Finance and Economics Specialist

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Finance and Economics (B.Com.

Specialist program:
(14 full courses or their equivalent out of 20 courses, for a B.Com.)
First Year:
ECO 100Y1
ECO100Y1 Introduction to Economics [48L, 24T]
An introduction to economic analysis and its applications: price determination; the role of competition; international trade
and finance; the theory of production and employment; the role of money and the banking
system; monetary and fiscal policy. NOTE graphical and quantitative analysis are used extensively.
RSM100Y1 Introduction to Management [48L, 24T]
Introduction to management and its various subdisciplines- accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour,
operations management, and strategy. Enrolment priority is given to students entering the University with
an expressed interest in studying Commerce. Other Arts & Science students will be allowed to enrol, space permitting.
Non-Arts & Science students are ineligible to enrol in this course.
MAT 133Y1/(123H1, 124H1)/135Y1/137Y1/157Y1
Cai nay chi la calculus binh thuong thui

Second Year:
ECO 204Y1/206Y1
ECO204Y1 Microeconomic Theory and Applications (for Commerce) [48L, 24T]
The use of microeconomics to analyze a variety of issues – from marketing and finance to organizational structure.
Consumer preferences and behavior; demand, cost analysis and estimation; allocation of inputs, pricing and firm behavior
under perfect and imperfect competition; game theory and public policy, including competition policy. Business cases are
used to connect theory and practice and to highlight differences and similarities between economics and accounting,
marketing and finance. This course is restricted to students in the Commerce programs.
ECO 220Y1/227Y1/(STA250H1, STA255H1)/(STA257H1, STA261H1)
ECO220Y1 Quantitative Methods in Economics [48L, 24T]
Numerical and graphical data description techniques; data collection and sampling; probability; sampling distributions;
statistical inference; hypothesis testing and estimation; simple and multiple regression analysis. Study methods, the basis
for these methods, when each is or is not appropriate, and how to correctly interpret and explain results.
ECO 208Y1/209Y1
ECO209Y1 Macroeconomic Theory and Policy (for Commerce) [48L,24T]
Macroeconomic issues relevant for commerce students. Analytical tools are used to examine policy issues: Canadian
government budgets, Bank of Canada monetary policy, exchange rate policy, foreign trade policy and government
regulation of financial intermediaries.
This course is restricted to students in the Commerce programs.

RSM220H1 Financial Accounting (formerly MGT220H1) [24L, 24T]
This course introduces Rotman Commerce students to financial accounting including both conceptual and technical
RSM221H1 Intermediate Financial Accounting I (formerly MGT224H1) [24L, 12T]
Covers topics such as income statement and balance sheet topics with an emphasis on quality of earnings.
RSM222H1 Management Accounting I (formerly MGT223H1) [24L, 24T] Covers the conceptual and analytical
foundations of
management accounting and the applications of cost accounting information. Costing and control concepts are analyzed
to equip students with tools for establishing costing systems, making business decisions, and evaluating management
performance. Materials are designed to help students understand strategic cost management principles.
RSM230H1 Financial Markets [24L]
Introduction to Canadian and international financial markets. It provides an overview of the major financial institutions,
their roles and some problems they face, the major types of financial securities and the mechanisms under which they are
traded. It is a helpful preparation for students thinking of taking the Canadian Securities Course.
RSM250H1 Principles of Marketing (formerly MGT252H1) [24L]
Students receive an introduction to the basic concepts, theories, and methods of contemporary marketing. The course
offers a comprehensive framework to develop successful marketing efforts and allows students to create a marketing
plan. Specific topics examined: market research, consumer behaviour, segmentation, product policy, pricing, distribution,
communications, sales, and direct marketing.
Third Year:
RSM330H1 Investments (formerly MGT330H1) [24L]
This course provides an introduction to financial theories and analytical tools for making investment decisions and for
understanding how prices are determined for stocks and bonds. The course covers a broad range of topics including
asset allocation, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, anomalies, and bond portfolio management.
RSM332H1 Capital Market Theory [24L]
An introduction to capital market theory explaining how financial securities are priced. Topics covered include the time and
risk value of money, the use of discounted cash flow techniques, efficient set theory, asset pricing and market efficiency.
RSM333H1 Introduction to Corporate Finance [24L]
Application and development of the ideas in RSM332H1 to corporate finance problems such as determining the weighted
average cost of capital, project evaluation, corporate financing decisions, working capital management and initial public

2.5 300+ ECO of which no more than 1.0 can be from

ECO301Y1, 302H1, 303Y1, 307H1, 308H1, 309H1, 321Y1, 342Y1, 353Y1,
354H1, 355H1, 423H1, 429Y1, 435H1, 457Y1

ECO303Y1 The Economic History of Modern Europe to 1914 [48L, 24T]
The economic development of modern Europe, focusing on urban industrialization in the Netherlands, Great Britain,
France, Germany, and Russia, up to World War I. Major topics: technological, institutional, and social factors in economic
growth; demographic and monetary forces; structural changes in and interactions among the agrarian, commercial,
financial, and industrial sectors; international trade and capital flows; the role of the state; the role of economic theory and
ideology; theories of post-1850 imperialism.
ECO310Y1 Industrial Organization and Public Policy [48L, 24T]
Study of how firms compete and structure of markets. Emphasize oligopoly markets and use game theory. In addition to
theory, study empirical industrial organization including estimation of demand. Applications to competition policy with a
focus on evaluating antitrust implications of horizontal mergers.
ECO374H1 Applied Econometrics (for Commerce) [24L,12T]
An introduction to econometrics similar to ECO 375H, with greater focus on applications drawn from business and
financial economics. The course is built around the statistical foundations and economic applications of the multiple
regression model. Using statistical software, students will also learn how to conduct, present, and critique empirical

Fourth Year:
RSM433H1 Advanced Corporate Finance (formerly MGT431H1) [24L]
Applying fundamental finance ideas developed in RSM332H1, 333H1 to real-life problems. The course will focus on
business valuation and financial decisions in practical situations, on the assumption that students are already familiar with
basic concepts from previous finance courses.
RSM435H1 Futures and Options Markets (formerly MGT438H1) [24L]
This course covers the analysis of derivative instruments such as forwards, futures, swaps and options. By the end of the
course, students will have good knowledge of how these contracts work, how they are used and how they are priced.
RSM437H1 International Finance (formerly MGT439H1) [24L]
International financial markets, exchange rates, forward markets, interest rate parity. International dimensions of
investment, including both portfolio and foreign direct investment. International dimensions of corporate finance, including
valuation and the cost of capital of foreign investments.

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