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K. J.

Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77

(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of Mumbai)
Third Year Bachelor of Engineering
(Semester VI, all Branches)

IDC Courses
From Academic Year 2016-17
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Interdisciplinary course to be introduced at Semester VI and the policy and rules for
implementing the same

Policy for Inter Disciplinary Course (IDC)

 IDC is compulsory for all the students of SEM-VI in the College

 A student has to select any one IDC course from the list approved by the Subject Board
(Please refer to the Table1 for IDC course selection.)
 This course will not have any pre-requisite
 There will be no Lab or tutorial component for IDC.
 The maximum number of student per course may be 75.
 The minimum number of student per course may be 20.
 A student has to fill option form in SEM-V.
 If the number of student for a course exceeds 75, the allotment will be based on merit
(YPI of Second year).
 If there is demand for a particular course, then maximum students in a class of IDC
course will be 75 and to give opportunity to all branch students maximum number of
students/branch may be 15
 Student not giving the option form in stipulated time, the allotment of IDC course will
be done by the Parent Department.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Table 1: List of T.Y.B.Tech. Interdisciplinary course for VI 2016-17

Department Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Course Department wise eligibility to give a choice for Interdisciplinary course
Offering the Course Code Name for students
Interdisciplinary COMP ETRX EXTC IT MECH
Computer UCEI 601 Management Information Systems Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible
UCEI 602 Software Engineering Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

UCEI 603 Operation Research Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible

UCEI 604 Data Structures & Algorithms Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

UCEI 605 Database Management Systems Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible

Electronics UEXI 601 Electrical and Electronic Instruments Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible
UEXI 602 Photovoltaic system Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible

UEXI 603 Electrical Machines Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

UEXI 604 Machine Learning and Fuzzy system Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

Electronics and UETI601 Basics of Very Large Scale Integrated Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible
Telecommunicati Circuits (VLSI)
UETI602 Neural Network and Fuzzy logic Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible
on Engineering
UETI603 Wireless Communication Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

UETI604 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible
and Interpretation
Information UITI6 01 Management Information Systems Eligible Not Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible
UITI6 02 Software Engineering Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

UITI6 03 Cyber Security Awareness Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible

UITI6 04 E-Business Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

UITI6 05 IT as Enabler for Start- up Not- Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible

UITI6 06 Social Media Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible

UITI6 07 Business Analytics Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible

Mechanical UMEI601 Mechatronics Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible
UMEI602 Basic Automobile Engineering Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible

UMEI603 Supply Chain Management Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible

UMEI604 Alternate Energy and Energy Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible
UMEI605 Management decision Making Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible

UMEI606 Operation research Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible

Total number of IDC available for each department 22 16 16 15 14

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Table 2: List of additional IDC’s approved from academic year 2018-19

Revised as per approval of academic board meeting on 7 th April 2018
Department Interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Course Department wise eligibility to give a choice for Interdisciplinary course
Offering the Course Code Name for students
Interdisciplinary COMP ETRX EXTC IT MECH
Electronics UEXI605 Numerical Methods for engineers Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible
Electronics and UETI605 Big Data-Principles and Practices Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible
UETI606 Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible
on Engineering
Information UITI608 Exploratory Data Analysis Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible
UITI6 09 Block Chain Technology Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible

UITI610 Fundamentals of Cryptography Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

Mechanical UMEI607 Industrial Management Not- Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible Eligible
UMEI608 Vehicle safety Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Not- Eligible Eligible

Total number of additional IDC‟s available for each department 3 6 6 5 7

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Interdisciplinary Course floated by:

Department of Computer Engineering

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme (Hrs) Credits Assigned


Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total

UCEI Management
601 Information 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Theory Marks Term Practic Oral Total
Work al
# Internal Assessment @
Test Test In Semester Sem
1 2 Assessment Exam

UCEI 601 Information 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to 60 marks

Course Outcomes:

Course After successful completion of the course students should be able to

Understand the basic concepts and technologies used in the field of management information systems
Identify with the processes of developing and implementing information Systems.

Develop an understanding of how various information systems work together and study of functional
CO3 areas of E-Business systems.

Learn about the importance of decision support systems for managing organizational change
CO4 associated with IT process and solutions.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit
Topics Hrs.
No. No.

1.0 Information Systems in Business 04

1.1 Introduction to MIS, Overview of MIS, Structure of MIS, Need

for MIS, Trends in MIS, Types of MIS, Management Challenges
of Information Technology.

2.0 Databases and Information Management 06

2.1 Strategic Information System, Competitive strategy concepts,

Strategies in information technology: BPR (Business Process Re-
engineering) and TQM (Total Quality Management).
Types of databases; data warehousing; data mining; OLAP(On-
2.2 line Analytical Processing); OLTP(On-line Transaction
Processing); Data resource management.
3.0 Development of MIS 06

3.1 Development of Long Range Plans of MIS , Ascertaining the class

of Information , Determining the Information Requirement,
Development and Implementation of MIS , Management of
Quality in MIS , Organization for development of MIS
MIS : the factors for Success and Failure
4.0 E-Business Systems 08

4.1 Functional areas of business, Transaction Processing System(TPS)

, Enterprise Collaboration System(ECS) , Customer Relationship
Management(CRM) , Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP) ,
Supply Chain Management(SCM) , Electronic Data Interchange
5.0 Decision Support Systems 08

5.1 Levels of Decision Making , Decision Support Systems(DSS) ,

Management Information System(MIS) , Enterprise Information
Portals(EIP) , Knowledge Management System(KMS).
6.0 Developing IT Process And Solutions 07

6.1 Organizational Planning, Business Application Planning Process,

Implementation Challenges, Change Management.

System Approach : SDLC model , Prototyping ; Systems

6.2 Development Process : Feasibility Study , System Analysis ,
Design , Implementation and Evaluation ; Benchmarking , PERT
and CPM
Total 39

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Recommended Books:

1. Laudon, K.C and Laudon, J.P. Management Information

system : A Contempory Perspective Maxwell MacMillan, 1990.
2. O‟Breien, James A.: Management Information System – Managerial
End User Perspective, Galgotia.
3. Davis G.B. Olson M.H ―Management Information System–
Conceptual Foundation Structures and Development, Davis, G.B. and Olson,
McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 1985.
4. Reema Theraja “Data warehousing”, Oxford University Press.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Course Course
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical/ Tutorial Total
Code Name Oral
Software 03 ---
UCEI602 --- 03 --- --- 03

Examination Scheme

Theory Marks

#Continuous Assessment

@End Term
IA Practical Oral Total
Course Name Test1 Test 2 Sem. Work
Software Exam
UCEI602 15 15 10 60 --- --- ---
Engineering 100
# There is no separate head of passing for individual component of CA.

@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled down to 60 marks.

Course After successful completion of the course students should be able to


CO1 Recognize process models, activities, risks, tools, techniques used in software engineering

CO2 Model the requirements of software

CO3 Design software, test cases and access quality of software

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit
Topics Hrs.
No. No.

1.0 Introduction 07

1.1 Software Engineering, Layered Technology, Application, Process

Framework, Capability Maturity Model (CMM).

Process Models – Prescriptive Models: Waterfall Model,

1.2 Incremental, RAD; Evolutionary Process Models: Prototyping,
Spiral; Specialized Models: Component based, Aspect Oriented
development, Test Driven Development.
Agile methodology– Agile Process, Extreme programming (XP).

2.0 Requirements Engineering and Analysis 07

2.1 Requirements Engineering Tasks, Functional and non functional

requirements, Requirement gathering methods, Software
Requirements Specification (SRS).
2.2 Modeling – Use cases, Activity diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams
(DFD), State diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Class diagrams

3.0 Software project planning and management 07

3.1 Software Estimation – Cost/Effort estimation: COCOMO basic,

Software Project Management Plan (SPMP).

Scheduling – Work breakdown Structure, Gantt Chart, Tracking the

Risk Management – Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk

3.4 Software Configuration Management – Software Configuration

Items, SCM process: Identification, Version and Change control,
Configuration audit, Status reporting.

4.0 Software Design 07

4.1 Design concepts – Analysis model, Design model, Design

principles and concepts, Software Design Document (SDD).

Software design– Data design: EER, Class; Architecture Styles;

User Interface Design: rules, process; Component level design:
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Component, Views, Effective modular design, Cohesion and


5.0 Software Quality and testing 07

5.1 Software Quality Assurance –Quality and Quality Assurance,

Goals, Activities, Formal Technical Reviews (FTR), Mc‟call
Quality Factors, Quality Metrics: Reliability and Availability,
Quality Assurance Standards.

5.2 Testing– Strategies, Test Cases, White Box Testing: Basis Path test
case design, Black Box Testing: Equivalence Class Partitioning and
Boundary Value Analysis, System and Validation testing, Software
Test Document (STD).

OO Testing Methods – OO Testing Strategies, Test case design:

Class Level and Interclass Level.

6.0 Deployment and Maintenance 04

6.1 Deployment concepts, Deployment model.

6.2 Software Maintenance –Types, Reverse Engineering, Re-


Total 39

Recommended Books :
1. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A practitioners Approach, 7th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. Ian Somerville, Software Engineering, 9th edition, Addison Wesley, 2011
3. Watts Humphrey, Managing software process, Pearson education, 2003.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Title Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UCEI603 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Course Course Title Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous assessment @End Work
Test Test In Sem.
1 2 semester Exam
Assessment (ESE)
UCEI603 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
# There is no separate head of passing for individual component of CA.

@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled down to 60 marks.

Course After successful completion of the course students should be able to

Model and solve problem using linear programming techniques.

Implement algebraic solution using simplex method and perform sensitivity analysis.

Define transportation model and apply transportation algorithm in a known situation.


Decide strategy to be adopted by using Game theory.

Use montecarlo and spreadsheet as simulation tool effectively for various operation
research applications.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit No. Details of Topic Hrs.

1.0 Basics of Operation Research
1.1 Overview of operation research, objectives.
1.2 Applications of various operation research techniques. 02
1.3 Phases of operation research
1.4 Models in operation research.
2.0 Linear Programming I – Formulation & Graphic
2.1 Linear Programming introduction
2.2 Formulation of Linear Programming problems.
2.3 Graphical LP solution of a maximization and minimization
2.4 Linear Programming Applications
2.4.1 Investment
2.4.2 Product Planning and Inventory Control
2.4.3 Manpower Planning
2.4.4 Urban Development Planning
2.4.5 Blending and Refining
3.0 Linear Programming II – Simplex Method
3.1 Simplex Algorithm
3.2 Artificial variable technique: Big M method.
3.3 Special Cases in the Simplex Method 08
3.3.1 Degeneracy
3.3.2 Alternative Optima
3.3.3 Unbounded Solution
3.3.4 Infeasible Solution
3.4 Principle of Duality, Primal Dual relationship
3.5 Sensitivity analysis of Simplex method.
4.0 Transportation model and its variants
4.1 Transportation problem: Formulation, Optimal solution,
4.2 Assignment problem: Formulation, Optimal solution,
Traveling Salesman problem. 09
4.3 Sequencing: Introduction - Flow Shop sequencing, n jobs
through two machines, n jobs through three machines, Job
shop sequencing, two jobs through m machines.

5.0 Decision Analysis and Game Theory

5.1 Decision Making under Certainty –Analytic Hierarchy
Process (AHP) 07

5.2 Decision Making under Risk

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

5.2.1 Decision Tree-Based Expected Value Criterion

5.2.2 Variants of the Expected Value Criterion
5.3 Game theory: Optimal solution of two person zero sum
5.4 Solution of Mixed Strategy Games.
6.0 Simulation Modeling
6.1 Monte Carlo Simulation,
6.2 Types of Simulation, Elements of Discrete Event 05
Simulation, Generic Definition of Events, Sampling from
Probability Distributions
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. Taha, Hamdy A. “Operations Research” Pearson, 2011.
2. Operations Research: Principle and Practices, A. Ravindran, D. Phillips, Wiley India.
3. Operations Research, S. D. Sharma, Kedar Nath Ram Nath-Meerut.
4. N.D. Vhora “Quantitative Techniques in Management” TMH, 3rd edition.
5. Operations Research, Kanti Swarup, P. K. Gupta and Man Mohan, Sultan Chand &

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Title Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UCEI604 Data 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
Structures &

Course Course Title Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous @En Wor
assessment d k
Tes Tes In Sem.
t1 t 2 semester Exam
Assessment (ESE)
UCEI604 Data 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
# There is no separate head of passing for individual component of CA.

@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled down to 60 marks.

Course Outcomes: After completing this course, students will be able to

CO1 Explain the different data structures used in problem solving.

CO2 Use linear and non-linear data structure in domain like compiler
construction, DBMS etc..

CO3 Demonstrate sorting and searching methods.

CO4 Choose the appropriate data structure for specified problem definition.

CO5 Compare and demonstrate the efficiency of algorithms using asymptotic

complexity notations.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs.

No. No.
Data Structures and Algorithms
1.0 Introduction to Data Structure 02
1.1 Types of Data Structure, ADT (Abstract data type)
2.0 Linear data structure: Linked Lists
2.1 Linked list as ADT, Memory allocation & Deallocation for a
Linked List, Linked List operations, Types of Linked List,
Implementation of Linked List.
Circular linked list, doubly linked list
Application of Linked List: Polynomial manipulation
3.0 Linear data structure: Stacks and Queues
3.1 Stack: The Stack as an ADT, Stack operations, Array
Representation of Stack, Linked Representation of Stack, 10
Application of stack-polish notation .
3.2 Queues: The Queue as an ADT, Queue operation, Array
Representation of Queue, Linked Representation of Queue,
and Circular Queue. Application of Queues – Simulation.
4.0 Non-Linear data structures: Trees, Graph
4.1 Trees: Basic trees concept, Binary tree representation,
Binary tree operation, Binary tree traversal, Binary search
tree implementation. 06
4.2 Graph: Basic concepts, Graph Representation, Graph
traversal (DFS & BFS)
5.0 Searching and Sorting
5.1 Sorting :Sort Concept, Selection sort, Insertion Sort, Quick
Sort, , Merge Sort 06
5.2 Searching : Linear Search,Binary Search,Index Sequential
6.0 Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms
6.1 Decision and analysis fundamentals, Performance analysis,
space and time complexity. Growth of function – Big –Oh, 05
Omega, Theta notation,Analysis of selection sort, insertion

Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Data Structures A Psedocode Approach with C, Richard F. Gilberg & Behrouz A.

Forouzan, second edition, CENGAGE Learning.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

2. Y. Langsam, M. Augenstin and A. Tannenbaum, “Data Structures using C”, Pearson

Education Asia, Second Edition, 2002, ISBN 978-81-317-0229-1.

3. Ellis horowitz ,sartajSahni , s. Rajsekaran. “Fundamentals of computer algorithms”

University Press.

4. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, S.Anderson-freed, “Fundamentals of Data Structures in C”, 2nd

Edition, University Press, ISBN 978-81-7371-605-8

5. Introduction to Data Structure and its Applications Jean-Paul Tremblay, P. G. Sorenson.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Title Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UCEI Database
605 Management 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Course Course Title Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous assessment @End Work
Test Test In semester Sem.
1 2 Assessment Exam
(IA) (ESE)
UCEI 605 Database
Management 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
# There is no separate head of passing for individual component of CA.

@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled down to 60 marks.

Course After successful completion of the course students should be able to

CO1 Design entity-relationship diagram to represent different database application
CO2 Formulate SQL queries on the databases
CO3 Define and apply integrity constraints and improve database design using normalization
CO4 Demonstrate the concept of transaction, concurrency control techniques.

CO5 Perform Database connectivity with various front end software

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit No. Details of Topic Hrs.

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Introduction, Characteristics of databases, File system V/s
Database system, Users of Database system, Concerns when using
an enterprise database, Data Independence, Logical View of Data, (04)
Keys, Integrity Rules, Relational set operators, Data Dictionary.
1.2 DBMS system architecture, Database Administrator
2.0 Entity–Relationship Data Model
2.1 Introduction, Benefits of Data Modeling, Types of Models, Phases
of Database Modeling, The Entity-Relationship (ER) Model,
Development of ER Diagrams
2.2 Enhanced Entity-Relationship (EER)- Generalization,
Specialization and Aggregation
3.0 Structured Query Language (SQL)
3.1 Introduction to SQL: SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure of SQL
Queries, Data Definition Commands
3.2 Set operations, aggregate function, null values, Data Manipulation
3.3 Data Control commands , Views in SQL (09)
3.4 Nested and complex queries,
3.5 Domain Constraints, Integrity Constraints , Referential integrity,
3.6 Assertions Trigger.
3.7 Security and authorization in SQL
4.0 Relational–Database Design
4.1 First Normal Form, Pitfalls in Relational-Database designs
4.2 Function Dependencies, Armstrong Axioms
4.3 2nd , 3rd , BCNF and 4th normal form
4.4 Decomposition, desirable properties of decomposition
4.5 Overall database design process
5.0 Transactions Management and Concurrency
5.1 Transaction concept, Transaction states, ACID properties
5.2 Implementation of atomicity and durability, Concurrent Executions
5.3 Serializability, Recoverability, Implementation of isolation
5.4 Concurrency Control: Lock-based ,Timestamp-based, Validation-
based protocols, Deadlock handling
6.0 Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
6.1 ODBC with JAVA with DSN and without DSN (06)
6.2 ODBC with VB with DSN and without DSN
Total 39

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Recommended Books :

1. G. K. Gupta:”Database Management Systems”, McGraw – Hill.

2. Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts” McGraw Hill, 6th
3. Elmasri and Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson Education
4. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gerhke, “Database Management Systems” McGraw

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Interdisciplinary Course floated by:

Department of Electronics Engineering

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UEXI Electrical and 03 - - 03 - - 03
601 Electronic

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Internal assessment End Work
Test Test Internal Sem.
1 2 Assessments Exam
UEXI Electrical and 15 15 10 60 - - - 100
601 Electronic

Course Outcomes: After the successful completion of the course student should be able to
 Understand the working principle and operation instruments for measuring various physical
 Analyze and interpret different forms of signal
 Understand different signal generators
 Test specific quantities and components
 Measure the quantities with respect to time.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Details of Topic Hrs.

Unit No.
1. 0 Metering instruments
Quantities to be measured, Different criteria for classifying measuring
1.1 instruments, Accuracy and precision, errors involved in the
Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, ampere hour meter, watt-hour meter,
Capacitance meter, Distortion meter, Electric energy meter,
Galvanometer, LCR meter, Multimeter, Ohmmeter, frequency meter, 14
Odometer, calorimeter, thermometer, weighing scale, tangent
galvanometer, absolute electrometer, tachometer, tong meter, RPM
1.3 CRO, DSO,logiscope
2.0 Analyzing instruments
2.1 Logic analyzer, signal analyzer, spectrum analyzer, Antenna analyzer 04

3.0 Generating instruments

Arbitrary waveform generator, Digital pattern generator, function

generator, video signal generator, Marx generator, Noise generator,
pulse generator, Time-base generator, RF generator

4.0 Testing instruments

Phase tester, IC tester, High voltage tester, 04

5.0 Recording instruments

X-Y plotter, chart recorders, data loggers, barographs, phasor
5.1 05
measurement unit
5.2 Universal programmer

Recommended Books:

A K Sawhney, A course in electrical and electronic measurements and instrumentation,

DhanpatRai Publication

E W Golding, F C Widdis, Electrical measurements and measuring instruments,

Bernard M. Oliver, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, Tata Mc-Graw Hill

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

UEXI Photovoltaic Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
602 System 03 - - 03 - - 03

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Internal assessment End Work
Test Test Internal Sem.
1 2 Assessments Exam
UEXI Photovoltaic 15 15 10 60 - - - 100
602 System

Course Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the course student should be able to
 Appreciate energy needs and potential of solar energy.
 Know physics and fabrication techniques of Solar cell
 Integrate allied systems to harness solar energy
 Design simple stand-alone solar system.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Details of Topic Hrs.

Unit No.
1. 0 Our Energy needs and Solar PV
Energy scenario of the world, current energy resources and reserves, Total
world‟s and India‟s energy consumption, potential of solar energy and solar PV. 06
1.1 Basics required for optimizing solar energy collection and tracking strategies for
solar panels.
2.0 Physics of Solar Cell and Fabrication Technology
Illumination of P-N junction diode, generation of photo voltage 06
(photovoltaic effect), Solar cell as power source, carrier concentration
2.1 profile in solar cells, current-voltage relationship of solar cells, Isc,
Voc, FF and η of solar cells Power rating of solar cells, input power,
peak output/rated power. Crystalline and thin film technologies
3.0 Solar Cells to Solar Module
I-V characteristics of solar cell, Experimental techniques to determine
the characteristics of Solar cells, solar cells connected in series and 06
3.1 parallel, PV arrays, Characterization of PV modules under different
standard test conditions, power curve of modules, Effect of solar
radiation and temperature variation on module parameters.
4.0 Solar Photovoltaic System Components
Charge Controllers, MPPT; Buck, Boost Converters, Batteries- tubular,
4.1 SMF and 12V lead-acid batteries, Battery charge-discharge curves, 12
Inverters and grid-connected inverters.
5.0 Solar Photovoltaic System Design and Applications
Stand-alone and home system design, Solar lanterns, street-lights;
Battery sizing, Storage autonomy. Grid connected SPV,; Reliability 09
Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. C S Solanki , Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamental, technologies and applications , Prentice

Hall of India, 2011
2. A K Mukharjee, Nivedita Thakur Photovoltaic Systems: Analysis and Design,PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.-New Delhi. 2011

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

UEXI Electrical Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
603 Machines 03 - - 03 - - 03

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Internal assessment End Work
Test Test Internal Sem.
1 2 Assessments Exam
UEXI Electrical 15 15 10 60 - - - 100
603 Machines

Course Outcome:
After the successful completion of the course student should be able to
 Understand the operation of Transformers and their applications
 Apply principle of electromechanical energy conversion
 Analyze different parameters of Induction Motor.
 Select motor for specific application needs.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Details of Topic Hrs.

Unit No.
1. 0 Single phase transformer
Single phase transformer: construction and working , emf equation,
ideal 08
transformer, ratings of the transformer, practical transformer
1.1 ,equivalent circuit, phasor diagram of ideal and practical transformer,
losses in transformer, O.C. & S.C. tests, efficiency & regulation, All
day efficiency.
2.0 DC Generators & Motors:
Construction and working principle of DC generators and motors such 06
as series, shunt and compound, e.m.f. equation, characteristics,
2.1 Starting of d.c shunt motor, starters for shunt motor.
Speed control of shunt and series motors, Power stages, Applications.
3.0 Three phase Induction Motor
Construction, working principle, squirrel cage rotor & phase wound rotor,
production of rotating magnetic field, slip, equivalent circuit, Power
3.1 stages, Applications, Basic principles of starting induction motor by direct
on line, reactor, autotransformer, star-delta and rotor resistance starters,
Speed control methods.
4.0 Single phase Induction Motor
Construction, Working Principle, Double field revolving theory
Staring methods: Split phase, capacitor start, capacitor start and run,
4.1 shaded pole,
Equivalent circuit: Determination of equivalent circuit parameters by no
load and block rotor test
5.0 Special purpose motors
Stepper Motors
Constructional features, working principle, types, characteristics. 07
AC & DC Servo Motors
Principle of operation
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Working principle and operation
Brushless DC Motors
Working principle and operation
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1) B. L. Theraja, “A Textbook of Electrical Technology, Volume II”, S. Chand, 2006
2) Mittle and Mittle, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2 nd edition (New)
3) Ashfaq Husain, “Electric Machines”, Dhanpat Rai & Co., 2 nd Edition
4) Vincent Del Toro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, Prentice HallIndia.2nd edition,
5) Hughes, “Electrical and Electronic Technology”, Pearson Education, 9th edition, 2008

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

UEXI Machine Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
604 Learning and 03 -- --- 03 -- -- 03
Fuzzy system

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Internal assessment End Work
Test Test Internal Sem.
1 2 Assessments Exam
UEXI Machine 15 15 10 60 - - - 100
604 Learning and
Fuzzy system

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. Understand basics of biological Neural Network.
2. Understand basics of artificial Neural Network
3. Apply concepts of ANN
4. Recognize different pattern using ANN.
5. Understand and apply fuzzy logics

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Details of Topic Hrs.

Unit No.
Evolution of neural networks; Artificial Neural Network: Basic model,
Classification, Feed forward and Recurrent topologies, Activation
functions; Learning algorithms: Supervised, Un-supervised and
Reinforcement; Fundamentals of connectionist modeling: Mc-Culloach –
Pits model, Perceptron, Adaline, Madaline.

Topology of Multi-layer perceptron, Back propagation learning

algorithm, limitations of Multi-layer perceptron. Radial Basis Function
networks: Topology and its learning algorithm



Clustering. K-means. EM. Mixture of Gaussians. Principal components

analysis. Kohenen‟s self-organising network: Topology, algorithm;
Bidirectional associative memory learning algorithm, Applications.
Hopfield Neural Network, Learning Vector Quantization.


Basic concepts of fuzzy logic, Fuzzy sets and Crisp sets, Fuzzy set
theory and operations, Properties of fuzzy sets, Fuzzy and Crisp
relations, Fuzzy to Crisp conversion.
Fuzzy Logic –II (Fuzzy Membership, Rules) Membership functions,
interference in fuzzy logic, fuzzy if-then rules, Fuzzy implications and
Fuzzy algorithms, Fuzzyfications & Defuzzificataions, Fuzzy
Controller, Industrial applications.
Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. ReJacek M Zaurada, “Introduction to artificial neural Networks” Jaico Publishing

Home, Fouth edition.
2. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks” Pearson Education.
3. Yegna-Narayanan, “Artificial Neural Networks”.8th Printing. PHI (2003).
4. Timothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications” Wiley India.
5. Kumar Satish, “Neural Networks” Tata Mc Graw Hill.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Interdisciplinary Course floated by:

Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UETI601 Basics of 3 - - 3 - - 3
Very Large

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous assessment @End Work
Test Test In semester Sem.
1 2 Assessment Exam
UETI601 Basics of Very 15 15 10 60 - - - 100
Large Scale
# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled
to 60 marks
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to :
1. Understand Integrated circuits and fabrication
2. Understand MOS transistors
3. Design layouts CMOS gates
4. Understand memory and clocked circuits
5. Understand large scale design issues

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs

No. No.
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Integrated circuits types as SSI, MSI, VLSI, ULSI, Revolutions in VLSI, 1
Overview of VLSI design flow
1.2 IC fabrication such as Crystal growing, wafer cleaning, oxidation, 3
annealing, patternization using photolithography technique, diffusion,
metallization, ion-implantation etc. (only qualitative treatment).
2.1 MOSFET transistors, semiconductors Physics of MOS, MOSFET 3
transistors, Threshold voltage, I-V characteristics
2.2 MOS types: PMOS, NMOS, CMOS, fabrication of all these MOS 5
2.3 MOSFET parasitic, MOS capacitors 2
3 CMOS Digital gates and circuits 10
3.1 Inverters, types, design parameters of Inverter: Noise Margins, delay, 3
power dissipation and area
3.2 CMOS inverter DC and Transient response, Symmetric and Asymmetric 3
CMOS Inverter
3.3 CMOS NOR and NAND gates, Stick diagram, Layout design rules, 4
Layout of CMOS Inverter, NOR and NAND gates, Scaling
4 Arithmetic circuits, Memory elements and flip-flops 9
4.1 Arithmetic circuits: Half adder, full adder, carry look ahead adders, 4
multipliers; Programmable logic arrays
4.2 Memory elements like SRAM, DRAM,ROM 2
4.3 Clocked flip-flops: D flip-flop 1
4.4 CMOS clock styles, Clock generation and distribution 2
5 5.1 Large scale physical design 6
5.2 Interconnected Delay Modeling, Crosstalk Interconnected Scaling 2
5.3 Floor planning & Routing, I/P & O/P Circuit 2
5.4 Power dissipation and Consumption, Low power design considerations 2
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design Kang Leblebici Tata McGraw Hill
3rd Publication
2.Introduction to VLSI Design; Fabricius; Tata McGraw Hill
3.Principles of CMOS VLSI Design; Weste Eshragghian; Pearson
4.Basic VLSI Design; Pucknell, Eshragghian; PHI publications
5.Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems; Uyemura; Wiley Publications

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UETI602 Neural Network
3 - - 3 - - 3
and Fuzzy logic

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous assessment @End Work
Test Test In semester Sem.
1 2 Assessment Exam
UETI602 Neural Network
15 15 10 60 - - - 100
and Fuzzy logic
# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled
to 60 marks
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to :
1. Understand different neural networks, their architecture and training algorithm
2. Understand the concept of Fuzzy logic, Fuzzy Sets, fuzzy rules and fuzzy reasoning
3. Apply the concepts of neural networks and fuzzy logic to design application and solve real world

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic

No. No.
1 Introduction to Neural Networks & its Basic Concepts
1.1 Biological Neurons & McCulloc & Pitts Model of Neuron
1.2 Neural Network Architectures, Types of Activation Functions, Linearly
separable and linearly non-separable systems and their examples
1.3 Learning process and rules, concepts of supervised learning, and
unsupervised learning
2 Supervised & Unsupervised Learning principles
2.1 Feed forward neural networks: Perceptron, Multilayer feed forward neural
networks, Error back propagation learning
2.2 Radial basis function networks: structure and Hybrid training algorithm,
RBF networks for pattern classification
2.3 Self –organizing maps: Pattern clustering, Kohonen‟s self-organizing map
3 Special Network and application
3.1 Support vector machines
3.2 Hopfield model, Recurrent neural network
3.3 Pattern classification, Handwritten character recognition
4 Fuzzy Logic
4.1 Fuzzy set, Basic concepts of fuzzy sets, membership functions
4.2 Basic operations on fuzzy sets, Properties of fuzzy sets
4.3 Fuzzy relations, Fuzzification and defuzzification and their methods
4.4 fuzzy If – Then rules, fuzzy mapping rules and fuzzy implication
5 Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Systems
5.1 Fuzzy pattern recognition
5.2 Simple applications of Fuzzy knowledge based controllers like washing
machines, traffic regulations
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. Simon Haykin., “Neural Network- A Comprehensive Foundation”, Pearson Education.
2. S. N. Sivanandam, and S. N. Deepa “Principles of Soft Computing”, Wiley India, Second
Edition, 2012
3. Thimothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, Wiley India Publications,
Third Edition, 2012
4. S. N. Sivanandam, S. Sumathi, and S. N. Deepa, “Introduction to Neural Network Using
MATLAB”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, 2012

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UETI603 Wireless 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous assessment @End Work
Test Test In semester Sem.
1 2 Assessment Exam
UETI603 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled
to 60 marks
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to :
1. understand fundamentals of mobile communication
2. understand various modulation techniques for wireless communication
3. understand basic concepts of wireless networks

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs

No. No.
1 Introduction To Wireless Communication 05
1.1 Types of Services, Requirements for the services, Economic and social aspects,
Technical Challenges of Wireless Communications, Multipath propagation,
Spectrum Limitations, Energy Limitations, User Mobility, Noise and
Interference limited systems, Link Budget of wireless systems
2 Cellular System Fundamentals 09
2.1 Frequency Division Multiple access, Time Division Multiple access,
Space Division Multiple access
2.2 Frequency reuse, channel assignment strategies, handoff strategies,
interference and system capacity, trunking and grade of service,
improving coverage and capacity of cellular systems.
3 Modulation Techniques for Mobile Radio 09
3.1 QPSK, π/4 QPSK, MPSK, MFSK, QAM, MSK, Gaussian MSK and OFDM

3.2 Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques: Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum

(DSSS) and Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
4 Wireless Systems and Standards 10
4.1 GSM Network architecture, signaling protocol architecture, channels,
introduction frame structure, speech coder , authentication and security,
call procedure, handoff procedure,
4.2 GSM evolution in GPRS and EDGE: Architecture and services offered
4.3 IS-95(CDMA-1): Frequency and channel specifications of forward and
reverse CDMA channel, packet and frame formats
5 Wireless Networks 06
5.1 Personal Area Networks: Bluetooth, Zigbee; Local Area Networks: WiFi;
Metropolitan Area Networks: WiMax

Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. „Wireless Communications‟ by Theodore s. Rappaport, Publication: Pearson
2. „Wireless Communications‟ by Andreas. F. Molisch, Publication: John Wiley – India
3. „Wireless Communications & Networking‟ by Vijay K. Garg, Publication: Morgan

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Semester VI
Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Credits Assigned
Course Name
Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory TW/Practical Tutorial Total
Methods for
UETI604 Data Analysis 3 - - 3 - - 3

Examination Scheme
Theory Marks
Continuous Assessment
Course Practical
Course Name (CA) End Term
Code and Oral Total
Internal Sem. Work
Test Test Oral
Assessment Exam
1 2
Methods for
UETI604 Data Analysis 15 15 10 60 - - - 100

# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled
to 60 marks

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course the student will be able to :
1. Summarize and present data in meaningful ways, test for relationships within data, draw inference
about the nature of data from visual and numeric representation of data.
2. Apply estimation and testing methods (confidence intervals and hypothesis tests) to analyze single
variables and the relationship between two variables in order to understand the problem under study
make data-based decisions.
3. Develop awareness about availability and use of statistical software tools to summarize data
numerically and visually, and to perform data analysis.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs

No. No.
1 Descriptive statistics 4
1.1 Introduction to statistics: data collection, descriptive and inferential
statistics , probability models, population and sample
1.2 Graphical data representation techniques: frequency tables and graphs,
relative frequency tables and graphs, grouped data, histogram, ogives,
stem and leaf plots, pie chart
1.3 Numerical data representation techniques: sample mean, sample median,
sample mode, sample variance, sample standard deviation, sample
percentiles, box plots, paired data sets, sample correlation coefficient
2 Probability and Random Variables 12
2.1 Basics of probability: random experiment, sample space and events, Venn
diagrams, axioms of probability, basic principle of counting, conditional
probability, Bayes theorem, independent events
2.2 Random variables: Notion of a random variable, types of random variable,
cumulative distribution function, probability density function, jointly
distributed random variables, marginal probability density function,
independent random variables, conditional distributions
2.3 Expected value of random variables: expectation, variance, covariance,
moment generating function
2.4 Special random variables and their properties: Bernoulli , Binomial,
Poisson, Geometric, Uniform, Gaussian, Exponential
3 Hypothesis testing 12
3.1 Central limit theorem ,distribution of sampling statistics- sample mean,
sample variance
3.2 Parameter estimation: point and interval estimate of parameter, maximum
likelihood estimator, confidence interval and its interpretation
3.3 Introduction to hypothesis testing :Notion of a statistical hypothesis , null
and alternate hypothesis, simple and composite hypothesis, type I and
type II errors, level of significance, p-value and power of test, acceptance
and rejection regions, one sided and two sided tests, test procedure
3.4 Hypothesis tests for normal population: Tests for inference of mean of a single
normal population, tests for inference of equality of means of two normal
4 Regression 6
4.1 Simple linear regression: Relationship between two numerical variables,
Linear regression with a single predictor, Outliers in linear regression,
Inference for linear regression
4.2 Multiple linear regression: Regression with multiple predictors, Inference
for multiple linear regression, predicting future responses, Model
5 Analysis of Variance 5
5.1 One way analysis of variance: The sum of squares identity, one-way
analysis of variance with unequal sample means, two-factor analysis of

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

5.2 Two-way analysis of variance
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. Probability & Statistics for Engineering & Scientists , Sheldon M. Ross Academic
Press , Fourth Edition(Indian)
2. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers Douglas C. Montgomery, G. C.
Runger Wiley (6th edition)
3. An Introduction to the Theory of statistics A. M. Mood and F. A. Graybill Prentice
Hall of India

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Interdisciplinary Course floated by:

Department of Information Technology

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI601 Management 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI601 Management 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

# There is no separate head of passing for individual component of CA.

@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled down to 60 marks.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course a student will be able to
1. Understand basic concepts and applications of MIS.
2. Analyze and Design MIS
3. Understand different infrastructure used in MIS

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs.

No No.


Management Information Systems in a Digital Firm, E-Business
Enterprise: A Digital Firm, Strategic Management of Business
Information, Knowledge, Business Intelligence
Information Technology: Impact on Society
Systems Engineering: Analysis and Design
Development Process of MIS
Strategic Design of MIS
Business Process Re-engineering
Applications in Manufacturing Sector
Applications in Service Sector
Decision Support Systems and Knowledge Management
Enterprise Management Systems
Technology of Information Systems
Database and Client Server Architecture
Data Warehousing: architecture and Implementation
E-Business Technology

Recommended Books:

1. Waman S. Jawadekar, “Management Information Systems: Text & Cases, A Digital

FirmPerspective”, 04th Edition , TMH Publications, 2009.
2. James A. O‟Brien,“Management Information Systems”, TMH Publications.
3. Robert g. Murdick, Joel E. Ross,”Information Systems for Modern Management”, 3rd
Edition, PHI Publications, 2005

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI602 Software 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI602 Software 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
# There is no separate head of passing for individual component of CA.

@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled down to 60 marks.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course a student will be able to
1. Recognize process models, activities, risks, tools, techniques used in software engineering .
2. Model the requirements of software .
3. Design software, test cases and access quality of software.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs.

No No.

Software Engineering, Layered Technology, Application, Process
Framework, Capability Maturity Model (CMM).
Process Models – Prescriptive Models: Waterfall Model,
Incremental, RAD; Evolutionary Process Models: Prototyping,
Spiral; Specialized Models: Component based, Aspect Oriented
development, Test Driven Development.
Agile methodology– Agile Process, Extreme programming (XP).


Requirements Engineering Tasks, Functional and non-functional
requirements, Requirement gathering methods, Software
Requirements Specification (SRS).
Modeling – Use cases, Activity diagrams, Data Flow Diagrams
(DFD), State diagrams, Sequence diagrams, Class diagrams


Software Estimation – Cost/Effort estimation: COCOMO basic,
Software Project Management Plan (SPMP).
Scheduling – Work breakdown Structure, Gantt Chart, Tracking the
Risk Management – Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk
Software Configuration Management – Software Configuration
Items, SCM process: Identification, Version and Change control,
Configuration audit, Status reporting.
Design concepts – Analysis model vs Design model, Design principles
and concepts, Software Design Document (SDD).
Software design– Data design: EER, Class; Architecture Styles; User
Interface Design: rules, process; Component level design: Component,
Views, Effective modular design, Cohesion and Coupling

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)


Software Quality Assurance –Quality and Quality Assurance, Goals,
Activities, Formal Technical Reviews (FTR), Mc‟call Quality
Factors, Quality Metrics: Reliability and Availability, Quality
Assurance Standards.
Testing– Strategies, Test Cases, White Box Testing: Basis Path test
case design, Black Box Testing: Equivalence Class Partitioning and
Boundary Value Analysis, System and Validation testing, Software
Test Document (STD).
OO Testing Methods – OO Testing Strategies, Test case design:
Class Level and Interclass Level.
Deployment concepts, Deployment model.
Software Maintenance –Types, Reverse Engineering, Re-engineering

Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A practitioners Approach, 7th Edition,

McGraw Hill, 2010.
2. Ian Somerville, Software Engineering, 9th edition, Addison Wesley, 2011.
3. Timothy C. Lethbridge, Robert Laganiere “ Object-Oriented Software Engineering – A
practical software development using UML and Java”,Second Edition, Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi,2004.
4. Booch, Jacobson, Rumbagh, “The UML user Guide”, Second Edition, Fourth impression,
Pearson Education,2008.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI603 Cyber Security 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI603 Cyber Security 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

At the end of successful completion of the course a student will be able to
1. Comprehend concept of cyber-crime, threats, security
2. Describe cyber offences and methods used in cybercrime
3. Understand effective countermeasures to mitigate risk of cyber threats and crime
4. Explain concepts of Cyber Laws and Cyber Forensics

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs.

No No.


Introduction, Definition, Cyber Crime and Information Security –
CIA Model, Classification of Cyber Crime, Categories of
Cybercrime, Cybercrime – Examples and Cases


Attack Planning for Cybercrime, Social Engineering- Introduction,
Types , Cyberstalking – Types, Working, Example , Cybercafe and


Phishing Attack and Identity Theft - Methods, Techniques
Stegnograpgy , Dos and DDoS attacks, Password Cracking,
Keyloggers, Spywares, Viruses, Worms, Attacks on Mobile Phones
– Mobile Phone Theft, Mobile Viruses, Mishing, Vishing ,
smishing, Hacking Bluetooth, Attacks on Wi-Fi Network-
Traditional Techniques, Theft of Internet Hours, Wi-Fi Misuses
Countermeasures for Phishing and Identity Theft, DoS and DDoS
attacks, Best practices for Secure password, mobile phone and Wi-
Fi Networks , Organization Guidelines for Internet usage, safe
computing, computer usage, Best Practices for Netizen
Intellectual Property in cyberspace, Cyber-crime and legal
perspective around the world, The Indian IT Act, Weak Areas of
Indian IT act, Digital Signature and the Indian Act

Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapure, “ Cyber Security- Understanding Cyber Crimes,

Computer Forensics and Legal Prespectives”, Wiley- India
2. James Graham, Richard Howard, Ryan Olson, “Cyber Security Essentials”, CRC
3. Maria Helen Maras, “Computer Forensics – Cybercriminal, Laws and Evidence”,
Jones & Bartlett Learning

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI604 E-Business 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI604 E-Business 15 15 10 60 - -- -- 100

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. Understand the benefits, issues , impact of engineering solutions on E-Business from global,
economic, environmental, societal and technological perspective
2. Understand an infrastructure and environment of E-business

3. Understand the business flow from E-business perspective

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs.

No. No.

What is Business?, Characteristics , elements of E-Business

E-Business roles
Impact and challenges of E-Business

Layered architecture of E-Business

Middleware technologies and security aspects
Integration of web services
The E- Business environment, E- Business marketplace
Location of trading in the marketplace, Commercial arrangement for
transactions, auctions
Business models , Revenue models
Traditional payment model, Characteristics of payment System
SET Protocol for credit card payment, E-cash, E-check, smart cards etc.
Introduction, E-Business strategy
Strategic analysis, Strategic objectives, Strategy definition, Strategy
Focus on information systems strategy and e-business strategy.

E-Supply Chain Management: Introduction, Value chain, Option for

restructuring the supply chain, Using e-business to restructure the supply

E-Procurement: Introduction, Drivers of e-procurement, Focus on

estimating E-Procurement cost savings, Risks and impacts of E-

E-Marketing: Introduction, E-Marketing planning, Situation analysis,

Objective setting, Strategy, Focus on characteristics of new-media
marketing communications, Tactics, Focus on online branding, Actions,

E-Customer Relationship Management: Introduction, conversion

marketing, the online buying process, customer acquisition management,
focus on marketing communications for customer acquisition, customer
retention management, focus on excelling in E-Commerce service quality,
customer extension.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Recommended Books:

1. Dave Chaffey, “E-Business and E-Commerce Management”. Pearson Education. 4th Edition,
2. Henry Chan, Raymod Lee and etl., “E-Commerce Fundamental and Applications”., Wiley,
3. K. K. Bajaj, D. Nag ., “E-Commerce” , McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2005
4. P. T. Joseph, , “E-Commerce an Indian Perspective.”, PHI Publication, New Delhi, 4th edition,
5. Brian Mennecke and Troy Strader, “Mobile Commerce: Technology, Theory and
Applications”, Idea Group, 2003.
6. Nansi Shi, “Mobile Commerce Applications”, IGI Global, 2004.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI605 IT as Enabler 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
for Start- up

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI605 IT as Enabler 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
for Start- up

Course Outcomes:

At the end of successful completion of the course a student will be able to

1. Comprehend importance of web based search tools, survey tools for Startups.
2. Apply project management of tool execution of Startup projects
3. Explain concept of marketing though websites, social networking media and mobile app.
4. Understand potential customer and customer retention.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs.

No No.


Evaluating Potential Idea, Effective Search Method- Advanced
Google Search, Patent Search, Surveying – Concepts , Survey
Tool, Recognizing Start up failure pitfalls
Customer Discovery, Customer Relation Management


Performing SWOT analysis on Product management tool, Web
Enabled Project Management Tool, Web Enabled Project
Documentation Tool
Presenting web site – Ux Experience, SEO (Search Engine
Optimization)- Techniques and Tools, Use of Google Analytics,
Social Media Marketing, Different marketing strategies,
Case Study


Ux for Mobile App, Marketing through Mobile APP, Maintaining
Customer relation, Case Study

Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Ben Casnocha, Reid Hoffman, “ The Start-up of You”, Random House Business
2. Amy N. Longville, Carl D. Meyer, “Google's PageRank and Beyond: The Science
of Search Engine Rankings”, Princeton University Press
3. David Amerland, “Google Semantic Search: Search”, Pearson Education
4. Lon Safko, “The Social Media Bible”, Wiley Publication
5. Sara Gilbert, “Built for Success: The Story of”, Creative Company

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI606 Social Media 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI606 Social Media 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course a student will be able to
 understand what is Social Media
 apply the learning in effectively utilizing it branding, marketing, listening and connecting with
customers and enhance the Business.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs.

No No.


Social Media Overview- Background, What is Social Media,
MicroBlogging, Social Media Use, Latest in Social Media - Types of
Social Media Platform, Purpose of each Social Media Platform, Latest
Stats and Trends about Social Media (Global & Indian)


Understanding Social Media Platforms – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
YouTube, Pintrest, Instagram, WhatsApp, Google+, Podcast, Others


Setting your Goals – Purpose, Social Media Strategy, Objectives and
Metrics, B2B, B2C and C2C, Identifying the right platform for you,
Mobile Strategy, Branding- Online Reputation Management, Personal
Branding, Corporate Branding
Building Community- Understanding target audience, Friends, Fans,
Stories, Followers, Connecting, Growing your community
Content - Amplifying content with social media, Creating content with
a purpose, Connecting with the community, Social Media
Optimization, Updates strategy
Metrics- Purpose, Coming up with KPIs, Metrics & KPI Definition
Measurement- Measurement Strategy, Applying Quantitative and
Qualitative Measurement to Your Social Media Strategies ,
Measurement System Analysis, Measuring Sentiments - Measuring
Conversions, Cause and Effect Measurements, A/B Testing, Tools and
Monitoring - Social Listening, Types of Social Media Monitoring,
Monitoring Strategy
Analytics - Descriptive Statistics, Performing Analytics, Action
Oriented Analytics, Taking Action
Reporting - Types of Reports, Dashboard, Scorecard, Reports Alerting,
5.0 SUMMARY 04
Social Media in Action – Examples, Digital Marketing, Social Media
Advertising, Use Cases from Product Companies
Conclusion – Summary, Preparing for Career in Social Media, Exam

Total 39

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Recommended Books:

1. Guy Kawasaki , “Art of Social Media: Power Tips”

2. Paul Patel, “The Secret to Success in Social Media Marketing”
3. Grant Kennedy , “Master Social Media Marketing - Facebook, Twitter,
Youtube& Instagram”
4. Luke Walsh , “Social Media Marketing Strategy From The Experts - How To
Dominate Social Media Marketing With Facebook”

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI607 Business 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI607 Business 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

Course Outcomes:
At the end of successful completion of the course a student will be able to
 Apply Business Analytics knowledge to Statistically Analyze variety of data, find out patterns and
derive business value out of it

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Details of Topic Hrs.

No No.

1.0 Introduction to Data 10

Business Analytics Overview – Background, Business Intelligence
background, Business Process Mapping and Analysis, Opportunities in
Business Analytics
Basic Statistics- What is Data, Understanding Probability, The Central
Limit Theorem, Sampling and statistical inference, Hypothesis testing
Measurements & Data- Identifying Business Metrics and KPI,
Measurement Strategy, Measurement system analysis, Data Dictionary,
Data Collection, Ensuring high Data Quality and Integrity, Outlier
Treatment, Summarizing Data & Descriptive Statistics, Examples using
Excel and R
Analytics- Analytics vs Analysis, Descriptive Analytics, Predictive
Analytics, Cause-effect analysis, Data Correlation analysis, What-if
analysis, Unstructured data collection and analysis
Linear Regression - Correlation and Regression, Multivariate Linear
Regression, Variable identification, Distribution analysis, Outlier
treatment, Examples using Excel and R

Logistic Regression - Dealing with Binary Data, Logistic Regression

Theory, Variable identification, Analysis of results, Actual vs Predicted
comparison, Examples using Excel and R


Time Series Modeling - Models of time series, Moving averages
Autoregressive Models, The Box-Jenkins model building process, Model
Estimation, Model Validation, Model forecasting, Examples using Excel
and R
Market Basket Analysis- Affinity analysis to understand purchase
behavior, Understanding Apriority algorithm, Capturing the insightful
association available in the transaction records, Analysis of output results
to plan store layout, promotions and recommendations

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)


Data Visualization - Working with Data Sources, Need for Visualization,
The Data Visualization Process,
Reporting- Types of Reports , Building Scorecard, Creating Effective
Dashboards, Showing Distributions of Data ,Using Excel for Data
Visualization, Analytics and Reporting, Automated Monitoring,
Threshold & Alerting

Business Analytics in Action - Web Analytics, Mobile App Analytics,
Social Monitoring, Service Quality Monitoring, User Behavior Analytics,
Recommendation Engine, Targeted Advertising, Use Cases from Product
Conclusion –Summary, Preparing for Career in Analytics, Exam

Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. Gert H. N. Laursen & Jesper Thorlund, “ Business Analytics for Managers:
Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting”
2. Sandhya Kuruganti & Hindol Basu, “Business Analytics: Applications to
Consumer Marketing”
3. James R Evans, “Business Analytics: Methods, Models, and Decisions”
4. S. Christian Albright , Wayne L. Winston, “Business Analytics: Data Analysis
and Decision Making”

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Interdisciplinary Course floated by:

Department of Mechanical Engineering

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Credits Assigned

Course Code Course Name

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total

UMEI601 Mechatronics 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous @End Work
Assessment Sem.
Test Test In Exam
1 2 Semester
UMEI601 Mechatronics 15 15 10 60 - - - 100

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. identify and describe the key elements of mechatronics system.
2. design basic pneumatic & electro-pneumatic circuits for industrial applications
3. design basic hydraulic & electro-hydraulic circuits for industrial applications
4. understand the principles of various actuator systems
5. identify and recognize engineering and consumer products as mechatronic systems

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs

No. No
Introduction to Mechatronics, Traditional and Mechatronics design, Mechatronics
Key elements, Basic Components of Mechatronics Systems, Integrated design issues
in Mechatronics, Mechatronics design process, Mechatronics Systems in Factory,
Home and Business Applications, Objectives, Advantages , Disadvantages of
Basic principles of Pneumatics, role of pneumatics in automation technology, air
treatment, Pneumatic valves, Pneumatic actuators, graphical symbols of pneumatic
components, basic Pneumatic circuits and applications - Development of circuit for
single and Multi-cylinders. Basic principles of Electro pneumatics & its role in
automation technology, graphical symbols for electrical and electro-pneumatic
components, basic electro-pneumatic systems, Development of circuit for single and
Role of Hydraulics & Electro hydraulics in automation technology, graphical
symbols for hydraulics and electro-hydraulic components, Basic hydraulic circuits
Development of circuit for single and Multi-cylinders.
Overview of Electric actuator systems:- Solenoids, Relays, Electric motors,
servomotors, stepper motor & motor selection. Programmable logic controllers -
Over view and applications of programmable logic controllers in manufacturing,
Relay logic, Programming a PLC using ladder logic Diagram


Case studies of Mechatronics systems such as - Robotic systems, CNC Machines, Car
Engine management system, Car Park barrier systems.
Total 39

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Recommended Books:
1. Mechatronics Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical Engineering: W. Bolton
2. Pearson education, Publishing Year 2003.
3. Fundamentals of Electro Pneumatics: Ebelf ,Fcsto Series, Publishing Year 2004.
4. Hydraulics and Pneumatics: Andrew Parr, Jaico publishing house, Publishing Year
1993. Mechatronics-Principles: Godfrey .C. Onwubolu, Butterworth Hienemann,
Publishing Year 2006.
5. Pneumatics Basic level: Peter Croser , Frank Ebel ,Festo series, Publishing Year 2000.
6. Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement System: Alciatore and Histand,Tata
McGraw Hill, Publishing Year 2005.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme (Hrs) Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UMEI602 Basic Automobile 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UMEI602 Basic Automobile 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. Understand basic layout of automobiles.
2. Understand working of various mechanical subsystems in automobile.
3. Understand working of various non-mechanical subsystems in automobile.
4. Understand selection of appropriate type of Vehicle as per utility.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs.

No. No.

Classification of Automobiles, Conventional layout of Car and Truck,

Advantages/Disadvantages of various layouts like Front Engine RWD,
Front Engine FWD, Rear Engine RWD, 2WD, 4WD etc., Engine and Fuel
1 types, Classification of Chassis: Open, Semi Integral & Integral 12
Structures: Normal Control, Semi forward, Forward, Fully forward
Controls. Overall Criteria for Vehicle Comparison. Vehicle Styling,
Aerodynamics, Basic Dimensions and Visibility. Geometric Relations to
Driver‟s Seat. Various Safety Systems. Selection of appropriate type of
Vehicle as per application, need and utility.
Necessity of Transmission System.
Need of Gear Box.
Need of Automotive Clutches.
2 Need of Propeller Shaft with Universal Joints & Sliding Joints, CV 06
Joints etc.
Need of Differential (Final Drive).
Need of Live Axles.
Automotive Wheels – Types, Construction and Specifications.
Tyres - Types, Construction and Specifications.
Importance of Inflation Pressure, Ride Quality, Wheel Balancing.
Steering Geometry, Wheel Alignment, Steering Linkages.
Types of Steering Gears with Working and Applications.
Power steering – Hydraulic, Electrical.
Front Axles.
Suspension System – Objectives, Principle, Types: Bouncing, Pitching,
3 Rolling, Sprung mass, Unsprung mass 12
Rigid & Independent Suspension.
Air Suspension.
Shock Absorber.
Requirements and Functions of Brakes.
Types of Braking Systems and their Layouts: Mechanical Linkage Brakes,
Hydraulic Brakes, Pneumatic Brakes
Drum and Disc Brakes.
ABS: Antilock Braking System.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)


Battery - Types, Construction, Working.
Electronic Ignition System.
Charging System – Dynamo & Alternator.
4 Lighting System – Head lights, Tail lights, Brake lights, Day time lights, 06
Turning Signal lights, Roof lights, Instrument lights.
Starting System – Location, Types, Construction and Working
Automotive Applications of various Sensors
Introduction to Troubleshooting.
5 Automotive Servicing – Importance and Activities. 03
Preventive Maintenance.
Fault Diagnosis.
Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Automotive Mechanics, William Cruose & Donald L. Anglin, Tata Mcgraw Hill,
Publishing year 1993.
2. Automotive Mechanics, S. Srinivasan, Tata Mcgraw Hill, Publishing year 2003.
3. Automobile Engineering, G.B.S Narang, Khanna Publishers, Publishing year 2009.
4. A textbook of Automobile Engineering, R. K. Rajput, Laxmi Publication, Publishing
year 2010.
5. The Automobile Engineering, T. R. Banga & Nathu Singh, Khanna Publishers,
Publishing year 2009.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme (Hrs) Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UMEI603 Supply Chain 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
Continuous Assessment End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UMEI603 Supply Chain 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. Understand the need, strategies and challenges of different supply chain for different products
and services delivered.
2. Describe the role and importance of distribution network and procurement in supply chain
3. Describe key functions of logistics management and explain its role in the supply chain.
4. Identify the levers of communication and coordination to improve to supply chain frontiers.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit
Topics Hrs.
No. No.
Understanding Supply Chain: What is supply chain? Evolution of SCM, 08
objective of supply chain, Decision phases in a supply chain and Process
views of supply chain, critical success factors of SCM, supply chain
performance in India.
Supply Chain strategy and performance:
Achieving strategic fit, expanding strategic scope, obstacles to achieve
strategic fit, Customer service dimensions, CODP Concept, impact of 08
supply chain initiatives on ROA
Supply chain Drivers:
Drivers of Supply chain performance and framework of the structuring
drivers and their metric.

Designing SC Network:
Role, factor influencing, channels, design option for Distribution Network
in supply chain, Network Design in supply chain (roles, factor)
Planning Demand and Supply In Supply Chain:
Demand forecasting-roles characteristics, components of forecast and
forecasting methods, measure of forecast error. Managing demand and
supply in supply chain. 08
Scope, importance, classification of materials, Procurement management
in SC, Types of Purchases and its policies.
Inventory management:
Introduction, types of inventory, inventory related cost, managing cycle
stock and safety stock, analyzing the impact of supply chain redesign on
inventory, VMI

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)


Logistics Management:
Logistics and its components.
Transportation and warehousing: 06
Drivers of Transportation decision, Forms of transport, Modes of transport
and their performance measure. Warehousing, warehouse management
and 3PL. Reverse Logistics
Information Technology in a Supply Chain:

The role and function of IT in SCM, Enabling SCM through IT, software
in SCM and future trends.
The Bullwhip effect.

Effect on performance of lack of Coordination, obstacles for coordination,

lever for managers to avoid obstacles, Collaborative Planning,
Forecasting, and Replenishment, CRM and SRM.
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. Supply Chain Management: Concepts and Cases, Altekar Rahul V., Prentice Hall of
India, 2005
2. Supply Chain Management: Text and Cases, Janat Shah, Pearson Education, 1st
3. Principles of Supply Chain Management, Joel Wisner, G. Keong, Keah-Choon Tan,
Cengage Learning, Publishing Year 2011.
4. Supply Chain Management-strategy, planning and operation, sunil chopra, Peter
MeindlD V Kalra, 4th ed, Pearson.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Credits Assigned

Code Name
Alternate Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
Energy and 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous End Work
Assessment Sem.
Test Test In Exam
1 2 Semester
Alternate 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
Energy and

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. Have knowledge of the energy and environmental crisis and the importance of renewable energy sources.
2. Understand alternate energy resource availability, characterization and calculations.
3. Understand the common renewable energy technologies.
4. Have awareness about energy conservation and energy efficiency improvement.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit
Topics Hrs
No No
Conventional Energy and options:
Conventional energy sources- World and Indian reserves,
production and consumption of fossil and nuclear fuels,
1 hydropower potential; Limited life of fuel reserves; global 6
warming, acid rain
Climate change effects of fossil fuel combustion; importance of
renewable energy sources and energy conservation
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission;
Solar energy: -
Solar energy resource: Solar spectrum, solar constant;
declination, latitude, hour angle; angle of incidence;
Measurement- thermoelectric, Pyranometer, Pyrheliometer
2 Solar thermal- Flat-plate collectors, collector efficiency 9
Introduction to solar water heater; solar air heater and dryer;
solar cooker- box type and parabolic dish; basin solar still
Solar photovoltaics- Principle; IV curve of cell and module;
introduction to stand-alone and grid-connected systems
Wind energy:- Energy in the wind-effect of temperature,
altitude and terrain on power in wind; Anemometer; Betz limit;
Horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbine- Propellor type,
3 6
Darrieus type rotors; Applications
Biomass energy:- Biomass sources; Down-draft gasifiers-
principle and applications; Floating dome type biogas plants;
Bio-ethanol fuel; Biomass combustion on grate

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)


Geothermal energy:- Origin; dry rock and hot aquifer system
4 analysis; thermal and power generation applications 8
Small hydropower:- Applications of small hydropower,
Potential in India, mini &micro hydro power systems
Fuel cells:-Principle of fuel cell; PEM fuel cell
Energy audit:- Methodology, questionnaire, methods of thermal
and electrical energy audit in industries and buildings,
instruments used
Energy conservation techniques:-
5 10
Thermal systems: Boiler efficiency; Thermal insulation; Waste
heat recovery: heat pumps; concept of cogeneration.
Electrical Systems: Demand control, power factor correction,
Energy efficient motors, motor speed control. Lighting- lighting
levels, efficient options- fixtures.
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. Solar Energy, Fundamentals and Applications, H.P. Garg & J. Prakash, Tata McGraw
Hill, Published Year 1997.
2. Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology: Principles and Practice, V. V. N.
Kishore (Editor), Earthscan Publications, Published Year 2009.
3. Solar Energy – Principles of thermal collection and storage, S. P. Sukhatme and J. K.
Nayak, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, Published Year 2010.
4. Handbook on Energy Efficiency, TERI, New Delhi, 2001.
5. Renewable Energy Resources, J Twidell and T. Weir, Taylor and Francis (Special
Indian Edition), 3rd Edition, Published Year 2015.
6. Energy Management, P. R. Trivedi and B. R. Julka, Commonwealth Publishers,
Published Year 2000.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Credits Assigned

Code Name
Management Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UME1605 Decision 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

Course Course Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous @End Work
Assessment Sem.
Test Test In Exam
1 2 Semester
UMEI605 Decision 15 15 10 60 - - - 100

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. Apply the various MADM methods used for decision making in various situations.
2. Understand the concept of group decision making.
3. Formulate the mathematical model of real life situation and solve them using LP and ILP
4. Use the concept of design of experiments for defined problem.

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs

No No
Introduction to decision making methods, multiple attribute decision making, multi
criteria decision making, Simple additive weighing method (SAW), Weighted Product
method (WPM), Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, Revised Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, Analytical Network Process (ANP)
TOPSIS method, VIKOR method, PROMETHEE method, Group decision making
(GDM), Graph theory and Matrix method (GTMA)
3.0 Linear Programming 8
Formulation, Simplex method, Primal to Dual, Dual Simplex method, Sensitivity
Integer L.P. Model: Gomory‟s cutting plane method, Branch & Bound Technique.
5.0 Design of Experiment 6
Response Surface Method: Response Surface, The Least-Squares Methods, Two
Level Factorial Design, Taguchi method
Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Engineering Optimization - A Modern Approach” , RanjanGanguli, Springer

2. Engineering Optimization - Theory and Practice”, S.S. Rao, John Wiley and
Sons Inc.
3. L.C. Jhamb, “Quantitative Techniques Vol. 1 and 2”, Everest Pub. House

4. Mechanical Design Optimization Using Advanced Optimization Techniques

(Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing), R. Venkata Rao and Vimal J.
Savsani, 2014.
5. Decision Making in the Manufacturing Environment, R. Venkata Rao,
Springer, 2011.
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Teaching Scheme (Hrs.) Credits Assigned

Code Name
Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UMEI606 Research 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

Course Code Course Name Examination Scheme

Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total

#Continuous Assessment @End
Test Test In Semester Exam
1 2 Assessment

UMEI606 Operation 15 15 10 60 - - - 100


Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student should be able to

1. Formulate and solve problems related to Linear programming.
2. Use queuing models for decision making.
3. Decide strategy to be adopted by using Game theory.
4. Find out effective solution with help of Inventory models.
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs.

No. No.
Linear Programming: Linear Programming Problem Formulation, Graphical solution,
Simplex method, Two phase method, Big-M method, Principle of Duality.
Transportation problem: Formulation - Optimal solution, Degeneracy.
Assignment problem: Formulation - Optimal solution, Traveling Salesman problem.
Sequencing: Introduction – Job Shop sequencing - n jobs through two machines - n jobs
through three machines - two jobs through “m” machines using Johnson‟s rule.
Queuing Models: Introduction -Single Channel - Poisson arrivals - Exponential service times
- with infinite population and finite population models, Multichannel - Poisson arrivals -
Exponential service times with infinite population.
Game Theory: Introduction - Minimax (Maximin) -Criterion and optimal strategy - Solution
of games with saddle points – Rectangular games without saddle points - 2 X 2 games -
dominance principle, m X 2 & 2 X n games, graphical method.
Introduction to inventory model, Basic concepts of inventory, Ordering procedures, Two
Bin system, ordering cycle, economical order quantity and economical lot size, ABC analysis
and reorder procedures.
Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Operations Research: Quantitative Techniques for Management, V.K. Kapoor, Sumant Kapoor ,
Sultan Chand & Sons 8th edition 2012
2. Operations Research, Theory and Applications J.K. Sharma, Macmillan India Ltd., 3rd edition, 2007
3. Operations Research, Prem kumar Gupta, D.S.Hira, S. Chand & Company 16th edition 2001.
4. Operations Research, A. M. Natarajan, P. Balasubramani, A. Tamilarasi, Pearson Education, 2 nd
5. Operations Research - An introduction, Hamdy A Taha, Prentice Hall of India. 8th edition, 2007.
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Additional Interdisciplinary courses from

Academic year 2018-19
(As per approval of Academic board dated April 7th 2018 )
 Department of Electronics Engineering
 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
 Department of Information Technology
 Department of Mechanical Engineering
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

 Department of Electronics Engineering

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
Numerical 3 - - 3 - - 3
Methods for
UEXI605 Engineers

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous Assessment @End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UEXI605 Numerical 15 15 10 60 - - - 100
Methods for

# There is no separate head of passing @ end sem examination is out of 100 scaled
down to 60

Course Outcomes:

After the successful completion of the course student will be able to

1. Apply the knowledge of different numerical techniques to solve engineering problems

2. Apply the knowledge of different numerical techniques to solve the algebraic

equations and to solve system of linear equations.

3. Apply the knowledge of different numerical techniques for interpolation

4. Derive different numerical techniques for differentiation, integration

5. Solve numerical solution of ordinary differential equations

6. Implement Numerical Techniques in C/C++/Python

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs.

No. No.
1 Approximation and Errors 10
1.1 Approximation and round off errors, Truncation Errors and the Taylors Series
2 Solution Of Equations and Eigenvalue Problems 05
2.1 Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations - Fixed point iteration
method – Newton-Raphson method Solution of linear system of equations
Gauss Elimination method – Pivoting - Gauss-Jordan methods – Iterative
methods of Gauss-Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel - Matrix Inversion by Gauss-
Jordan method - Eigenvalues of a matrix by Power method and by Jacobi‟s

2.2 Solution of linear system of equations - Gauss Elimination method –

Pivoting- Gauss-Jordan methods – Iterative methods of Gauss-Jacobi and
Gauss- Seidel - Matrix Inversion by Gauss-Jordan method - Eigenvalues of a
matrix by Power method and by Jacobi‟s method

. Self Learning: Implementation in C/C++/Python

3 Interpolation and Extrapolation 05

3.1 Interpolation with unequal intervals - Lagrange interpolation – Newton‟s

divided difference interpolation

3.2 Interpolation with equal intervals - Newton‟s forward and backward

difference formulae.

4 Numerical Differentiation and Integration 10

4.1 Approximation of derivatives using interpolation polynomials – Numerical
integration using Trapezoidal, Simpson‟s 1/3 and Simpson‟s 3/8 rules –
Romberg‟s method - Two point and three point Gaussian quadrature formulae
Evaluation of double integrals by Trapezoidal and Simpson‟s rules.
Self Learning: Implementation in C/C++/Python
4.2 Evaluation of double integrals by Trapezoidal and Simpson‟s rules.
5 Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations 09
5.1 Taylor‟s series method - Euler‟s method - Modified Euler‟s method – Fourth
order Runge-Kutta method for solving first and second order equations -
5.2 Multistep methods - Milne‟s and Adams-Bashforth predictor-corrector
methods for solving first order equations
Total 39
Recommended Books
1. Brian P. Flannery, Saul Teukolsky, William H. Press, and William T. Vetterling ,
“Numerical Recipes in C”, Cambridge, 3rd Edition
2. Jaan Kiusalaas , “Numerical methods in engineering with Python”, Cambridge, 2nd Edition
3. . Steven C. Chapra and Raymond P. Canale, “ Numerical Methods for Engineers”,
McGrawHill, 6th Edition
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

 Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UETI605 Big-Data-Principles 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
and Practices

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous Assessment @End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UETI605 Big-Data- 15 15 10 60 -- -- 100
Principles and

# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to
60 marks

Course prerequisites:

Basic Statistics, Probability theory

Course Outcomes

At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to

1) To categorize and summarize Big Data and its importance.

2) To develop statistical models for analysis of Big data
3) To apply various machine learning algorithms for analysis of Big Data
4) To differentiate various Big data technologies like Hadoop MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Hbase
5) To apply tools and techniques to analyze Big Data

Model Unit Details Hrs. CO PO/PSO


1 Introduction to Big Data

1.1 Big Data and its Importance, Rise of Big Data, 5 1 PO4, PO6

1.2 4V‟s of Big Data

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

1.3 Big Data Challenges, Big Data Analytics


2 Machine Learning Algorithms for Big Data

2.1 Review of Basic Statistics, Understanding 12 2,3 PO2, PO3,

Hypothesis testing-null hypothesis and alternate

2.2 Linear Regression and Multiple Linear Regression

2.3 Logistic Regression

2.4 Neural Networks

2.5 Clustering

a) K-means Clustering
b) Hierarchical Clustering
3 Big Data and Hadoop

3.1 Problems with traditional approach of handling 8 5 PO4,PO5,

data, Evolution of Hadoop, Hadoop as a solution
3.2 When to use Hadoop and when not to use

3.3 Hadoop Case Study

4 Introduction to Hadoop

4.1 Hadoop features, Hadoop Core components, 8 4,5 PO4, PO5,

Hadoop storage and processing
PO9, PO12
4.2 Selecting appropriate execution modes: local,
pseudo-distributed, fully distributed.

5 Insights into Hadoop

5.1 HDFS-Introduction to HDFS, HDFS Architecture- 6 4,5 PO4, PO5,

Namenode and Datanode, File system Namespace,
Data Replication PO9, PO12
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

5.2 MapReduce- Traditional way versus MapReduce

way, Why MapReduce?, YARN components,
YARN architecture

Sr. No. Title Name/s of Author/s Name of Year of

Publisher Publication
1. Probability & Statistics for Sheldon M. Ross Academic
Engineering & Scientists Press
2. Big Data and Analytics Sima Acharya, Subhashini Wiley
3. Big Data, Big Analytics: Michael Minelli, Michehe Wiely CIO 2013
Emerging Business Intelligence Chambers Series
and Analytic Trends for Today‟s
4. Hadoop: The definitive guide Tom White O‟Reilly 2012
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UETI606 Wireless Sensor 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
Networks and

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous Assessment @End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UETI606 Wireless Sensor 15 15 10 60 -- -- 100
Networks and

# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to 60 marks

Course prerequisites: Computer networks

Course Outcomes

At the end of successful completion of the course the student will be able to

CO1. Understand the concepts of WSN

CO2. Analyze basic protocols in wireless sensor network
CO3. Analyze various routing techniques of WSN and security issues
CO4. Understand concepts of IOT and Machine to machine
CO5. Understand challenges of IOT

Model Unit Details Hrs. CO PO/PSO

No. No.

1 Introduction and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Infrastructure

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

1.1 Introduction, Sensor Network Concept, WSN 08 CO1 PO12, PSO1

Constraints and Challenges, WSN Applications

1.2 WSN development stage–deployment, localization

and tracking, Data Communication

1.3 Design of sensor motes, low power WSN,

Clustering, and Topology control.

2 Localization and Sensor - Medium Access Control

2.1 Sensor management and Bayesian networks, Time 10 CO2 PO12, PO5

2.2 Types of Localization, Key assumptions,

Localization algorithms

2.3 IEEE 802.11 standard, IEEE 802.15.4 standard.

Fundamentals of MAC protocols

2.4 MAC protocols like S-MAC, P-MAC, Z-MAC, T-


3 Routing protocols for WSN and security issues

3.1 Delaunay triangulation, Prim‟s algorithm, 10 CO3 PO12, PO5

Euclidean minimum spanning tree, DSR algorithm

3.2 Attacks in WSN, Wormhole attack, DOS attack,

Sybil attack, Sinkhole attack, Phantom Nodes,
Methods for increasing immunity to attacks, Effect
of attacks on QoS

4 Introduction to IOT and platforms

4.1 Introduction, IoT Platform: Overview of IoT 6 CO4 PO12,

supported Hardware platforms such as: Raspberry PO5,PO3
pi, ARM Cortex Processors, Arduino

4.2 IoT Architecture: History of IoT, Comparison

between IOT and M2M, M2M, Web of Things

5 Challenges in IoT and developing IOT

5.1 Design challenges, Development challenges, 5 CO5 PO12,

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Security challenges PO5,PO3

5.2 Introduction to Python, Implementing IoT

concepts with python, IOT application areas

Books Recommended:

Sr. Title Name/s of Author/s Name of Year of Country

No. Publisher Publication

1. Wireless Sensor KazemSohraby, Wiley 2007 USA

Networks –Technology, Daniel Minoli, Publication.
Protocols & TaiebZnati,

2. Wireless Sensor Feng Zhao, Leonidas Elsevier 2004 USA

Networks- An Guibas.
Information Processing

3. Designing the Internet Adrian McEwen Wiley 2013 USA

of Things Publishers

4. Internet of Things: A Vijay Madisetti, Vijay 2014

Hands-On Approach Arshdeep Bahga Madisetti,
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

 Department of Information Technology

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI609 Block Chain 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous Assessment @End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI609 Block Chain 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to
60 marks

Course Pre-requisite:
 Basic understanding of web development and java scripting

Course Outcomes:
The student should be able to
CO1. Have adequate knowledge about Block chain Technology fundamentals and underlying concepts
CO2. Understand Bitcoin, Altcoins and Smart Contracts. Develop smart contracts for differe nt use cases.
CO3. Understand the concepts and implementation of Ethereum Block chain
CO4. Analyze various applications on Block chain technology and its limitations

Module Unit Topics Hrs.

No. No.
1 Introduction to Block Chain Technology 10
1.1 Block chain technology fundamentals
1.2 History, definitions, features, types, and benefits of block chains
1.3 Consensus mechanisms
1.4 Decentralization
1.5 Methods and platforms to decentralize process or system
2 Technical Foundations 05
2.1 Cryptography and Technical Foundations
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

2.2 Public and private key cryptography implementation

2.3 Use case of financial markets
3 Bitcoins and Smart Contracts 05
3.1 Bitcoin cryptocurrency
3.2 Altcoins cryptocurrency
3.3 Smart Contracts
4 Ethereum 10
4.1 Ethereum 101
4.2 Ethereum Development
4.3 Hyperledger
4.4 Alternative Blockchains
5 Case studies and challenges 09
5.1 Block Chain technology in Internet of Things, government, media, and
5.2 Scalability and Other Challenges
5.3 Current Landscape and What‟s Next
Total 39

Reference Books:

1. Imran Bashir, Mastering Blockchain”, Packt Publishing, Limited, 2017

2. Chris Dennen, “Introducing Ethereum and Solidity: Foundations of Cryptocurrency and
Blockchain Programming for Beginners” 1st ed. Edition, Apress publication
3. Andreas M. Antonopoulos, “Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain 2nd
Edition” O‟REILLY publication
4. Narayan Prusty, “ Building Block chain projects ”, Packt Publishing
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI608 Exploratory 03 -- -- 03 -- -- 03
Data Analysis

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous Assessment @End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI608 Exploratory 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100
Data Analysis
# There is no separate head of passing for individual CA components
@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to 60 marks

Course Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Outcomes:
The student should be able to
CO1. summarize the data
CO2. comprehend descriptive measures of data
CO3. comprehend various data visualization techniques
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs.

No. No.
1 Introduction to data 8

1.1 What is data?, Types of attributes: Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio,

Discrete and continuous attributes
1.2 Types of datasets: Record data, Graph-based data, Sequence data, time
series data, spatial data, General characteristics of datasets.

1.3 Data Quality: Data quality problems, issues related to applications, Preprocessing
steps to make data suitable for data mining, how EDA differ from classical data
2 Exploring data using descriptive measures 10

2.1 Frequency distribution : simple, grouped, cumulative and relative

frequency distribution, graphs for frequency distribution (Histogram,
frequency polygon, frequency curve, cumulative frequency curve)
2.2 Measures of central tendency: Mean (Arithmetic, weighted and geometric
mean), , median, mode, mid range
Predicting missing data using regression modeling, interpolation
2.3 Measures of dispersion: range, inter-quartile range, variance, standard
deviation, root mean square deviation, Coefficents of dispersion based
upon range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation.
Boxplot, Quantile–Quantile Plot, Scatter Plots and Data Correlation,
Bregman divergence.
Data clustering and outliers.
Measures of Skewness: Pearson’s coefficient, Bowley’s coefficient,
coefficient based upon moments
3 Data similarity and dissimilarity 8
3.1 Similarity measures for numeric data : Minkowski distance, Euclidian
distance, manhattan distance, supremum distance, Mahalanobis
distance, Bhattacharyya distance
3.2 Similarity measures for symmetric and asymmetric binary data: simple
matching coefficient, Jaccard coefficient, hamming distance
3.3 Similarity measures for textual data: edit distance, cosine distance, Jaro
distance, n-Gram distance , longest common subsequence,
Dissimilarity between attributes of mixed type
4 Data normalization discretization 5
4.1 Data Normalization: Min-Max normalization, z-score normalization,
Decimal scaling
4.2 Data discretization: Binning, Histogram, discretization using clustering,
discretization using classification
5 Data Visualization 8
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

5.1 Pixel Oriented visualization techniques, Geometric projection visualization

techniques, Icon based visualization techniques, Hierarchical visualization
5.2 Visualizing complex data and Relations, Scoreboard Vs Dashboard,
Graph Vs Chart
Total 39

Recommended Books:
1. S.C. Gupta , V. K. Kapoor , “Fundamentals of mathematical statistics”, Sultan Chand and
2. P. N. Tan, M. Steinbach, Vipin Kumar, “Introduction to Data Mining”, Pearson
3. Han, Kamber, "Data Mining Concepts and Techniques", Morgan Kaufmann 3nd Edition,2012
4. C. B. Gupta, Vijay Gupta, “An Introduction to Statistical Methods, 23/e” , Sultan Chand and
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Subject Subject Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Theory Practica Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UITI610 Fundamentals of
Cryptography 3 -- -- 3 -- -- 3

Subject Subject Name Examination Scheme

Code Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
#Continuous Assessment @End Work
(CA) Sem.
Test Test IA Exam
1 2
UITI610 Fundamentals
of 15 15 10 60 -- -- -- 100

# There is no separate head of passing

@ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to 60 marks

Course Pre-requisite: Nil

Course Outcomes:
The student should be able to
CO1. Understand basics of Information Security
CO2. Understand types of cryptography
CO3. Apply cryptography for security purpose
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit Topics Hrs.

No. No.
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Information Security and its goals.
1.2 Vulnerability Threats and Attacks

1.3 CIA model

2 Basics of cryptography and Symmetric Cryptography 12
2.1 Encryption and Decryption, Cryptography, Historical background,
Transposition/Substitution, Caesar Cipher.
2.2 Symmetric Key Cryptography: Stream Ciphers- RC4, A5/1
Block Ciphers: Feistel Cipher.
2.3 Data Encryption Standard(DES), Strength of DES, AES
2.4 Cryptanalysis
3 Mathematical Function 7

3.1 Modular Arithmetic, Solving ax+by=d, Congruence

3.2 Prime numbers-Fermat‟s and Euler‟s theorem-Testing for Primality
3.3 The Chinese remainder theorem.

4 Asymmetric Cryptography 10

4.1 Public key cryptography: Principles of public key cryptosystems-The RSA

algorithm, Knapsack.
Key management - Diffie Hellman Key exchange-Elliptic curve arithmetic-
4.2 Elliptic curve cryptography.

4.3 Hash Function: Message Digest- Applications, SHA-1, The Merkle Damgard
Construction, Message Authentication Codes (MACs)
5 Applications of Cryptography 7
5.1 Use of public key cryptography: Signature and Non-repudiation,
Confidentiality and Non-repudiation
5.2 Digital Certificates, Private Key Management.
5.3 PKI Trust Models, Public Key Cryptography Standards, Revocation,
Directories and PKI.
Total 39

Recommended Books:

1. Behrouz A. Forouzan,“Cryptography and Network Security”, Second Edition,TATA

McGraw hill, 2008.
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

2. William Stallings, “Computer Security Principles and Practice”, Fifth Edition,Pearson

Education, ,2011.
3. Charles P. Pfleeger , “Security in Computing”, Fourth Edition,Pearson Education, 2009.
4. Deven N Shah,“Mark Stamp‟s Information Security Principles and Practice”, First Edition,
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

 Department of Mechanical Engineering

K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Title Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UMEI607 3 - - 03 - - 03

Course Course Examination Scheme

Code Title Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
# Internal Assessment @ Work
Test Test In semester
1 2 Assessment
UMEI607 15 15 10 60 - - - 100

# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to
60 marks

Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course students should be able to
CO1 Understand the basics of management and the evolution of management thoughts.

CO2 Realize the importance of planning and organizing functions of managers.

CO3 Comprehend the process of effective direction and control.
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Topics Hrs.

1 Basics of Management 07

Definition of management – science or art, characteristics of management, scope

and functional areas, evolution of management thoughts - F. W. Taylor, Henry
Fayol and Elton Mayo, managerial roles and skills, management and
administration, manager vs entrepreneur, types of business organization - sole
proprietorship, partnership company, public and private sector enterprises, trends
and challenges of management in global scenario.

2 Planning 08

Nature and purpose of planning, planning process, types of planning, objectives,

setting objectives, policies, planning premises, , planning tools and techniques,
decision making steps and process, strategic management, types of strategies,
policies, decision making - types of decision, decision making process, rational
decision making.

3 Organizing 08

Nature and purpose, formal and informal organization, organization chart,

organization structure, types, line and staff authority, departmentalization,
delegation of authority, centralization and decentralization of authority and
responsibility, span of control, MBO and MBE (meaning only), staffing –
selection and recruitment, career development, career stages, training,
performance appraisal.

4 Directing 08

Foundations of individual and group behavior, creativity and innovation,

motivation and satisfaction, theories of motivation, motivational techniques, job
satisfaction, job enrichment, leadership, types and theories of leadership,
communication, process of communication, barrier in communication, effective
communication, communication and IT, organization culture - elements and
types of culture – managing cultural diversity

5 Controlling 08
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Controlling, essentials of a sound control system, methods of establishing

control (in brief), system and process of controlling, budgetary and non-
budgetary control techniques, use of computers and IT in Management control,
managing productivity - cost control, purchase control, maintenance control,
quality control, control and performance, direct and preventive control

Total 39

Books recommended

1 P.C.Tripathi, P.N.Reddy, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999

2 Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter, Management, Prentice Hall (India) Pvt. Ltd., 10th
Edition, 2009
3 Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 1998
4 Robert Kreitner & Mamata Mohapatra, Management, Biztantra, 2008
5 JAF Stoner, Freeman R.E and Daniel R Gilbert, Management, Pearson Education, 6th
Edition, 2004
6 O.P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Course Course Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code Title Theory Practical Tutorial Theory Practical Tutorial Total
UMEI608 Vehicle Safety 3 - - 03 - - 03

Course Course Examination Scheme

Code Title Theory Marks Term Practical Oral Total
# Internal Assessment @ Work
Test Test In semester End
1 2 Assessment Semester

UMEI608 Vehicle 15 15 10 60 - - - 100


# There is no separate head of passing @ Examination will be of 100 marks and scaled to
60 marks

Course Outcomes:

Course After successful completion of the course students should be able to

Explain basic principles and concepts in vehicle safety
Interpret different vehicle tests for occupant and pedestrian safety
Compare passive safety and active safety for Automobile
Illustrate the recent trends in passive and active safety system
Explain various Automotive safety regulations
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Module Unit
Topics Hrs.
No. No.

1 Introduction 8
Introduction to vehicle safety, Basic concepts of vehicle safety,
Risk evaluation and communication, Human error control,
Universal design, The distracted driver, Special design problems
(Design for children, handicap, etc)
2 Safety and Vehicle Testing 8
Accident Data, Accident Avoidance, Biomechanics and Occupant
Simulation, Crash Testing, Vehicle Body Testing, Dynamic
Vehicle Simulation Tests, Role of Seat in Crash, Occupant
Protection, Pedestrian Protection
3 Passive Safety Systems 9
Occupants restraint systems- Seat belt, airbags, Sensors for restraint
system, Child restraint, Design of bumper, crumble zone, recent
trends in passive safety system
4 Active Safety Systems 9
Human factors, Comfort and Ergonomics, Adaptive Cruise Control,
Antilock Brakes, Brake by wire, traction control system, recent
trends in active safety system
5 Automotive Safety Regulations 5
Automotive Industry Standards, Transport Engineering Standards,
Indian road congress Standards Automotive Safety Regulations

Total 39
K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai-77
(Autonomous College Affiliated to University of M umbai)

Recommended Books:

1. George Peters and Barbara Peters, Automotive vehicle safety, CRC Press
2. William Ribbens, Understanding Automotive electronics, Newnes
3. David C. Viano, Role of the seat in rear crash safety, SAE International
4. Ulrich W. Seiffert and Lothar Wech, Automotive Safety Handbook, SAE

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