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Vaishnav J Desai S Sriram

3rd semester, CSE, NCET ,

Abstract Go into almost any office and you'll find

machines busily saving their screens all
The Grid-Computing can be defined as a night and all weekend.
service for sharing computer power and data
storage capacity over the Internet. The term “Grid
Computing” can similarly be applied to a large But even when a computer is in use, it's
number of computers which connect together to mostly idle and operating way below peak
collectively solve a problem (which may be of powers. The average office worker might
scientific interest in most cases) of very high produce 10 keystrokes a second; that's not
complexity and magnitude. The fundamental idea
behind the making of any computer based grid is to much of a distraction for a processor that
utilize the idle time of processor cycles. The role can execute 100 million instructions in that
each processor plays is very carefully defined and same blink of an eye.
there is utmost transparency in the working of each
processor/computer in a grid. The grid could be 1.1 What grid Computing is
molded as a cluster based, distributed computing
environment based or peer-to-peer system. With
great computing power comes great responsibility. The grand vision is often presented as an
Security is of utmost importance in a grid analogy to power grids where users get access
environment. Since a grid performs large to electricity through wall sockets with no care
computations, data is assumed to be available at or consideration for where or how the
every node in the processing cycle. This increases
the risk of data manipulation in various forms. The electricity is actually generated. Though this
grid will ultimately usher the world into a new era vision of grid computing can capture one’s
of efficiency in managing its resources. imagination and may indeed someday become
a reality, there are many technical, business,
1. Introduction political, and social issues that need to be
addressed. If we consider this vision as an
Back in the 1960s, when computers ultimate goal, there are many smaller steps
were rare and expensive, CPU time was that need to be taken to achieve it. Its key
scheduled and billed by the millisecond. values are in the underlying distributed
Now, CPU time is cheap, so much so that computing infrastructure technologies that are
computers these days spend most of their evolving in support of cross-organizational
time displaying your vacation photos or application and resource sharing—in a word,
simulating an aquarium. These simple virtualization—virtualization across
"screen saver" programs, which compute technologies, platforms, and organizations.
nothing and whose only purpose is to stir This kind of virtualization is only achievable
up pixels on the display screen, probably through the use of open standards. Open
consume more of the world's computational standards help ensure that applications can
capacity than any other kind of software. transparently take advantage of whatever

appropriate resources can be made available to organization. In short, it involves virtualizing
them. An environment that provides the ability computing resources.
to share and transparently access resources
across a distributed and heterogeneous 2. Types of resources
environment not only requires the technology
to virtualize certain resources, but also A grid is a collection of machines,
technologies and standards in the areas of sometimes referred to as nodes, resources,
scheduling, security, accounting, systems members, donors, clients, hosts, engines, and
management, and so on. Virtualization starts many other such terms. They all contribute
with being able to carve up a machine into any combination of resources to the grid as a
virtual machines. As you move up this whole. Some resources may be used by all
spectrum you start to be able to virtualize users of the grid, while others may have
similar or homogeneous resources. specific restrictions.
Virtualization applies not only to servers and
CPUs, but to storage, networks, and even 2.1 Computation
applications. As you move up this spectrum
you start to virtualize unlike resources. The The most common resource is computing
next step is virtualizing the enterprise, not just cycles provided by the processors of the
in a data center or within a department but machines on the grid. There are three primary
across a distributed organization, and then, ways to exploit the computation resources of a
finally, virtualizing outside the enterprise, grid.
across the Internet. a) The first and simplest is to use it to run an
existing application on an available machine
on the grid rather than locally.
b) The second is to use an application
designed to split its work in such a way that
the separate parts can execute in parallel on
different processors.
c) The third is to run an application that needs
to be executed many times, on many different
machines in the grid.

2.2 Storage

A grid providing an integrated view of

data storage is sometimes called a data grid.
Each machine on the grid usually provides
some quantity of storage for grid use, even if
temporary. Memory attached to a processor
usually has very fast access but is volatile. It
would best be used to cache data or to serve as
Grid computing is focused on the ability to temporary storage for running applications.
support computation across administrative Capacity can be increased by using the
domains sets it apart from traditional computer storage on multiple machines with a unifying
clusters or traditional distributed computing. file system. Any individual file or database
Grids offer a way of using the information can span several storage devices and
technology resources optimally inside an

machines, eliminating maximum size
restrictions often imposed by file systems
shipped with operating systems. This makes it
easier for users to reference data residing in
the grid, without regard for its exact location.
More advanced file systems on a grid can
automatically duplicate sets of data, to provide
redundancy for increased reliability and
increased performance.

2.4 Software and licenses

The grid may have software installed that

may be too expensive to install on every grid
machine. Using a grid, the jobs requiring this
software are sent to the particular machines on
which this software happens to be installed.
When the licensing fees are significant, this
2.3 Communications approach can save significant expenses for an
organization. License management software
The rapid growth in communication keeps track of how many concurrent copies of
capacity among machines today makes grid the software are being used and prevents more
computing practical, compared to the limited than that number from executing at any given
bandwidth available when distributed time.
computing was first emerging. Some jobs
require a large amount of data to be processed, 3. Jobs and applications
and it may not always reside on the machine
running the job. The bandwidth available for Although various kinds of resources on
such communications can often be a critical the grid may be shared and used, they are
resource that can limit utilization of the grid. usually accessed via an executing application
Machines on the grid may have or job. Usually we use the term application as
connections to the external Internet in addition the highest level of a piece of work on the
to the connectivity among the grid machines. grid. The grid industry uses other terms, such
When these connections do not share the same as transaction, work unit, or submission, to
communication path, then they add to the total mean the same thing as a job. A grid
available bandwidth for accessing the Internet. application that is organized as a collection of
In some cases, higher speed networks must be jobs is usually designed to have these jobs
provided to meet the demands of jobs execute in parallel on different machines in the
transferring larger amounts of data. A grid grid. Jobs may spawn additional sub jobs,
management system can better show the depending on the data they process. This work
topology of the grid and highlight the flow can create a hierarchy of jobs and sub
communication bottlenecks. jobs. Finally, the results of all of the jobs must

be collected and appropriately assembled to The next progression would be to include
produce the ultimate output/result for the heterogeneous machines. Machines
application. participating in the grid may include systems
from multiple departments but within the same
organization. Such a grid is also referred to as
an intragrid. There may be a prioritization by
department or by kinds of applications that
should have access to grid resources. Also,
security becomes more important as more
organizations are involved. The grid may grow
geographically in an organization that has
facilities in different cities. Dedicated
communications’ connections may be used
among these facilities and the grid.
A grid may grow to cross organization
boundaries, and may be used to collaborate on
projects of common interest. This is known as
4. Intragrid and intergrid an intergrid. The highest levels of security are
Grids can be built in all sizes, ranging usually required in this configuration.
from just a few machines in a department to
groups of machines organized as a hierarchy
spanning the world. the simplest grid consists
of just a few machines, all of the same
hardware architecture and same operating
system, connected on a local network. This
kind of grid uses homogeneous systems so
there are fewer considerations and may be
used for specialized applications. The
machines are usually in one department of an
organization, and their use as a grid may not
require any special policies or security
concerns. Some people would call this a
cluster implementation rather than a
Grid computing can be used in a variety of
ways to address various kinds of application
requirements. Often, grids are categorized by
the type of solutions that they best address.
The three primary types of grids are

5.1. Computational grid

A computational grid is focused on setting
aside resources specifically for computing
power. In this type of grid, most of the
machines are high-performance servers.

difference is that a cluster is homogenous
5.2. Scavenging grid while grids are heterogenous.The computers
that are part of a grid can run different
A scavenging grid is most commonly operating systems and have different hardware
used with large numbers of desktop machines. whereas the cluster computers have same
Machines are scavenged for available CPU hardware and OS. A grid can make use of
cycles and other resources. Owners of the spare computing power on a desktop computer
desktop machines are usually given control while the machines in a cluster are dedicated
over when their resources are available to to work as a single unit and nothing else. Grids
participate in the grid. are inherently distributed by its nature over a
LAN, metropolitan or WAN. On other hand,
5.3. Data grid the computers in a cluster are located in the
single location.
A data grid is responsible for housing Another difference lies in the way
and providing access to data across multiple resources are handled. In case of cluster, the
organizations. Users are not concerned with whole system (all nodes) behaves like a single
where this data is located as long as they have system view and resources are managed by
access to the data. For example, you may have centralized resource manager. In case of Grid
two universities doing life science research, every node is autonomous.
each with unique data. A data grid would
allow them to share their data, manage the
data, and manage security issues such as who 7. Real world Examples
has access to what data.
Another common distributed computing A well-known grid computing project is
model that is often associated with or confused the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial
with Grid computing is peer-to-peer Intelligence) @Home project, in which PC
computing. In fact, some consider this is users worldwide donate unused processor
another form of Grid computing. cycles to help the search for signs of
extraterrestrial life by analyzing signals
6. Difference between Cluster coming from outer space. The project relies on
Computing VS. Grid Computing individual users to volunteer to allow the
project to harness the unused processing
power of the user's computer. This method
When two or more commuters are used saves the project both money and resources.
together to solve a problem, it is called a
computer cluster. Then there are several ways Perhaps the most ambitious is Oxford
of implementing the cluster, Beowulf is maybe University's Centre for Computational Drug
the most known way to do it, but basically it is Discovery's project that utilizes more than one
just cooperation between computers in order to million PCs to look for a cancer cure. People
solve a task or a problem. Cluster Computing around the world donate a few CPU cycles
is then just the thing you do when you use a from their PCs through "screensaver time."
computer cluster. Grid computing is The project eventually will analyze 3.5 billion
something similar to cluster computing, it molecules for cancer-fighting potential. More
makes use of several computers connected is than 50,000 years of CPU power (based on a
some way, to solve large problems. There is 1.5 gigahertz chip) have been put to work so
often some confusion about the difference far.
between grid vs. cluster computing. The big

8. Disadvantages 10. Conclusion

One disadvantage of this feature is that "Today, the Internet is used for e-mail and
the computers which are actually performing instant messaging and content discovery and
the calculations might not be entirely delivery. Grid computing will allow the Net to
trustworthy. The designers of the system must be used as a supercomputer-for-hire,” says
thus introduce measures to prevent David Turek, IBM Corp.'s vice president for
malfunctions or malicious participants from emerging technologies.
producing false, misleading, or erroneous Grid computing introduces a new
results, and from using the system as an attack concept to IT infrastructures because it
vector. supports distributed computing over a network
Due to the lack of central control over the of heterogeneous resources and is enabled by
hardware, there is no way to guarantee that open standards. Grid computing works to
nodes will not drop out of the network at optimize underutilized resources, decrease
random times. Some nodes may also be capital expenditures, and reduce the total cost
available for computation but not network of ownership. This solution extends beyond
communications for unpredictable periods. data processing and into information
These variations can be accommodated by management as well. Information in this
assigning large work units (thus reducing the context covers data in databases, files, and
need for continuous network connectivity) and storage devices. In this article, we outline
reassigning work units when a given node fails potential problems and the means of solving
to report its results as expected. them in a distributed environment.

9. CHANLLANGES OF GRID 11. References

Grid computing isn’t simple, but its [1]

potential is mind-boggling There are quite a
few challenges.
a) Technical challenges include working out [3] Introduction to Grid Computing
how to distribute resources, locate and fix, December 2005
problems, allocate jobs to the grid, and [4] (International science
coordinate all the different middleware used to grid this week)
cyber-glue these grids together.
b) And there are social challenges too: Who
should be allowed to use each grid? Whose job
should get priority in the queue to use grid
power? What is the best way to protect user
security? How will users pay for grid usage?
c) Lastly the grid is not a silver bullet that can
take any application and run it a 1000 times
faster without the need for buying any more
machines or software. Not every application is
suitable or enabled for running on a grid.
Some kinds of applications simply cannot be


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