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Employee Handbook


2014 - Fanhattan

Introductory Statement............................................................................................................................................3
Introductory Statement............................................................................................................................................ 3
Required Policies ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
At-Will Employment Status .................................................................................................................................... 4
Equal Employment Opportunity ............................................................................................................................. 4
Right to Revise ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Unlawful Harassment .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Leaves of Absence .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Vacation .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Paid Sick Leave……………………………………………………………………………………………………7
Personal Leave ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Pregnancy Disability Leave .................................................................................................................................... 8
Military Leave ......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Jury Duty ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Office Hours .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
Telecommuting ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Benefits .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Holidays ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Insurance Benefits ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Travel & Expense Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Travel and Expenses ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Company Property ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Use of Electronic Media ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Employer Property ................................................................................................................................................ 17
Purchasing of Computer/Office Supplies ............................................................................................................. 17
Employee Conduct ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Prohibited Conduct ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Off-Duty Conduct ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Drug and Alcohol Abuse ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Confidentiality ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Communication ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
Termination ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
Involuntary Termination and Discipline ............................................................................................................... 22
Voluntary Resignation .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Employee References ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Confirmation of Receipt ........................................................................................................................................ 22
Confirmation of Receipt Page ...............................................................................................................22
Exhibit A .................................................................................................................................................23


Introductory Statement

Welcome! As an employee of Fanhattan (the “Company”), you are an important member of a team
effort. We hope that you will find your position with the Company rewarding, challenging, and
Because our success depends upon the dedication of our employees, we are highly selective in choosing
new members of our team. We look to you and the other employees to contribute to the success of the
This employee handbook is intended to explain the terms and conditions of employment of all full and
part-time employees and supervisors. Written employment contracts between Fanhattan and some
individuals may supersede some of the provisions of this handbook.
This handbook summarizes the policies and practices in effect at the time of publication. This
handbook supersedes all previously issued handbooks and any policy or benefit statements or
memoranda that are inconsistent with the policies described here. Your manager will be happy to
answer any questions you may have or you may ask Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg.


Required Policies

At-Will Employment Status

Fanhattan personnel are employed on an at-will basis. Employment at-will may be terminated or
disciplined with or without cause and with or without advance notice at any time by the employee or
the Company. Nothing in this handbook shall limit the right to terminate at-will employment. No
manager, supervisor, or employee of the Company has any authority to enter into an agreement for
employment for any specified period of time or to make an agreement for employment on other than at-
will terms. Only the CEO of Fanhattan has the authority to make any such agreement, which is binding
only if it is in writing.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Fanhattan is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions on the basis of merit. We
want to have the best available persons in every job. Company policy prohibits unlawful discrimination
based on race, color, creed, gender, religion, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age,
national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition including genetic
characteristics, sexual orientation, or any other consideration made unlawful by federal, state, or local
laws. It also prohibits unlawful discrimination based on the perception that anyone has any of those
characteristics, or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those
characteristics. All such discrimination is unlawful.
The Company is committed to compliance with all applicable laws providing equal employment
opportunities. This commitment applies to all persons involved in Company operations and prohibits
unlawful discrimination by any employee of the Company, including supervisors and coworkers.
To comply with applicable laws ensuring equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with
a disability, the Company will make reasonable accommodations for the known physical or mental
limitations of an otherwise qualified individual with a disability who is an applicant or an employee
unless undue hardship would result.
Any applicant or employee who requires an accommodation in order to perform the essential functions
of the job should contact Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg and request such an accommodation. The
individual with the disability should specify what accommodation he or she needs to perform the job.
The Company then will conduct an investigation to identify the barriers that interfere with the equal
opportunity of the applicant or employee to perform his or her job. The Company will identify possible
accommodations, if any, that will help eliminate the limitation. If the accommodation is reasonable and
will not impose an undue hardship, the Company will make the accommodation.
If you believe you have been subjected to any form of unlawful discrimination, submit a written
complaint to your supervisor, Company Management, Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg. Your complaint
should be specific and should include the names of the individuals involved and the names of any
witnesses. If you need assistance with your complaint, or if you prefer to make a complaint in person,


contact Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg or supervisor. The Company will immediately undertake an
effective, thorough, and objective investigation and attempt to resolve the situation.
If the Company determines that unlawful discrimination has occurred, effective remedial action will be
taken commensurate with the severity of the offense. Appropriate action also will be taken to deter any
future discrimination. The Company will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint and will not
knowingly permit retaliation by management employees or your coworkers.

Right to Revise

This employee handbook contains the employment policies and practices of Fanhattan in effect at the
time of publication. All previously issued handbooks and any inconsistent policy statements or
memoranda are superseded.
Fanhattan reserves the right to revise, modify, delete, or add to any and all policies, procedures, work
rules, or benefits stated in this handbook or in any other document, except for the policy of at-will
employment. However, any such changes must be in writing and must be signed by the CEO of
Any written changes to this handbook will be distributed to all employees so that employees will be
aware of the new policies or procedures. No oral statements or representations can in any way alter the
provisions of this handbook.
This handbook sets forth the entire agreement between you and Fanhattan as to the duration of
employment and the circumstances under which employment may be terminated. Nothing in this
employee handbook or in any other personnel document, including benefit plan descriptions, creates or
is intended to create a promise or representation of continued employment for any employee.

Unlawful Harassment
Fanhattan is committed to providing a work environment free of unlawful harassment. Company policy
prohibits sexual harassment and harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical
conditions, race, religious creed, color, gender, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental
disability, medical condition, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age, sexual orientation,
genetic information or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law or ordinance or
regulation. All such harassment is unlawful. The Company’s anti-harassment policy applies to all
persons involved in the operation of the Company and prohibits unlawful harassment by any employee
of the Company, including supervisors and managers, as well as vendors, customers, independent
contractors and any other persons. It also prohibits unlawful harassment based on the perception that
anyone has any of those characteristics, or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having
any of those characteristics.
Prohibited unlawful harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior:
• Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or unwanted sexual
advances, invitations or comments;
• Visual displays such as derogatory and/or sexually-oriented posters, photography, cartoons,
drawings or gestures;
• Physical conduct including assault, unwanted touching, intentionally blocking normal


movement or interfering with work because of sex, race or any other protected basis;
• Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment, or
to avoid some other loss and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors; and
• Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report harassment.
If you believe that you have been unlawfully harassed, bring your complaint to your own or any other
Company supervisor, Company Management, Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg, as soon as possible after
the incident. You will be asked to provide details of the incident or incidents, names of individuals
involved and names of any witnesses. It would be best to communicate your complaint in writing, but
this is not mandatory. Supervisors will refer all harassment complaints to Milan Parikh and/or Laura
Tunberg. The Company will immediately undertake an effective, thorough and objective investigation
of the harassment allegations.
If the Company determines that unlawful harassment has occurred, effective remedial action will be
taken in accordance with the circumstances involved. Any employee determined by the Company to be
responsible for unlawful harassment will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to, and
including termination. A Company representative will advise all parties concerned of the results of the
investigation. The Company will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint and will not tolerate or
permit retaliation by management, employees or co-workers.
The Company encourages all employees to report any incidents of harassment forbidden by this policy
immediately so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved. You also should be aware that the
Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the California Department of Fair
Employment and Housing investigate and prosecute complaints of prohibited harassment in
employment. If you think you have been harassed or that you have been retaliated against for resisting
or complaining, you may file a complaint with the appropriate agency. The nearest office is listed in the
telephone book or on the internet.


Leaves of Absence

Eligible employees are entitled to vacation. Employees do not accrue vacation under this policy; there
is no limit on the amount of vacation you can take. Work hard play hard. While on vacation, you will
be paid 100% of your regular pay based on your regular schedule.

Paid vacation is not meant to be used by you for your own illness or the injury or illness of your family
members, including your child, spouse, domestic partner, or parent, except where required by law.
Fanhattan is offers paid sick leave, please see the Paid Sick Leave section for details.

Employees will need to request vacation at least 5 days in advance to schedule time off with their

Paid Sick Leave

You may take up to a maximum of five (5) days of paid sick leave in any consecutive eight (8) day
period. While you are on sick leave, you will be paid 100% of your regular pay based on your regular
schedule. If you take sick leave for six (6) or more consecutive days, your paid sick leave benefits will
cease on the sixth day.

Sick leave is to be used solely for your own illness or injury. Sick leave may not be used to care for
the illness of your child, spouse, parent or domestic partner, or the illness of your spouse’s or domestic
partner’s child. However, we understand the balance between work and family and we know that
emergencies happen. Fanhattan will pay you if you cannot find suitable care for an ill family member
and need to take a day or two off to care for said family member. The time off is to be cleared with
your manager as soon the situation arises. But if a scenario arises where you need (or want) to take
longer unpaid leave to care for a family member, please contact Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg.

If you need to take sick leave, you must tell your manager as soon as possible. If you have been out for
six (6) or more consecutive days, or have a serious illness or injury, Fanhattan may also ask that you
obtain a doctor's release before being allowed to return to work.

If you are hospitalized or out sick for more than seven (7) calendar days for an injury or illness that is
not work-related, you may be eligible for state disability insurance (“SDI”), as well as short-term
disability (“STD”) benefits, and should apply for such benefits. You may not, however, receive more
than 100% of your regular pay based on your regular schedule. Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg can
supply the forms you will need to apply for SDI and STD, but it is your responsibility to make the
application. Also, you must send your Notice of Disability Benefits Received to Milan Parikh or Laura

Personal Leave
A personal leave of absence without pay may be granted at the discretion of Fanhattan. Requests for
personal leave should be limited to unusual circumstances requiring an absence of longer than two


weeks. Approved personal absences of shorter duration are not normally treated as leaves, but rather as
excused absences without pay. Submission of unpaid leave of absence must be submitted in written
form to Milan Parikh and employee’s supervisor no later than 2 weeks in advance. If advance notice is
not possible, personal leave must be submitted immediately.

Pregnancy Disability Leave

Pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions will be treated like any other disability, and an
employee on leave will be eligible for temporary disability benefits in the same amount and degree as
any other employee on leave.
Any female employee planning to take pregnancy disability leave should advise Milan Parikh or Laura
Tunberg and / or the supervisor as early as possible. The individual should make an appointment with
the Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg to discuss the following conditions:
• Employees who need to take pregnancy disability must inform Fanhattan when a leave is
expected to begin and how long it will likely last. If the need for a leave or transfer is
foreseeable, employees must provide notification at least 30 days before the pregnancy
disability leave or transfer is to begin. Employees must consult with Milan Parikh or Laura
Tunberg regarding the scheduling of any planned medical treatment or supervision in order to
minimize disruption to the operations of the Company. Any such scheduling is subject to the
approval of the employee’s health care provider;
• If 30 days’ advance notice is not possible, notice must be given as soon as practical;
• Upon the request of an employee and recommendation of the employee’s physician, the
employee’s work assignment may be changed if necessary to protect the health and safety of
the employee and her child;
• Requests for transfers of job duties will be reasonably accommodated if the job and security
rights of others are not breached;
• Temporary transfers due to health considerations will be granted when possible. However, the
transferred employee will receive the pay that accompanies the job, as is the case with any
other temporary transfer due to temporary health reasons;
• Pregnancy leave usually begins when ordered by the employee’s physician. The employee
must provide Fanhattan with a certification from a health care provider. The certification
indicating disability should contain:
• The date on which the employee became disabled due to pregnancy;
• The probable duration of the period or periods of disability; and
• A statement that, due to the disability, the employee is unable to perform one or more
of the essential functions of her position without undue risk to herself, the successful
completion of her pregnancy, or to other persons.
• Leave returns will be allowed only when the employee’s physician sends a release;
• Duration of the leave will be determined by the advice of the employee’s physician, but
employees disabled by pregnancy may take up to four months. Part-time employees are entitled
to leave on a pro rata basis. The four months of leave includes any period of time for actual
disability caused by the employee’s pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition. This
includes leave for severe morning sickness and for prenatal care.


Leave does not need to be taken in one continuous period of time and may be taken intermittently, as
needed. Leave may be taken in increments of one (1) day.
Under most circumstances, upon submission of a medical certification that an employee is able to
return to work from a pregnancy disability leave, an employee will be reinstated to her same position
held at the time the leave began or to an equivalent position, if available. An employee returning from a
pregnancy disability leave has no greater right to reinstatement than if the employee had been
continuously employed.

Military Leave
Leave for Active or Reserve Duty
Upon receipt of orders for active or reserve duty, an employee should notify his/her supervisor, as well
as Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg, as soon as possible, and submit a copy of the military orders to
his/her supervisor and Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg (unless he/she is unable to do so because of
military necessity or it is otherwise impossible or unreasonable).

Leave for Training and Other Related Obligations (e.g., fitness for service examinations)
Employees will also be granted time off for military training (normally 14 days plus travel time) and
other related obligations, such as for an examination to determine fitness to perform service.
Employees should advise their supervisor and/or department head of their training schedule and/or
other related obligations as far in advance as possible.

Return from Military Leave

Notice Required
Upon return from military service, an employee must provide notice of or submit an application for
reemployment in accordance with the following schedule:

• An employee who served for less than 31 days or who reported for a fitness to serve examination,
must provide notice of reemployment at the beginning of the first full regular scheduled work
period that starts at least eight hours after the employee has returned from the location of service.

• An employee who served for more than 30 days, but less than 181 days, must submit an application
for reemployment no later than 14 days after completing his/her period of service, or, if this
deadline is impossible or unreasonable through no fault of the employee, then on the next calendar
day when submission becomes possible.

• An employee who served for more than 180 days must submit an application for reemployment no
later than 90 days after the completion of the uniformed service.

• An employee who has been hospitalized or is recovering from an injury or illness incurred or
aggravated while serving must report to Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg (if the service was less
than 31 days), or submit an application for reemployment (if the service was greater than 30 days),
at the end of the necessary recovery period (but which may not exceed two years).

Required Documentation
An employee whose military service was for more than 30 days must provide documentation within
two weeks of his/her return (unless such documentation does not yet exist or is not readily available)


showing the following: (i) the application for reemployment is timely (i.e. submitted within the
required time period); (ii) the period of service has not exceeded five years; and (iii) the employee
received an honorable or general discharge.

Jury Duty
Fanhattan encourages employees to serve on jury duty when called. Non-exempt employees will
receive full pay while serving up to 3 days of jury duty. Exempt employees will receive full salary
unless they are absent for a full week and perform no work. You should notify your supervisor of the
need for time off for jury duty as soon as a notice or summons from the court is received. You may be
requested to provide written verification from the court clerk of performance of jury service. If work
time remains after any day of jury selection or jury duty, you will be expected to return to work for the
remainder of your work schedule.

Office Hours
Regular office hours are from 9:00am to 6:00pm. All employees are expected to be in the office during
regular office hours. Any exceptions to this must be approved by your Manager, especially if time
away from the office conflicts with Company meetings and events.

In general, telecommuting (working from home or another alternate work environment that is not the
primary work location) is prohibited. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by manager.




Fanhattan observes the following paid holidays for 2014:

• January 1 (Observance of New Years Day)
• May 26 (Memorial Day)
• July 4 (Independence Day)
• September 1 (Labor Day)
• November 27 (Thanksgiving Day)
• November 28 (Day After Thanksgiving)
• December 25 (Observance of Christmas Day)

Insurance Benefits
Fanhattan provides a comprehensive medical, dental, and vision insurance plan for eligible employees
and their dependents. Eligibility is based on a regular working status of 30 hours a week or more, and
begins on the first day of the month following the employee’s hire date. Temporary workers and
contractors are not eligible for benefits.

Medical Insurance
Fanhattan offers the following medical coverage:
Cigna HDHP Open Access Network Plan (PPO), which is a fully sponsored Health Care Plan requiring
a yearly deductible ($2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families – yearly deductible paid by the
company via HSA contributions on a monthly basis).
More information on medical insurance coverage will be provided to the eligible employee upon date
of hire.

Dental Insurance
PPO Dental coverage is provided to eligible employees through Delta Dental.

Vision Insurance
Vision coverage is provided to eligible employees through Vision Service Plan (VSP).


Retirement Plan
Fanhattan provides a 401k plan through Wespac for eligible employees in order to assist in planning for
their retirement. For information regarding eligibility, contributions, benefits, and tax status, contact
Milan Parikh. All eligible participants will receive a summary plan description.
Short Term Disability
The Cigna Short Term Disability Plan provides income protection for you should you become disabled
up to 60% of basic earnings to a maximum of $2,500 per week integrated with other income
Long Term Disability
The Cigna Long Term Disability Plan provides income protection for you should you become disabled
up to 60% of basic earnings to a maximum of $10,000 per month integrated with other income.
Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)
The Cigna Basic Term Life and AD&D Insurance provides full-time employees with 2 times your
annual salary up to $500,000 group life and AD&D coverage.

State Disability Insurance

Each employee contributes through payroll tax to California’s state disability insurance programs.
Disability insurance is mandated by the California Unemployment Insurance Code and administered by
the Employment Development Department. Disability insurance is payable when you cannot work
because of illness or injury not caused by employment at the Company. An additional tax funds the
state’s Paid Family Leave program, and provides partial wage replacement for absences related to care
of a family member, or bonding with a new child. Specific rules and regulations governing disability
are available from Milan Parikh.

Unemployment Compensation
Fanhattan contributes each year to the California Unemployment Insurance Fund on behalf of its

Social Security
Social Security is an important part of every employee’s retirement benefit. Fanhattan pays a matching
contribution to each employee’s Social Security taxes.

Workers’ Compensation
You are protected by the Company’s workers’ compensation insurance policy while employed by
Fanhattan, at no cost to you. The policy covers you in case of occupational injury or illness.


Travel & Expense Policy


Travel and Expenses

Employees are reimbursed for normal and reasonable expenses incurred while traveling on company
business. The following are guidelines for determining what constitutes normal and reasonable
expenses. It is not intended to be an all-inclusive list, but a guide, which is supplemented by an
employee's good judgment. Exceptions to Company travel policies may be permitted with management
pre-approval. Reimbursable expenditures must conform to local government and tax authority rules
and regulations.
The appropriate supervisor should authorize all business travel in advance via e-mail. The employee
must approve the travel costs with his/her supervisor prior to paying for the travel expense. The
company does not issue cash advances.

Air Travel
As soon as travel plans are determined, reservations should be secured to take advantage of advance
purchase discounts. The least expensive fares are used for all flights without regard to airline personal
reimbursement programs and employees are required to purchase refundable tickets only. Domestic air
travel is always booked in coach class and any exceptions require approval from the CEO.

Auto Travel
Rental Car
Rental cars must be pre-approved by management.
Mid-size class vehicles are the recommended choice when selecting a rental vehicle. Upgrades must be
pre-approved by Milan Parikh.
Insurance offered by the rental station is not required and should not be ordered as our insurance
covers car rentals for business use.
Accidents must be reported immediately to the rental car station where the car was picked up or to an
emergency telephone number that was provided with the rental documents.
Personal Car
If the employee uses a personal car in conducting company business, reimbursement is at the approved
rate per mile, which is reviewed and published annually by the IRS.

Motel and hotel accommodations are expected to be in the moderate range, which affords the employee
an acceptable degree of comfort and convenience. Business telephone calls made from the hotel are
reimbursable. Valet and laundry charges are reimbursable if the length of absence from the employee's
home area is more than three days.


Meals and Entertainment

Personal meal expenses are those incurred by employees on an out-of-town business trip. The
recommended daily maximum amount for personal meal expenses is $75.00 per day for domestic and
international travel.
Business Meals and Entertainment provided for customers or other outside business associates for the
purpose of a business discussion must be pre-approved by management.

IRS Requirements
In order to comply with IRS regulations, the following information must be included on employee
expense reports as support for all business meal and entertainment expenses:
• Name, title, and company of all attendees
• Name and location of the establishment where the event took place
• Amount and date of expense
• Specific business topic discussed
Failure to comply with IRS reporting requirements results in a loss of expense deductibility for the
Company upon an IRS audit and in this instance the IRS views the expense as compensation to the
employee. Receipts for all expenditures are required.

Other Reimbursable Travel Expenses

Fuel required for a rental car
Business telephone calls and faxes
Currency exchange
Postage used for business purposes
Tips – reasonable and customary amounts

Non-Reimbursable Travel Expenses

Car or cell phone purchase
Entertainment – refer to policy elsewhere in these instructions
Airline Club Dues
Annual Credit Card Fees or late fees
Movies, including PAY-TV/in room movies
In-Room Mini-bar expenses
Alcohol, unless customers are being entertained
Personal health items or Clothing
Books, periodicals, magazines, etc. purchased for personal use
Gifts, unless customary for culture (requires pre-approval by CEO or a VP)


Personal property stolen

Athletic/Gym Club fees at hotels


Company Property

Use of Electronic Media

Fanhattan uses various forms of electronic communication including, but not limited to computers, e-
mail, telephones, cell phones, Internet, etc. All electronic communications, including all software,
databases, hardware, and digital files, remain the sole property of Fanhattan and are to be used only for
Company business and not for any personal use.
Electronic communication and media may not be used in any manner that would be discriminatory,
harassing, or obscene, or for any other purpose that is illegal, against Company policy, or not in the best
interest of the Company. Employees who misuse electronic communications and engage in defamation,
copyright or trademark infringement, misappropriation of trade secrets, discrimination, harassment, or
related actions will be subject to discipline and/or immediate termination. In particular, employees may
not use any Fanhattan or other applications to upload, download, trasmit, or share any copyrighted
materials, without the express permission of either the original author, copyright holder, or a Fanhattan
Employees may not install personal software on Company computer systems without first obtaining
permission from Alon Rohter.
All electronic information created by any employee using any means of electronic communication is
the property of Fanhattan and remains the property of Fanhattan Personal passwords may be used for
purposes of security, but the use of a personal password does not affect the Company’s ownership of
the electronic information.
Fanhattan will override all personal passwords if necessary for any reason.
Fanhattan reserves the right to access and review electronic files, messages, mail, and other digital
archives, and to monitor the use of electronic communications as necessary to ensure that no misuse or
violation of Company policy or any law occurs.
Employees are not permitted to access the electronic communications of other employees or third
parties unless directed to do so by Company management.
No employee may install or use anonymous e-mail transmission programs or encryption of e-mail
communications, except as specifically authorized by Management.
Employees who use devices on which information may be received and/or stored, including but not
limited to cell phones, cordless phones, portable computers, fax machines, and voice mail
communications are required to use these methods in strict compliance with the trade secrets and
confidential communication policy established by the Company. These communications tools should
not be used for communicating confidential or sensitive information or any trade secrets.
Access to the Internet, websites, and other types of Company-paid computer access are to be used for
Company-related business only. Any information about Fanhattan, its products or services, or other
types of information that will appear in the electronic media about the Company must be approved by
Management before the information is placed on an electronic information resource that is accessible to


Questions about access to electronic communications or issues relating to security should be addressed
to Milan Parikh or Laura Tunberg.

Employer Property

Desks, computers/laptops, telephones, etc. are Fanhattan property and must be maintained according to
Company rules and regulations. Fanhattan reserves the right to inspect all Company property to ensure
compliance with its rules and regulations, without notice to the employee and at any time, not
necessarily in the employee’s presence.

Purchasing of Computer/Office Supplies

Any expense greater than $500 must be approved by your manager and Milan Parikh or Gilles

Computer and software related peripherals:

Must be confirmed and usually purchased by Alon Rohter to assure best pricing and to take advantage
of corporate established account discounts.

Office Supplies:
Must be confirmed and usually purchased by the Executive Admin/Office Manager to assure best
pricing and to take advantage of corporate established account discounts.

Receipts must be submitted for all purchases.


Employee Conduct

Prohibited Conduct
The following conduct is prohibited and will not be tolerated by Fanhattan. This list of prohibited
conduct is illustrative only; other types of conduct that threaten security, personal safety, employee
welfare and Company operations also may be prohibited.
• Falsifying employment records, employment information, or other Company records;
• Theft and deliberate or careless damage or destruction of any Company property, or the
property of any employee or customer;
• Removing or borrowing Company property without prior authorization;
• Unauthorized use of Company equipment, time, materials, or facilities;
• Provoking a fight or fighting during working hours or on Company property;
• Carrying firearms or any other dangerous weapons on Company premises at any time;
• Engaging in criminal conduct whether or not related to job performance;
• Insubordination, including but not limited to failure or refusal to obey the orders or instructions
of a supervisor or member of management, or the use of abusive or threatening language
toward a supervisor or member of management;
• Using abusive language at any time on Company premises;
• Failing to notify a supervisor when unable to report to work;
• Unreported absence of 3 work days;
• Employees failing to observe working schedules, including rest and lunch periods for non-
exempt workers;
• Failing to provide a physician’s certificate when requested or required to do so;
• Sleeping or malingering on the job;
• Non Exempt employees working overtime without authorization or refusing to work assigned
• Violating any safety, health, security or Company policy, rule, or procedure;
• Committing a fraudulent act or a breach of trust under any circumstances; and
• Committing of or involvement in any act of unlawful harassment of another individual.
This statement of prohibited conduct does not alter the Company’s policy of at-will employment. Either
you or Fanhattan remain free to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without
reason or advance notice.


Off-Duty Conduct
While Fanhattan does not seek to interfere with the off-duty and personal conduct of its employees,
certain types of off-duty conduct may interfere with the Company’s legitimate business interests. For
this reason, employees are expected to conduct their personal affairs in a manner that does not
adversely affect the Company’s or their own integrity, reputation or credibility. Illegal or immoral off-
duty conduct by an employee that adversely affects the Company’s legitimate business interests or the
employee's ability to perform his or her job will not be tolerated.
While employed by Fanhattan, employees are expected to devote their energies to their jobs with the
Company. The following types of employment elsewhere are strictly prohibited:
• Additional employment that conflicts with an employee’s work schedule, duties, and
responsibilities at the Company;
• Additional employment that creates a conflict of interest or is incompatible with the employee's
position with the Company;
• Additional employment that impairs or has a detrimental effect on the employee’s work
performance with the Company;
• Additional employment that requires the employee to conduct work or related activities on
Company property during the employer's working hours or using Company facilities and/or
equipment; and
• Additional employment that directly or indirectly competes with the business or the interests of
the Company.
Employees who wish to engage in additional employment that may create a real or apparent conflict of
interest must submit a written request to Fanhattan explaining the details of the additional employment.
If the additional employment is authorized, Fanhattan assumes no responsibility for it. Fanhattan shall
not provide workers’ compensation coverage or any other benefit for injuries occurring from or arising
out of additional employment. Authorization to engage in additional employment can be revoked at any

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Fanhattan is concerned about the use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances as it affects the
workplace. Use of these substances, whether on or off the job can detract from an employee’s work
performance, efficiency, safety, and health, and therefore seriously impair the employee’s value to the
Company. In addition, the use or possession of these substances on the job constitutes a potential
danger to the welfare and safety of other employees and exposes the Company to the risks of property
loss or damage, or injury to other persons.

The following rules and standards of conduct apply to all employees either on Company property or
during the workday (including meals and rest periods). Behavior that violates Company policy
• Possession or use of an illegal or controlled substance, or being under the influence of an
illegal or controlled substance while on the job and;


• Distribution, sale, or purchase of an illegal or controlled substance while on the job.

Violation of these rules and standards of conduct will not be tolerated. Fanhattan also may bring the
matter to the attention of appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Fanhattan will encourage and reasonably accommodate employees with alcohol or drug dependencies
to seek treatment and/or rehabilitation. Employees desiring such assistance should request a treatment
or rehabilitation leave. The Company is not obligated, however, to continue to employ any person
whose performance of essential job duties is impaired because of drug or alcohol use, nor is the
Company obligated to re-employ any person who has participated in treatment and/or rehabilitation if
that person’s job performance remains impaired as a result of dependency. Additionally, employees
who are given the opportunity to seek treatment and/or rehabilitation, but fail to successfully overcome
their dependency or problem, will not automatically be given a second opportunity to seek treatment
and/or rehabilitation. This policy on treatment and rehabilitation is not intended to affect the
Company’s treatment of employees who violate the regulations described previously. Rather,
rehabilitation is an option for an employee who acknowledges a chemical dependency and voluntarily
seeks treatment to end that dependency.


Each employee is responsible for safeguarding the confidential information obtained during
In the course of your work, you may have access to confidential information regarding Fanhattan, its
suppliers, its customers, or perhaps even fellow employees. You have a responsibility to prevent
revealing or divulging any such information unless it is necessary for you to do so in the performance
of your duties. Access to confidential information should be on a “need-to-know” basis and must be
authorized by your supervisor. Any breach of this policy will not be tolerated and legal action may be
taken by the Company.


External Communications

As an over-riding principle, no employees in the company should communicate externally about

Fanhattan’s prospects, performance and policies, or disclose sensitive, confidential information,
without prior approval from Chris Thun or Gilles BianRosa. Specifically, they should not make
forecasts, predict product, launch dates, or communicate information that is not already in the public
domain unless they have prior approval from Chris Thun, Gilles BianRosa or Laura Tunberg.

Customer Service Communications

Any customer service communications will be directed to Chris Thun or Laura Tunberg.

Communication with the Media

It is the company’s policy to manage its relations with the media in an open and pragmatic way. The
company will be responsive to the legitimate interests of the media. It will also be proactive in
disseminating information about the company, its policies and products when it is judged to be in the


best interests of the business by management.

Media Calls
All requests from the media should be recorded accurately and passed on immediately to Chris Thun.
This includes formal requests for interviews as well as inquiries, and includes all media – TV/Radio,
newspapers, magazines, local/national and trade media and internet sites.

Personal Representation in the Media

It is recognized that from time-to-time, the media may approach employees on topics related to their
personal interests or non-work related activities. Employees may participate in such interviews.
However, in order to avoid any confusion about whether an employee is speaking on their own behalf
or on behalf of Fanhattan, employees may not reference Fanhattan or their role with the company,
unless they have obtained prior approval to do so from management.

External Speaking Engagements and Publications

External speaking engagements are discouraged unless there is a clear benefit to Fanhattan, and
employees should obtain permission from their manager before accepting an external speaking

Internet Communications
Employees are forbidden from making any public posting of confidential, sensitive or proprietary
information related to any aspect of Fanhattan’s business on the internet. Employees should not reveal
information about the company and its activities in any internet-based forum including, but not limited
to, Twitter, Facebook, company forums, blogs, wikis, etc.

These guidelines will help protect the privacy, confidentiality, and interests of our company and our
current and potential products, employees, partners, customers, and competitors.

Please contact Chris Thun or Laura Tunberg if you have any issues or questions on the
Communications policy.



Involuntary Termination and Discipline

Violation of Fanhattan policies and rules may warrant disciplinary action. Fanhattan may, in its sole
discretion, utilize whatever form of discipline is deemed appropriate under the circumstances, up to,
and including, termination of employment.

Voluntary Resignation

Voluntary resignation results when an employee voluntarily quits his or her employment at Fanhattan,
or fails to report to work for three consecutively scheduled workdays without notice to, or approval by,
his or her supervisor. All Company-owned property, including keys, identification badges, laptops, etc.,
must be returned immediately upon termination of employment.

Employee References

By policy, the Payroll Personnel at Fanhattan discloses only the dates of employment and the title of
the last position held of former employees. If you authorize the disclosure in writing, Fanhattan also
will inform prospective employers of the amount of salary or wage you last earned


Confirmation of Receipt

Confirmation of Receipt

I have received my copy of the Company’s employee handbook. I understand and agree that it
is my responsibility to read and familiarize myself with the policies and procedures contained
in the handbook.
I understand that except for employment at-will status, any and all policies or practices can be
changed at any time by the Company. Fanhattan reserves the right to change my hours, wages,
and working conditions at any time. I understand and agree that other than the Management of
Fanhattan, no manager, supervisor, or representative of the Company has authority to enter
into any agreement, express or implied, for employment for any specific period of time, or to
make any agreement for employment other than at-will; only the CEO has the authority to
make any such agreement and then only in writing, signed by the CEO.
I understand and agree that nothing in the employee handbook creates or is intended to create a
promise or representation of continued employment and that employment at Fanhattan is
employment at-will; employment may be terminated at the will of either the Company or
myself. My signature certifies that I understand that the foregoing agreement on at-will status
is the sole and entire agreement between Fanhattan and myself concerning the duration of my
employment and the circumstances under which my employment may be terminated. Nothing
in the employee handbook, or in any personnel document, including benefit plan descriptions,
creates or is intended to create a promise or representation of continued employment for any
employee at Fanhattan.

Employee Name (Print): ___________________________________________

Employee Signature: ____________________________________________

Date: _________________



Employees who reside outside of California must abide by their State’s employment policies.
Although most of the policies are consistent from State to State, below are exceptions to the
aforementioned guidelines noted throughout this Handbook.

Pregnancy Disability Leave and Paid Family Leave

Only applies to employees residing in California.

State Disability

In the event of disability for employees residing in states other than California contact your
local State Employment Development/Commission Department to obtain further information.

Non-Exempt Employees - Overtime

Non-exempt employees who reside in the State/s noted below will receive overtime
compensation of one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for time worked in excess of
40 hours only.



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