Grade 12 Caregiving TQ

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Augustinian Recollect Sisters
San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
2018 – 2019

First Monthly Examination

Caregiving Grade 12

Teacher: Mrs. Josephine Q. Gutang RN Parent’s Signature:_______________


DIRECTIONS: Determine if the following statement are true. Write TRUE on the line if the
statement is true, otherwise write FALSE.

________1. Reacting to challenging behavior is encouraged more than responding to it.

________2. Chronic pain need not to be treated right away when dealing with patients
manifesting challenging behavior.

________3. Listening is an active way of communicating with patients or residents under

your care.

________4. Any senior staff in the health care institution or facility may act as stress
manager in a debriefing process.

________5. In a comprehensive incident report, information is solicited even unwillingly

from people involved.

________6. Timing when to file the report is of essence in relaying the critical incident.

________7. Infants can communicate mostly by crying but sometimes by making other

________8. Infants will imitate spoken words or sound made by their imagination.

________9. The best way to keep children safe is with constant visual supervision.

_______10. Food preparation and food service should be done at or near the diaper
changing table.


A. For items 11-15 Identify whether each of the following challenging behavior is
answer on the line before the number.

________11. Because of frustration, three year old Pinky throws her toys to her mother
and yaya Lori.

________12. Mr. Cruz got angry with his daughter’s reaction that he vented his irritation
to his farm help, the innocent carabao.

________13. It was found out that Ms. Rosal’s stubbornness is also coupled by her
continuous stealing of the PPE supplies meant for all.
________14. John becomes more reclusive and passes his time inside his room smashing
repeatedly the electric fan with a fly swatter.

________15. Not only did Capt. Mike hit people, his staff sergeant has observed the
captain slashing himself with a blunt blade.

B. For items 16-20 arrange the step in the general procedure when dealing with
challenging behavior in correct order. Place 16 inside the box for the first step, 17
for the second and so on.
Respond to the behavior

Alleviate discomfort

Rule out organic cause

Reassure the person

Determine other causes

C. Fill in the table below with the normal developmental milestone and signs of
distress that the child may encounter based on age and what strategies will you
recommend in responding to a distress young child.



INFANCY 21. 23. 25.

TODDLER 22. 24. 26.


Direction: Read each of the following questions and determine the best answer. Write
the letter of the correct answer in each of the following statement.

________27. Are a set of functional skills or age-specific tasks that most children can do
at a certain age range. It’s to help check how your child is developing.

A. Growth C. Caregiver
B. Developmental milestone D. Cognitive

________28. Is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby younger than 1 year old
associated during sleep?

A. Drowning C. SIDS
B. Chocking D. Seizure

________29. Which of the following is an ideal way of responding to a challenging


A. Choosing to be quiet and passive

B. Allowing patient enough space
C. Waiting for things to pass by
D. Disregarding patient’s language

________30. Which is a prime consideration when assessing the temper and thoughts a
person with challenging behavior?

A. Alertness and pose C. hygiene and grooming

B. Emotional congruence D. interaction with people

________31. Which challenging behavior among health care provider makes control of
cross infection demanding?

A. Eating anywhere C. improper hand washing

B. Leaving linens around D. all of these

_________32. Why are policies and procedures on infection control important in caring a
patient with challenging behavior?

A. To cure infection C. To eliminate infection

B. To reduce infection D. to prevent infection

__________33. What should a caregiver ask first when dealing with challenging

A. Why does the patient manifest this behavior?

B. Do I understand the nature of this behavior?
C. What are the strategies in dealing with this?
D. Do I have the confidence to deal with this?

_______34. What must all caregivers take into consideration in picking up an infant or a

A. Condition of the child

B. Avoid injuring the child
C. Procedure in picking up
D. One’s strength to pick up
________35. Which of the following children is in distress?

a. Refusal of 3 year old James to share his toy with Johnny.

b. walking up of 1 year old Franco in the middle of the night
c. insistence of 2 year old Amy a to sleep with the lights open
d. Constant bobbing of 5month old Jeans head while being fed.

Test IV:

A. For items 36-40 the following sentences contains words in boldface that have
been interchanged. Correct each statement by writing on the line the correct
word that should replace the highlighted word to make the statement correct.

_________36. In response to the incident during information determine if you are in

control of the situation.

_________ 37. Relaying an assessment that occurs in health care institutions must follow
the correct and proper of filing report.

_________38. The Debriefing empathizes by making the participants realized that what
they feel and are now experience emotionally is normal.

_________39. The critical incident stress manager gather all relevant incident about the

_________40. Facilitator is conducted by experts on critical incident stress managements

to help the participants, they are encouraged to talk about the incident and express
how they feel.

_________41. Trust the boundaries established by adult rules and the toddler’s own
physical and developmental limits will occupy much on her time on the next few years.

_________42. Adults must teach the toddler how to exploring but at the same time move
her towards independence through consistent love.

B. For items 43-47 :Inside the box below are eight character traits and capabilities
caregivers may have. Which five of them can help caregivers deal with
challenging behaviors effectively? Explain each trait that you believe can help
caregivers deal with.Write your answer on the space provided.
Responsible communicative confident

People person number smart team player

Expert on behavior works well done





C. Based on the narrative report filed by a witness who attended to the victim of a
medical emergency below, give the accurate details asked about the incident.
Write your answer on the incident report.

It is a pleasant spring day at lunchtime. One security staff member is in the parking
lot observing traffic when he notices an unknown adult male entering the building
through an open door. He radios to the office to inform them. Shortly thereafter,
you hear loud screams and gun fire coming from the office inside the school
building. Staff and students are fleeing the building and some of them are covered
in blood and look like they are in shock. Mr. John the science teacher run to the
area where there is a student’s covered with blood. Peter, 16 years old, a grade 11
student who was shut at the right arm was so shocked and start fainting, he has
cold clammy skin and pale lips. Mr. John asked him “Are you okay?” but the boy
said “I see darkness.” Mr. John starts to pressure the wound using a tear t-shit in the
affected area to stop the intermittent bleeding. Then he calls 911 to give medical
assistant to those who affected in the incident. While waiting for the local
emergency, Mr. John made sure the victim felt warm, on examination, a few
minutes after the casualty’s pulse rate is at 100 beats per minute, breathing is deep
at 14 per minute. When the medical team arrived at around 3:42 pm, Peter had his
color on his lips back.

48. Personal Data on the casualty:

Location and time:

49. Details of the incident:



50. First aid management:

Vital signs:

51. Witness:

52. Result:


Direction: Enumerate the following. Write your answer at the back of your test
A. For items 53-57 give 5 reasons why comprehensive documentation is needed?
B. For items 58-62 what are the steps in the debriefing process?
C. For items 63-66 what are the different stages of normal growth and
development of infants?
D. For items 67-70 how will you handle a distress young child?

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