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6/23/2019 Economical Separation Processes

Separator Sizing
Here we review important guidelines and procedures for sizing multiphase separators:
General Guidelines
Droplet Settling Theory
Liquid Retention Time
Sizing Procedure
Improvements Offered by CFD Simulations

General Guidelines
For practical design of separators, it is necessary to compare both horizontal and vertical
orientation designs to determine which design is more economical (Svrcek and Monnery, 1993).
However, the following general guidelines are recommended to be considered while sizing
multiphase separators.
Vertical orientation advantages:
• Occupy little plot space
• Easier than horizontal separators to transport and install
• Used when there is small liquid load, limited plot space, or where ease of level control is
desired (Evans, 1974)
• Preferred for operating either low or very high gas/oil ratio fluids (Arnold and Stewart, 2008)
Horizontal orientation advantages:
• Higher operating capacity, and processing capabilities
• Preferred when emulsions, foam, or high gas/oil ratio fluids are present (Arnold and Stewart,
2008) 1/13
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Separator Aspect Ratio (Length/Diameter)

Plot restrictions and economic measures specify the separator aspect ratio. Different ranges have
been suggested as shown in the table below

Economic studies provided the separator aspect ratio as a function of the operating pressure
(Walas, 1990; Svrcek and Monnery, 1993). The recommended values presented in the table.

The figures below show illustrated guidelines proposed by Walas (1990) and Watkins (1967) for
two-phase separators with and without demisters, respectively.

Design Heuristics Proposed by Walas (1990) for Two-Phase Separators Equipped with Wire Mesh
Demisters. 2/13
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Design Heuristics Proposed by Watkins (1967) for Two-Phase Separators.

There are also some general guidelines for choosing among different horizontal separators (see
the figure below) which are worth mentioning: As per Arnold and Stewart (2008), while the
simple design is easily adjustable to handle unexpected changes in liquid density/flow rates, the
bucket & weir design is used when interface level control is difficult (emulsions or paraffin
problems). If heavy liquid mass fraction is substantial, the weir design is preferable, but the boot
design is preferred when heavy liquid mass fraction is less than 20% (Monnery and Svrcek, 1994).

(b) 3/13
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(c) (d)
Different Common Designs of Horizontal Three-Phase Separators; (a) “Simple”, (b) “Boot”, (c)
“Weir”, and (d) “Bucket and Weir”.

Droplet Settling Theory

Liquid Droplet in Vapor Phase
The force balance between drag and gravitational forces exerted on a liquid droplet leads to its
terminal settling velocity:

Drag coefficient for vapor-liquid separation can be obtained from the diagram proposed by
GPSA. This diagram is applicable if Rep is between 0.4 and 1500. The diagram curve can be
regressed as shown in the following with SI units (Monnery and Svrcek, 2000):

As presented in the table, there are different values recommended by the field researchers for the
design droplet size.

In separator sizing literature, it is very common to rearrange the settling velocity equation
introducing a K coefficient, known as the settling velocity coefficient. This leads to the Sauders-
Brown equation: 4/13
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Different values are suggested in the literature to be used for the settling velocity coefficient. The
following table provides some of these suggestions:

More sophisticated approaches recommend that pressure functionality need be considered for the
settling velocity coefficient. The approaches proposed by York Mist Eliminator Company and
GPSA are given at below (Svrcek and Monnery, 1993):

York Mist Eliminator Company


Liquid Droplet in Liquid Phase

Similar to vapor-liquid separation, the force balance between drag and gravitational forces
exerted on a liquid droplet leads to its terminal velocity: 5/13
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It is generally assumed that Rep is lower than 0.1 and Stokes’ law can be used for calculating the
drag coefficient: CD = 24/Rep
This assumption results in a very simple equation for the liquid droplet terminal velocity:

Some design droplet sizes recommended in the literature are shown in the table.

Liquid Retention Time

In order to handle upstream or downstream variations and establish smooth and safe operation of
downstream facilities, an adequate liquid retention time need be assumed. This assumption may
be based on experience, scale model predictions, or field data. Liquid retention time is combined
from holdup and surge time. Holdup, considered for smooth and safe operation of downstream
facilities, is defined as the time it takes to reduce the liquid level from normal to low liquid level
by closing inlet flow while maintaining a normal outlet flow. Surge time, considered for handling
upstream or downstream variations, is defined as the time it takes to increase the liquid level
from normal to high liquid level by closing outlet flow while maintaining a normal inlet flow.
Some rules-of-thumb have been suggested at literature which are not in reasonable agreement 6/13
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with each other as shown in the table.

In the more pragmatic approach presented by Svrcek and Monnery in 1993 and 1994, low liquid
level is first set based on the operating pressure and diameter (typical: 6-12 in). Then, holdup
(typical: 2-10 min) and surge times (typical: 1-5 min) are specified based on the service and quality
of the personnel and instrumentation (with impact factor of 1.0 – 1.5 altogether).

Sizing Procedure
The sizing approach outlined here is proposed by Svrcek and Monnery through two
internationally acclaimed papers in 1993 and 1994. It is an algorithmic method for designing the
most economical separator. Among the classic methods, the method offers the most
comprehensive approach while benefiting from the accepted industrial design guidelines. As
explained in the following, height adjustments are made for sizing vertical separators and
iterative calculations are performed for finding the most economical horizontal separator.

Sizing Vertical Two-Phase Separator

1. Calculate the terminal settling velocity of liquid droplets.
2. Set the vapor velocity equal to 75% of the terminal
settling velocity.
3. Calculate the vessel diameter based on the vapor
volumetric flow-rate and the vapor velocity.
4. Obtain low liquid level height (typical: 6-12 in).
5. Calculate the height from LLL to NLL based on the
required holdup time (typical: 2-10 min).
6. Calculate the height from NLL to HLL based on the
surge time (typical: 1-5 min).
7. Calculate the height from HLL to the inlet nozzle
centerline based on the inlet nozzle size which can be
calculated as:
8. Assume the disengagement height (HD) to be about
0.5D (Min: 42 in or 30 in with demister). 7/13
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9. Calculate the vessel height. If the aspect ratio is not

in the range of 1.5-6.0, increase the diameter (to
decrease the aspect ratio) or increase vapor
disengagement height (to increase the aspect ratio) and
fix the problem.

Sizing Horizontal Two-Phase Separator

In horizontal arrangement, cross-sectional area of the vessel is
shared by vapor-liquid disengagement area and areas for liquid
retention and low liquid level.
Here is the iterative algorithmic method for sizing:
1. Calculate the terminal settling velocity of liquid droplets. Use
0.75UT as the settling velocity (25% contingency).
2. Calculate the holdup volume based on the required holdup
time (typical: 2-10 min) and liquid volumetric flow rate.
3. Calculate the surge volume based on the surge time (typical: 1-5 min) and liquid volumetric
flow rate.
4. Assume an aspect ratio (L/D) based on the operating pressure and calculate an initial diameter:

5. Obtain LLL (typical: 6-12 in) and calculate ALLL.

6. Set HV to the larger of 0.2D or 1 ft (no demister), 2 ft (with demister). Calculate A V.
7. Calculate L to accommodate the liquid retention volume: L = (VH+VS)/(AT-AV-ALLL)
8. Calculate the minimum length required for vapor-liquid separation: Lmin = (QV/AV)(HV/UT)
9. If L < 0.8Lmin, increase HV and go to step 7. Else if L < Lmin, set L = Lmin. Else if L > 1.2Lmin,
decrease HV (if acceptable), and go to step 7. Else (L > Lmin), L is acceptable.
10. If L/D < 1.5, decrease D and go to step 5. Else if L/D > 6, increase D and go to step 5.
11. Calculate the approximate vessel weight based on the thickness and surface area of shell and
12. In order to find the optimum case (the minimum weight), change the vessel diameter by 6 in
increments and repeat the calculations from step 5 while keeping the aspect ratio in the range of
1.5 to 6.0. 8/13
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Sizing Vertical Three-Phase Separator

1. Calculate the terminal settling velocity of light liquid droplets.
2. Set the vapor velocity equal to 75% of the terminal settling velocity.
3. Calculate the vessel diameter based on the vapor
volumetric flow-rate and the vapor velocity.
4. Calculate the separation velocities of both liquid
phases through each other.
5. Set the thickness of liquid phases (HLL = HHL =
0.3 m as minimum), and calculate the separation
times for the liquid droplets (tHL and tLH).
6. Calculate the cross-sectional areas of the liquid
phases. Note, AH is the same as the vessel cross-
sectional area (AH = A), but the area allotted to baffle
plate down-comer should be subtracted from A to
obtain AL.
7. Calculate the residence time of the light liquid:
tRL = HLAL/QLL. If tRL < tHL increase the vessel diameter
so that tRL = tHL.
8. Calculate the residence time of the heavy liquid:
tRH = HHAH/QHL. If tRH < tLH increase the vessel
diameter so that tRH = tLH.
9. Calculate the height of light liquid phase above the
outlet (HR) based on the required holdup time
(typical: 2-10 min) and liquid flow rate.
10. Calculate the surge height (HS) based on the surge time (typical: 1-5 min) and liquid flow rate.
11. Set liquid level above baffle (HA = 0.15 m minimum).
12. Calculate the height from NLL to the inlet nozzle centerline based on the surge height (HS) and
the inlet nozzle size which can be calculated as:
13. Assume the disengagement height (HD) to be about 0.5D (minimum: 24”+0.5dN with demister
or 36”+0.5dN no demister).
14. Calculate the vessel height. If the aspect ratio is not in the range of 1.5-6.0, increase the
diameter (to decrease the aspect ratio) or height (to increase the aspect ratio) of the separator and
fix the problem.

Sizing Horizontal Three-Phase Separator 9/13
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In order to show the sizing strategy, only “simple” horizontal separator is presented here. The
other arrangements, i.e. “weir”, “boot”, and “bucket & weir”, follow the same strategy but require
further effort for sizing their compartments.
In horizontal arrangement, cross-sectional area of the vessel is shared by vapor-liquid
disengagement area and areas for liquid retention and low
liquid level. Here is the iterative algorithmic method for sizing:
1. Calculate the terminal settling velocity of light liquid
droplets. Use 0.75UT as the settling velocity (25% contingency).
2. Calculate the holdup volume based on the required holdup
time (typical: 2-10 min) and liquid volumetric flow rate.
3. Calculate the surge volume based on the surge time (typical:
1-5 min) and liquid volumetric flow rate.
4. Assume an aspect ratio (L/D) based on the operating pressure and calculate an initial diameter:

5. Set the thickness of liquid phases (minimum: HLL = HHL = 0.3 m), and calculate ALLL = AHL+ALL.
6. Set HV to the larger of 0.2D or 1 ft (no demister), 2 ft (with demister). Calculate A V.
7. Calculate L to accommodate the liquid retention volume: L = (VH+VS)/(AT-AV-ALLL)
8. Calculate the minimum length required for vapor-liquid separation: Lmin = (QV/AV)(HV/UT)
9. If L < 0.8Lmin, increase HV and go to step 7. Else if L < Lmin, set L = Lmin. Else if L > 1.2Lmin,
decrease HV (if acceptable), and go to step 7. Else (L > Lmin), L is acceptable.
10. Calculate the liquid-liquid separation times: tHL = (D-HV-HHL)/UHL and tLH = HHL/ULH
11. Calculate the light liquid residence time: tRL = L(A-AV-AHL)/QLL.
If tRL < tHL increase L so that tRL = tHL.
12. Calculate the heavy liquid residence time: tRH = LAHL/QHL.
If tRH < tLH increase L so that tRH = tLH.
13. If L/D < 1.5, decrease D (if acceptable) and go to step 5. Else if L/D > 6, increase D and go to step
14. Calculate the approximate vessel weight based on thickness and surface area of shell and
15. In order to find the optimum case (the minimum weight), change the vessel diameter by 6”
increments, and repeat the calculations from step 5 while keeping the aspect ratio in the range of
1.5 to 6.0. 10/13
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Improvements Offered by CFD Simulations

The recent research project by Pourahmadi Laleh (2010) developed Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) based simulation of multiphase separators. In order to study selected aspects of
phase separation, the focus was placed on hydrocarbon-water systems, and the oilfield separator
data ranging from light oil conditions to heavy oil conditions were used in these multiphase
separator simulations. An efficient combination of two multiphase simulation models available,
VOF and DPM, with appropriate model assumptions and settings was used. Two independent
sets of CFD simulations, one for vapor-liquid separation and the other for liquid-liquid
separation, were performed using simple and efficient grid systems.
When compared to classic design strategies, CFD simulations indicated that additional residence
times are necessary for droplets to pass through the interfaces. The interface residence time may
be as high as around 100 s depending on the fluid properties.
In the vapor-liquid separation compartment, the efficient droplet size and the appropriate extra
vapor residence time (for droplet penetration through the interface) were estimated as a function
of the vapor density. It was shown that for the three-phase separator case study, the efficient
separation of oil droplets from gas phase results in total separation of water droplets from the gas
For the liquid-liquid separation process, the upper limit of Stokes’ law (Rep < 0.1) was exceeded in
several case studies. Hence, Abraham equation (Rep < 2000) was recommended to be used instead:

Using the Abraham equation in liquid-liquid separation calculations, the efficient droplet size
was estimated based on continuous phase viscosity. Hence, for water droplets, a linear regression
fit based on the oil phase viscosity was developed. An oil droplet size of around 600 micron can be
assumed if the Abraham equation is used for estimation of the rising velocity of oil droplets out
of the water phase. Furthermore, it was shown that the use of Stokes’ law for interpretation of
CFD results does lead to a weak correlation between efficient droplet sizes and continuous phase
A comprehensive CFD-based study on the velocity constraints caused by re-entrainment in
horizontal separators confirmed that, as per practical experience, high vapor densities and high oil
viscosities reduce the maximum safe velocity of the vapor phase.
The results of CFD simulations, using all the feasible horizontal designs and selected oilfield
conditions, indicated that the oil phase does not re-entrain the water droplets, but the oil droplets
may be “re-entrained” by the water phase at a high velocity. It was also elucidated that the
geometry of water phase compartment in horizontal separators is a key factor affecting the liquid-
liquid re-entrainment phenomenon. The maximum safe cross-sectional velocity of the water phase 11/13
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was a linear function of the oil viscosity.

Finally, it was shown that the algorithmic design method of Monnery and Svrcek (1994) can be
modified to use CFD simulation results to specify a realistic optimum separator design/size. This
fact was elaborated through the mobile/desktop applications developed for sizing two-phase and
three-phase separators. Please click here for more information.
A complete and colourful Kindle version of this interesting PhD thesis can be downloaded from
here at a cost of 2-3 cups of coffee!

Abraham, F.F., “Functional Dependence of Drag Coefficient of a Sphere on Reynolds Number”,
Physics of Fluids, 13, 1970, 2194-2195.
Arnold, K., Stewart, M., “Surface Production Operations”, 3rd Edition, Elsevier, 2008.
Branan, C., “The Process Engineers Pocket Handbook”, Vol. 2, Gulf, 1983.
Evans, F.L., “Equipment Design Handbook for Refineries and Chemical Plants”, Vol. 2, Gulf,
Gas Processors Suppliers Association, GPSA Engineering Data Book, 11th Edition, Vol. 1, Gas
Processors Association, 1998.
Gerunda, A., “How to Size Liquid-Vapor Separators”, Chemical Engineering, May 4, 1981, 81-84.
Hooper, W.B., “Decantation”, Section 1.11 in “Handbook of Separation Techniques for Chemical
Engineers”, Ph.A. Schweitzer (Ed.), 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1997.
Lyons, W.C., Plisga, G.J. (Editors), “Standard Handbook of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Engineering”, Volume 2, Gulf Professional Publishing, 2005.
Monnery, W.D., Svrcek, W.Y., “Analytical Study of Liquid/Vapor Separation Efficiency”, PTAC,
Monnery, W.D., Svrcek, W.Y., “Successfully Specify Three-Phase Separators”, Chem. Eng.
Progress, September, 1994, 29-40.
Pourahmadi Laleh, A., "CFD Simulation of Multiphase Separators", PhD Thesis, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Canada, 2010.
Pourahmadi Laleh, A., Svrcek, W.Y., Monnery, W.D., "CFD Simulation of Oilfield Separators: A
Realistic Approach", LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2011.
Sinnott, R.K., “Chemical Engineering Design” in “Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical
Engineering”, 2nd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997.
Smith, H.V., “Oil and Gas Separators”, in “Petroleum Engineering Handbook”, Bradley, H.B. (Ed),
Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1987.
Stokes, G.G., “On the Theories of Internal Friction of Fluids in Motion, and of the Equilibrium
and Motion of Elastic Solids”, Transaction of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 8(22), 1845,
Svrcek, W.Y. and W.D. Monnery, "Design Two-Phase Separators within the Right Limits", Chem.
Eng. Prog. 89(10), 53-60, 1993.
Walas, S.M., “Process Vessels”, Chapter 18 in “Chemical Process Equipment Selection and 12/13
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Wu, F.H., “Separators, Liquid-Vapor, Drum Design”, in “Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing
and Design”, J.J. McKetta, W.A. Cunningham (Ed.), Marcel Dekker, 1990. 13/13

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