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 A model that addresses the role that attitude and motivation play in reading.
 Attitude intention to read reading
 Attitude = tri-componential construct: Cognitive component (evaluation) and conative
component (action readiness)
 Conative = personality, volition, temperament
 All these influence the intention to read, and the intention to read affects reading
 This model provides feedback on how motivation may change and how important it is to
address affective issues in teaching reading.
 Attitude toward reading may be modified by a change in reader's goal
 Examples:
-Topic of no interest
-Examination on Comprehension
 Feedback during reading may affect attitude and motivation.
 Satisfaction with affect developed through reading
 Feelings generated by ideas from the reading process
 Ideas constructed from in the information read
 How the reading affects values, goals and self-concept.

Drawbacks of the Mathewson’s Model of Attitude of Influence

 If the reader loses his/her intention to read then there will be learning at all.
 If the text is not appetizing to the reader but it is a text that requires or provides important
learning to the reader, then it will also be a problem.

How can this model be useful to a Reading Teacher?

 The reading teacher can use this method by knowing what interests his/her students. The
reading material that must be given to the reader needs to motivate the reader’s intention
to read. When this happens reading is much easier.

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