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Reasons why a domestic business operation to change to some form of

international operation:
 Learn to improve operations: remaining open to the free flow of ideas.

There are several different levels at which the free flow of ideas can be impeded.
At the societal level, legislative bodies of all kinds are expected to consider the legal and
regulatory frameworks they put in place to support the free flow of information and ideas
about the interests. At the institutional level, library and information services are expected
to encourage the free flow of information and ideas within the scope of their roles and
responsibilities. At the individual level, in exercising their rights and responsibilities.
Businesses gain a competitive edge when they minimize costs and streamline
their processes. The need to cut costs and automate the sales process is vital for business
survival. Cost-effective technology is key to your success.
You need to choose the most appropriate products and services for your
geographical market, customer segment or business model. The innovative, effective and
secure technology solutions will help you to streamline your business, with automated
tasks resulting in efficient, error-free processes that also achieve significant cost-savings.
They will help you to increase quality while responding to customer demands more
quickly and effectively.
Certainly no one would argue that as the business world changes, so must the
businesses themselves, especially in light of the enormous advances in computer
technology. Today many companies are looking toward changes from within to give them
an edge over the increased global competition that they have faced in the 1990s, and that
they will continue to face as they head into the next century.
Some areas companies continually seek to improve are managerial methods, sales,
distribution and other non-core business areas. Yet over the years the effectiveness of
reengineering, the most radical of business changes, has been widely debated. The
purpose of reengineering is to respond effectively either to a requirement for significant
improvements in performance or in response to fundamentally different circumstances.
While improving processes you firs should answer questions like:
• What direction should our company take?
• How can we communicate that direction?
• How can we "manage the change" to that direction?
• How can we consistently develop superior products and services?
• How can we make quantum improvements in performance?
• How can we make continuous improvements in performance?
• How can we build employee skills to support our company’s direction?

Holland & Davis offers these key steps to successfully implement change:

1. Plan: Prepare for people’s reactions. Acknowledge that resistance is natural and
expected. In fact, anticipate how different people will react, and take advantage of that.
Use those who will react favorably to sell the others.

2. Communicate: Recognize that communication happens, so decide to manage it rather

than let it manage you. Communicate openly, often, and in two-way discussions. Tailor
your messages to the audience so that they can actually hear what you have to say.
3. Participate: Get everyone’s hands, heads, and hearts involved. Participation increases
a sense of ownership and control. People want to be part of the solution, so find as many
ways as you can to involve them.

4. Influence: Use opinion leaders, whether formal or informal, to send the messages.
Also, early actions demonstrate that this change is serious.

5. Train: Promote skill development with those changing and those being changed.

6. Intervene: Respond to individuals’ reactions in a customized way to encourage them

to change. The challenge is to realize which individuals are never going to change and
to help them find a situation better suited to their needs. The sooner the better.

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