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Starch/Stärke 2011, 63, 395–405 DOI 10.1002/star.

201000150 395


Human a-amylase and starch digestion: An interesting

Peter J. Butterworth, Frederick J. Warren and Peter R. Ellis

King’s College London, School of Medicine, Diabetes and Nutritional Sciences Division, Biopolymers Group, London, UK

a-Amylase catalyses the first step in the digestion of starch, a main source of carbohydrate in Received: December 6, 2010
the human diet. Amylase present in human saliva was one of the first enzymes ever to be Accepted: January 5, 2011
recognised but many puzzles remain about the molecular mechanisms involved in amylolysis
of starch and even of the physiological role of the salivary amylase itself. Native starch
granules represent a formidable challenge for attack from an enzyme in solution. Moreover
the frequently reported differences in the susceptibility to amylolysis of starches from various
botanical species, plus the changes that occur in starch structure and properties during
domestic and commercial food processing means that studies of the enzymology of starch
digestion can be challenging. We review the molecular properties of mammalian a-amylase
including its genetics, and speculate on the role of salivary amylase in digestion of dietary
starch. Also considered are enzyme kinetic approaches that have been used in vitro studies of
amylase digestion of starches. Such studies can result in better understanding of reasons for
the differences in glycaemic responses of humans following ingestion of different starch
containing foods.

a-Amylase / Genetics / Kinetics / Salivary / Starch digestion

1 Introduction classes of spitting into test tubes containing starch

suspensions stained dark blue with iodine and observing
In 1831, Erhard Leuchs reported that starch is broken the disappearance of the colour as the starch is hydrolysed
down when mixed with human saliva and used the named in the presence of salivary amylase.
ptyalin to describe the agent in saliva that was responsible Despite this long history and apparent familiarity with
for the chemical reaction. This seems to have been one of amylase properties, there are still many aspects of amy-
the earliest accounts of an enzyme experiment and soon lase and starch biochemistry that continue to puzzle inves-
after, in 1833, Payen and Persoz isolated an enzyme from tigators including the full physiological significance of that
barley that broke down starch and named it diastase. Thus familiar amylase in saliva. Starch is normally the main
enzymes now named amylases have a long history and source of digestible carbohydrate in the human diet and
most readers will have memories from school biology as such, is the major source of glucose that appears
at relatively high concentrations in the blood circulation
following intestinal digestion of a starch-containing meal.
The first stage in the metabolism of starch is catalysed by
Correspondence: Dr. Peter J. Butterworth, King’s College
a-amylase which progressively brings about hydrolysis of
London, School of Medicine, Diabetes and Nutritional Sciences
Division, Biopolymers Group, Franklin Wilkins Building, the polysaccharide resulting in the production of maltose,
150 Stamford Street, London SE1 9NH. maltotriose and limit dextrins as the main products [1].
E-mail: Considerable differences, however, can occur in the post-
Fax: þ44-207-848-4170
prandial blood glucose and the corresponding insulin
Abbreviations: AM, amylose; AP, amylopectin; CE, catalytic response, to the ingestion of different foods containing
efficiency; RDS, rapidly digested starch; RS, resistant starch. identical amounts of starch [2]. That such differences

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occur is evidence of large variations in the rate and extent gland [13]. In humans and other mammals, two distinct but
of starch digestion in the gastrointestinal tract [3–6]. closely related genes code for amylase. AMY1, the sali-
Attenuating the fluctuations in postprandial glycaemia vary gene, produces the enzyme present in saliva and
and insulinaemia is important in the prevention and treat- mammary gland and AMY2 produces the enzyme synthes-
ment of life-style associated diseases, notably diabetes ised in the pancreas that is secreted into the duodenum in
mellitus and cardiovascular disease, and also has implica- digestive juices [13]. The expression of AMY1 can also
tions for obesity management [7–10]. occur in certain tumour tissues, e.g. lung. In humans both
The search for full explanations for the differences in AMY1 and AMY2 are located on the short arm of
the rates of digestion of starch-containing foods continues chromosome 1 [14–16]. The coding regions of AMY1
to be a main focus for research, but inter-alia, the differ- and AMY2 are very similar but the 50 untranslated region
ences are mainly attributed to inherent dissimilarities in the of AMY2 is shorter than the equivalent region in AMY1
structure of starch granules of different botanical species [12]. The genes code for enzymes with MWs of about
and from structural alterations subsequent to domestic and 56 000 and the amino acid sequences of the salivary
commercial processing of foods [11]. and pancreatic enzymes differ by only 3%. Both AMY1
Native starch is packaged in granules that are semi- and AMY2 are polymorphic and alloenzyme forms of
crystalline and which are very large compared with the size the salivary and pancreatic amylases have been detected
of the a-amylase molecule. This contrasts with the vast [12, 13]. The two pancreatic forms are exclusive to the
majority of intracellular metabolic enzymes where the pancreas and are expressed at nearly equal levels in
enzyme molecules are usually huge in size compared with the gland [12]. The secreted salivary amylase has the
the metabolites that they act upon. The starch granule size N-terminal blocked by a pyroglutamic acid residue [17]
seemingly presents a very favourable target for attack by that may confer some resistance to proteolysis.
amylase with many potential sites for binding of the The organisation of the amylase gene cluster shown
enzyme. In spite of this apparent binding advantage, the below is based on published data [12]. The genes are
complete breakdown of starch within an intact granule is a arranged in a head to tail orientation except for AMY1B
fairly slow process. Crystalline areas tend to be unfavour- which is arranged in the reverse order. AMY1P is a pseu-
able for enzyme attack and, in addition, the granules may dogene that lacks the first three exons of AMY1 [13].
contain small but variable amounts of proteins and lipids
that can also hinder starch–amylase interaction. Most of
the starch consumed by humans will have been cooked The promoter regions upstream of all the amylase genes
and/or subjected to various processes during food pro- contain a g-actin pseudogene and this finding has been
duction that disrupts the granules to a greater or lesser interpreted to indicate that all the amylase genes are
extent, but raw starch is consumed in many animal feeds. derived from a single ancestral gene [18]. In all except
Processing that disrupts general granule integrity and AMY2B, the g-actin pseudogene is interrupted by a retro-
reduces the degree of crystallinity, increases the suscepti- viral-like sequence and this element probably serves a
bility to amylase. regulatory role in the expression of the salivary enzymes
In recent years, considerable advances have been [12]. Meisler and Ting [12] suggest that an ancestral mam-
made in knowledge of the structures of starch and mam- malian pancreatic gene gave rise to an ancestral AMY2
malian a-amylases and much has also been learned about gene which in turn, after g-actin and retroviral insertion,
the genes coding for a-amylase and their tissue expres- gave rise to the present AMY1 and AMY2 forms.
sion. It seems timely, therefore, to review relevant aspects A remarkable feature is that the copy number of the
of what is known about starch and the enzyme to see amylase genes is variable [12, 19]. For the AMY1 (salivary)
whether certain uncertainties in the starch-amylase story gene, variations in copy number from 2 to 15 have been
can now begin to be clarified and also perhaps point up detected from the screening of 50 individuals [20].
aspects of this subject that still need to be resolved by
further experimentation.
3 a-Amylase structures and properties

2 Human a-amylase genes X-ray crystallography has been used to obtain 3D struc-
tures of the a-amylase enzymes from human pancreas
The genes for a-amylase have been cloned by several [21] and saliva [17] and from porcine pancreas [22]. The
groups and the article by Meiser and Ting [12] provides an structures of these enzymes are all very closely related.
excellent review of the subject. Salivary glands and the Mammalian amylases are composed of three structural
pancreas express the enzyme in abundance but amylase domains, the largest of which (domain A) contains import-
expression can also be found in the jejunum and mammary ant active site residues that include two aspartate and one

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glutamate residue. Domain A also contains a bound Cl filled with glucose residues in a substrate [30–32]. The
ion. The activation of amylase by chloride has long been binding energy of site 3 is þ17.6 kJ/mol and this unfavour-
known [23, 24]. Domain B borders the active site region able condition probably arises from forced distortion of the
and contains a bound Ca2þ ion that is probably important in glucan ring on binding. The binding energies are similar to
maintaining protein conformation in the region of the active those observed for the sites on lysozyme [33]. The total
site. Domain C at the N-terminal region of the molecule free energy of binding accruing from occupancy of all the
appears unlikely to play a direct role in the catalytic mech- subsites is of consequence when considering the action of
anism. It is less firmly associated with domains A and B amylase on native and hydrothermally treated starch (see
[21, 25]. below).
The catalytic event in amylases is an example of a
double displacement mechanism and carboxyl groups of
aspartate and glutamate residues function as acid/base 4 Starch structure and implications for
catalysts and as a nucleophilic reactant for the formation of a-amylase action
a covalent intermediate during the catalytic sequence. The
activation by a Cl ion may come about by facilitating the Descriptions and discussion of starch structure and prop-
protonation of a catalytically important carboxyl group erties are covered only briefly in this review. The infor-
through a charge relay-system [26–28]. mation presented here is that which seems most pertinent
a-Amylase is an endoenzyme that carries out multiple to understanding the role of amylase in starch digestion.
attack on linear portions of AM and AP with maltose and The literature contains many excellent general accounts of
maltotriose as the principal short chain products [1, 29]. starch structure both in its native state and of the changes
Only minor amounts of glucose are produced [1, 30]. that occur in structure resulting from various methods of
Kinetic studies suggested that the active site of porcine processing and readers are referred to these for more
pancreatic enzyme can accommodate up to five glucose detailed information [34–41].
residues, i.e. there are five sub-sites at which glucose Native starch granules are semi-crystalline with amor-
residues can become bound [1]. The existence of multiple phous regions largely composed of AM and the branch
sites was confirmed by the production of 3D structures points in AP molecules, and crystallites formed from longer
from X-ray crystallography, although a report of the struc- chains of AP that twist into H-bonded double helices.
ture of pig pancreatic amylase complexed with the potent Crystalline regions are of two polymorphic types, A and
carbohydrate inhibitor acarbose provided evidence of a B [42–45], that differ in the packing of the helices. The
sixth site [22]. The glucosidic bond susceptible to attack helices in A are orthogonally arranged whereas there is
is that linking residues 3 and 4 (Fig. 1) and the catalytically hexagonal packing in B starches [43, 44]. The number of
important aspartate and glutamate residues of the associated water molecules is greater in the B crystals [43,
active site are suitably located for attack on the susceptible 44]. Cereal starches have A type crystallinity and tuber
link. starches such as potato possess the B polymorph,
Kinetic studies using malto-oligosccharides as sub- whereas legume starches have a so-called C pattern of
strates [31] were used to determine the binding free energy crystallinity that is known to arise from the presence of both
(DG) associated with each of the five sites. DG values A and B polymorphs in different regions of the granule [39].
become more negative (from approx 5 to 16 kJ/mol), AM is enriched towards the periphery of the granules and
i.e. binding becomes stronger, as the sub-sites 1–5 become this peripheral material has shorter chain lengths than AM
located more centrally within the granule [46]. Granules
from cereal starches, e.g. maize, wheat and barley, have
surface pores that open onto channels with diameters that
range in size from 5 to 400 nm [46].
Native starches with a high B polymorph content, e.g.
potato, are attacked slowly by amylase but can be digested
more rapidly after hydrothermal processing [47]. Native A
type starches tend to be more favourable substrates [47].
During domestic and commercial food processing, gran-
ules can be subjected to varying degrees of hydrothermal
treatments which cause granules to swell by absorption of
Figure 1. Subsites at the active centre of a-amylase. water and crystalline structures are disrupted with an
Bond breakage occurs between residues 3 and 4. increase in amorphous material [41]. The increase of
Carboxyl groups of key aspartate and glutamate residues amorphous material makes the starch more digestible
function as acid-base and nucleophilic catalysts [22]. by a-amylase [11]. Continued heating in aqueous

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conditions results in solubilisation and gelatinisation of uncertainty still remains with regard to the physiological
of the starch. On cooling, the disrupted material can re- significance of salivary amylase.
crystallise into a form that is resistant to amylase action A significant paper was published in 2007 [20] that
[48, 49]. This material is known as retrograded starch. reported on the relationship between the copy number
In crystalline starch, the packing of the double helices of the human amylase gene and dietary patterns in a
are stabilised by hydrogen bonding between glucan resi- number of human populations. The authors reported that
dues. For optimal amylase action, a run of glucan residues individuals from populations that consume diets with rela-
needs to fill the five subsites. Each glucan residue H bonds tively high starch content have a higher number of AMY1
to various amino acid side chains that line the active gene copies than populations who consume less starch.
site. Intuitively therefore, it can be expected that portions They also reported that amylase protein levels correlated
of polysaccharide chain that are intimately associated to a considerable degree, with the gene copy number but
in forming crystallites are unlikely to bind securely to the presence of some discrepancy between copy number
the active site. Estimations of the binding energies associ- and protein expression is evidence of other factors that
ated with the binding of a glucan residue into each of control the expression of the AMY1 genes. Thus it was
the subsites (see above) reveal the importance of filling concluded that the evolution of salivary amylase was
of all sites for optimal catalytic action. It is likely however, associated with increases in the quantity of starch within
that crystalline regions contain a number of areas the diet. Unfortunately, their estimates of amylase protein
where the crystals are imperfect to give ‘amorphous zones’ level in saliva are so much higher than other data in the
where the chains are capable of becoming H-bonded to literature that there are reasons for questioning the validity
active site residues of amylase. There would seem to be of their findings (see below).
a high probability of damage to crystalline regions during An extension of the study to include other primates
industrial processing such as milling. Also, it can be envis- revealed that chimpanzees possess fewer copies of
aged that if damaged areas are relatively few in number, AMY1 and Perry et al. [20] point out that salivary amylase
enzyme binding to these amorphous zones is unlikely protein levels are much higher in humans than in chim-
unless the concentration of amylase is high. Provided that panzees. The diet of chimpanzees probably contains less
sufficient water molecules are available for the hydrolytic starch and therefore the greater copy number of AMY1 in
reaction, amylase can catalyse chain breakage. humans may reflect a response to increased evolutionary
Introducing breaks in polysaccharide chains at these pressure and that salivary amylase brings survival advan-
amorphous foci could lead to further local destabilisation tages. Presumably, early hominids would have consumed
of crystallinity and favour continued amylolysis. The rates considerable amounts of uncooked and minimally proc-
of reaction are still likely to be relatively slow however, essed (i.e. milled) food that would have contained native
because after bond breakage, the enzyme has to shuttle starch granules. Native starch is digested much more
along the glycan chain so that the subsites that span the slowly than hydrothermally treated material (see below)
residues where bond breakage occurs are newly occupied. and perhaps higher copy numbers of the genes were
Alternatively, amylase can associate with another section required in order to produce the enzyme in quantity so
of chain. Before either of these actions is possible, the that the relatively non-reactive starch was broken down
product from the first step must be expelled from subsites 4 sufficiently fast enough to contribute usefully to an individ-
and 5 of the active site and diffuse away. The constraints ual’s energy requirement. Given therefore, that the
imposed by localised crystallinity and relatively low water enzyme brings advantages to human survival, what is
availability are likely to be reflected in a low rate of its exact role?
hydrolysis. Amylase activity from the AMY1 gene can be detected
in saliva and gastric aspirates of prematurely born infants
and the level increases with gestational age from 26 to
5 Salivary amylase 42 wk [51]. The expression of pancreatic amylase is min-
imal until weaning introduces non-milk feeds [50, 51] and
An editorial comment that appeared in a 1987 issue of the pancreatic gene is probably under partial control by
Digestive Diseases and Sciences described how the role of corticosteroids and other hormones [52]. Comparing esti-
salivary amylase in the digestion of starch was controver- mates of salivary amylase activity quoted in the literature is
sial because of the assumption that most of the digestion of complicated by the fact that authors do not always define
starch occurs in the small intestine in the presence of a their units for expressing catalytic activity and different
very active pancreatic enzyme [50]. Since that article assay temperatures may have been used. Some authors
appeared, considerably more has been learned about express the enzyme concentration in terms of mg/mL. If
starch structure and the molecular biology and metabolo- activity has been measured in international units (IU)
mics of amylases, including that from saliva, but a degree per mL, i.e. the production of 1 mmol of product

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per min, comparison is easier but again, assay tempera- of solids into the infant diet. The milk oligosaccharides
tures of 20, 30 and 378C have all been popular choices. could therefore have played a priming role. It seems that
The commercial supplier Sigma–Aldrich1 list their amy- in some populations from undeveloped areas of the world,
lase activities in terms of milligram maltose produced in nursing mothers chew solid food materials containing
3 min at 208C. This corresponds closely to 1 IU [53]. If the starch, e.g. roots and tubers, and then pass the pre-mas-
turnover number for human salivary amylase is similar to ticated food to their infants to supplement the main supply
that of porcine pancreatic enzyme (i.e. approximately 105/ of nutrients which the infants receive in milk [64]. The
min), a concentration of 1 mg/mL would represent approxi- amylase present in the saliva of the mother and the infant
mately 20  103 IU/mL of saliva. Sigma1 market a puri- will begin to digest any starch present and this process will
fied preparation of human salivary amylase with a specific continue when the food bolus reaches the duodenum,
activity of 1.5  103 per mg that accords well with the particularly if the amylase activity is boosted further by a
estimate given above that is based on the properties of contribution from that present in a recent feed of milk. In
porcine pancreatic enzyme. Using this assumption, the more developed nations, milk supplements containing
comparison of AMY1gene copy number with amylase con- starch are used frequently and if these are introduced into
tent of saliva (see [20] and above) indicates that saliva feeds at an early stage, digestion of the starch will require
would contain up to 2  104 IU/mL. Activities obtained by the action of salivary amylase until the pancreatic enzyme
direct measurements and reported in the literature give becomes expressed in response to dietary and/or hormo-
values that range from 10 to 160 IU/mL, dependent on the nal signals [52].
degree of stimulation of saliva flow and the method of Archeologists have detected starch granules in dental
collection [54–57]. calculus taken from human skeletal remains [65] and pre-
Thus the expected amylase activity of secreted saliva sumably, there are potentially beneficial effects of salivary
based on measurement of protein [20] is far in excess of enzyme that can come from attacks on starch lodged
the activities reported from direct measurements [54–57]. between the teeth and thus aid removal of the obstruction.
There is an obvious disparity therefore, between calcu- The oral bacterium Streptococcal gordonii that is associ-
lations based on enzyme assay and those based on ated with dental plaque formation can bind to salivary
protein content. Mastication and physical characteristics amylase [66]. The bacterial-bound enzyme retains most
of food influence the secretion rate of saliva and its amy- of its activity and is thus able to catalyse the hydrolysis of
lase activity [58]. The total protein content of saliva has starch in the mouth. S. gordonni can convert the maltose
been reported to range from 0.1 to 1.0 mg/mL [58] and released from starch to glucose and subsequently to lactic
therefore the report of concentrations of up to 7 mg/mL of acid. A localised concentration of lactic acid in the dental
amylase per mL saliva [20] must be in error. This is a plaque area can damage the enamel on neighbouring
problem that needs resolving. teeth [66] and lead to dental caries in circumstances of
In vitro experiments have demonstrated that the sali- poor oral hygiene. The acquisition in S. gordonii of a
vary enzyme can be protected by starch and oligosacchar- specific amylase binding mechanism seems to represent
ides against inactivation by the gastric acidic environment a developmental response to a ready supply of nutrient
[59, 60] and thus it can be assumed that it could reach the albeit at increasing the risk of tooth decay in the host. The
duodenum and continue to act upon dietary starch. The potential benefit to humans that could arise from amylase-
AMY1 gene is also expressed in the lactating mammary catalysed removal of starch lodged between the teeth
gland of humans and many other mammals including cows seems hardly to be realised, therefore.
and secreted a-amylase is present in human and cows’ Recently it has become apparent that genes for taste
milk [61, 62]. Thus although amylase from saliva and from receptors are expressed in stomach and other areas of the
milk can reach the duodenum in an active condition it begs gastrointestinal tract. Sweetness receptors in upper sections
the question of what, prior to weaning and the introduction of the tract could detect any maltose formed from starch by
of some starch to the diet, does it act upon when it gets salivary amylase and if coupled to the release of a number of
there. Perhaps the enzyme protein possesses important signalling peptides such as GLP-1 and PYY, influence CNS-
functional properties that have yet to be recognised. mediated control of gastric emptying, insulin secretion and
Human milk contains non-starch oligosaccharides that appetite [67]. In the case of maltose formed in the mouth,
are largely formed from galactose but these oligosacchar- there could also be a feed-forward effect in that after detec-
ides are not acted upon by a-amylase. The undigested tion by receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, the signals
oligosaccharides can reach the colon and provide a source could be interpreted as a warning that a starch containing
of nutrient for developing colonies of bacteria [63]. From meal has been consumed and so lead to increased secretion
examination of faecal samples from infants, it was found of pancreatic amylase to digest the expected starch load.
that bacteria capable of metabolising lactose and plant Perhaps not unrelated to this property, is the finding that
polysaccharides appear at a stage prior to the introduction salivary amylase decreases the perception, by mouth taste

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sensors, of the saltiness of savoury liquids when the latter

are thickened with starch [68].

6 Application of enzyme kinetic models to

analyse amylase action on starch in vitro

A recently published review contains a full account of

various kinetic approaches that have been taken by
authors in studies of a-amylase catalysed breakdown of
starch [69]. The methods include digestibility measure-
ments made over relatively long time periods and fits to
the Michaelis–Menten equation in both its standard and
integrated forms. This present article will mainly concen-
trate on the usefulness of Michaelis–Menten kinetics Figure 2. Digestibility curves for amylase acting on
because this is an area which our laboratory has concen- Sorghum grains. Particles of different size were produced
by a controlled milling process. The experimental points are
trated upon for several years to yield fruitful information
fitted by a first-order kinetic equation (reproduced, with
about starch–amylase interactions. Rather surprisingly, it
permission, from Mahasuhkonthachat et al. [70]).
has been stated that the Michaelis–Menten model cannot
be applied to in vitro studies of a-amylase action because of
high enzyme activities, uncertainties in structural changes equation to determine values for the apparent 1st order
occurring in the substrate (starch) and the presence of constant, k [70]. These authors have also shown that 1/k is
product inhibition [70]. Obviously, differences of opinion proportional to the surface area of the granule calculated
exist among workers in the amylase area. Part of the con- from estimates of the diameter of the granules that are
troversy may arise because of a lack of familiarity with the assumed to be spherical. They state that if the rate-
kind of information that can be gleaned from studies of initial determining step is related to the diffusion of amylase onto
rates of catalysis as opposed to studies of starch digestion the surface of the granule particle, a diffusion coefficient
made over relatively long reaction times with very high can be calculated from the equation
concentrations of enzyme. These conditions of time and
amylase concentration are probably selected due to the 1 X2
¼ (2)
insensitivity of the commonly used reductometric methods k 6D
for the detection of reducing sugar products of amylolysis.
Digestion curves are popular with many investigators. where X2 is the granule specific surface area (m2/g) of a
The curves are usually fitted to a 1st order rate equation spherical particle and D is the diffusion coefficient. The
first proposed by Goni et al. [71]: values obtained for D turn out to be extremely small, i.e.
approximately 1  1010 cm2/s. Thus it takes about 100 s
C ¼ C1 ð1ekt Þ (1) to diffuse through 1 mm2. The granule–amylase collision
rate in water is probably at least as high as 108 s1 [72].
where C is the concentration of digested starch at time t, We have recently studied the rates of binding of amylase to
C1 the digested concentration at the end of the reaction starch granules at 08C and determined apparent rate con-
and k is a first order rate constant. Various botanical stants for binding (Warren et al. manuscript in preparation).
starches generate different values for k that reflect their Binding involves collision with the granule and then cap-
relative susceptibilities to digestion. Values typically ture. If the number of suitable binding areas on the granule
reported for k are in the range of 105–103 min1. C1 surface is very low, then the expected capture rate will be
is somewhat misleadingly referred to as the equilibrium low relative to the collision rate. Direct binding studies
concentration [71]. There is no measurable back reaction provide some information on capture rates. In fact we
under the conditions pertaining in these experiments how- found that the binding constant kon is about 106 M1/s.
ever, and so reference to an equilibrium is not correct. More This value seems reasonable given that the collision rate is
realistically, C1 represents the concentration of starch likely to be about 108 s1 [72] and the turnover number for
digested when the reaction has reached a stage where amylase is approximately 104 s1 [47, 53]. Our results
no more product is formed, i.e. when all starch that can be indicate that the binding rate is sufficiently fast to allow
hydrolysed has been exhausted and only so-called RS a conclusion that diffusion of the enzyme to the surface of
remains. Figure 2 shows good examples, taken from the granules must be much faster than the estimates derived
literature, of digestibility curves and fits to the 1st order from digestibility constants. Since the latter are obtained

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from complete digestion of susceptible starch over rela- recognition that sharp excursions (peaks) in blood glucose
tively long times, the very small diffusion coefficients prob- concentrations occurring relatively early in postprandial
ably represent gradual penetration of amylase into the periods may provide valuable patient information for die-
granule as digestion proceeds. Dhital et al. [73] came ticians and clinicians [76].
partly to this conclusion from studies of the effects of The rate of reaction (v) during the early stages of
particle size on digestibility rate constants. amylase reaction on starch is linear with time and can
In spite of demonstrations that digestibility proceeds by be related to the initial starch concentration (S) by the
a single first order reaction process, many authors employ familiar Michaelis–Menten equation:
a terminology introduced by Englyst et al. [74] whereby
digestibility curves are divided into phases of rapidly Vmax S
v¼ (4)
digested (RDS) and slowly digested starch (SDS). The Km þ S
RDS fraction is calculated from estimates of the amount
where Vmax is the maximum velocity and Km is the
of products released within the first 20 min of digestion and
Michaelis constant.
SDS from measurements of product formation after
periods of up to 2 h [74]. The percentage of RDS material Vmax ¼ kcat E0 (5)
is said to correlate well with the glycaemic response
measured in vivo following ingestion of starch. where kcat is the catalytic rate constant (also called
Unfortunately the use of RDS and SDS promulgates turnover number) and E0 is the total enzyme concentration.
the false idea that granules contain fractions of starch that Reliable estimates of the kinetic parameters can be
are digested at different rates. If the digestion reaction can obtained if rate measurements are made within the early
be described by a single first order reaction with only one stages of the reaction before the onset of complications
observed rate constant k, there are no inherent differences arising from a combination of product inhibition and sub-
in the potential rate of reaction of any digestible starch strate exhaustion. Reaction rates should be determined
fraction. The measured rate of digestion will be greater at from measurements of product release with time and
earlier stages of reaction than in later periods because the checked for linearity. Digestibility studies are often per-
fall in available starch substrate concentration as reaction formed with very large concentrations of amylase that
proceeds, inevitably results in a slower rate. There is a need commonly far exceed the concentrations of enzyme that
to provide a straightforward description of the relative rates are present in duodenal fluid or saliva. Initial rate measure-
of digestibility of starches from different plant varieties and ments are better performed (in order to maintain linear
food sources, and a good way of expressing this for a product release with time) using reaction mixtures contain-
particular starch source might be to quote the time required ing enzyme concentrations that approximate those found
for digestion of 50% of available starch under agreed stand- in vivo. From published data we estimate this to be approx
ard conditions of amylase concentration and temperature 50–450 IU/mL and 10–160 IU/mL for pancreatic juice and
etc. This is calculated from the value of ln2/k. saliva, respectively [54, 77]. We routinely use approximately
Digestibility curves can also be used to calculate 100 IU/mL of pancreatic amylase for kinetic work.
hydrolysis indices (HI) from determination of the area For any starch sample, the Km value is the concen-
under the curves (AUC) obtained by integration of the tration of available (digestible) starch (As) that will support
1st order rate equation with the bounds of t0–t. an initial rate of reaction of Vmax/2. Digestible starch is the
  fraction that can be readily acted upon by a-amylase. If
C1 t þ C1 ekt the total starch concentration is S, the ratio S/As will be
AUC ¼ (3)
k large and hence the measured Km value will also be large
because it is calculated from total starch concentrations
Hydrolysis indice values are an alternative to GI values added to the reaction mixture. Any treatment of starch to
for starch foods. GI is defined as the AUC of a postprandial increase the amount of As, will cause a fall in the S/As ratio
blood glucose response curve following consumption of a and the measured Km value will reflect this [78]. The Km
test meal expressed as a percentage of the AUC measured measurements can provide a direct indication of the frac-
with a reference food, e.g. glucose or white wheat bread tion of starch that can be readily digested and thus monitor
[75]. GI determinations require estimations of blood changes in starch structure resulting from hydrothermal
glucose levels at various time points after the meal treatments and to study structure activity relationships in
and not all laboratories possess suitable facilities. general. The proportion of digestible polysaccharide at a
Hence, HI measurements may offer an easier alternative. given temperature Tx relative to that present at the lowest
GI measurements seem to be becoming less popular, measured temperature T0 can be obtained from the frac-
perhaps because of the laboratory difficulties already tion [KmTx =Km0 ], where KmTx and Km0 are the experimental
mentioned and of high cost implications [76]. There is also Km values determined for starches pre-treated at tempera-

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402 P. J. Butterworth et al. Starch/Stärke 2011, 63, 395–405

comparing amylase reacting with starches from different

botanical sources or foods and/or starches that have been
pre-treated to mimic the effects on starch structure of food
processing, e.g. hydrothermal treatments [80]. The ratio
provides an extremely valuable guide to the effectiveness
of the important early stages of a-amylase action on
starch. For potato starch, CE increases 117-fold after
pre-treatment at 608C [78].
The various kinetic parameters can be compared
with the gelatinisation enthalpies of starch granules and
with granule particle size. Figure 3 shows data from a
recent study [54]. Both CE and initial hydrolysis rate are
linearly related with granule surface area. Km increases
with DH (i.e. increased order of a-glucan chains) but
CE and initial hydrolysis rate decrease with DH (Fig. 3).
These findings add weight to the assumption that kinetic
data can provide sensitive monitors for changes in starch
structure and substrate availability induced by physical
treatments [80].

7 Conclusions

Knowledge of the structures and properties of starch and

a-amylase has increased significantly in recent years.
Such information is helping our understanding, at the
molecular level, of the reasons for variations in the rates
at which starches from different botanical origins and/or
Figure 3. Relationship between catalytic parameters from different starch foods are digested by amylase. A
and gelatinisation enthalpies for various starches. (A) CE number of uncertainties still remain, however, particularly
(mM/min (mg/mL)S1 and DHgel (J/g). (B) Hydrolysis rate with regard to the full physiological importance of the
(mM/min) and DHgel (reproduced, with permission, from
products of amylase gene AMY1 and the evolutionary
ref. [53]).
significance of possession of multiple copies of amylase
genes. The choice of kinetic models for studying starch
tures Tx and T0, respectively. For example, for potato starch amylolysis in vitro is also a subject of some controversy.
the Km25 =Km60 ratio is 32.5 [78].
The turnover number kcat, gives the number of mol- The authors thank the BBSRC, Danone Research,
ecules of product formed per molecule of enzyme in unit Paris, Unilever, Colworth and RHM Technology (Premier
time. The dimensions of kcat are time1. For amylase action Foods), High Wycombe for their various financial support
on starch, the measured kcat value will reach the maximum of the work of our group over several years.
possible when access to susceptible glycosidic linkages is
not hindered by structural constraints, water molecules for The authors have declared no conflict of interest.
the hydrolytic reaction are abundant and the reaction prod-
ucts are freely expelled from the catalytic site. These
conditions are likely to be met when the enzyme acts upon 8 References
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