BIT19 Pertemuan VI

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Pertemuan VI 1



"We now have at hand the technological breakthroughs find economic

means to bring all the communities of th e wo rld to ge the r. W e can
crea te a planetary information network that transmits messages and
images with the speed of light from the largest city to the smallest village
on every continent. To accomplish this purpose, legislators, regulators and
businesspeople must build and operate a Global Information
Infrastructure." (GII)
These words, spoken by US Vice-President Al Gore, during his address to
the World Telecommunication Development Conference of the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 21 March
1994, brought the notion of a Global Information Infrastructure to the
attention of a worldwide audience. Public awareness about telecommunications
has probably never been higher and buzzwords such as 'multimedia' and
'information superhighway' appear on the front pages of many national
newspapers, bought by readers In shops from which they have difficulty in
emerging through the roadworks brought about by the installation of cable
networks and optical fibre systems under the pavement.
The Multimedia Revolution can be counted in 'Mega-bucks' and has
instigated a multitude of mergers, alliances and joint ventures as operators
strive to design and install networks from A to Z, from the producer to the
Mutimedia Revolusi dapat dihitung dalam 'Mega-dolar dan telah menghasut
banyak merger, aliansi dan joint venture sebagai operator berusaha untuk
merancang dan menginstal jaringan dari A sampai Z, dari produsen ke konsumen
/ pengguna.
The Information Superhighways arc high-rate, interactive networks
capable of transporting any kind of information: computer data, video, voice,
movies. In the words of one specialist, they will not just be one network, but

Bahasa Inggris Teknik | 2019

Pertemuan VI 2

many.‘The network of networks.' They will be based on the optical

fibre whose high capacity, small size, lack of sensitivity to electromagnetic
interference (EMI) and, low cost will be a considerable rival to the satellite,
another key player in the development of the Information Superhighways.
They will concern the following activities :

INFORMATION Multimedia Maii

SUPERHIGHWAY Virtual Reality
Telecommuting GLOBAL
Desktop Conferencing INFORMATION
Advanced Pay-Per-View
Interactive Video
INFRASTRUCTURE Video-On-Demand (VOD) Edutainment
(Education + Entertainment)


- emerging : menggabungkan
- awareness : kesadaran
- pavements : trotoar
- instigated : menganjurkan
- strive : berusaha
- multitude : banyak

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Pertemuan VI 3

1. the meaning of these initials :
2. two definitions of the Superhighways
3. the four main characteristics of optical fibres.
4. the future main actors in the GII future according to Al Gore?
5. a social need which the superhighways will create.


1. Pengertian
Question Tags adalah suatu kata atau ungkapan yang digunakan oleh
seseorang untuk memberikan pernyataan dan meminta orang lain yang
diajak bicara, setuju atau menyetujui dengan pendapatnya.
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, mirip dengan kata “bukan” dalam suatu kalimat,
- Jakarta ibukota Indonesia, bukan?
- Bahasa Inggris itu penting, bukan?

2. Beberapa Pedoman Membuat Question Tags

Pedoman 1
Apabila pernyataan positif, maka question tag-nya negatif (menyangkal)
1. We shall be late, shan’t we?
2. It’s a nice day, isn’t it?
3. Ali can swim, can’t he?
4. She is reading a book, isn’t she?
5. Fatimah comes late, doesn’t she?

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Pedoman 2
Apabila pernyataan negatif, maka question tag-nya positif.
1. Ali cannot speak English, can he?
2. She will not go home, will she?
3. Mary didn’t like swimming, did she?
4. We are not happy, are we?
5. She doesn’t come late, does she?

Pedoman 3
Kata yang dapat digunakan dalam question tags, hanyalah: I, you, she, he,
it, we, they, dan there.
“It” biasanya digunakan dalam question tags untuk menunjuk pada kata-kata
Everything, nothing, this., that…his..your…etc
“they” biasanya digunakan dalam question tags untuk menunjuk pada kata-
kata berikut:
everyone no one
someone nobody

Perhatikan kalimat berikut:

1. Ali doesn’t like milk, does he?
2. This film is not good, is it?
3. His name is Udin, isn’t it?
4. Your sister always gets up early, doesn’t she?
5. Everything is ready, isn’t it?
6. There are two men in the garden, aren’t there?
7. Nobody called on the phone, did they?
8. This is your book, isn’t it?
9. These are yours, aren’t they?
10. Nobody was watching me, were they?

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Pedoman 4
Dalam kalimat verbal (pedikatnya berupa kata kerja) yang berbentuk simple
present dan past tense, tambahkan do, does atau did, untuk membuat
question tags-nya.
1. They want to watch TV tonight, don’t they?
2. She visited my sister yesterday, didn’t she?
3. Ali usually comes late, doesn’t he?

Pedoman 5
Bila dalam suatu kalimat ada auxiliary dan modal, maka question tags-nya
dibuat dengan auxilary atau modal yang terletak paling depan (paling dekat
dengan subjeknya).
1. Your house is being painted, isn’t it?
2. He has never been in Bali, hasn’t he?
3. She will have gone to Jakarta before Friday, won’t she?
4. They will be a doctor next year, won’t they?

Pedoman 6
Dalam pernyataan: I am…., question tags-nya adalah: aren’t I?
1. I am a student’t, aren’t I?
2. I am ill, aren’t I?
3. I am working hard, aren’t I?
Bandingkan dengan kalimat berikut ini:
1. I am not a doctor, am I?
2. I am not ready, am I?

Pedoman 7
Kata-kata yang mempunyai arti negatif (not) atau setengah negatif, question
tagnya selalu positif.
Never : tidak pernah
Seldom : jarang

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Hardly ever : hanpir tidak

By no mean : sama sekali tidak
Few : sedikit
No/none : not any
Contoh :
1. She never goes to the movies, does she?
2. He’s never been in Bali, has she
3. You seldom get up early, do you?
4. They hardly ever go to town, do they?

Pedoman 8
Bentuk question tag khusus yang digunakan untuk menyatakan:
A. Perintah, baik positif atau negatif (melarang) question tag-nya adalah :
will you?
Contoh :
1. Stop that noise, will you?
2. Give me a hand, will you?
3. Don’t forget, will you?
B. Ajakan dengan : let’s, question tagnya adalah : shall we?
1. Let’s go for a walk, shall we?
2. Let’s sing together, shall we?
3. Let’s visit Umar tonight, shall we?

Pedoman 9
Untuk kalimat majemuk, maka question tagnya dibuat berdasarkan kalimat
1. I Believe he will come soon, won’t he
2. I wish she skew what I mean, didn’t she

Bahasa Inggris Teknik | 2018

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