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7/22/2019 Remedies for Jupiter - Lal Kitab Remedies for Jupiter – Vedic Remedies for Jupiter

Remedies for Jupiter With a strong

Jupiter in horoscope
comes wealth and
wisdom. It gives higher knowledge, education, intellect, and luck quotient to the
person. Jupiter causes expansion in areas of life that the house where it is
placed represents. It is the binding factor too. While Mars may help you get
married to a beautiful partner, Jupiter’s presence helps to sustain the marriage.
Jupiter is considered to be the most benefic of all planets. However, sometimes, it
can bring adverse effects due to ill-placement or if under malefic influence of
enemy planets.

A negative position of Jupiter in horoscope makes the person suffer in terms of

academics and education. Such a person also struggles to enjoy a stable
financial position due to loss of money and riches. Moreover, he or she can be
indecisive and blamed for things they have not done. Hair fall is also a common
problem in natives having a weak Jupiter in horoscope. Jupiter when weak also
becomes the karaka of obesity and diabetes. Jupiter usually blesses the person
with spiritual inclination and righteousness but when ill placed, it does the
opposite. Such a person lacks religions faith and inclination. They have strong
tendencies to become rebellions. And to top it all, natives with weak Jupiter in
horoscope also have a troubled married life. They either get married late or suffer
from progeny related problems in life. If a native is trapped in such a situation,
there are several remedies for Jupiter that can be performed to pacify the wrath of
the planet.

Vedic Remedies for Jupiter

Applying turmeric powder or sandalwood blend on your forehead is an effective
remedy to soothe Jupiter.
Another possible remedy for Jupiter is to offer bananas and sweets to elderly
people and foundlings.
You should avoid bathing in al fresco places such as ocean, river etc.
Avoiding meat and alcohol also helps lessen the harmful effects of weak Jupiter
in horoscope.
Before you embark upon a new project or work, make sure to take your parents’
Donating turmeric to a religious place for eight days continuously also helps in
this regard.
If you have been unable to seek help from spiritual gurus or are cheated
recurrently, practicing meditation can be one of the most effective remedies for
You should also recite vishnu sahasranama stotram.
Keeping a yellow handkerchief with you always also calms Jupiter.

Lal Kitab Remedies for Jupiter 1/2
7/22/2019 Remedies for Jupiter - Lal Kitab Remedies for Jupiter – Vedic Remedies for Jupiter

To mitigate Jupiter’s negative influence, you should wear something yellow on

your head, like a cap, scarf, or turban.
You should always clean nasal passage before commencing anything new.
You should also try to wear gold in some way, be it a ring or a chain.
You should be supportive to your siblings and cousins if Jupiter is weakly posited
or under malefic influence.
You should also consume saffron daily or apply it on naval, throat, forehead,
earlobes, and tongue
If Jupiter is affecting 11th house of income and gains, it is considered good to use
your father’s belongings such as pen, conveyance etc. 2/2

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