and 2007.

Sales from Patented drugs show a decline in the years 2004 and 2006.

R & D investments have not shown a decline in the given period.

Hence, there are four years during which sales from generic medicines or sales from the patented drugs or sales from R & D
investment have shown a decline.

Hence, option 1.

4. In which of the following years did the sales from patented drugs register positive growth even when the sales from generic medicines
1 Marks have shown negative growth?

1) 2004

2) 2006

3) 2007

4) 2008

Sales from generic medicines have shown negative growth in the years 2005 and 2007. In both these years sales from patented
drugs register positive growth.

Hence, option 3.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

The following figure presents India’s exports and imports for the year 2008-09 (in billions of rupees) with major trading partners.

[JMET 2011]

5. In which of the following pairs of countries is the ratio of India’s exports to these countries approximately 2:1?
1 Marks

1) Korea : Italy

2) UAE : France

3) The USA : Japan 2/13
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3) The USA : Japan

4) Saudi Arab : Germany

This question can be solved just by observing the graph. The size of Korea’s exports bar is twice that of Italy.

Hence, option 1.

6. If we rank the following country pairs by the difference between imports from these countries, which pair will be ranked second if the
1 Marks pair with minimum difference is ranked first?

1) UAE and France

2) Germany and Saudi Arab

3) Korea and Italy

4) The USA and Japan

The difference between imports is minimum for Korea and Italy followed by Germany and Saudi Arab.

Hence, option 2.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

The following chart presents information on a firm’s operating expenses; marketing and selling expenses, R&D expenses and expenses on the
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs for the year 2009-10.

The percentage figures in parentheses provide information on expenses on the same heads for the year 2008-09. The budget for 2008-09 and
2009-10 has been Rs. 550 million and Rs. 750 million, respectively.

[JMET 2011]

7. Which expenditure item has shown maximum change from 2008-09 to 2009-l0 in terms of rupees?
1 Marks

1) Operating expenses

2) Marketing and selling expenses

3) R&D expenses

4) Expenses on CSR

Solution: 3/13
6/4/13 Exam Reports

∴ Operating expenses have shown the maximum change from 2008-2009 to 2009-2010 in terms of rupees.

Hence, option 1.

8. In the year 2009-10, the difference between the amount spent on operating expenses and CSR programs (in million rupees) is
1 Marks

1) 100

2) 200

3) 300

4) 400

From the table in the solution to the first question, iIn the year 2009-10, the difference between the amount spent on operating
expenses and CSR programs (in million rupees) = 337.5 – 37.5 = 300

Hence, option 3.

9. Which of the following statements is correct?

1 Marks

1) In the year 2008-09, the operating expenses were 3 times the expenses on CSR programs.

2) In the year 2008-09, the R&D expenses were 5 times the expenses on CSR programs.

3) In the year 2009-10, the R&D expenses were 6 times the expenses on CSR programs.

4) In the year 2009-10, the operating expenses were double the marketing and selling expenses.

Looking at the percentage distributions in the poie chart we can easily see that only option 2 is true.

Hence, option 2.

10. A factory is to commission two production lines. Production line 1 is to use existing technology. Production line 2 is to use the latest
1 Marks
innovation in technology and, while promising to achieve considerable advances in productivity, it will take longer to start and is likely to
experience teething problems. Graph indicates the productive record of each product line. Refer to the graph to answer the following

A. Can the duration of reported breakdown be established?

B. Can the loss of production be quantified?

[SNAP 2008]

1) Both questions A and B can be answered

2) Only A question can be answered

3) Only B question can be answered

4) Neither question can be answered

As the graph representing production line 1 is showing a steady increase, the given graphs represent cumulative production.

The graph representing production line 2 shows a constant value from the 4th month to the 6th month. This means that there has been no
production in these months. So, this was the period of breakdown of line 2. Hence we can answer question A. 4/13
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production in these months. So, this was the period of breakdown of line 2. Hence we can answer question A.

As the graph representing production line 2 is not following any pattern, we cannot quantify the loss of production as the production in the
months in which breakdown occurred cannot be determined. Hence we cannot answer question B.

Hence, option 2.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

Study the following chart carefully and answer.

[SNAP 2008]

11. From the failure data of electronics components presented here, which statement is true?
1 Marks

1) Integrated circuits and Printed circuit boards are more reliable.

2) Capacitors are more reliable than pictures tubes.

3) Higher number of component failures is likely to be due to picture tubes.

4) The least reliable component is Hybrid Micro circuits.

As the failure rate of Hybrid Micro Circuits is the highest, it is the least reliable.

Hence, option 4.

12. Which of the following components has a failure rate 25% more than that of signal devices?
1 Marks

1) Pictures tubes

2) Capacitors

3) Integrated circuits

4) Printed Circuits boards

The failure rate of Signal Devices is 16.

25% more than this = 1.25 × 16 = 20

Only capacitors have a failure rate of 20.

Hence, option 2.

13. Lowest priority for investing in any changes or additions to the component manufacturing units, in the company's investment plans,
1 Marks may be given to the following:

1) Printed circuits boards and hybrid micro circuits

2) Capacitors and integrated circuits

3) Pictures tubes and signal devices 5/13
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3) Pictures tubes and signal devices

4) Signal devices and capacitors

As Picture Tubes and Signal Devices have the lowest failure rates, they are to be given the lowest priority in any changes or
additions to the component manufacturing units.

Hence, option 3.

14. For the equipments using Integrated Circuit Board: 400, Capacitors: 240 and Printed Circuits boards: 120 to run with minimum
1 Marks downtime, how many spares should be kept in the store respectively?

1) 12, 4, 3

2) 12, 5, 4

3) 5, 12, 4

4) 12, 4, 4

Expected number of component failures,

Hence 12, 5 and 4 spares of Integrated Circuit Boards, Capacitors and

Printed Circuit Boards respectively must be kept in store.

Hence, option 2.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

The pie charts below show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and the number of non-US students in the Arts
faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in Arts faculty. Use this
information to answer the following questions.

[SNAP 2009] 6/13
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15. What percentage of students in the Arts faculty are non-US students?
1 Marks

1) 14%

2) 9%

3) 30%

4) 11%


The total number of students in the Arts faculty = 1049

The number of non-US students in the Arts faculty = 79 + 21 + 6 + 2 + 4 = 112

The closest option is 11%.

Hence, option 4.

16. How many students are there in the Engineering faculty?

1 Marks

1) 420

2) 410

3) 390

4) 440

Let the number of total students in the University be x.

There are 1049 students in the Arts faculty, which represents 23% of the total students.

∴ 1049 = 0.23x

The number of students in the Engineering faculty is 9% of the total.

Hence, option 2.

17. How many students are there at the University?

1 Marks

1) 4650

2) 4560

3) 4640

4) 4450

1049 students in Arts represent 23% of the total students.

Let the total number of students in the University be x.

∴ 1049 = 0.23x 7/13
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∴ The total number of students is 4560.

Hence, option 2.

18. If six percent of Science students are Asian. How many Asian students are studying Science?
1 Marks

1) 48

2) 66

3) 120

4) 57

The Science students are 21% of the total number of students.

6% out of these are Asians.

The total number of students in the University = 4560

Hence, option 4.

19. There are 34 European medical students. What percentage of the faculty does this represent?
1 Marks

1) 14%

2) 18%

3) 16%

4) 15%

The total number of medical students is 5% of the total students.

Out of these, 34 are from Europe.

Hence, option 4.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

Refer to the chart below showing annual production and answer the questions that follow.

[SNAP 2009] 8/13
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20. Which industry /industries contribute /contributes to company S?

1 Marks

1) Industry A and B only

2) B and C only

3) A and C only

4) B only

From the figure, it is clear that only Industry B and C contribute to company S.

Hence, option 2.

21. Industry B processes what percentage of the total production of listed elements?
1 Marks

1) 25%

2) 65%

3) 40%

4) Cannot be determined

Observe that Industry B processes element 4 and 5.

But elements 4 and 5 are also processed at Industry A and C.

Hence, the proportion of element 4 that gets processed in Industry B is unknown.

Similarly, the proportion of element 5 that gets processed in Industry B is unknown.

∴ The percentage of total production of listed elements processed by Industry B cannot be determined.

Hence, option 4.

22. Of the listed elements processed by the Industry A, how many tons are produced annually?
1 Marks

1) 30,000

2) 50,000

3) 1,00,000

4) 55,000

Industry A processes all the listed elements, i.e. Element A, B, C, D and E.

The total annual production of all these elements is 1,00,000 tons.

Hence, option 3.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

These questions are based on the graph which shows the demand and production statistics of 5 T.V. companies

[SNAP 2009] 9/13
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[SNAP 2009]

23. What is the difference between the average demand and the average production of the five companies taken together?
1 Marks

1) 1400

2) 400

3) 280

4) 138

Total demand = 3000 + 600 + 2500 + 1200 + 3300 = 10600 units.

Total production = 1500 + 1800 + 1000 + 2700 + 2200 = 9200 units

Difference between the average demand and the average production

= 2120 − 1840

= 280

Hence, option 3.

24. The production of the company D is how many times of the production of the company A?
1 Marks

1) 1.8

2) 1.5

3) 2.5

4) 1.11

Production of company D = 2700.

Production of company A = 1500.

i.e. Production of company D is 1.8 times the production of company A. 10/13
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Hence, option 1.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

The following questions are based on the pie-chart given below which gives the expenditure incurred in printing a magazine:

[SNAP 2009]

25. What is the angle for the sector representing paper cost?
1 Marks

1) 10 degrees

2) 36 degrees

3) 23.5 degrees

4) 45 degrees

Paper cost is 10% of the total cost.

Angle for sector representing paper cost = (10/100) × 360 degrees = 36 degrees

Hence, option 2.

26. For a given issue of the magazine, the 2% of the cost is Rs. 2,000 and the print-run is 12,500 copies. What should be the sale price
1 Marks if the publisher desires a profit of 5 percent?

1) Rs. 5

2) Rs. 7.5

3) Rs. 8

4) Rs. 8.40

2% of the cost is Rs. 2000 for 12500 copies.

∴ 1% of the cost is Rs. 1000.

Using this information, 11/13
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Using this information,

The total expenditure = Rs. 1,00,000

∴ Cost for 1 copy = (100000/12500) = Rs. 8

S.P for a profit of 5 percent = 8 × 1.05 = Rs. 8.40

Hence, option 4.

Group Question

Answer the question based on the information given below.

Refer to the following bar diagram showing the sales (in Rs. Crores) of top market brands among pain killers in India and answer the questions.

[SNAP 2010]

27. What is the difference between the sales of Voveran in 2006 and those of Calpol in 2005 (in Rs lacs)?
1 Marks

1) 1000

2) 50

3) 100

4) 500

The data given is summarized (approximate values) in the table 12/13
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The difference between sales of Voveran in 2006 and sales of Calpol in 2005 = 23 – 13 = 10 crores

= 1000 lakhs

Hence, option 1.

28. Percentage of increase in sales from 2005 to 2006 is the highest for which brand of a pain killer?
1 Marks

1) Voveran

2) Volini

3) Dolonex

4) Sumo

Other than Dolonex, the sales of none of the other brands given in the options have shown an increase of more than 50%.

Hence, option 3.

29. Percentage increase in sales from 2005 to 2006 is the lowest for which brand of a pain killer?
1 Marks

1) Voveran

2) Volini

3) Moov

4) Nise

The percentage increase in sales of Nise is the lowest.

Hence, option 4.

30. What is the approximate percentage of increase in the sales of Voveran from 2005 to 2006?
1 Marks
1) 35%

2) 40%

3) 45%

4) 50%

The approximate percentage increase in the sales of voveran from 2005 to 2006 is

Option 2 is the closest answer.

Hence, option 2. 13/13

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