Burlington Police Traffic Stop Data

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Traffic enforcement is among the most important work police officers perform in keeping a city safe and in
motion. Burlington Police Officers strive to ensure that it is as fair and effective as possible. The department
reviews its traffic stop data annually to assess its efforts in attaining that goal. During the week of July 22nd, the
BPD will release results from this analysis daily. The full report on traffic enforcement will be released Monday,
July 29th, and discussed at the Police Commission on Tuesday, July 30th at 6pm.

Traffic Stops Decreasing

The judicious use of car stops by
Burlington officers is having a
much-reduced impact on all of
the city’s drivers.

Since 2015, the total number of

traffic stops has been falling each
year. In 2018, officers made 56%
fewer stops than in 2015. This
reduction in stops extends across
races, with 57% fewer black
drivers stopped in 2018 than in
2015, and 52% fewer white
drivers stopped during that time.

Accidents Steady, Serious Accidents Down

All types of accidents are steady year to year, with a moderate recent uptick in line with 2013 and 2014 levels.
Serious accidents resulting in injury are down 41% since a high point in 2012.

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