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Action Plan 8 weeks (Until GO)

Week 1 (Survey and Check)

☐ 13.
☐ 14.
☒ 15. Survey (Plan)
☒ 16. Pricing, listing decoration
☒ 17. Pricing, listing decoration
☒ 18. Discuss report, and planning for the next week
☒ 19. New Resume, Action Plan

Week 2 (Decoration Planning)

☐ 20. Breakdown menu, Tools (OPENING)
☐ 21. Breakdown menu, Tools (OPENING)
☐ 22. Breakdown menu, Tools (OPENING)
☐ 23. Discuss report, and planning for presentation
☐ 24. Presentation to owner
☐ 25.
☐ 26.

Week 3 (Food and Drink Menu Breakdown)

☐ 27.
☐ 28.
☐ 29.
☐ 30.
☐ 31.
☐ 1. Discuss report, and planning for the next week
☐ 2.

Week 4 ()
☐ 3.
☐ 4.
☐ 5. Idul Fitri
☐ 6. Idul Fitri
☐ 7.
☐ 9. Presentation

Week 5 (Start Make Over the Cafe)

☐ 10.
Page 2

☐ 11.
☐ 12.
☐ 13.
☐ 14.
☐ 15. Discuss report, and planning for the next week
☐ 16.

Week 6 (Checking and Sampling, Tools, Foods, Drinks)

☐ 17.
☐ 18.
☐ 19.
☐ 20.
☐ 21.
☐ 22. Discuss report, and planning for the next week
☐ 23.

Week 7 (Advertising, Media Controlling)

☐ 24.
☐ 25.
☐ 26.
☐ 27.
☐ 28.
☐ 29. Discuss report, and planning for the next week
☐ 30.

Week 8 (Prepare For Launching)

☐ 1.
☐ 2.
☐ 3.
☐ 4.
☐ 5.
☐ 7.

Note :
1. Planning dapat berubah sewaktu waktu tergantung kesepakatan dan diskusi yang
telah dilakukan oleh semua anggota.
2. Nomor tersebut berdasarkan tanggl dari bulan Mei, Juni, Juli.
3. Nomor yang disilang adalah tanggal yang sedang atau telah dilakukan.
4. Warna merah adalah hari libur

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