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Civil question April-2017

All questions bear equal number 20*5=100


1. Magnetic bearing & Declination given. What is true bearing?

Engineering Materials

2. Sieve no, wt. retained given. Determine F.M Value?

Professional practice

3. Determination of critical path from a project network.

Water Resource

4. A catchment has six runoff coefficients. How you will determine the equivalent runoff


5. What is BOD & COD? Why COD value is greater than BOD? Write one advantage & one
disadvantage of BOD & COD test.

6. Write down the ECR Standard value of pH, Color, Turbidity, cl- , TC, FC

7. Math using BODt =l0(1-e-kt) . Formula was given in the question.

𝜋𝐾 (ℎ1 2 −ℎ2 2 )
8. Math using Q= 𝑟
log𝑒 ( 1 )


9. Phase relation problem. Determine e, S.

10. Problem of Mat foundation .Total load, unit weight & area of foundation given. Determine
depth of foundation.

11. Problem of Tri-axial compression test. Value of σ3 & 𝛻σ1 for three tests was given. Determine
Su & Φ.

12. Problem of Settlement. Determine S and mv .


13. Graph of stress vs deflection given. Determine Modulus of elasticity. Modulus of resilence &

14. Determine moment capacity. Flexural strength of concrete, n, As given.

15. SFD, BMD.

16. Determine spacing of tie .Draw the arrangement of tie. Section was given.


17. Draw the accessibility vs mobility graph for different types of road.

18. Draw a figure of super elevation with necessary component.

19. Draw the figure of permanent railway track with all components.

20. What are the factors to be considered in flexible pavement design?

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