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“Good communicators try to avoid using the same words while sending

messages to different persons due to diverse human personalities.” Comment.

Communication is not the only swap of information it is much more about
understanding the feeling and objective of that information. It also means it is
being able to plainly transmit a message, we want to listen in a way that achieves
the connotation of what’s being spoken and makes the other person feel heard
and understood. Humans are substantially what our brains manufacture us. And
the human brain is just a sensitive computing machine. It is determined by making
judgments about things from the past and since every single person in the world
has a somewhat different experience in life, every individual brain is different. The
management, word division, and tone of our message allow the communication
to be received and understood while maintaining a positive business relationship.
With appropriate wording and terminology for communications can boost the
position of our business. When we speak or write we often feel like fun ourselves
for imitating some words or sentences unessentially. So avoiding word repetition
can be separated by using many good synonyms where we need this word is very
vital for communication, which directly leads to good jolt on a human distinct

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