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6/4/13 Exam Reports

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Questions 2
Section I

Group Question

Answer the questions based on the following graph.

[IIFT 2010]

1. If the world energy council formulates a norm for high emission countries to reduce their emission each year by 12.5% for the next
1 Marks two years then what would be the ratio of CO2 emission to per capita income of US, China and Japan after two years. The per capita
income of China, Japan and US is expected to increase every year by 4%, 3% and 2% respectively.

1) 3.5, 3.8, 4.1

2) 3.4, 3.5, 3.9

3) 2.9, 3.1, 3.4

4) None

The ratio of CO2 emission to per capita income for USA, China and Japan after two years will be :

Hence, option 3. 1/19
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Hence, option 3.

2. If US and China, decide to buy carbon credits, from Spain and Ukraine to make up for their high emissions, then in how many years
1 Marks US, and China would be able to bring down its ratio of CO2 emission (million ton) to per capita income to world standard benchmark
of 0.75. (per capita income of the given countries remain same, 0.5 CO2 emissions [million ton] is compensated by purchase of 1.25
units of carbon credit, and a country can buy carbon credit units in three lots of 15, 20 and 30 units in a single year.)

1) 3.8 years

2) 38 years

3) 30 years

4) None

To bring down the ratio of CO2 emission to per capita income to meet the standard benchmark of 0.75, US and China will have to
bring down their CO2 emission to (300 × 0.75) and (270 × 0.75) respectively i.e. 225 and 202.5 million tons respectively.

Hence, the amount of CO2 emission US and China have to cut down to meet the standard benchmark is (1200 – 225) and (1180 –
202.5) i.e. 975 and 977.5 million tons respectively.

To reduce 0.5 million tons of CO2 emission, a country has to purchase 1.25 units of carbon credits.

Therefore, to reduce 1 million tons of CO2 emission 2.5 units of carbon credits need to be purchased.

Hence, to reduce CO2 emission by 975 and 977.5 million tons, the amount of carbon credits that need to be purchased by the US
and China are (975 × 2.5) and (977.5 × 2.5) i.e. 2437.5 and 2443.75 respectively.

The number of carbon credits that a country can buy in a year is 65 (15 + 20 + 20).

Therefore, the number of years that U.S. and China will respectively take to get the ratio to the required level is (2437.5/65) i.e. 37.5
years and (2443.75/65) i.e. 37.6.

Hence, in 38 years US and China will be able to bring down its CO2 emission to per capita income to the world standard benchmark
of 0.75.

Hence, option 2.

3. France, South Africa, Australia, Ukraine and Poland form an energy consortium which declares CO2 emission of 350 million ton per
1 Marks
annum as standard benchmark. The energy consortium decides to sell their carbon emission savings against the standard
benchmark to high carbon emission countries. It is expected that the per capita income of each country of the energy consortium
increases by 2%, 2.5% and 3.5% p.a. for the next three years respectively. The ratio of CO2 emission to per capita income of the
each energy consortium country reduces by 50% and remains constant for the next three years. By selling 0.5 CO2 emissions
[million ton] the energy consortium earns 1.25 carbon credits, then determine the total carbon credits earned by energy consortium
in three years.

1) 3560

2) 4506

3) 5060

4) None

By selling 0.5 CO2 emissions the energy consortium earns 1.25 carbon credits.

∴ The number of carbon credits earned by any country in the consortium

= (Total CO2 emission saved) × (1.25/0.5)

Total CO2 emission saved by any country in the consortium = 350 – revised CO2 emission by that country.

Revised total CO2 emission per year for each country in the consortium = Revised ratio × revised per capita income per year.

The per capita income increases by 2%, 2.5% and 3.5% in the first, second and third year respectively.

The ratio of CO2 emissions to per capita income becomes half and stays constant for three years after that.

Thus, all the revised values are as shown in the table below: 2/19
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Therefore, the total CO2 emissions saved by France, SA, Australia, Ukraine and Poland over three years

= S1 + S2 + S3

= 2024 million tons

Hence, the number of carbon credits earned by the energy consortium in three years

= 2024 × (1.25/0.5)

= 5060 units

Hence, option 3.

4. Select the wrong statement in reference to the position of India vis-à-vis other countries in the graph in terms of the ratio of CO2
1 Marks
emission to per capita income (increasing order).

1) India stands at 5th position if 50 is added to the given per capita income figures of each country.

2) India stands at 5th position at the given CO2 emission level and per capita income of each country.

3) India stands at 5th position if 200 million ton CO2 emission is deducted from the given CO2 emission figures of each

4) India stands at 5th position if 200 million ton CO2 emission is deducted from the given CO2 emission figures of each
country and 50 is added to the given per capita income of each country.

Start with the statement in option 2 as it requires the figures to be used as they are given in the bar graph. 3/19
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From the above table, we can conclude that India stands at the 5th position at the given CO2 emission level and per capita income of
each country (in increasing order).

Hence, the statement in option 2 is true.

Consider option 1. Since 50 is added to the per capita income for each country, the ratio given in the above table decreases for each
country and for India it becomes 2.

This implies that any country having CO2 emission value greater than twice the revised per capita income will have a ratio greater
than India.

Only four countries (Australia, Spain, Ukraine and Poland) have the required ratio less than India.

Hence, India stands at the 5th position in this case also.

Hence, the statement in option 1 is also true.

Consider option 3. Since 200 million tons are deducted from the given CO2 emission value, the ratio given in the above table
decreases for each country and for India it becomes 1.5.

This implies that any country having CO2 emission value greater than one and half times the revised per capita income will have a
ratio greater than India.

Only four countries (Australia, Spain, Ukraine and Poland) have the required ratio less than India.

Hence India stands at the 5th position in this case also.

Hence, the statement in option 3 is also true.

Since the statement in options 1, 2 and 3 is true, the statement in option 4 is false.

Hence, option 4.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

Refer to the following pie chart and answer the question that follows. The chart shows the number of units produced in degrees, by Company X in
different States of India for the quarter July-Sep 2010. 4/19
6/4/13 Exam Reports

[IIFT 2010]

5. By how many units does the number of units produced in Bihar exceed the number of units produced in Madhya Pradesh, if the total
1 Marks production in the quarter is 72, 000 units?

1) 2300 units

2) 2520 units

3) 3516 units

4) 2860 units

Note that the units are given in degrees.

Hence, option 2.

Group Question

Answer the questions based on the following graph.

The following graph shows population data (males and females), educated people data (males and females) and number of male in the population
for a given period of 1995 to 2010. All data is in million.

From the information given in the graph answer the questions that follow

[IIFT 2010]

6. In which year the percentage increase in the number of females over the previous year is highest?
1 Marks

1) 1996

2) 1999

3) 2004 5/19
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3) 2004

4) 2005

Female population = (Total population – Male population)

Therefore, the percentage increase in Female population in 1996, 1999, 2004 and 2005 is as given below:

Thus, the percentage change in the number of females over the previous year is the highest in 2005.

Hence, option 4.

7. In 2002 if the ratio of number of educated male to professionally educated female was 5:4. If the number of educated males increased
1 Marks by 25% in 2003. What is the percentage change in number of uneducated females in 2003?

1) +25%

2) +30%

3) +34%

4) +56%

Number of educated people in 2002 = 545

Therefore, number of educated males in 2002 = (5/9) × 545 ≈ 303

and, number of educated females in 2002 = 545 – 303 = 242

Now, number of females in 2002 = Total population – Total male population = 350

Hence, number of uneducated females in 2002 = 350 – 242 = 108

The number of educated males increases by 25% in 2003.

Hence, number of educated males in 2003 = 1.25 × 303 ≈ 379

Therefore, number of educated females in 2003 = 560 – 379 ≈ 181

Now, number of females in 2003 = Total population ‒ Total male population = 350

Hence, number of uneducated females in 2003 = 350 – 181 ≈ 169

Hence, percentage change in uneducated females = (169 – 108)/108 × 100 ≈56%

Hence, option 4.

8. In year 2005 total population living in urban area is equal to sixty eight percent of educated population. The ratio of number of people
1 Marks living in urban area to people living in rural area is 43:12 in 2010. What is the ratio of the rural population in 2005 to that in 2010?

1) 0.8

2) 0.47

3) 2.05

4) None

Total population of urban area in 2005 = 0.68 × 600 = 408 million

Total population in 2005 = 900 million 6/19
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Therefore, population of rural area in 2005 = 900 – 408 = 492 million

Therefore, the required ratio = 492/240 = 2.05

Hence, option 3.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the Diagram below.

The Chart reports Country XX’s monthly Outward Investment flows to various countries and the World. The FDI figures are reported US$ Million.

[IIFT 2011]

9. What is the compound average growth rate of Country XX’s overall Outward Investment during the period January 2011 and May
1 Marks 2011?

1) Approximately 6 percent

2) Approximately 3.5 percent

3) Approximately 5.75 percent

4) None of the above

CAGR = [(Final - Initial)(1/No. of periods) – 1] × 100

So, CAGR = (3701/3075)1/4 – 1] × 100 = 4.74 %

Hence, option 4.

10. In which month Country XX’s Outward Investment to Singapore dropped most and what is the ‘month on month’ growth in that period?
1 Marks

1) April, Approximately negative growth of 39 percent

2) March, Approximately negative growth of 49 percent

3) April, Approximately negative growth of 49 percent

4) None of the above 7/19
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Outward investment to Singapore in Feb = 1221

Outward investment to Singapore in March = 741

Outward investment to Singapore in April = 378

So, negative growth in March = (741 – 1221)/741 × 100 = –39.31%

Negative growth in April = (378 – 741)/378 × 100 = 48.98 i.e. 49%

Hence, option 3.

11. What is the share of Country XX’s Outward Investment together in USA and UK in February 2011 of its total investment in the world?
1 Marks

1) 7.24 percent

2) 8.30 percent

3) 6.79 percent

4) None of the above

Required share = (116 + 117)/3221 × 100 = 7.23 i. e. 7.24 %

Hence, option 1.

12. In which month the share of Country XX’s total Outward Investment together in Singapore and UAE achieved the highest level and
1 Marks what is the value?

1) April, 40 percent

2) February, 45 percent

3) March, 45 percent

4) None of the above

Required percentage for:

Option 1: (378 + 157)/1390 × 100 = 38.48%

Option 2: (1211 + 227)/3221 × 100 = 44.64%

Option 3: (741 + 70)/2358 × 100 = 34.39%

Option 4 is the closest.

Hence, option 2.

13. Between February 2011 and April 2011, to which country did Outward Investment from XX witness the highest decline?
1 Marks
1) Singapore

2) UK

3) UAE

4) Others

Required decline for:

Option 1: (1211 – 378)/1211 × 100 = 68.78%

Option 2: (117 – 40)/117 × 100 = 65.81%

Option 3: (227 – 157)/227 × 100 = 30.83%

Option 4: (1551 – 686)/1551 × 100 = 55.77

Hence, Singapore has highest decline.

Hence, option 1.

Group Question 8/19
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Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

A departmental store reported the following sales data (in million Rs.) for a particular week:

The Average Value of a Transaction (AVT) in Rs. and the Time Taken per Transaction (TpT) in seconds is given in the figure below:

Note: The store assigns one salesperson in a section for every 400 minutes of transaction time.

[JMET 2008]

14. The section reporting the highest transaction time on Sunday is

1 Marks

1) Grocery

2) Confectionary

3) 2006-07 Personal Products

4) None of the above

Solution: 9/19
6/4/13 Exam Reports

Total transaction time = Number of transactions per day × Avg. transaction time

The total transaction time is the highest for grocery section.

Hence, option 1.

15. The section with the highest number of transactions on Sunday is

1 Marks

1) Grocery

2) Confectionary

3) Personal Products

4) None of the above

From the previous question, Confectionary section has the highest number of transactions on Sunday.

Hence, option 2.

16. The total sales of all the sections put together is the same on
1 Marks

1) Monday and Tuesday

2) Tuesday and Wednesday

3) Wednesday and Thursday

4) Thursday and Friday


The total sale for all the sections put together is same on Thursday and Friday. 10/19
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The total sale for all the sections put together is same on Thursday and Friday.

Hence, option 4.

17. The ratio of sales on the week-end (Saturday and Sunday) to total sales is nearly
1 Marks

1) 1 : 2.34

2) 1 : 3.43

3) 1 : 4.48

4) 1 : 5.51

Total sales for the week = 2.91 + 2.64 + 3.19 + 3.06 + 3.06 + 4.61 + 6.48 = Rs. 25.95 million

Total sales on Saturday and Sunday = 4.61 + 6.48 = Rs. 11.09 million

∴ Required ratio = 11.09 : 25.95 = 1 : 2.34

Hence, option 1.

18. The section requiring the maximum number of salespersons on Saturday is

1 Marks

1) Grocery

2) Confectionary

3) Personal Products

4) None of the above


From the table we can see that the Total transaction time is highest for the grocery section.

∴ Grocery section will require maximum number of sales person on Saturday.

Hence, option 1.

19. The ratio of salespersons required in the Appliances section on Monday to the salespersons required in the same section on Sunday
1 Marks is approximately

1) 1 : 0.50

2) 1 : 1.45 11/19
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3) 1 : 1.65

4) 1 : 1.95


For the same section on two different days, only the value of sales per day will be different and the rest will be the same.

∴ Required ratio = 0.86 : 1.42 = 1 : 1.65

Hence, option 3.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

The Market Share of five types of products manufactured by a company in the year 2006-07 is plotted against their Business Strength and
Industry Attractiveness Indices (read at the centre of each bubble) in the graph below. Both indices range from 0.0 (minimum) to 1.0 (maximum).
The size of each bubble is representative of the Market Share of each product (printed beside the respective bubble) as a percentage of the Total
Market Size in the year 2006-07.

The Total market Size for various products in 2006-07 and their Profit % are given below:

The Total Market Size of a product is estimated to increase yearly at the same rate as its Industry Attractiveness Index. That is, an Industry
Attractiveness Index of 0.6 would imply that Total Market Size will be 60% more than that of the previous year. A Business Strength Index of 0.4
would imply that the Market Share of the company will increase by 40% of the total Market Share held by other companies during the previous

[JMET 2008] 12/19
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20. The combined profit (in million Rs.) of the three most profitable products in the year 2006-07 is approximately
1 Marks

1) 1092

2) 1102

3) 1233

4) 1328

The table below gives the data for the year 2006-07.

The table below gives the data for the year 2007-08.

From the table above the three most profitable products in 2006-07 are Bearings, Pipes and Gears.

The combined profit = 352 + 450 + 300 = Rs. 1102 million

Hence, option 2.

21. Which is the most profitable product in the year 2006-07?

1 Marks

1) Bearings

2) Pipes

3) Belts

4) Gears

The most profitable product in the year 2006-07 is Pipes.

Hence, option 2. 13/19
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22. Which product would be least profitable in the year 2007-08?

1 Marks

1) Bearings

2) Pipes

3) Belts

4) Gears

From the second table we get that the least profit percentage is for Gears,

∴ Gears is the least profitable among the given choices.

Hence, option 4.

23. The Total Market Size (in million Rs.) for all products put together in the year 2007-08 is approximately
1 Marks

1) 17555

2) 19230

3) 21350

4) 23420

The total market size of all the products in 2007-08 = 3960 + 1760 + 5700 + 3500 + 8500

= Rs. 23,420 million

Hence, option 4.

24. The Total Market Size for gears is assumed to continue to grow every year by 70%. What will be the approximate Total Market Size
1 Marks for gears (in million Rs.) in the year 2008-09?

1) 14450

2) 15550

3) 16550

4) 17450

The total market size of Gears in 2008-09 = 1.7 × 1.7 × 5000 = Rs. 14,450 million

Hence, option 1.

25. The company decided to discontinue the production of Valves and Belts. The Total Profit (in million Rs.) of the company from the
1 Marks remaining three products in 2007-08 would be approximately

1) 3164

2) 3454

3) 2244

4) 4052

Total profit of remaining three products = 668.8 + 855 + 720 = Rs. 2,243.8 million

Hence, option 3.

Note : Since the answer was not matching with any of the options, option 3 has been changed.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below.

Refer to the four pie charts relating to the sectoral composition of output and their respective share in employment in 1970 and 1994 and answer
questions: 14/19
6/4/13 Exam Reports
[JMET 2009]

26. Which of the following is FALSE:

1 Marks

1) While the share of agriculture in the GDP has come down, the share of services and industry has increased

2) Agriculture continues to be the predominant provider of employment in India

3) The share of employment in services has increased more than its share in GDP

4) None of the above

1st statement: Share of agriculture in GDP has come down from 45% to 30%, while the share of services has increased from 33% to
42% and that of industry had increased from 22% to 28%. So the first statement is true.

2nd statement: Employment through agriculture stands at 74% and 63% in 1970 and 1994 respectively thereby being the
predominant sector in employment. Hence, this statement is also true.

3rd statement: Share of employment in services has increased from 15% to 23%, a rise of 8% points, whereas the share of services
in GDP has grown from 33% to 42%, a 9% point increase. Hence this statement is false.

Hence, option 3.

27. Between 1970 and 1994 the Indian GDP, in rupee terms
1 Marks

1) has increased only marginally in services

2) has increased most significantly for agriculture

3) has risen by more than 15 times for both services and industry

4) none of the above

The GDP had grown from approximately Rs.42000 crores to approximately Rs. 570000 crores between 1970 and 1994.

Share of services and industry put together in 1970 = 55% of 42000 = 23100

Share of services and industry in 1970 = 70% of 570000 = 399000 15/19
6/4/13 Exam Reports

∴ Statement 3 is true.

Hence, option 3.

28. Between 1970 and 1994 the GDP of India in agriculture

1 Marks

1) decreased by 15%

2) increased by about 9 times

3) cannot be calculated based on the data given

4) none of the above

Approximate GDP of India in agriculture in 1970 = 45% of 42000 = 18900

Approximate GDP of India in agriculture in 1994 = 30% of 570000 = 171000

Hence, option 2.

29. In 1970 the contribution to GDP from services in rupee terms was
1 Marks

1) less than Rs. 10,000 crores

2) more than Rs. 15,000 crores

3) between Rs. 10,000 and 15,000 crores

4) none of the above

In 1970, the approximate contribution of GDP from services = 33% of 42000 = 13860 crores

Hence, option 3.

30. In 1994 if the share of industry in output (GDP) was 30% instead of 28%, then in rupee terms, it would have been
1 Marks

1) less than Rs. 100,000 crores

2) more than Rs. 200,000 crores

3) more than Rs. 150,000 crores

4) between Rs. 100,000 and 150,000 crores

Had the share of industry in GDP been 30% instead of actual of 28%, then the approximate share of industry in rupee terms would
have been = 30% of 570000 = 171000 crores

Hence, option 3.

Group Question

Answer the following questions based on the information given below. 16/19
6/4/13 Exam Reports

Values for the columns are represented on the left and values for the lines are represented on the right

[JMET 2009]

31. In India, the infant mortality rate, under 5 mortality rate and DPT immunization incidence
1 Marks

1) have been falling over the years

2) have been rising over the years

3) have been following different trends

4) none of the above

The infant mortality rate and under 5 mortality rate have been declining for the given period, that is both are following the same trend,
whereas DPT immunization has not been following the same trend.

Hence, option 4.

32. In 1990, contraceptive prevalence for India was

1 Marks

1) close to the South Asian average in 1990

2) close to the low income countries' average in 1990

3) double the low income countries' average in 2006

4) exactly same as the South Asian average in 2006 17/19
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4) exactly same as the South Asian average in 2006

The contraceptive prevalence in India in 1990 was 43% whereas in South Asia it was 40%. Hence it can be said that contraceptive
prevalence in India was close to the South Asian average.

Hence, option 1.

33. Under 5 mortality rate for low income countries in 1990 is

1 Marks

1) less than that of India for 1990

2) less than that of South Asia for 1990

3) more than that of South Asia for 1990 by 10 per thousand births

4) more than that of South Asia for 1990 by 20 per thousand births

The under 5 mortality rate for low income countries in 1990 is 143.

In India it was 125

In South Asia it was 123

The under 5 mortality for low income countries was more than that of South Asia for 1990 by 20 per thousand births

Hence, option 4.

34. The growth rate of population in India between 1990 and 2006 was
1 Marks

1) much more than the growth rate of population in South Asia between 1990 and 2006

2) almost same as the growth rate of population in Low income countries between 1990 and 2006

3) much less than the growth rate of population in South Asia between 1990 and 2006

4) much less than the growth rate of population in Low income countries between 1990 and 2006

The growth rate of population in India between 1990 and 2006 was

Hence, option 4.

35. In 2006, infant mortality rate in South Asia

1 Marks

1) contributed to approximately half of the under 5 mortality rate in the same year

2) is not related to the under 5 mortality rate in the same year

3) contributed to approximately 75% of the under 5 mortality rate in the same year

4) contributed to approximately 85% of the under 5 mortality rate in 2006

In 2006, infant mortality in South Asia was 62

The under 5 mortality in the same period was 83

Hence, option 3. 18/19
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